Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too (Part 2)

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I'm probably off subject but I am freaking out! We leave for our much anticipated but last minute trip. I checked the weather and it shows the whole week full of rain!!!! A once in a lifetime trip will hopefully not be ruined. Does it change much? I thought April wasn't even the rainy season!!!! Help!!
I'm probably off subject but I am freaking out! We leave for our much anticipated but last minute trip. I checked the weather and it shows the whole week full of rain!!!! A once in a lifetime trip will hopefully not be ruined. Does it change much? I thought April wasn't even the rainy season!!!! Help!!

I live in FL and they forecast rain every day but that doesn't mean it's going to rain. Today was supposed to be passing showers all day. It's 2:30pm and there's still not a cloud in the sky! Relax, if it does rain, it should only be a passing shower..... that being said, once you get there, check the local forecast and if there is one day that is supposed to be just all out rain, maybe schedule that day at MGM (sorry, DHS!) with mostly indoor shows and
attractions.... You'll have a wonderful time!!!!!
I'm sooo confused!:confused3 I feel like I've walked into a party I wasn't invited to!:confused:

I'm sticking with the first thread until they kick us out!:rotfl:
Hi everyone. :wave2:

Still hanging out at the official nuthouse until it gets shut down.

:surfweb: You know, got to thinking - maybe we keep the powers that be in stitches, so they figure they will just let it go on forever.

Maybe they like "As Kara's Carpet Turns" :lmao: :rotfl2: Sorry, Kara, couldn't help it. :hug: Ah, I needed that laugh today!

Back to the salt mines...
97 - I am assuming that CPAP is a prescription. That would be scary to leave home w/out. Any other meds I don't worry too much about because I know that the gift shop has it. Having a list w/the major things listed first does help me.
LISA! So great to see you here! I didn't know everyone was hanging out over on this thread - I feel like Cammie - you've been partying without me :hippie:

CPAP is a machine with a mask that pushes air while you're sleeping - used for sleep apnea (when you stop breathing).

Welcome Michelle! Come and vent with us!

97! We'll help you make a list! You made be :rotfl2: tonight - you'll be a bear, or you'll sound like one :rotfl:
I admit I snore, and DH says I need a CPAP, but I think I'd need valium to sleep with one.:sad2:

Also, does anyone remember seeing reruns of "Get Smart"? They had Agent 99, who went by "99" :rotfl2:

I got us to page 252 tonight, so I might be the "Survivor"!
Hi Tammie! Late night for me. I had some X-Rated Fusion Liqueur after my b-day party and I am relaxed, finally. I found out more about why I wasn't invited to my BIL's wedding and it bothered me so much that I tried to totally ignore everything. Then SIL called me to ask if we wanted to book tickets even though I wasn't invited and I almost lost it. I wasn't invited because I would ruin the scheme of things. BIL had it planned that his brothers and him would hang out the night before the wedding and the next night DH and his other brother would share a room. If I went I might want to spend time w/DH. It hurts to hear this. If they just would have asked me if I minded if they hung out instead of saying I couldn't come I would have felt much better. And then, the IL's think that it is okay because BIL just isn't in his right mind now. Well, I guess if I do anything rude from now on I have an excuse, too. I'll just tell everyone I am not in my right mind.
So how's everything w/your grandbabies and kids? Hope it's all good.
Hi to everyone else:wave: - I've been catching up on old posts and you girls are so funny.:rotfl2:
Well, I guess if I do anything rude from now on I have an excuse, too. I'll just tell everyone I am not in my right mind.

I've been using this one forever! :lmao: Seriously though, I remember reading your earlier post about the wedding, and I think that's a bunch of hogwash! (Did I really just say "hogwash?") Let DH go to the wedding, and then come hang out with us for "drunk posting" night!!!!!

Hi everyone. :wave2:

Still hanging out at the official nuthouse until it gets shut down.

:surfweb: You know, got to thinking - maybe we keep the powers that be in stitches, so they figure they will just let it go on forever.

Maybe they like "As Kara's Carpet Turns" :lmao: :rotfl2: Sorry, Kara, couldn't help it. :hug: Ah, I needed that laugh today!

Back to the salt mines...

Aha! Now I see it! I love it! :lmao: "As Kara's Carpet Turns" - And our old thread is still going strong! Make sure y'all check it out for your "gifts." Stop it Tammie, or I'll renig on yours!!!! :rotfl:
Hi Tammie! Late night for me. I had some X-Rated Fusion Liqueur after my b-day party and I am relaxed, finally. I found out more about why I wasn't invited to my BIL's wedding and it bothered me so much that I tried to totally ignore everything. Then SIL called me to ask if we wanted to book tickets even though I wasn't invited and I almost lost it. I wasn't invited because I would ruin the scheme of things. BIL had it planned that his brothers and him would hang out the night before the wedding and the next night DH and his other brother would share a room. If I went I might want to spend time w/DH. It hurts to hear this. If they just would have asked me if I minded if they hung out instead of saying I couldn't come I would have felt much better. And then, the IL's think that it is okay because BIL just isn't in his right mind now. Well, I guess if I do anything rude from now on I have an excuse, too. I'll just tell everyone I am not in my right mind.
So how's everything w/your grandbabies and kids? Hope it's all good.
Hi to everyone else:wave: - I've been catching up on old posts and you girls are so funny.:rotfl2:

Ok- what are these people in "high school"? I have never heard of such a moronic reasoning! I'm thinking you won't be missing much by not attending this wedding. Like Kara suggested, come hang out here with us for the weekend. We're much more mature (&fun) than DH's family!;)

And Kara - are you abandoning our sinking first thread? I can't handle this bouncing back & forth! When, oh when, will it end?:faint:
And Kara - are you abandoning our sinking first thread? I can't handle this bouncing back & forth! When, oh when, will it end?:faint:

Consider me like the captain of the Titanic - I will NOT abandon our sinking ship! :rotfl2: But I keep checking in here, too (kind like the life boat, huh?)!
Okay thought I was the only not paying complete attention. I have checked over her off and on but I seems like this one is really taking off.

I'm going back to the old one.

BTW where will the Darth Boozers be tonight? here or "over there"
Okay thought I was the only not paying complete attention. I have checked over her off and on but I seems like this one is really taking off.

I'm going back to the old one.

BTW where will the Darth Boozers be tonight? here or "over there"

I'll be wherever the fun is!:cool1:
Oh that's right! Tonight is drunk posting!!! Just so y'all know, since I'm trying really hard to drop these last few pounds, the only time I'm drinking now is on drunk posting nights!!!! :cool1:
Too funny - I'm listening to Star Tours right now - makes me think of Darth Boozers! :rotfl2:
We are so fun we need two threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Cammie and Kara. I feel like I am wrong to feel bad because of the way DH's family is acting. BIL called today to wish me happy birthday for yesterday. I have to call him back but I haven't talked to him since he uninvited me to the wedding. I feel weird calling him.:scared1:
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