Lori & Eoghan's PJ/TR -5/1/09 SBP/Jiko/Morocco-TR updated 7/12 honeymoon pics added!

These are definitely my favorite shots! Love the first one! :goodvibes

Thanks! We have more, but mostly of kissing! :rotfl:

Ohh, your AKL pics are so beautiful!!! The Jiko wine room looks wonderful, and the food sounds really good! The place card holders are too cute! :goodvibes

Thanks! We absolutely love it and it feels like home to us, it makes me happy just to be there, and I know it would be great for some pics. The room was sooo nice! Perfect! Classy and modern, yet earthy. The food was delish and I got many compliments on it (even now).
The place card holders are actually the very first thing I bought for the wedding (ebay) and though I didn't realize it at the time, were kind of expensive. (like 5 dollars each or something) But, I really wanted them and couldn't find anything else at all that I liked. I just realized after I actually bought them, to start being a little more conscious of what I was spending on stuff. :goodvibes

OMG, I love the sneakers! I lived off those things as a kid! :cool1: :thumbsup2
OMG, and I love the placecard holders too! So perfect! :thumbsup2

It was either those or my Purple Doc Martens, but I thought the Chucks would be better....:)
Thanks! I really did think they were perfect! :)
I have realized that my last installment was kind of short on text...sorry! I guess I was just so busy enjoying myself at the dinner, that when i think back, I couldn't think of anything else to write about!

Back to the TR!

Now, this I knew was going to be cool…let me give you the history on this…
Back during my trip in ’03 I remember during IllumiNations seeing a section (I think it was near France) roped off and there were like maybe 30+ people in the area. I can remember seeing a girl in a pretty white dress (not a bridal gown) and thinking to myself, “wow, they must be having some sort of thing having to do with their wedding! How cool would that be?!?!?!?” (Little did I know....)
So, when I found out that Escape brides could do this Dessert Party thing, I was totally into it. With only 20 people our choice of location was really limited. Like to only Morocco, but DF and I didn’t care, because we LOVE the Morocco Pavilion! Supposedly it’s the least fave place to have a DP (Dessert Party) because of the view, but I don’t know :confused3 …we could see just fine! :cool1:
In order for me to wear my dress to the DP however, I would have to enter EPCOT “backstage”, so after figuring out logistics with my WC, it was all sorted out.
The DP starts at 8:30 and you have the area until 9:30. Our Towne Car was the last to arrive, so it was VERY cool to be walked in through the back gates,

because as soon as they open, guests start turning around to look who’s coming…everyone’s all oohing and aahing etc...It was like the crowds parted for me and DH and MOH…we walk over to our DP area and everything looks beautiful!

Here are some set up pics:

The desserts were based on the "Petite Classics" menu which I customized. We had: Brownies, Cheesecakes, Fruit Tarts and Mickey Rice Krispie Treats...

Here's a pic of the centerpieces: Tumblers with colored gel and LED lights plus Glitter LED stars on sticks:



Now here’s a funny again…as everyone walks into the roped off area, I see Carrie (Lurkyloo). We had previously arranged for her to “crash” our DP, but I just thought she’d be standing on the other side of the ropes while I smuggle her a brownie and/or Mickey Rice Krispie treat and chat with her a little bit. And I’m still not sure how she managed this but as our guests filed into the roped off area, Carrie (along with Jensey Root!) filed in right along with them! :rotfl:
I saw them come in and was thinking to myself…”how the heck is she managing that?” But she did and I know my WC saw her but let it go! (How cool is she?) :banana:

Here's a couple of pics that Jensey took:

Disney Floral must have taken some of these from SBP and I didn't even ask them to! (That's how awesome they are! They think of EVERYTHING!)

A close up arty pics of the Brownies (some have been eaten):

Here's another layout pic from Jensey's perspective:


So, we mingle for a bit
(Here's a pic of me and my mom talking about the merits of the Mickey Rice Krispie Treat and I think you can see a "Delaney's Delight" in my SIL's hand):


and have some of our signature drink “Delaney’s Delight” which is actually the Grand Marnier Slushie which I requested. I wasn’t even sure we’d be able to get it, but we could and did! :banana: It was during this time that 3 more DISbrides (along with 2 DISgrooms and one DISbaby!) stopped by! (You know who you are!) Unfortunately, they couldn’t get by the ropes though! :sad2: I chatted with them and took some pics.


Before we knew it, it was time for IllumiNations to start! Randy had us all set up where he wanted us for photos.
Now here’s the thing….with all the research I did into our Disney Wedding and the Dessert Party and photography, I never once got this warning from any previous Disney Bride on the boards who had done a DP...and so wasn’t thinking when basically DH and I missed the majority of the fireworks because we had to be facing the camera! :lmao:
At one point I even said Randy “Randy, you’re killing me!” :rotfl:




and one more from Jensey Root!


Anyway, so lots and lots of pics were taken, people really enjoyed themselves and then before we knew it…the DP was over! :sad1:

So, I think the best way for you all to check out our Disney Wedding is if you actually see our “sneak peek” video! And if you look closely during the ring exchange, Carrie and Jensey can be seen in the background going by on a Friendship boat (look out for Carrie's big black sunhat, you can't miss her!)
Please enjoy. Here is the link: http://www.stvsvideo.com/sneakpeeks.html
Scroll down to where it says: Lori and Eoghan (Seabreeze and Animal Kingdom).
After the DP, the town car took us back to BW so we could change out of our wedding gear, because the plan was to go back to EPCOT for EMH! That’s right, we were up since 3:45am, and we going to be in EPCOT until midnite! (We’re crazy like that!) ;)

We rushed as fast as we could, but it took longer than expected…we didn’t have as much time in EPCOT as we would have liked. I think we must have gotten back into the park by like 11. We didn’t get to do much, just Nemo and Honey I Shrunk the Audience I think, we might have also done SE, but I’m not sure now (hey, it’s more than 4 months ago!) DH’s bro went back with us into the park and we tried to meet up with my 2 DN’s and their women and my niece (MOH) but the timing didn’t work out so we could only meet up with them to walk back to BW. DH’s brother took the bus back to POR (he’s was a bit nervous as this was his first time taking the bus by himself but he got home fine and we knew he would) ;)
The walk back was nice and relaxing. So far we’ve done EMH at night for MK (twice) AND EPCOT (twice) and we LOVED both! Hopefully on every future trip we’ll be able to do some evening EMH!

Next up: The Day After in the MK and EPCOT with my mommy
Whohoo! The dessert party installment! :banana:

When we busted our way into your party, we had no intention of actually eating or doing anything that would cost money. But what could we do if the bride herself encouraged us to take a few Mickey Crispies home...? :confused3

Also, I have to post these pix Jensey took of your party b/c I :love: them:



We loved your bartender - he was really sweet and made us feel welcome even though we were crashing! :rotfl:


We didn't take any pix of Eoghan's family, but they also were so kind and welcoming to us!

Now I must say that I believe it *was* mentioned in my wedding trip report that the first time DH and I saw IllumiNations was our wedding night and we didn't actually get to see it because we had to face the camera the whole time - it was killing me! We went back to see it the next night, though, so that was good...

It's cool that you got to go back into Epcot for EMH even if it wasn't very long. I guess I never realized that they keep some of the Future World attractions open too!
I love your DP pics! I really like the black table cloths in Morocco...did you request these, or is it just what they gave you? I love the pic of the gate opening too, and you leading your entourage in, lol.
Ok, so just a few more pics I had forgotten about before it's on to AKL!

These are just some detailed shots I like plus I thought would be useful to brides-to-be...

Here is a (somewhat) closeup of of one of the floral arrangements on our archway floral swag...

Here is a cake closeup where you can see the yumminess! (But alas, not the chocolate/peanut butter layer)...


And last but certainly not least....the front of our Mickey Head fan...


Ok, now I promise...on to AKL and our Jiko dinner reception!!! :yay:
lori-i love all your pictures. they look beautiful! i am glad your wedding was so much fun! i have a question, i am doing the mickey program fans-how did you get the picture of mickey and minnie on the fan? it is so cute, i might have to "borrow" it if you don't mind.....
Whohoo! The dessert party installment! :banana:

When we busted our way into your party, we had no intention of actually eating or doing anything that would cost money. But what could we do if the bride herself encouraged us to take a few Mickey Crispies home...? :confused3

Also, I have to post these pix Jensey took of your party b/c I :love: them:



We loved your bartender - he was really sweet and made us feel welcome even though we were crashing! :rotfl:


We didn't take any pix of Eoghan's family, but they also were so kind and welcoming to us!

Now I must say that I believe it *was* mentioned in my wedding trip report that the first time DH and I saw IllumiNations was our wedding night and we didn't actually get to see it because we had to face the camera the whole time - it was killing me! We went back to see it the next night, though, so that was good...

It's cool that you got to go back into Epcot for EMH even if it wasn't very long. I guess I never realized that they keep some of the Future World attractions open too!

Actually, now that you mention it, I DO remember you saying that in your TR!!!!:rotfl:
I think my mind was just overflowing with information leading up to the wedding, and I hadn't read your TR right before our wedding, (though I have-and do still) read bits and pieces of it, so I had completely forgotten! Oops!

I love your DP pics! I really like the black table cloths in Morocco...did you request these, or is it just what they gave you? I love the pic of the gate opening too, and you leading your entourage in, lol.

Nope, they gave us Black. I can't remember if we could chose from Black or White, or only Black. Anything else there would have been a charge for. I wanted to keep our area as dark as possible, so I went with the basic Black. I know, I love that pic too! I hope every Disney bride that enters through a "backstage" area gets the same feeling I did at that exact moment! I'm telling you as we walked towards the DP area, people just stop and stared and parted for us, it was AWESOME!! (Even though I felt pretty self-conscious at the time). But definitely one of my favorite moments of the whole day/night.

lori-i love all your pictures. they look beautiful! i am glad your wedding was so much fun! i have a question, i am doing the mickey program fans-how did you get the picture of mickey and minnie on the fan? it is so cute, i might have to "borrow" it if you don't mind.....

Thanks Steph! I ordered my Mickey Head Fans from Impressions so I'm sorry I can't help you out with the picture of M&M.... :guilty: but maybe someone here can as I know a lot of girls do them themselves...
Love reading all about your wedding Lori!!!

Oh and did I tell you that I :lovestruc the purple converse :laughing:
I just noticed this - did you have a slushy machine?

Hi! Yes! The slushy machine was actually the Grand Marnier Slushie! I asked my WC if we could get them and I wasn't sure if we could, but we were able to! I was sooo excited!! We made it our "signature drink" and called them "Delaney's Delight". :cool1:

Love reading all about your wedding Lori!!!

Oh and did I tell you that I :lovestruc the purple converse :laughing:

Thanks! ;) I'm so glad I brought them! I hadn't planned on wearing them, thinking my shoes would be ok all day! Thank goodness I thought to just throw them in my suitcase "just in case"! :rotfl:
O-M-G!!! That is the greatest thing I have ever seen! I just emailed my planner!!!!! I want the Italian Margarita!
So, the next day was the official “good-bye” brunch/breakfast at Crystal Palace. I booked this through group dining so we either had to do the earliest or the latest seating. At first, I was going to book the earliest but then decided against it. So our ADR for all 20 of us was for 10:10am.
We somehow timed it nicely and all those coming from BW ended up at the bus stop at the same time (also probably because I told everyone what time they should be on the bus by) LOL…:rotfl:
There was something really nice about seeing everyone at the bus stop that morning and taking the bus all together (well,except for those at POR and CBR) over to MK. Everybody seemed really happy. :goodvibes
So, we make our way to CP and I check us in. We had to wait a little bit. Maybe like 15, almost 20 mins. maybe.
While we were waiting one of my brothers comes over to tell me that him and my SIL and my step niece won’t be making the dinner that night that I had booked because supposedly my SIL was not feeling well and my niece didn’t like German food and they were just going to head back to the pool and spend the day there. :mad: I was annoyed because I of course asked everyone 6 months earlier if they would like to join us for dinner that night and I was told “yes” and it was never mentioned that anyone had a problem with the German food…I knew that DB and SIL had gotten into some sort of rip-roaring argument at our dinner reception and weren’t talking during our DP, so I knew it was more something to do with that, but whatever. I thought it was wrong to cancel on me but it was ultimately their choice. Also at the same time (while waiting to be seated) DH’s mom comes over to me to tell me that she and the 2 aunts were going to spend the day at some outlet center and would meet everyone for dinner later!:eek:
Now, to this day I have a problem with this. Let me tell you and you guys tell me what you think…

Well, I know I mentioned this previously in the TR and I know what you already thought…and to be honest with you, I had thought that after that conversation, the subject was dropped. Saturday was the day DH and I (and I thought his family) would be spending with my mom in the parks, I thought it would be a great bonding experience and maybe it was wrong of me to assume, but to be honest, I thought it was rude that instead of hanging out with my mom who had basically paid for the whole wedding, DH’s mom and his aunts just take off for the day to go shopping. Also, DH had been in the USA for more than 7 years. His parents only come over once a year and last year, they didn’t even stay for a whole week! (Until DH got his green card, he was unable to go home). Anyway…DH seemed to think it was all (or at least mostly) the aunt’s fault (the one that was really the source of all the trouble in the days before the wedding-the sitting/standing one). I guess his mom felt like she had to do what the aunt wanted all the time as she was a guest(?). :confused3 I don’t know if that was me and I was there for my son’s wedding, I would want to spend time with my son and his new wife and her family and would have let the aunts do whatever they wanted to do. But that’s me. Plus my MIL sees this aunt like all the time!

So, I didn’t let it bother me then. I was in a great mood and still “high” from my wedding day. :love: Plus I was just excited to spend some time with my mom in the parks.
We had a great breakfast. We sat at separate tables, but all next to each other. I think there were like maybe 4 round tables all together. Many pictures were taken with Pooh, Tigger, Eyeore and Piglet.





Piglet wanted us to put our hands on his with our rings showing!

There was lots of laughing. All in all a great time.
As breakfast wound down, people started to split up. My SIL’s mom left to go back as she would be picked up by DME shortly. My one brother, SIL and niece went back to CBR I guess. My other nephews and my other niece took off as well (not sure where they went). Basically, it came down to me, DH, my mom, DH’s bro, his dad and his uncle. But then, my other brother and sister in law said they would come with us for a little while. This made me SO happy, I cannot tell you! It made me also very sentimental as the last time I was in the MK with my brother and my mom was back in ’77 on my first trip and although I was really missing my dad during the whole wedding experience, for some reason I almost missed him more this day. :sad1:

So, I had a list of rides/attractions I wanted to take my mom on. I wasn’t sure if we’d get to all of them. There were some in MK and some in EPCOT. For MK it was:
Mickey’s Philharmagic, Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor, IASW (her fave), Country Bears, Dumbo, Haunted Mansion and PoC and CoP. Epcot was: Soarin’, Nemo, Figment and Spaceship Earth. I actually knew we weren’t going to get to all of them LOL.
So, I was so happy about DB and DSIL being with us, I asked them what they were thinking of going on etc. and the first things they said were Pirates and Haunted Mansion. I was good with those!
We walked towards Adventureland (all 8 of us!) We did Pirates and everyone loved it of course! (Now I think I took DH’s dad, bro and uncle aside and explained we would most likely end up going on rides they’d already been on, but I did mention it to them about taking my mom when we initially went on with them previously. They were ok with it, they understood (the men are very laid back and easy going, not like the ladies, I think it’s like that in general, right girls?) ;)
Anyway, after Pirates we did Haunted Mansion. I sat with my mom. She loved it and kept saying, “oh yeah, I remember this part!” It was so cute! :cutie: I pointed out some of the new things to her, it was kind of loud for her though so I’m not sure she heard me.
Ok, now this was interesting. Here’s my mom. She had just turned 84 right before the wedding. I was wondering how she’d do getting on and off, in and out of ride vehicles. Pirates’ boats she did ok. Now as we get up to the front of the line for loading the Doom Buggies, I’m thinking “uh, oh…how is mom going to handle this?” Let me tell you…she was fine! LOL. It was great! You should have see her! And afterwards I was making such a big deal about her doing so great and she’s like, “I’ve been on that ride before, I knew what to do!” :rotfl:…like I said, she’s too cute sometimes. I was a little worried when she got out too, but she did well also. Of course, everyone loved HM, it’s a classic.
Then as we’re walking towards Fantasyland, I had to convince my DB and DSIL to check out Mickey’s Philharmagic. I was so glad I could talk them into it. They did say it was good afterwards, so I didn’t feel like I talked them into something I shouldn’t have! Whew! My mom really enjoyed it as well. (She hadn’t been on it before) Next was IASW. DH’s dad, uncle and bro opted out since they couldn’t stand it again I guess! :laughing: LOL. (why not? I don’t get it) It was so cool just going on with my bro and my sister in law and my mom and my husband (again, missing my dad). My mom totally loves IASW. So, she was all happy and stuff. Again, I had a harder time than she did getting in and out of the boat! (Go Mom!) :woohoo:
It was time for my DB and DSIL to head out and meet their kids, so we said good-bye until dinner.
At this point I started texting Carrie (Lurkyloo) who was in MK today too and having lunch with the Roots at Plaza. We decided to meet over in Tomorrowland. Now remember, none of DH’s family had gone on anything in Tomorrowland as of yet. I think it was during this time, when we stopped and got our picture taken that I was thinking what a shame it was that DH’s mom and aunts weren’t there. Oh well. Their loss I knew.


So, the plan for Tomorrowland was CoP, Monsters Inc. and maybe Buzz if we had time. (Mom liked it the last time she was on it, again, just so cute).
So, I hadn’t heard back from Carrie but told her we’d meet her in front of CoP. We waited for a bit, but I wasn’t sure if maybe she missed my text, so after we waited for a little bit, we decided to go on. I didn’t want to send another text….”Carrie, where the hell are ya?” kind of thing, and I didn’t want to rush her or anything either as she was with friends, so I figured I’d text her again when we got out.
So this was kind of cool that DH’s bro, dad and uncle hadn’t done CoP yet. It was awesome as always. It was during CoP that some of my Disney bride friends :bride: texted me to let me know my sneak peek video was done and on-line! Also, Carrie texted me that she (with the Roots) were waiting outside CoP. I then felt just awful that we hadn’t waited more! We must have just missed them! :guilty: “No problem” Carrie texted, we’ll meet you when you come out! :goodvibes YAY!!!
So, we come out and Carrie is wearing that awesome hat again! :lovestruc Man, she looked so refined and stylish! I felt like a hot, sweaty blob. :rolleyes:(Even though I had just gotten married the day before!) I introduce everyone (for those who hadn’t met the night before). The Roots had to leave and Carrie had to go to the Passporter Meet thingy that was happening (which I couldn’t make because you know…I was on my honeymoon! Tee hee) but she had time to go on Monsters Inc. with us. I knew she wasn’t so overly excited by it on her last trip, so I was happy when she’d said that would be fun! :banana:
So, we all went in and had a blast! Carrie said it was much better this time then when she saw it the last time. That’s why I like Monsters Inc., it’s different everytime you see it! My mom certainly laughed quite a bit and so did DH’s men.
Afterwards, I was sad to say Good-bye to Carrie, I really wanted to tell her how much it meant to me to see her from the car on my way down the Boardwalk and hang out with her more, but she had a prior engagement and so we headed on over to Epcot…

Next up: Would you like some food with your beer? And saying Good-bye to my family!
It looks like you had a pretty good day (with the exception of the famous aunt of course)! I totally understand why you were mad with the whole situation of them going to outlet instead of hanging out with the rest of you. I have the same problem with many of my guests....they all seem to not really want to go to the parks and do other things :confused3 whatever!

I also feel you with the reservations. I have booked Sanaa and Biergarten for group ressies, and I think that people will back out as well, because of the food offered. Thanks for preparing me for it ahead of time!!!

I can't wait to see your next installment, especially since it involves one of my fav things....beer:rotfl:
Lori I thought I would post on here to bring your thread to the top, serves as a good reminder to get back to your TR;)

I haven't read it all yet as it seems you are a woman after my own heart, very wordy:rotfl: I have read loads though and had to comment. I LOVE your dress and you got some stunning shots in Epcot and MK, I would have loved to get some of those. The pics you got with Mickey and Minnie on your wedding day was so cute, you really have your pick of good photos.

Some of your encounters with your FMIL and aunt remind me of ones with my mum. Family can get on every last nerve at times can't they?:laughing:

I love that you did your dinner at Jiko, that was one of my favourite restaurants of our whole trip. The private dining room looked stunning.

I wish my hair looked like that in the heat, yours is all wavy and sitting nicely, my hair goes like a frizzball!

Wasn't the wedding cake divine? I LOVED the chocolate and peanut butter layer, it was AWESOME!

I am looking forward to reading more, come on girl get back to it!
I'm all caught up now so we def need more! I am totally feeling for you with the family stress. I had a lot of the same issues. I'm very jealous that Carrie crashed your wedding.
Ok, ok, since Summer can do it, I figure I can do it too! :lmao:

I am working on writing my next installment and want to thank Boardwalk bride, Summer, Annie, Meryll and Claire for helping out with motivating me to finish! ;)

I didn't think anyone was really reading it anymore because I'm past the wedding now and I kind of lost the vibe about writing it. But now I am getting motivated again.

I guess I want to relive some memories! :goodvibes

Anyway, next up will be the rest of the day after the wedding and hopefully the whole next day (when my family leaves). That's the goal anyway. I hope to have it up (with pics!) in the next few days the earliest though it might end up not being until the weekend, it depends on how the rest of my week goes...

Thanks again for your interest in little 'ol me! :lovestruc
Ok, ok, since Summer can do it, I figure I can do it too! :lmao:

I am working on writing my next installment and want to thank Boardwalk bride, Summer, Annie, Meryll and Claire for helping out with motivating me to finish! ;)

I didn't think anyone was really reading it anymore because I'm past the wedding now and I kind of lost the vibe about writing it. But now I am getting motivated again.

I guess I want to relive some memories! :goodvibes

Anyway, next up will be the rest of the day after the wedding and hopefully the whole next day (when my family leaves). That's the goal anyway. I hope to have it up (with pics!) in the next few days the earliest though it might end up not being until the weekend, it depends on how the rest of my week goes...

Thanks again for your interest in little 'ol me! :lovestruc

Yay, I am glad you will be updating again :goodvibes
You said it right, if I can do it so can you! Just because it takes a while to write your TR, doesn't mean anyone is less interested or will find the info less relevant. I think a lot of people plan to write TR's but they don't realise how long it can take. Writing a wedding TR takes even longer, especially having to resize photos etc. Like you, I have a very long style and I like to be detailed. Have you seen my word count for my TR yet? It's ridiculous! Please do update, I enjoy reading other's trip reports and it doesn't matter to me whether you write daily, weekly or monthly.:hug:
Yey! That's the spirit Lori - I sometimes feel like noone is interested in mine either, and I haven't even finished the wedding day yet! :rotfl2:

Rest assured, we're all eagerly awaiting your next installment popcorn::


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