"Lost" and Disneyland


WDI and TDA won't spend money to retheme the island after a dead show.
Not for Tom Sawyer's Island in DW, but there is that other island not being used at all.
Tom Saywer has nothing on a crashed heroin transport airplane with dead guys in it as far as photo-ops go. If you hold your hand out, they can photo-shop a Virgin Mary in for you too if you use Photopass.
I enjoyed Lost as much as the next person BUT it has jumped the shark and frankly nobody cares at this point in time....This would be a huge mistake at this point no longevity .... I kind of hate to say it but I also kind of fear the same fate for the American Idol thing in the studios...Simon is leaving Paula already did and years later they OPEN this attraction kind of after the fact and perhaps when the show has past it's peak... should have opened this years ago...now ? just don't know about the longevity... they need to get it together with their "new" past their prime ideas for the parks...just my humble opinion
Rahway ur right next door, I'm in Clark!

I agree on the AI attraction.

They bought the Power Rangers, I thought, way too late as well.
They bought the Power Rangers, I thought, way too late as well.

We were looking at the Star Wars merch right around the corner from where the Power Rangers come out at and a CM said "The Power Rangers are coming out in a few minutes!" and I said, "Hurry up honey, we need to get out of here before they do" and the CM started to LOL. Even they know it's ridiculous.

Maybe, if we are lucky, we can get a Mork and Mindy set recreation in one of the building facades too.
I forgot about the Power Rangers! so very true on that also and sad to think they are so very out of touch ...They really need to get on point with the trends and have better judgement on the longevity of future projects.
So nice to meet a fellow Disney Board member so close! I am a frequent vistor and annual passholder for Disneyworld but I was just at Disneyland x-mas week and am going out there again Feb 5th. You can't really even compare the two parks! It's great to get to see it though and it is still Disney but not even close to being run as efficiently as the Florida parks!
I was last in Florida Oct 31-Nov6th for the Food and Wine Festival one of my favs!


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