Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

Oh Bekki i'm sorry i wasnt here for you when you were down :hug:
I'm glad you managed to ride it through & that your feeling a bit better now.
Try to think of all the positives in your life,
That is such a shame you dont get to go to Australia next week, but i think everything happens for a reason & i'm sure theres a good reason on the horizon :)
You have always got someone to talk to, we are all here for you :hug:
Have a good time at the wedding & chill & relax :flower3:
Ha ha, I was just kidding about the being on top of journaling this week. I have fantastic news--I must have an angel on my shoulder or something, because my biz class seats to Sydney came through yesterday! But let me start at the begining...

Last Friday, we had just a terrible time getting from Seattle to LA for a friend's wedding on Saturday. Flight was supposed to leave at 2:40 on Fri. We finally took off (going to a different airport!) at 6 am on Saturday morning. We made it to the wedding with about 10 minutes to spare. I kept thinking that maybe the World or karma was checking to see how I dealt with airline craziness to see if I really deserved the seats. I guess it was!

Anywho, it's also the last week w/ my student and it's a tough one trying to get everything done with a kid who doesn't want to do it, plus making last minute arrangements to be gone for 12 days.

The BEST part? I have been doing a kick butt job w/ my eating. Really healthy meals (like veggie and hummus sandwich on super healthy bread) and only good snacks (like 100 cal pack of low fat popcorn etc).

I had a good 3 mile walk yesterday and I'll do another tomorrow.

I feel so much better about everything. Thank you all so so so much for being there for me. You all pulled me out of a dark place and I'm so much better for it :group hug:
:hug: Bekki,

I am so glad that everything is working out for you!:goodvibes You sound so happy in your post!:hug:

Have a wonderful day!:cool1:
:yay: :yay: :yay:

Oh yeah, the sun is shinning right on you and the basking is wonderful. SO glad to 'hear' the happiness and excitement in your post.

When does the trip start? Are you in the same place for all 12 days? We will miss you here!

I am sending you some extra time so you are able to get ready and relax.

Take care

That's what I get for not checking in when I first got back!

That's INCREDIBLE that you're getting to go! God is GOOD!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful trip!! When do you leave? Are you gone?
Hey Bekki!

Hope time is working in your favor for your trip!

Will you be able to post a few scenic photos of the Land Down Under?

Take care!

Hey Bekki are you still down under :upsidedow
Hope your having a fantastic time, cant wait to hear all about it :goodvibes
I'm back! I've been back for two days, but all I want to do is sleep :lmao:

The trip was good. The kids were great, they played so well and were such a joy to be around. I am SO glad I had this last opportunity with them. That was the part I was the most sad about, not having one last chance to coach them before they all age up to the next group. And we beat the Candians and the Australians (although our game against the Aussie A team went to OT!).

They were a little disappointed that they couldn't find 32 Wallaby Lane (from Finding Nemo)

We spent the whole time in Sydney. I have to be honest, Sydney is not a place that is worth flying 1/2 way around the world for. Is there cool stuff? Of course. Will I go back? For water polo, I'm sure. But the city itself could be anywhere in the States. It was SO similar to San Francisco, it was uncany. I think I maybe expected something a little more exotic. I think that people who like to hang out on beaches and surf and snorkle would have a really nice time. I'm not one of those people :) Plus it was winter. We really lucked out on the weather, it was in the mid-low 60's everyday and very little rain. But still not warm enough for beach time.

Still, even with those minor complaints, I am so glad to have had the chance to go. I feel unbelievably lucky.

Up for pictures?

Your typical shot of the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House

Yes, those are people climbing over the top of the bridge. Um, ya, there's no way you were going to get me up there (plus is was like $150!)

Sydney Harbor and Circular Quay (the main ferry terminal and kind of the city center)
We went to a wildlife park called Featherdale where you could get close to all sorts of Australian animals, even pet some of them

A cute koala

Me and my new Koala friend

A wombat, which I had never seen before. Kind of a cross between a bear and a pig. Too funny!

Here's the team at the pool we played at. It was the site for the first and second round matches at the olympics, but I guess there wasn't a roof on then and they had lots of stands. Now it has a couple of pools, including a wave pool and lots of fun stuff for the kids. We happened to be there over the winter break for most schools, so it was packed!
Glad you're back & had a good time, Bek. I LOVE the pics!

Get some good rest this weekend!
Amazing photos Bekki! It sure sounds like you had a great time. So wonderful you were able to go. Even if you could find 32 Wallaby Lane! Too funny.

So, since I have had a yearning to see Sydney, I guess maybe I will visit San Fran instead. Some place I have wanted to go as well. Maybe on your next trip, you can see more of the rest of the country. NOw, New Zealand sounds beautiful.

Love the Koala bear. Heard they aren't as cuddly as they look.

Rest up and enjoy!

Welcome home Bekki :goodvibes
great pics, nice to see who i'm talking to too :thumbsup2
Glad you had such a great time, i'm sure you've made some wonderful memories :)
Is it true the water swirls the opposite way round when you flush the toilet??
Welcome Home Bekki!:woohoo:

Great pictures!!! I'm glad to hear that you had a good time.:goodvibes I'm curious too... Does the water in the toilets really flush backwards? Enquiring minds want to know. ;)

Have a great day and be sure and get plenty of rest! How long was your flight?
That so funny about the water question. I watched many times, but honestly, I couldn't remember which way it went at home, so I had nothing to compare it to! But I'm pretty sure it does :)

On to the whole purpose of this thing, which is to journal my food and exercise :)

Monday, 7/16
B: 3 (about 3-4 inch) 10 grain blueberry pancakes (made w/ egg beaters and soy milk) and a few tablespoons of lite maple syrup and a glass of OJ

L: Sandwich w/ 2 slices of oat bran bread, 2 tablespoons of garlic hummus, sliced tomato and reduced fat swiss cheese. Also a cherry low fat yogurt

D: A grilled chicken sandwich w/ a slice of swiss, bruchetta sauce and pesto, along with about 7 garlic fries

S: 1.5 tbls of hummus and a handful or pita chips, a handful of whole wheat biscuit cereal (the kashi version of mini-wheats, but no frosting) and a WW ice cream bar (which was very good!)

Exercise: Only a 25 minute walk w/ the dog

I've noticed again, that the 4-6 pm hours are my witching hour for snacking! I think it's a combo of being bored and maybe not eating enough at lunch. Just something to keep my eye on :)
Tue, July 17

B: Bowl of Kashi Autum Wheat (mini wheat like things) w/ soy and blueberries

L: 2 tbls. hummus and a handful of pita chips. Then I took a looonnnggg nao (wasn't feeling too good) and then had a slice of oat bran bread w/PB

D: Tomato salad w/balasmic vinagrette, 1/2 chicken caesar sandwich on foccacia, a weight watchers ice cream bar

Exercise: 3 mile walk in just over 45 minutes, for an ave. pace of 15:10. Plus a one mile, 24 minute walk w/ the dog
Thank you, thank you :) I am feeling SO lazy since coming home. I can barely be bothered to get dressed (out of sweats I mean), let alone take the dog for a walk or anything like that. I'm also sleeping much more than usual (sleeping in until 9 am, I'm much more of 6 am riser, usually). I don't feel sick, but I wonder if maybe something is about to knock me on my you know what!

Wed. July 18
B: Kashi Autum Wheat w/ blueberries and soy milk
L: PF Changs w/ a friend, potstickers, crab wontons, stir fried beef and noodles w/chicken. We were good and left a lot :)
D: Barilla + pasta, w/ jarred Trader Joe's marinara and ground turkey, a little parmesan, a WW ice cream bar
S: A handful of pita chips

Exercise: I finally blew up my yoga ball so I can restart my daily ab work, so I did that...but not much else :lmao:

I'm about to go on a walk, hopefully before it starts raining again. :)


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