Low class!


<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/" targ
Mar 17, 2003
I found the DVC presentation at 1:00 PM on 8/1 at the Woodfield Mall to be second rate and low class. I felt like I was at a knife sale at the state fair or a late night infomercial or better yet, at a high pressure, old fashioned Florida timeshare sale! " Buy today or you won't get this deal" (Even though we find out later we have seven days to buy). "Buy more. The more you buy the more you save." And where are all those developer's points coming from anyway?

I kind of thought DVC (not Dee Vee Cee) was a little better than that. I really am afraid to buy now. How can anyone know that they are getting the best deal DVC has to offer? :dance3:
I'm betting corporate isn't aware of the tactics being used at the out stations.
Perhaps they hired a run of the mill timeshare salesman, put them through some Disney training, then cut him loose thinking all is well. In reality, the salesman still probably has that "hard sell" mind set burned into his brain.

Perhaps a well written letter would bring this to their attention.

Of course, I could be wrong about everthing I just said! :teeth:

Sounds like their approach is changing. That sounds just like it was on the DVC members cruise last year. BUY BUY BUY or we dont have time for you.......:confused3

There is really no "deal" to get. The price is fixed. Any promotions they are offering are fixed. You buy or do not buy. You add on later or do not add on later.

If you want to haggle, then you need to go resale market.
There is really no "deal" to get. The price is fixed. Any promotions they are offering are fixed. You buy or do not buy. You add on later or do not add on later.

If you want to haggle, then you need to go resale market.

Yup (as sb would say) nothing new... don't understand why Disney would stoop to this level....?
This is surprising! I would not be afraid to buy into DVC, if it is what you really want. I bought without attending a meeting. Must have some hungry guides. Call Disney.
I'm betting corporate isn't aware of the tactics being used at the out stations.
Perhaps they hired a run of the mill timeshare salesman, put them through some Disney training, then cut him loose thinking all is well. In reality, the salesman still probably has that "hard sell" mind set burned into his brain.

Perhaps a well written letter would bring this to their attention.

Of course, I could be wrong about everthing I just said! :teeth:


Trust me corporate knows exactly what went on at this event because it was well attended by all the Marketing folks from FL.

fireplug said:
Sounds like their approach is changing. That sounds just like it was on the DVC members cruise last year. BUY BUY BUY or we dont have time for you.......:confused3

Steve it was the exact same sales team from the Member Cruise (and based on the fact I've seen them on a number of cruises I would say these are the top sales guides). In fact the entire presentation was much like what they did on "On The Nose" even down to using one video clip of members.

Bottom line for me is that it was what it was....a Sales Presentation. It wasn't just a party for DVC folks. They opened the store to sell memberships in a timeshare and the previews was just starting it early with existing members.

We went in knowing we weren't adding on and walked out the same way. We knew there would be a sales push and were prepared for it. We got to see the store, got some freebies, got some food...all in all not a bad evening. When we reached the end of the tour and they were showing you where the guides were we simply asked "what if we didn't want to meet with a guide" and were told "no problem here's the way out". We could have stayed and taken our pictures with the characters but after a long day at work just didn't bother.
I assume this was a different presentation then the ones given at the member center at SSR. We attended one at SSR this past spring with our best friends who wanted to learn about DVC. It was just as pleasant as the one we attended seven years ago at Boardwalk. And we have since bought three more contracts. Our best friends bought in DVC at their presentation and I would not hesitate to recommend DVC to a total stranger, either.
AS the previous poster said, we knew there would be a sales presentation. But it was brief and I thought pretty low pressure. We just bought into DVC in the first place abt a month ago, so we were not at all interested in adding on. We were still treated to the same friendly attitude as everyone else. In fact, we were feeling a bit bamboozled by our original guide bc when I first inquired abt DVC abt a month ago, I specifically asked when the showroom in Chicago would be opening bc we only live abt 1/2 hour from it, and all the chatter online was that the incentives would be very good. My guide's response was "Oh, I don't know. August or September." No effort what-so-ever to find out. After discovering the incredible incentives they were offering at the preview this week, my husband and I realized our guide probably totally knew when it was opening, but didn't want to lose a 300 pt sale, so he pushed me off that track quickly. We asked to talk to one of the guides after the presentation to voice our feelings, and we made it clear that we were not interested in adding on, but had a bad feeling from our original purchase. They were very accomodating, got us in to see a guide right away, and to set us at ease they offered us a $500 mall gift card to make up for any bad feelings! Needless to say, we walked away satisfied and feeling better abt the whole purchase. However, my feelings for our original guide are in the toilet! If we add on in the future I am inclined to ask for the guide we dealt with at the showroom!

I guess the bottom line is, we knew there would be a push, were ready to sit through that portion of it, happily ate our free lunch, got some cute goodies, had a great time with our DD4 and the characters, saw the cool new AKV rooms, and went on our merry way:)! One of the CMs offered up a CM pin to my DD4 as well. She wouldn't even accept a trade for it. Just gave it to her. It was like a pixie-dusted, mini-Disney vaca in abt 2 hours. No complaints here! We'll go back on Saturday to see all the characters again.
Sales is very much the main focus right now for the current DVC membership.
wow.. it's scary hearing some of these stories...

We have been members for about 3 weeks now (they are finializing the paper work they received) and I haven't had one issue. Ron down at DVC has been great, held a reservation for us when I was wanting to use my new member ship on our up coming christmas trip, answered every question and never called me with a bunch of sales talk. And I know that week we purchased, I called him sometimes 4 times a day asking various questions.. etc. I would have never bought with a pushy sales agent.

Ron, if you're reading this, please tell all of the other sales folks who are giving the 'hard sell' some classes on Disney Magic and tell them why people even consider purchasing a DVC membership. It's because of Two Words - Walt Disney
*Ron is our guide and we love him to pieces as well!!!*

In all fairness, the Member Presentation is designed to encourage members to add on. It was presented in conjunction with the preview of the new Doorway to Dreams for members and there were many little freebies given away to everyone as well. We enjoyed not only that, but also the complimentary buffet and drinks. No complaints from me here.

Dave and the crew from the DVC Cruise team did a fantastic job! I just got off the 10 day Med cruise and know exactly how Dave must have been feeling since he flew back Monday from the same cruise as well! He was fantastic on the cruise and the DVC gatherings held on board ship were very enjoyable and informative as well.

I have to mention here that I added on BCV during the first DVC Member Cruise in Feb of 2003. There were also exclusive incentives offered at that time. I was able to take advantage of them, and was also assured that my guide in FL would receive credit as well. I am sure they have some sort of commission sharing arrangement for these offsite DVC events where point specials are offered.

At this Chicago event on Wednesday, I have to say although I was not in the market to add on at this time, the members there were clamboring around to meet with the guides and the add ons being written were just phenomenal!

I don't think DVC needs a "hard sell", I personally think the vacation points sell themselves! There certainly was no lack of paying customers among the members present, and I am only jealous that I could not have added on AKV points at this time. But, considering I was laid off work the day I returned from the Med Cruise, I need to control myself for a bit here, LOL!!

If anyone can get up to Woodfield Mall in CHicago tomorrow, I am certain it will be a marvelous time for all! I intend to make the trip again as well.
The more you buy the more you save." And where are all those developer's points coming from anyway?

The more you buy, the more you save. Sounds like sounds advice that has been around for a very long time. What's wrong with that? These are special incentives DVC is using to kick off a whole new concept of remotely located sales centers. As for where the developers points are coming from, these are points that are owned by DVC. Normally, these points would be made available to CRO for cash customers to use until their sold to members. The cost of using these points is coming out of DVC's bottom line. It's not costing members anything, it's costing DVC profit.

The old adage of "takes money to make money" holds true here. DVC is making their up front investment to get this sales center off the ground. I have no doubt it will pay off for them in the long run. Until then, there's some great opportunities here for those who wish to add on now.
*Ron is our guide and we love him to pieces as well!!!*

If anyone can get up to Woodfield Mall in CHicago tomorrow, I am certain it will be a marvelous time for all! I intend to make the trip again as well.

We originally planned on going next Friday when both the wife and I are off, plus the crowds are going to be lighter... But when I heard Mickey is supposed to be there... going to have to pack up the family truckster and head on down... granded.. 40 minutes isn't that big of a deal..

which entrance is it located? Sears, Todai, Pennys?
I bought without attending a meeting.

Same here. We bought after many trips to WDW and staying at various non-DVC resorts. We had thought about it for about a year, started researching on our own, talked with a friend that has been a DVC member for a few years, got his guide's name/number and then started bombarding Bernard with questions. Bernard, our guide, sent us info and was very good about answering any and all questions that we had. We finally bought this year and it was finalized on our wedding anniversary (great coincidence!)
We originally planned on going next Friday when both the wife and I are off, plus the crowds are going to be lighter... But when I heard Mickey is supposed to be there... going to have to pack up the family truckster and head on down... granded.. 40 minutes isn't that big of a deal..

which entrance is it located? Sears, Todai, Pennys?

We parked in the garage next to Nordstrum and Doorway to Dreams was on the second floor directly outside of Nordstrum. Very easy to find...Hope you have a great time!!
Chocolate is my point of reference - is it close to the Lindt store in the mall? ;)
awesome.. thanks for the info... look forward to hitting there tomorrow.


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