Long Live the Boa Brigade!!

You looked marvelous Olbear. In fact all of the boa brigade looked marvelous.
Hi Lisa,

I hope you will join the Boa Brigade......................and Raul at future events. Just trying to make things a lot more fun for everyone at the events.
I wanted to meet you, but never got a chance I even had Cuban coffee with me:p

Now more than ever we gotta meet cause we keep missing each other like lone pintraders in the night.:rolleyes:

So whens your next trip up????
I'm so jealous -- I want to come to an event and wear a boa and join the brigade!!!
I did have a proxy at the MGM event (thanks to ismetoo and her wonderful family), maybe I should have gotten a boa to wear here at home that day (wonder what the family would have thought -- I'm not exactly the flashy type, they would have thought I had gone off the deep end) or should I have sent a boa to my proxy (Lauree's husband) to wear for me!
Even our members that can't go..wear theirs in support at home...

It was so funny, where ever we walked..people were walking by saying"Hello there Boa Brigade"
It was neat that so many people knew about us.. I wish I'd thought about putting a boa on Malcolm
that would have been a sight...I mean if his Father-in-law can wear a red wig, and boa..wouldn't you think???

Well for the next event we are working on getting him into a loin cloth (LOL) (sorry)..and a boa...these pictures would
be priceless...

So Cherry..can we say that you are now a Boa wearing member...Dahling???


VERY Proud Member Of The Boa Brigade.......and Raul's much better half (19 yrs yesterday) and mother of a DD who
doesn't fall very far from the tree.....plop!!....
Thanks, Donna -- count me in, Dahling! I'll just be an at-home boa brigade member until I can make it down there! Now to find the closest boa store. I think I should have a red one, considering my name.
We got some at Party City, Michaels, and the Disney Store..they have them on sale..

Good Luck....and Welcome to our newest Member

Hello Boa Brigade!

Were still searching for the *perfect * boa.

Cross your fingers ya'll! LoL!!! :bounce:

Cherry!!! My bestest Cheerleader buddie!!! How cool that you are now a part of our Boa Brigade!!! Welcome to the club GF!!!!:D
Guys it wouldn't be very nice to put Malcom in a loin cloth! Not when I have to spend the evening with him!
We are getting ready for the AK event!!

Boa attire? We have our special lime green
DS shirt being sent to us from Illinois!!!
(Thanks Perdita hehe :) ) They were
not at our 2 stores. I think Michelle ended
up finding them at the Pembroke Pines

So, we are planning the lime green mickey
shirt with our white boa? Are we missing
any other ideas??

Looking forward for the event!!!

Dana :)

P.S.: Then start thinking for the CRUISE BOA ATTIRE!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :pinkbounc
Hmm... now let's see...
First: Folks, let me apologize for my oldest daughter, who's blonde, and can't spell her loving daddy's name.
It's okay, Pumpkin. Daddy still loves you. <sigh>

Second: It's loin APRON.
Hey gang, I think that Raul might have had something with that 'James Bond' idea. Shouldn't he be a "Secret Pin Agent" with a "License to Trade", or something? Preferred weapon? Walthers PPK Boa - Green, of course.

Naturally, we need to rehash some of the old lines, like "The name's Boy. Pin Boy."

So come on, lend a hand with some creative ideas.
Crystal takes after her lovely grandmother....Who is verry inteligent and hopes for world peace..

and Loin Apron?????for you maybe...

And for Dana....you forgot the white socks...


Proud Member Of The Boa Brigade.....and Rauls' Much Better Half..and DM of the daughter who didn't
fall far from the tree....plop!! and Malcolm in a Loin Apron..HAHAHAHAHAHA
Apparently I'm not the only one who hasn't fallen far from the tree...

Hmmmmmm, Crystal can't spell, *Nanny* can't spell....

Does anybody see a theme?
I think Rauls' favorite JB movie is "Pins Are Forever"

You guys are a riot!

And nope spelling bee champion family oh mine... my favorite is On Hers Majesties pin service. Or From Russia with pins.

you all make me so proud. :p
I must say I think the Bond idea is beyond GREAT!!

How about Live or Let Trade?

Ok, it was a try!!! You all did not leave us with to much......

Where is Michelle? She will definitely (how was my spelling?)
have us laughing!!!

Dana :)

P.S.: White Socks? I think I am on the hunt for lime green
leopard socks.... :)

:bounce: We can't wait!!!


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