Looking for Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere a PTR

That's a big difference between guys and girls - we never much think about our clothes, and certainly wouldn't post pictures of them on-line. The most thought I put into a Disney trip clothing is..."where are all my Disney T-shirts?" and "How many days worth of underwear and socks do I need?"

While I do have a bag...it was mostly bought for Utilitarian purposes, not looks. I needed a bag that held small things, plus wanted water for those hot summer trips - so I got a camelback. I also use it for skiing - so it's dual purpose, though I find the water (drink) line freezes frequently while skiing.

That said, your christmas clothes are very cute. The fingerless gloves seem like a good idea on chilly Florida evenings, too. I wasn't thinking gloves, but they might not be a bad idea - I have a pair of Isotoners that I use most mornings in fall and spring until the real winter arrives.

That's a big difference between guys and girls - we never much think about our clothes, and certainly wouldn't post pictures of them on-line. The most thought I put into a Disney trip clothing is..."where are all my Disney T-shirts?" and "How many days worth of underwear and socks do I need?"

Oddly enough I have very few Disney t-shirts, and I really only wear them on my Disney vacations. I love getting the chance to break them out and wear them. I always bring extras of the socks and undies though. Maybe it's a bit of the boy scout "be prepared" motto, but I'm usually set for at least an extra week.

That said, your christmas clothes are very cute. The fingerless gloves seem like a good idea on chilly Florida evenings, too. I wasn't thinking gloves, but they might not be a bad idea - I have a pair of Isotoners that I use most mornings in fall and spring until the real winter arrives.


I wasn't going to bother, but I had downloaded Samantha Brown's Disney holiday special from itunes, and everyone looked so bundled up! Even in the middle of the afternoons some of the people were wearing big winter coats. I figured it wouldn't hurt to be prepared in case I needed them. I can wear shorts in fairly cool temps, but when my hands get cold I get cranky. I may have to bring something for my ears too just in case. If it's cool and windy I get ear aches pretty easily.
Gets lot of use too. :rolleyes1

No kidding??!! :confused3 :lmao:

I love fingerless gloves. Thank goodness they are fairly quick to knit up. Those only took me a couple of days, and that's with not even working on them all that often.

15 days? It doesn't seem possible. I'm so focused on Thanksgiving right now, it really hasn't sunk in yet.

If I had read more carefully I'd have realized you made those!! WOW! I am impressed~!! They are doubly gorgeous now!

Also, congrats on finding YOUR Tiki!! I'm sure he'll enjoy the honor of posing with you once again!
I wasn't going to bother, but I had downloaded Samantha Brown's Disney holiday special from itunes, and everyone looked so bundled up! Even in the middle of the afternoons some of the people were wearing big winter coats. I figured it wouldn't hurt to be prepared in case I needed them. I can wear shorts in fairly cool temps, but when my hands get cold I get cranky. I may have to bring something for my ears too just in case. If it's cool and windy I get ear aches pretty easily.

That might just be southerners for you...it drops into the 60s, and they are bundled up like it's the artic tundra.

We have an engineer working here that is from Louisiana. He has his winter jacket on most days when it is 58 degrees out. Last year for wintertime, he bought himself the "best jacket money can buy", an artic explorer jacket that they supposedly use in the ice stations of the poles. He was walking around all zipped up, while I didn't even have my regular coat zipped up.

I do agree it is right to be prepared...I just wasn't thinking gloves. However, the good thing about flying OUT of Buffalo is that we will have to have winter clothing on to go to the airport...we won't need to pack it, it will be with us on the plane!
I just finished reading your last trip report (for some reason I couldn't respond to it... ???) Anyway, I am sorry your SIL father caused so much stress. We're travelling with my mum this year and I am a little weary to be honest, because she is also staying in our room. It could be heaven... but it could also be hell. Luckily my mum thinks the same way and we agreed that if we don't get along, to spend some extra cash and get her a room of her own.

You wrote you were scared that there won't be anymore family trips? Why not leave one person behind next time? If he doesn't enjoy it anyway?

Anyway, I am going to start reading your PTR now :rotfl:
Hon, you have quite a talent, those gloves are beautiful!

I didn't know that Athleta had bra cup sizing!!!! Do you know how unbelievably excited I am about this? I mean, I don't want to go into detail but let's just say that pre-pregnancy body and post-pregnancy body are two different things, and although I love my Disney Store Mickey Mouse skirtini, well, the thought of having support??? WOOT!!!! :goodvibes

Hope that's not tmi. :rolleyes1

Anyhoo, doesn't it make it more exciting just listing everything out like that? Your trip is getting soooo close!!! :goodvibes
I just finished reading your last trip report (for some reason I couldn't respond to it... ???) Anyway, I am sorry your SIL father caused so much stress. We're travelling with my mum this year and I am a little weary to be honest, because she is also staying in our room. It could be heaven... but it could also be hell. Luckily my mum thinks the same way and we agreed that if we don't get along, to spend some extra cash and get her a room of her own.

You wrote you were scared that there won't be anymore family trips? Why not leave one person behind next time? If he doesn't enjoy it anyway?

Anyway, I am going to start reading your PTR now :rotfl:

Thanks for joining in! I think they probably closed my old trip report down. It was a wonderful trip, but my parents and I were all thrilled that we weren't staying at the same place as my SIL's dad. I don't even want to imagine how irritated I would have been if I had to live in the same house as him for the entire week. :scared1:

We did have a mini family vacation this year without him. My brother and SIL bought a vacation home, and it isn't quite big enough for all of us. It was wonderful getting to spend the time with my nieces without him. We had been talking about a cruise last year before the vacation, but I think it will be much harder to get rid of him for a trip like that.

Hon, you have quite a talent, those gloves are beautiful!

I didn't know that Athleta had bra cup sizing!!!! Do you know how unbelievably excited I am about this? I mean, I don't want to go into detail but let's just say that pre-pregnancy body and post-pregnancy body are two different things, and although I love my Disney Store Mickey Mouse skirtini, well, the thought of having support??? WOOT!!!! :goodvibes

Hope that's not tmi. :rolleyes1

Anyhoo, doesn't it make it more exciting just listing everything out like that? Your trip is getting soooo close!!! :goodvibes

Definitely not tmi. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out that they carried bra cup sizing. The fact that I'm no longer 21 is catching up with me even though I have no kids. I'm always amazed at how difficult suits like that are to find. They even have long torso sizes with bra cup sizing. I've never found those before. I finally got around to trying the suit on this weekend and am so happy. :love: It still shows a bit more skin than I'm used to, but that's one of my little issues I need to get over.

The calendar I made is had been a godsend so far. I just know I would have forgotten something without it. I'm not normally so listy, but this trip it's working wonders for keeping me sane.

11 more days!!!!!!!!:dance3:

It still doesn't seem possible! I think once Thanksgiving is over the realilty of my vacation is really going to hit me hard.
Oh, you sassy skin showing gal, you! ;)

I'm just so glad you posted about the swimsuits. I'm going to have to check it out.
:woohoo: Woo Hoo! I'm nearly down to the single digit dance. I'm starting to get pretty excited about my upcoming trip. I've been a bit overwhelmed with holiday plans, but I'm hoping once Thanksgiving is over I'll be able to focus on my trip. Last Friday I actually had a bit of Disney to my day. My parents came in to the city and my mom belated treated my father and I to a birthday dinner at Alfredos. Yum!! I forgot how much I miss Alfredo's from Epcot. Our waiter was wonderful, and used to work at the Alfredo's in Epcot. He definitely still had that Disney attitude, and brought my father out a special gold fork and spoon to eat his fettuccini alfredo with. Afterwards my mom took us to see the Broadway show "Rock of Ages." Hands down one of the most fun shows I've seen on Broadway. Not a deep or meaningful musical in anyway, but so much fun. I couldn't help but sing along with all of the 80's songs. I've never seen the show American Idol, but the star of the show, Constantine, had been on Idol. He had an amazing voice. It was definitely a good pick.

I think I've picked up just about everything I needed for the trip. I have a few odds and ends I need to pick up, but nothing major. A quick trip to the drug store should take care of that. I do need to iron though, a job I truly detest. I'm hoping to do a bit of that tonight.

I hadn't been planning on following any kind of touring plan, but I started to think a bit better of that.


Laminated touring plans. I figured that I was better off having them. I usually like to start the day following them, and then alter them, or drop them completely as needed. The UG plans haven't steered me wrong yet. I like thinking of them as my security blanket.

And while I was laminating, I couldn't help but laminate a few of these as well.


So my to-do list before I leave:

Make list and purchase last few items for trip
Iron Clothes for Trip (Ugh!)
Load Ipod for trip
Bake/Cook for Holidays
Put up Christmas Decorations
Do Christmas Cards
Get some more Christmas shopping done - Really don't want to have to come home to deal with shopping
Get cash for trip
Make dinner reservation for girls day in the city for later in December.
Have mail held at post office for week of vacation
Arrange for online bill payment of December bills

The good thing is that I have Friday off from my part time job, and at least half of Saturday as well. (The morning half). I may have to work at night, but I should be able to get the decorations up. I still am debating over how many of the decorations to put up. I'm just not feeling the urge yet. I swear working kills all Christmasy impulses I have. The only time in recent years I was really into the Christmas spirit was the year I was out of work, and had the time to just enjoy the little things. When I'm working I feel so rushed, and my good tidings go right out the window.
You know what, I totally want to comment on the almost single digit dance, but I am blinded by jealousy!

Not for the trip, oh no...you ate at Alfredo's!!!!! I miss that fettucine so much, I can't even tell you. What a seriously nice way to have some Disney in your day. :goodvibes
You know, I don't think I've said this before...but I think your signature name is fantastic...very clever use of an old ride name, but the image the name gives (to those of us old enough to remember) that Disney gives you wings.

"IF you had wings
You could do these things.
If you had wings"

Just great.
There's just something I love about laminating! I don't know what it is! :rotfl:

The DIS tags look great and hurray for the single digit dance!!! :banana:
I too am on the verge of single digit dancing... we'll get there!!! :cool1: My single digits start Saturday - you?
You know what, I totally want to comment on the almost single digit dance, but I am blinded by jealousy!

Not for the trip, oh no...you ate at Alfredo's!!!!! I miss that fettucine so much, I can't even tell you. What a seriously nice way to have some Disney in your day. :goodvibes

It's actually about a week away from my office. I love going with my family because while I love it, I can't eat much before I'm stuffed. I go with them, they order it, and I pick off their plates. :rotfl:

The waiter was really wonderful. He really made us feel like we were in Disney.

You know, I don't think I've said this before...but I think your signature name is fantastic...very clever use of an old ride name, but the image the name gives (to those of us old enough to remember) that Disney gives you wings.

"IF you had wings
You could do these things.
If you had wings"

Just great.

Thank you! It used to be my favorite ride. I have so many wonderful memories of riding it repeatedly with my mom while my dad and brother rode Space Mountain. The song really made the ride. For me it was never the same once Eastern went out of business and they got ride of the song.

There's just something I love about laminating! I don't know what it is! :rotfl:

The DIS tags look great and hurray for the single digit dance!!! :banana:

I love laminating too. I think I need my own laminator.

I too am on the verge of single digit dancing... we'll get there!!! :cool1: My single digits start Saturday - you?

It's so exciting isn't it? I hit single digits at midnight. :banana:
I'm all caught up!

I love the fingerless gloves; it will definitely be handly in case of a cold blast (one never knows) and you can still text! LOL!

I love the Mickey heads laminated. I have a bunch of them I need to do something crafty with. I think my sis has one. Hmmm......

I know what you mean about going solo some. I will be solo mainly but will have people with me some of the time, but they have other rooms to go too. :thumbsup2 The best of both worlds.

I haven't done much with touring plans since I made the ADRS but I am planning to check out Touringplan.com and do a RideMax schedule, more for an idea of how/what/where. I didn't think to laminate it though.

Are you actually packed packed? I did bring my suitcase up? :lmao:
Got your Disney on, eh?? LOVE IT!! I'd give my little pinky toe, well, maybe not, but a lot of money to see a Broadway anything right now! NICE!

Fun evening with the family too. Can't think of a nicer way to have a belated birthday.

Don't sweat the decorations. You'll get plenty of that at Disney, and it will be less stress on you, than having to worry about "did I put enough up?". Really, get the bills paid, shop the travel aisle and be off!:cool1:
I have such a crush on Constantine. He's a cutie.

I love your Lime Green Mickey Heads, they are very nice.
I'm all caught up!

I know what you mean about going solo some. I will be solo mainly but will have people with me some of the time, but they have other rooms to go too. :thumbsup2 The best of both worlds.

I haven't done much with touring plans since I made the ADRS but I am planning to check out Touringplan.com and do a RideMax schedule, more for an idea of how/what/where. I didn't think to laminate it though.

Are you actually packed packed? I did bring my suitcase up? :lmao:

Not packed yet, but once I get the ironing done I'll be all set to pack.

My brother gave me the laminating idea. Last year when we took our family trip he didn't laminate but covered all our plans with heavy dute clear packing tape. I think I like his way a bit better. The plans are still protected, but much more pliable.

I'm hoping this trip turns out to be a good balance. I'm really feeling the need to a little alone time thse days.

Got your Disney on, eh?? LOVE IT!! I'd give my little pinky toe, well, maybe not, but a lot of money to see a Broadway anything right now! NICE!

Fun evening with the family too. Can't think of a nicer way to have a belated birthday.

Don't sweat the decorations. You'll get plenty of that at Disney, and it will be less stress on you, than having to worry about "did I put enough up?". Really, get the bills paid, shop the travel aisle and be off!:cool1:

This year I made it my goal to take advantage of working in NYC, and to see more shows. We've taken the nieces a few times this year and had a wonderful time. I think we've all pretty much decided that it's so much nicer to spend time together, than to buy each other stuff that we don't really need.

The decorations are really going to depend on how I feel over the next few days. Right now all I want is to crawl into my bed for about a week.

I have such a crush on Constantine. He's a cutie.

I love your Lime Green Mickey Heads, they are very nice.

He was a cutie. I can't believe that I had never seen him before.

You lucky dog!!! SINGLE DIGIT DANCE TIME!!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:



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