Losing 15 For Beach/Disney June Trip!


Earning My Ears
Jan 1, 2007
Goals For January:

1. Lose 5 lbs (should be the easiest of the 15 to lose)
2. Exercise 500 min
3. Drink 2 or less Sprites a day
4. Eat at least 1 fruit/ 1 veg a day
5. Have healthy snack options ready every day for myself/family
6. I will only eat at specified scheduled times during the day.

About Me: I am 30-years-old and I am trying to lose 15 lbs that have "hung around" since my soon-to-be 2-year-old was born. I have very unhealthy eating habits. I tend get most of my calories from coffee/sweets/soda and cut out fruits and veges. I have very little energy late in the afternoon/evening and I know this is because of my eating habits and lack of exercise. Most of all, I know this is setting a terrible example for my kids. My kids and husband are the best motivators of all!

Starting Tuesday with 25 min aerobics and eating journal.
Welcome to WISH!!!

Your goals & motivation sound VERY doable and encouraging!

Have a Happy, Healthy 2007!
Thanks GoldCupMom! I think I have made January goals pretty attainable, if I can stick with it...

1. Gained 2lbs. I was afraid this would happen at first. I have been eating way too much during the holidays.

2. DId step workout on Fit TV (love this channel) 25 min.

3. Had 1 Sprite.

4. I had 1 orange/ Olive Garden House Salad for dinner.

5. Breakfast: 2 c coffee I am not a breakfast person, but I can't live without my coffee!

Lunch: 2 pieces of Pizza and a Sprite (at a party)

Snack: Cheesecake (at a party) and 3 pieces of Choc Candy

Dinner: House Salad From Olive Garden with dressing and crutons.
These are great and HUGE!

Snack: Orange
Green Tea before bed

Didn't do great today. I really should have passed on the cheesecake... I had a playdate with my kids friends. We were busy! I was able to squeeze in exercise. Tomorrow I have to take down the Christmas lights on the outside of the house and that is serious exercise climbing up and down the ladder at least 50 times. My legs hurt for days after putting them up!
1. I am not weighing myself the rest of the week. That was such a downer yesterday.

2. 25 min aerobics 50/500 for January

3. Not even 1 full Sprite

4. Banana and Orange/no vege

5. Breakfast: 4 c coffee

Lunch: Banana and Peanut Butter Sand on Wheat Bread with Sprite

Snack: A handful of choc candy, orange, green tea

Dinner: 2 pieces of leftover Pizza

Snack: Green Tea before bed.

I don't know if it was the aerobics or what, but I seemed to have more energy today. My muscles are sore, so the exercising is working. I need to work on eating veges tomorrow and no more pizza this week!!!!!

Posting for yesterday. I found a great peach salad recipe to try this weekend!

1. Don't want to know...

2. Took a break from exercise today.

3. 2 Sprites

4. Little carrots and ranch dip packet/banana/orange

5. Breakfast: 4 c coffee

Snack: about a handful of candy :sad2:

Lunch: Peanut Butter and banana sand on wheat/ Sprite

Snack: Carrots and ranch dip/ orange

Dinner: Chn Cheese ench with a Sprite

Snack: About 10 M&M candies/ Lite Beer/ Green Tea
Hi! Your eating habits sound a lot like mine! I love junk food and pizza and soda, and I have a hard time fitting in veggies and fruit. I also like to eat out and do it way too often! I hope you reach your goals; I'm sure you will!
Yes Penguin 23 I am a junk food junkie! I would probably eat out all the time if it weren't for the husband and kids. Oh, and my expanding waistline.

I did ok this weekend, except we had mexican food Sat night.

Today I,

1. I lost 2 lbs and am back to my original weight last Monday.

2. Didn't feel great, so I didn't exercise. I am going to get back into it tomorrow.

3. I had 2 Sprites.

4. Banana, corn, salad

5. Breakfast: 2 c coffee

Snack: 100 cal pack of teddy grahmns/Sprite

Lunch: Yogart with a banana, half a pb sand/Sprite

Dinner: Salad with 2 fried chicken strips/corn/oatmeal cream cookie

Snacks: 100 cal pack pringles/Green Tea

Did good with my cals today. I have to exercise tomorrow.
Good, Good day. :)

1. didn't weigh
2. aerobics 40 min
3. 1 sprite
4. Banana, peach
5. Breakfast: 3 c coffee

Snack: Light vanilla yogart with a peach

Lunch: 2 pieces of Hawaiian bread

Snack: Tedd grahms 100 cal pack sprite

Dinner: 2 Whole wheat eggos topped with 1 tbsp butter and banana slices

Green Tea

I need to eat veges tomorrow and exercise again. I felt good today and not tired in the afternoon.


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