???Lugging 2 carseats at the airport???


Diser since 2002!
Jul 27, 2002
We will be travelling with an almost 3 year old and an 11 month old when we go to WDW in May. We will have 2 lightweight strollers, 2 carry on bags and 2 carseats that will not be checked with our other luggage. I need the carseats with us because I have bought both children a ticket for their own seat in the airplane. The problem? How the heck can all of this be carried by 3 adults???? Will the airlines help us lug this from gate to gate? I have heard about bags for car seats that have a strap so that they can be carried easier. I can't find those anywhere. ANY ideas will be appreciated!!!! Thanks!
My husband and I have traveled cross country several times with our now 1 year old. We always buy him a seat, so we have his carseat, stroller and carry-on. I have traveled with him alone, so I think that sort of counts as traveling with 2 of them and 3 adults! :)

A couple of ideas- we always try and use a backpack as the carry-on, as this allows you to just put this on your back. It usually means that I don't bring a purse, but just use the backpack for everything. We have both a regular backpack, and a backpack-style diaper bag. That takes care of the carry on problem.

You can gate-check the stroller. Some airports allow you to do this at the entrance to the gate, and some allow you to take it all the way down the jetway and check it at the entrance to the plane itself (this is much easier). Either way, just take the stroller through security (you will have to fold it for x-ray purposes) and then tell the agent at the gate that you are gate-checking the strollers. They will tag the strollers and give you a copy of the tag. When you arrive, the stroller will be just outside of the plane door. That takes care of the stroller.

As for those bulky carseats, we have always found a way to attach the carseat to the stroller. We rest the bottom of the carseat on the stroller basket, with the carseat facing the stroller and then use either the tether cord or a bunjee cord to attach it to the stroller handle. This is rather bulky, but it means you can just wheel the stroller through the airport with the carseat attached. You may have to play around with this idea, depending on what kind of carseat and stroller you have. Also, we have found that you have to carry the carseat above the seats in coach to get down the aisle. For that reason, we always request to board as early as possible, to avoid banging other passengers in the head!

In general, we have found that most airline employees haven't gone out of their way to help us carry stuff. However, when I have traveled alone, I have always found other passengers to be really helpful!

Hope this helps!
That's the main reason we don't fly down. I just cannot stomach the idea of schlepping through the airport with luggage for 2 adults, 2 kids, carry-ons for cameras/valuables, 2 car seats and at least 1 stroller...it can't be done (well at least not without losing every shred of sanity you have). Recently we toyed with the idea of the AutoTrain, but can't justify the extra cost over 2 one night stops in Hilton Head for the drive down and back. So that's what we're up to now...drive from NY to HHI then next day from HHI to WDW.

Not trying to talk you out of it, but flying is not as quick as most people make it out to be either...3 hour flight (4 or so for you), 1 hour before check in arrival, 1 hour travel time to airport, rental car pickup at airport (again schlepping all of the luggage and kid-stuff) drive to wdw another hour or so. We are talking about an 8 -9 hour ordeal here. Anyway that's how I saw it...I'd much rather be in the comfort of my own car, kids can watch a video or sleep and I can still listen to tunes or whatever. If you are able to pull it off be sure to report back...I think you have a slight advantage with the 3rd adult to help out, but I'd be interested to hear how it went.
I don't know how big the Orlando airport, and the one you are travelling out of are but many airports have large carts with a child seat in front and lots of room for luggage on them that you can rent for a few dollars (worth every penny) from machines around the airport. I have traveled by myself with an infant and 5 yr old, a stroller, 2 car seats, and 3 carry ons! If you have a Snugli or backpack baby carrier it really helps to keep a firm hold on the baby and keep both arms free. You also might want to get a kid harness ("leash") for the 3 yr. old if you think he can keep up but you won't have a hand free--you will probably want it for WDW anyway.

Also, larger airports have shuttles (golf cart things) for travelers needing assistance. I have had someone call for one when my plane was late I was afraid I wouldn't make my connection. They should be able to arrange for one before you land if it looks like time will be tight.

My other suggestion would be to invest in one or two rolling luggage carriers-- you should be able to put carry ons and car seats on them.

The biggest problem you will have is getting in the plane. As said before you have to hold the car seats above the seats to get on. Stress to the airline that you have to board early. I have usually been able to get a flight attendant to help me. I just hand over a car seat or baby while smiling sweetly and saying "I need some help please". I don't really give them a chance to say no! And I am very appreciateve with lots of Thank yous. They don't seem happy about it, but frankly I don't care! I pay a lot of money to fly and it is thier JOB to help passengers get settled! The plane can't leave until my kids and I are safely seated, plus no one is getting past me in the aisle until we are situated so it is in their best interest to help me get settled ASAP!!!:rolleyes:

Done Ranting!

You will probably want to have one (strong) person take the car seats on, or do it in short shifts. Carry everything to the entrance of the plane, check the stroller and send one person on with the car seats, then have them come back to the door and get the bags the come back to help with the kids etc...

Just have a dry run at home putting everything in your hands and walking around so you will know how to do it when you get to the airport! When I traveled by myself I had help ( a very nice passenger) to get everything off the plane to the gate when I changed planes. I then stood there and amazed a crowd of people as I arranged my 6 mo. DD in my Snugli, put one bag under the stroller, 5 yr. old DD in the stroller with one bag, a backpack on my back, and precisely balanced the carseats across the hood and handle of the stroller! My hands were completely free to push! Several of the older ladies in the seats actully applauded when I was done!!! It was quite funny.

You can do it! Good luck
I think you can find the car seat bags at Babies R Us.com (not the actual address?). It is a part of Amazon.com. Also I think Right Start has them and one other catalog. Let me know if you want the actual address. I can't get them now because I am holding a sick DD.
Its not that bad.. we have 2 dd's and have been in that situation a few times. Once I traveled with both dd's alone - luckily only one in a stroller and carseat (at least on the plane).

The carseat bags are sold at toys r us or online at www.rightstart.
IMHO they are a good option when your checking the carseat through as luggage but a bit cumbersome when your using them on the flight. YMMV - definately check into them.

We use the strollers as much to roll around the carseats as the kids. Experiment at home if you can to see if you can hook the carseat onto the back of the stroller - not ideal I agree but it works. Your 3yo may want to walk a bit in the airport leaving that seat for "stuff".

You can gate check the strollers when you get to the gate and they will be waiting when you leave the airplane at the destination. Just get the gate check ticket when you check in at the gate.

A backpack carry on like a previous poster suggested helps as well.

Have fun and don't worry!
Wow thanks to everyone! I have a full size graco stroller (part of a stroller travel system). I was worried that that type of stroller would be too cumbersome at WDW. I did want to take two lightweight strollers but now considering the car seat business it may come in handy after all! We could use that for the car seats and DS can have a light weight stroller and one of us could carry DD. Well this may work out after all.

I must commend those of you who have traveled by yourselves with car seats and babies. (Hard work!!!) when my DH and I went to Florida a couple years ago with our DS (who was 10 months at the time) we thought we had it so bad! Only one child, car seat, and stroller to worry about too. Now with two..............

Thank you everyone and if you have any more tips or stories I would love to hear them!
You might want to check with the airline to see if they have restrictions on the size of the strollers that you are allowed to check at the gate. When we went to WDW in October, the airline (United) said they would only allow umbrella strollers to be gate checked, nothing bigger. I assume each airline has their own policy though, so you may be fine with your Graco stroller.

Also, we found that even with two children, two carseats, and the need for us to wipe down the area around us (DD has a peanut allergy), sometimes we were still not allowed to board early. It seems to depend on the airline employee you talk to - hopefully you'll get someone who is understands how it is to travel with young children. So, DH boards the plane ahead of us carrying one carry-on bag and the two car seats. A few minutes later, I board with the kids and other carry-on(s). That way, he has the carseats installed by the time we get to the seats.

Hope this helps. Have a great trip!
What we do, is try to check as much as we can and carry on as little as possible. Usually that means our diaper bag, and a small tote bag for our camera and other valuables. The less we have to carry the better. Remember, you'll also have to carry the kids on/off the plane, so you'll have less hands. Also, I've been able to preboard and sometimes not. On our last flight to Orlando, they didn't do any preboarding for people traveling with small children, because EVERYONE had small children!!! If you go to babiesrus.com and do a search there is a backpack style car seat carrier that you can use, but you can't use it to get the seat on/off the plane. I know this, because the car seat is too wide to be carried on the plane on your back, you have to lift it over the seats, so it's mainly for carrying it through the airport. Also, in regards to strapping the carseat to the back of any stroller, I'd be too afraid to do this. I have a Peg Perego Milano probably the heaviest stroller on the market, and if you place too much stuff on the back, you run the risk of having it tip over. This has happened to me, when placing all my carry on bags on the back, something I'm not going to do again. Most airports also don't allow the luggage carts past the security check point, so you're stuck lugging everything on your own. Good luck, I know what a pain it is lugging all this stuff, and we've decided to drive down on our July trip, we're sick of all the lugging. Just remember, carry-on only what is essential (medicines, diaper bag, film, cameras), that's it, check EVERYTHING ELSE, including toilitries. Just place anything that might leak in a ziploc bag. That way if they do leak, nothing will get ruined.
Some additional thoughts..

Have you used a front carrier or sling for your youngest? This helped us lots in the airport as well as at WDW. You can't take the stroller in the attraction lines so for us wearing baby was a lifesaver. IIRC your youngest is 11months so if you haven't been using a sling or bjorn type front carrier it may be hard to start now.

To addresses the concern of stroller tipping due to the weight of the carseat. Position it so the heaviest part or base rests on the basket toward the bottom of the stroller, we used a small bungee cord. I do recommend experimenting with this at home - seems silly but it works!

We have always gate checked our stroller - graco fullsize and even a double for a couple years without incident. If for some reason you can't gate check it they will still take it at the gate for you the only difference is that it will be on the carosel rather than the exit of the aircraft when you arrive.
I HAVE THE ANSWER!!!!! and koodows for you for buying them tickets!

the carseat duffle bag! I have one, I LOVE it! The right start sells them and you might fond them elsewhere theses days. they run about $40 but they are worth every single penny! it holds any standard seat and you can sling it over your shoulder and push a stroller at the same time no sweat.

something to think about with your three year old: she cant sit in the seat like a booster, they arent faa approved for it. so make sure youve got the 5 pts harness on it if it converts.
Hubby and I watched a couple do this on our last trip to WDW.
We were waiting at MCO for our departure flight, watching all the happy families arriving for a fun-filled week, while we had to leave...ok, we were feeling a bit sorry for ourselves ;) .

But this one couple really seemed to have it all together.
They were the very last people off the plane, which was one reason we spotted them. Mom came out with one kid in a umbrella stoller and one in her arms. She had a backpack on. Once she was clear of the gate area she stopped and started to re-arrange. Then hubby appeared carrying 2 carseats and another umbrella stroller. I think he had a bag over his shoulder or backpack also. In just a few minutes both kids were in strollers and the carseats were nicely strapped on luggage carts. The group then departed each adult pushing one stroller, while pulling one luggage cart.

We were amazed. We are expecting our first child in June and were already taking notes on the trip.

This is the type of luggage cart I am talking about - the kind that folds up and is packable.

Good luck. Let us know what works for you.
You all have been so helpful! I am still going back and forth between the cart and the car seat bags. I guess it may come down to whichever is more affordable............

Where do do think I could get a luggage cart and what do they cost????

I will definitely look into the car seat bags too.

still thinking........................
You can find the carts at any WalMart or Target in their luggage section. They run around $10 - $20 a piece. Personally, I like the bags better. I've tried the luggage cart route, and they just always seem to fall over. You also can't roll the carseats down the aisle, since they are wider than the aisle. The bags make it a little easier to carry, also when the children are older, you can use the bags to check the booster seats.
when we travel with the kids and carseats on the plane here is what we have done. First I use a kid carrier backpack. One of us takes car seats and a carry on and the other the kids and a carry on. I check all but the absolute essentials so in your case I would use the kid carrier and check the stroller. In the carry-ons are my essentials and the kids essentials and entertainment stuff. One carry-on is a backpack for the other one to wear. By slinging stuff on your back it is balanced and you have 2 hands free.

You have 3 adults you should cruise through.

The seat itself isn't a carryon, as the child will be sitting in it, but I've seen some airlines tell people that they had to check the metal luggage carrier, because they tend to be heavy and have no brake to ensure that they can't roll around the cabin when stowed.

Remember that if you use a carseat satchel, you can nest the seats inside of it, then wear the whole thing as a backpack, which frees up your hands. Also, the space inside the seat is very useful for carting around that special stuffed animal your child just can't live without. (PS, to wear the satchel as a backpack, the best way is to adjust the straps longer, so that they loop UP over the top back of the bag and around toward the zipper side, and wear it with the zipper facing your back. If you wear it the other way around, it will hang too low on your back and will continually bang against your legs.)

If you really want to go w/ a luggage cart, I'd suggest the little Travel Gear iCart. It's so small that it will fit inside your carryon once you put the seats away. If you have a Tuesday Morning store near you, they usually have them for under $20.

If possible, cut your carryons down to one carryon plus one kid's stuff bag. Do NOT rely on wheeled bags to get you through the terminal, because if you are occupied with children and your hands are not free to pull them, they are useless.
That luggage cart is your answer. That one folded up nicely in my backpack and I had it with me on the plane last May. We also brought a bunch of bungee cords. Bungee corded the one carseat to the luggage cart, plus a couple other carry ons. I pushed the young one in the umbrella stroller, my older child pushed the luggage cart, and hubby bungee corded all four of our 30" suitcases together and pulled them through the airport (all were on wheels)
It worked slick, and we had a lot of families looking at us pretty longingly at the Orlando Airport.
Good Luck--Don't use the car rental car seats---they looked pretty bad when I saw them when we picked up our car.
We've done a trip just like this- one to WDW and the other to Oregon for a family visit. We found that we each had a backpack carry on - one a diaper bag the other DH work bag - we each pushed a lightweight stroller. I love the Graco Citylight - I can close it and it locks into place using one hand and one foot. I'm not super coordinated but could do this while holding the smaller child and had no trouble boarding the bus this way either. Plus that stroller basket serves as part of a stand when it is closed/locked so you don't have to balance it. For the times I had to carry the carseat (bunge cord would have worked but only if I kept a hand on the stroller) I just slipped the seatbelt straps onto my arm about up to my elbow. You aren't particularly narrow but can get around. I also had a small shoulder bag that was our bathroom necessities which when in the airport just went into the bottom basket.

My best piece of advice is to take your time getting situated and ask the security gate people how THEY want you to go proceed. While many have similar plans, some are very different. By asking for their guidance they were very willing to help you. If we had been short on time it would have been impossible. Both of us beeped going through security, so it took some patience and even keel to handle getting each of us cleared (since we carried the kids they had to be individually checked too). Let me suggest that if you find yourself there ask them to stack and set aside your bags and strollers while one of you holds both kids. Have one parent get cleared, then do both kids, then the other parent. That way once they check the kids- for some reason they wanted to do them first but then we had no place to put them since we couldn't touch our bags until we had been searched - they can go to the cleared parent and then the other is searched then you can get your bags. It is not nearly as complicated as it sounds but did require some thinking.
WOW!! What great ideas & advice----

I'm constantly amazed at the great info I find on these boards..... I'm printing this post to send to my daughter (already printed about 10 others) for the Nov. trip, when they're meeting me at WDW for Thanksgiving......

Maybe she'll start to see that my "obsession" with Disney, and these boards (she calls them chat rooms) are a way to make your WDW visit the magical time it can be, rather than a hassle.........

"The beauty's in the details......."
My husband worked in a different city for 2 years and we frequently visited him on weekends and met him at vacation destinations so I have often flown alone with my 2 young daughters. It can be done. I agree with most advice listed above. Use back packs including giving the children their own. I would definitely give your 3 yr old her own back pack so you don't have to carry on her supplies (crayons, paper,etc) and make her your assistant. Adult carry ons should contain only essentials like juice boxes, small snack, diapers, an extra top for each child, wipes, medicine (ie: no toiletries) If you have more than 1 adult, the 3 year old can have her own stroller. I would recommend no car seat for the 3 year old on the plane. Just check it through with your luggage. I actually don't use a carseat for either of my children when we fly (although I'm compulsive about them in cars) but they both are so used to flying that they will sit in their seats with the lap belt and I realize this may not be the case for all children.


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