Looking for Control Freaks & Worry Warts - Part 4!!!


DISmom by land and by sea!
Mar 25, 2007
My name isn't Debbie, but I just copied all her info from our previous thread.....

Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a control freak! PART 3! We're still here. Still worrying....still controlling....
This has become an ongoing thread where people can come and talk about their worries, anxiety, control issues, trip planning, holiday complaining, anything you want to vent about thread! We are a friendly bunch so stop by and visit. Stay awhile too if you would like!

Here is the link to our previous threads…..
Where it all began......
Part 2

There is also our trip check list included in this thread.

Now back to me.....
Anyone else out there like me? I can't stand when things are out of my hands. I worry about everything too! Please join us so you don't feel alone. We can all crab about stuff together and talk to someone who understands how we feel.

WDW is kind of good for our kind. We can make reservations, look at schedules, and have a plan for the whole trip but.....
…….don't throw any curve balls our way like refurbishments or a bad view or God forbid someone gets sick!
We might go crazy, out of our minds, coo coo.

Because I am a control freak this also adds up to "worry freak" too.
Worrying that stuff is going to go wrong that you can't fix!
Am I alone?
Stop by…lurk…join in….. don’t feel like you need to read the whole thread or know us before you chat. We don’t care about that!
Lorrie - first I have to laugh - you think Nicolas is bad now, wait til he rides the school bus!!!! :rotfl2:

This morning I asked Ally to brush her hair, she looked at me and said, "are we going to church? i don't think so." I guess hair only needs brushed for church??? :confused3

Also, when Jeff and I went to WDW last Sept for free dining, we were only there 3 nights and we got it!!! Check into it!
Posting here on the new thread....hope everyone finds us!
OK Girls…I keep coming and checking in and then by the time I am done reading I forget what I wanted to say in my boggled brain of mine!
Tammie….I hope your birthday was super! I am so excited for you that Jim is home for the summer! Yeah!!!! That will be great and then going back with him at the end of it will be good too!
Cammie..The friend/parent dynamic is hard for me now! I can’t imagine what it would be like with the teen years! That Mom is a moron! I swear some people are just so stupid! Plus, I am not saying that all bad behavior doesn't’t come from bad parents BUT you can usually see where it is coming from when you see the parent. Like I would hate to be blamed for my daughter’s mouth right now but maybe I am too be blamed for letting her watch Hannah Zack and Wizards too much for her age…KWIM. I am super happy for you and super jealous of your bodyguard connection! Our concert is July 11th!!!! Right around the corner!!!!
Kara..You are a busy bee! Ally is doing so great at swimming and how fun to feel like you are on vacation all summer. That’s kind of how I feel too. We do so many fun things and we have what I call so many “Disney Days” when we go from morning till night. Plus, we go to the lake a ton. I just need the weather to cooperate. I LOVE all the pix! I am glad you don’t have to sell. At least for now you can stay and enjoy, right! Sorry you are feeling down. It happens to be much more rarely in the summer but to you it's ALWAYS summer! Hope you cheer up!
Jillian…you are working like a dog! I hope you are taking care of yourself!!!!
Laura..How are you? Lake time good??? Everyone healthy again. Everything going OK with the DH! I do hear ya on that front (per FB)
Lorrie…How have your allergies and sinuses lately! Your November trip will be so fun!!! Did you decide on the Christmas party or not. Also, I am not happy with my 6 year olds vocabulary myself and I am blaming the preteen Disney channel shows. She loves them but thinks she can act like those girls! Trouble!
Lydia…so what ever happened with your ADRs??? I laughed out loud at the DTD reference! Using it the way Lorrie did even made it funnier! OMG that was funny!
Tina….glad all is well on your end and that your daughter had a good birthday! Glad the weather didn't’t put a damper on things either!
Tessa…I am so proud of how well you are doing with the weight loss! I know it is NOT easy!!!! Also, how much would you say your gas bill (in American $) would be per month? Because I am wondering if even though your gas is more we drive more than you so we still have a higher bill….KWIM?
Erin…..Loved the Chloe pic! I am glad she did sop well in the play and had so much fun. How’s that new little baby doing?

BTW...Figures the one time we are going to Florida in October but NOT WDW they offer free dining!

For those of you that I send text messages to...PLEASE let me know if you want me to stop. I would hate to be jacking up your bills when you don't want me to! Plus, if you think I am texting you but you haven't received a text from me PLEASE let me know too because maybe they aren't going through or I have the wrong number or something......
When I didn't hear back from a couple of you when I was on vacation I just assumed you don't do the text thing so let me know for sure!
Or maybe not! I can be annoying!LOL
wow can it is hard to imagine that we have burned through so many pages. Im here too
I was looking at the original thread to see when I started it because I always tell people that I have been friends with you guys for 5 years and I was close I guess!
My original thread was started on....10-06-2006, 09:36 PM Do you remember when you first jumped in here??? I feel like we have all known each other forever! Plus, there are even a few who are MIA that I still talk to on FB or thru email...crazy huh! I love it!
All the DIsney shows are on today. Nicolas is watching them non-stop. The kids stop fighting and sit HOLDING HANDS on the couch and watching as they scream with glee at this or that - and Carlos doesn't get why I'm so in love with WDW! :headache: I sware, hot or not, that place is so fun and so magical.

Lorrie - first I have to laugh - you think Nicolas is bad now, wait til he rides the school bus!!!! :rotfl2:

This morning I asked Ally to brush her hair, she looked at me and said, "are we going to church? i don't think so." I guess hair only needs brushed for church??? :confused3

Also, when Jeff and I went to WDW last Sept for free dining, we were only there 3 nights and we got it!!! Check into it!
Um - actually my saving grace this year is he DOESN"T want to ride. ha ha. I doubt it will work for me since we got the room deal, we'll have to pick one or the other, and right now we're saving $350 on a 2 night stay - so :confused3

All I know is I'm feeling bratty. I want to load up my van and go there. NOW! :sad1:

wow can it is hard to imagine that we have burned through so many pages. Im here too
:banana:Laura is here. :banana:

I was looking at the original thread to see when I started it because I always tell people that I have been friends with you guys for 5 years and I was close I guess!
My original thread was started on....10-06-2006, 09:36 PM Do you remember when you first jumped in here??? I feel like we have all known each other forever! Plus, there are even a few who are MIA that I still talk to on FB or thru email...crazy huh! I love it!
I know. What is even MORE SAD is that my BF knows each of you by name - so does Carlos. :rotfl2:

Watching the Disney DVD - for adults section for our upcoming trip.

I'm trying to understand why I just don't drive down next week. :laughing:
This is what I was trying to tell you guys was going on while we are there. Think it will make DTD too busy?

Festival of the Masters

Type: Outdoor
Dates: November 13, 2009 - November 15, 2009
Festival of the Masters is a complimentary open-air art festival held in autumn at Downtown Disney Area featuring over 100 award-winning artists.

See Details
Debbie, I dunno. I'm going to leave this to the others. I'm one who always worries about these types of things and just buy directly from WDW vacations what I need. :confused3
I'm here! Doing our homeschooling tonight - math night. Adding and subtracting with DD6 and multiplication factors with DD10.

Hope everyone had a great day!
Hi! I'm here. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. Lorrie, my Bday was Monday, we celebrated on Sunday.

I'll have to go back and read - I'm really frustrated that they just locked us up without even saying anything or giving us a chance to post a link - really rude! Thanks Kara for getting us here!
Hiya all - I made it here too,

Debbie - our monthly gas/ petrol bill (over here gas is what powers the stove/cooker :)) is about £100 so around $165 - but we do not use the car every day as I work near home and hubby cycles somedays. We also only have one car, unlike many families now who have 2 or more.... and at weekends, the furthest we would go for a day out would be about 60 miles.

Thanks for all the support on the weight loss - it really helps. So good luck to everyone else out there too!!! Keep telling what your losing and we can all keep the good work going. Any tips??? Here's mine - sugar free jelly - in the US I think it is jello??? - a wobbly desert, not the thing you spread on toast.
Makes a fantastic cool snack. For 0 WW points.

Tessa - when I was doing Jenny Craig I SWORE by sugar free jello!!!!! Still do! It was "free" on JC, so I usually ate one or two a day!!!

Planned to get to the gym yesterday - well, that didn't happen. I jacked up my knee yesterday. I was standing on the bed measuring for curtains, and I misjudged the step off (this bed is a LOT higher than our last one), and when I came down, I came down HARD on the bed frame, right smack in the middle of my knee cap. Though I broke it at first. Ally was ready to dial 911. Now it is just scabbed and bruised. And sore.

Swim meet tonight. As busy as it has made summer, I will be very sad when it's all over! I've had a ball! And tonight I am running the computer to enter all the times. Jeff said to me last night, "Aw, you've become a swim mom!" :rotfl2:
My post yesterday didn't take. DH called me to say he was delivering post cards that said they are extending the free disney dining til Christmas! Interesting! ;)

Tessa - I have so many boxes of jello and never seem to make it, I don't know why, but hearing it's low calories - I'll be making a box tonight. I can't make the sugar free kind though because DH gets headaches with those sugar substitues. :headache: I've been doing pretty well walking at night with the girls, actually they've been riding their bikes so it's been an exercising win-win for all of us. I can't get DH to walk with me because he walks about 20 miles a day with work so the last thing he wants to do is walk more at home. My tip would be OKRA - I've just started eating it and although it doesn't smell great it has some AMAZING health benefits. Keeps you regular and has tons of vitamins - I mix it with a can of tuna, rice and a sprinkle of Ms. Dash - that's lunch.

So here's my morning - everyone in my house is still sleeping! I go to pump gas because the little red light came on driving to work. So I stop to pump and as I pull the hose from the car to the holder it dribbles gas ON TO MY FOOT! YIKES! I quickly grab a Lysol wipe to clean it off, then I spray it with Febreeze and when I got into work I sprayed it with Lysol disinfectant. Now all I can smell is GAS!:confused3 Sounds like it will be an interesting day!
Hi Girls....Glad to see everyone is collecting here. Mark is off work again so I am stressing about how I am going to make the bills over the next couple weeks or over the summer for that matter. Oh well... no one to blame but myself. If it was the fall I could at least substitute teach. I ALWAYS to my fault assume Mark will have constant work. I was kidding myself!

Speaking of that...this girl posted on the Dis about how she has $8000.00 debt on a low interest credit card and was upset because the were going to really raise her minimum payment and you should see how people yelled at this girl. I swear people who get on their high horses and feel the need to yell at complete strangers for the choices they make REALLY annoy me! I mean why post anything!
Face it Debbie, people suck. I mean, honestly. Remember when we were considering adopting that baby? I posted a thread titled something like "Anyone ever adopted a drug baby?" 99% of the people who responded were very positive and had great advice. But there's always that one who had to criticize me for my non-pc choice of words.... drug baby. Then everyone jumped on her for jumping on me. Kinda funny actually.

But yes, why post at all if you're gonna be mean? As for those minimum payments? CCard companies are not only raising minimum payments, they are also raising interest rates. Even if you did a 0% interest balance transfer, they have the right to raise that rate at any time, and it seems they are doing that a lot now.

I emailed you guys that info on my neighbors paintings. I can't get them to post here but if you want some info, pm me your email address. She is doing them cheap and they are incredible. I love this kind of stuff anyway, love all the personalization, etc, very boutiquey.....


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