Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts - We're still here!

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Good morning!

Renee - Hope Nicholas is feeling better. Has his cough doing? Usually,as the medicine starts kicking in and clearing things up, you can have a tough couple of days - at least that's what always happened with Amanda. She'd be miserable for a couple of days in the middle of the treatment because she was coughing up all the stuff that was stuck in her lungs. Ewww.

Tina - Yep, we're all excited for HSM3 is our house too. We're going to see it Sunday night with Lauren's friend and her mom. We got the cd and the girls LOVE the music - so we're really looking forward to the movie!

Well, I've got the wedding this afternoon; probably won't be on much today. But it's supposed to get really miserable tonight - alot of rain so I'm thinking I'll leave early. I'll try to check back when I get in tonight.

Have a good day everybody!
Hello. I'm skimming again - forgive me.

I would have said Nicolas is doing better - but now, I don't know. That cough sounds worse tonight. Our clinic is open all weekend - so I might do that or the children's hospital if it sounds worse. At least it was deamed a "light case"

I'm eyeballs deep in a 40th birthday project for one of our friends - the gig is tues. We rented a limo (never rode in one of those).

JILLIAN - are you insaine!?!?!?! You had no sleeves and piles of snow in your wedding shot!!!!! You people from Boston crack me up with your ability to handle the cold.

Enjoying the pics - gotta find where I put my photopass CD and fire up my external harddrive to post some, so I'll get it done soon, but don't hold your breath!

Guess what Nicolas & Carlos have??? A stomach bug too! I'm about to go mad. Seriously. Nicolas doesn't wipe his own butt yet, so :rolleyes1 I'm just rolling in the fun around here!

I'm tired - I think I will call it a night - just wanted to say hi! :)

Sorry but I about spit out my coffee when I read this! :rotfl2: If it makes you feel any better, I can't get Ally to do this either!!! She knows how, and if I'm in the room with her she will, but otherwise, she's just so lazy. I hope the big kid and the little kid start feeling better. Just make sure Ricky wipes his own butt! :rotfl2:

I had the heat on last night and the windows open this afternoon. What happened to the nice fall days we expect here? Oh well winter is coming soon and the spring then Disney.

Jillian - your wedding dress is beautiful! I wasn't sure if that was snow or not in those pics.

I can't believe you said the "S" word!!!:scared1: It's going to rain tonight and I'm so thankful it's not that cold yet. I'm sending some warm thoughs your way to try to keep you warm.

Everyone is talking about HSM3 here, we're not going to see it until 11/1 and I think I'm going to get a screening group together for the girls. I think that would be fun.

:sad1: I'm very sad today. All my flowers that were blooming so nicely outside my window have all died. Winter is coming.:sad1: Hello I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet!!!!:eek:

Laura might have said the "s" word but now you're talking about the "C" word! Christmas! Haven't even thought about shopping yet, now you've got me stressed out! We decided this is gonna be a lean Christmas. We're spending money to go to Ohio for Christmas, I'm driving up with Ally and Bucky and spending the night on the way. Then Jeff is flying up on Christmas Eve, and when we all drive back together we'll spend another night on the road. So it's gonna be stocking stuffers for Jeff and I and our parents, and then we'll just do the usual for Ally.

Jeff's heading out to play golf so I think I"m gonna hop in the shower and take Ally to HSM3 for an early matinee. Maybe we'll meet Jeff for lunch later.

Gotta run!
I will be back later to catch up and I don't want to scare away the newbies but my inappropriate crush on Zac Efron is stronger than EVER! Saw HSM 3 yesterday and LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been hanging with my cousin who stayed with us for 2 days so I haven't been at the computer. I will be back later for sure!

This is why I crave a WDW ticker....



Elizabeth was off of school yesterday so we went to the 11:00 show for 4 bucks, sat in awesome seats, and LOVED every minute of it! It was so fun!


I will be back later to catch up and I don't want to scare away the newbies but my inappropriate crush on Zac Efron is stronger than EVER! Saw HSM 3 yesterday and LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been hanging with my cousin who stayed with us for 2 days so I haven't been at the computer. I will be back later for sure!

:lmao: Ain't nothing wrong with that girlfriend!(I'm just glad to hear I'm not the only weirdo on this thread!;))

But, yes, Mr. Zac is looking good these days. He was all over the talk shows this week - so nice and so cute!:lovestruc
Where are the shirtless pictures?:confused3

Did you guys get up and dance? Lauren and her friend swear they are going to!
:lmao: Ain't nothing wrong with that girlfriend!(I'm just glad to hear I'm not the only weirdo on this thread!;))

But, yes, Mr. Zac is looking good these days. He was all over the talk shows this week - so nice and so cute!:lovestruc

I was in heaven with him on the talk show circuit. Did you see when he was on Regis & Kelly and he was talking about how on the tour the Mom's were more into it then the kids!:rolleyes1
No dancing but I wanted to! We actually brought our little guys and they were pretty good! Only had to leave for the bathroom a couple times!
I know he's a pretty boy...and he's so skinny....and he's only 21 but OMG he is just so sweet!

There is a rumor swirling that he will be asked to be in Pirates 4 to play Jack Sparrows little brother!!! OMG I think I will actually die and go to heaven if that happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was in heaven with him on the talk show circuit. Did you see when he was on Regis & Kelly and he was talking about how on the tour the Mom's were more into it then the kids!:rolleyes1

I did see that one! Hearing that kind of validates my inappropriate crush. We're not alone!:laughing:

(and did you see him getting up and signing autographs during the commercial breaks? So sweet!)

I know he's a pretty boy...and he's so skinny....and he's only 21 but OMG he is just so sweet!

There is a rumor swirling that he will be asked to be in Pirates 4 to play Jack Sparrows little brother!!! OMG I think I will actually die and go to heaven if that happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually heard him interviewed about this. He says he has not been asked to be in it - it's just a rumor. But then added, he would love to do it! (Can't see him as a grungy pirate though!)
Oh I can! I think he would be so funny! They would probably make him the kind of dingy pirate type.

Also...the Jonas brothers had their spotlight time...It's Zac's turn right now so BACK OFF!
Oh I can! I think he would be so funny! They would probably make him the kind of dingy pirate type.

Also...the Jonas brothers had their spotlight time...It's Zac's turn right now so BACK OFF!

Them's fightin' words!

How freakin' cute is this? (Joe, not the kid!;) )

Ummmmm, h-e-l-l-o.................................!


Ok, I'm done here! That made me smile today. Thanks for starting it, Debbie. The thread is now all yours - go Zac-crazy!!!!:p
Seriously...I should stop because we are probably freaking out the newbies!
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