lola's adventure:from couch to 1/2 marathon!!!

Good to see you are back at it Lola! And I hope you enjoy your cruise.

Good luck with the 10 mile run-I bet you will do great!
Hi Vern, Thanks for stopping by :)

I ran for 30 min last night at 5mph.

B: Sandwich thin with RF PB
S: Capuccino
L: LC Chicken carbonara
S: almonds, orange
D: veal tortillini
S: SC ice cream sandwich

For some reason I was really hungery all yesterday afternoon.

I made it to WW for weigh in last night. Dropped 1 lb for the week which I guess is pretty good since I didn't eat that well while I was up in Philly

Starting weight: 244
Current weight: 189.8
Loss for the week: 1 lb
Total loss: 54.2 lbs

I've lost 5.2 of the 7.8 lbs I gained while being "off plan". Goal is still to loose the other 2.6 before the end of the month or at least before I leave on my cruise 5/7.
Ran 2 miles last night at 5mph then walked 1 at 3.5 mph. I really need to motivate to do a long run this week but I just haven't had the energy.

B: sandwich thin with RF PB
S: Capaccino
L: LC Chicken carbonara
S: bag of trail mix
D: spinich salad with chicken breast and vinigrette
S: SC ice cream sandwich

Feeling tired again today. I may rest tonight or do another short run. I think I'm going to aim for friday night for my long run which will be 9 or 10 miles.
No run last night. I'm trying to gear up to do a longer run tonight. I should be 9 or 10 miles but I'd be happy to squeeze in 7 or 8.

Food yesterday
B: sandwich thin with RF peanut butter
S: Cappuccino
L: LC Chicken carbonara and and orange
S: Chocolate cupcake :-)scared1: I know I know... but it was really good)
D: rotissere chicken breast and string beans
Hi Lola-not sure where you live but this weather around here is enough not to motivate anyone.

I guess it can always be worse I should be happy with just clouds and rain.

When is your cruise I can't seem to find the post?

If it is soon don't get rundown and so exhausted you end up sick before sail away that would stink.

Linda; the weather is yucky here too this weekend. I will be treadmill running anyway. I hope thing clear up where you are soon. We could all use some more beautiful Spring time sunshine. We leave on the cruise May 7th. My 10 mile race is May 1st so I should have a few days to take it easy and rest up before we leave.

I didn't run last night. I got out of work late and just crashed. The unit has been pretty busy today so the time has gone by quickly. Not sure if I will get a long run in tonight but I'd like to at least get in 20-30min. It's starting to look like I won't get another long run before the May 1st race. I'm nervous that I'm a bit under trained for this one but at this point it is what it is. Work is just killer at the moment.

Food yesterday:
B: sandwich thin with RF PB
S: Capuccino
L: LC chickne and red pepper pita (yuck...first and last time for that one)
S: almonds and an orange
D: Raisen bran with skim milk. (my family is away and I was just to tired too bother making anything else)
S: SC ice cream sandwich.
I did my 10 mile long run last night after work. I was exhausted and I ache today but I'm so glad I got it done. I did 3:2 min intervals of run (5mph): walk (3.5 mph). No run today.

Yesterday was busy at work and it was a odd an junk filled eatting day. I just couldn't seem to make time for a real meal:

B: sandwich thin with PB
S: Capuccino
L: rasberry scone that some one brought in to the break room
S: A cadberry egg (it is Easter after all :))
D: Rasin Bran cereal with skim milk x 2 bowels (this is all I had the energy to make after 14 hours at work and the 10 mile run)

Today is another long day at work and the eatting has not been great. Just too much junk in the break room. I guess we all try to compensate for missing the holiday by stuffing our faces all day. Ugh.
No run last night. I will try to do 2-3 miles tonight after DD is in bed. Food over the last couple of days has been hit or miss. Nothing really terrible. The scale at home has been steady or even up a lb or two. It is fustration since I haven't really "cheated." I guess I'm on a plateau. No WW weigh in this week as the work schedule won't allow it.

Food Sunday:
B: sandwich thin with RF PB
L: Snaked on jelly beans and DD munchkins (pathetic... I know)
D: Veggie burger with cheese and advacado and sweet potato chips

Food Monday:
B: sandwich thin with RF PB
S: Cappucino
L: Graham Crackers (they're back...:scared1:)
D: roasted peper soup
S: SC ice cream sandwich

DH and DD are home after being away for 4 days to visit his mom for Easter. I'm very happy to see them.
Sorry Lola it has been so rough for you
I can't imagine working those hours.It sounds like you are in the ICU or something.I work 2-10 hr days and at the end of the day I feel like I have been hit by a truck-but you go home and run! WOW I am very impressed!

Keep up the good work
Good luck on your race this weekend!:cheer2:

Your cruise is so close! I bet you're getting excited! :cool1:

Have a great day today!:hug:
Hi Linda, thanks for the support. :) I am in the ICU and we are short a physican so the hours are ridiculous this year. Hopefully next year will be better.

Thanks Tracy. I am not as ready for the race as I wanted to be but it should still be fun and it will give me a chance to see many of my Philly friends. The cruise is just around the corner and I can not wait!.... just have to find time to pack :scared1:

I ran 3 miles last night at 5mph. Will try to do another 3 tonight.

The food over the last 2 days has been rotten. In fact I gorged on a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's last night :scared1: I'm just not feeling the whole diet thing at the moment and I guess I was demotivated by the scale moving in the wrong direction while I was being "good". I will try to do better tomorrow!!
Ben and Jerry's oh that is so easy to do.Not too long ago I discovered Pistachio ice cream and let me say they have the best and it goes down a pint at a time-oh my!!!

Have a great weekend
First the good news:
I completed the 10 mile broad street run on Saturday morning. My overall pace was 13:04 min/mile. Yes, I know how slow that is to most people but for me it is about the best I could expect given how I trained. I really was sort of half hearted about this race and didn't go in with a clear plan. I ended up runing the first mile then took a 2 min walk break. For most of the race I did 5-7 min run segments with 2 min walk intervals. I had a lot of problems with my stomach between mile 6-8 and I had to stop to use the porta-potties 3 times... yikes....:scared1: Not good.

All in all I got my medal and was happy.

Now the bad news:
I spent the rest of the weekned with my g-ma who has been sick for about a month. I helped my mother transition her to hospice on Sunday. It is a very hard time for my family. G-ma and I are very close (she raised me) and although I'd like to be strong for my mom, I'm struggling. I'm supposed to leave for the Disney Cruise on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about going as I think g-ma will likely pass away this week or next. I have said good bye but I would still like to be with her and my mom when it happens. On the other hand I have really been neglecting my DD lately between work and flying home to be with my mom/gma. I know she is so looking forward to the trip and I can't see letting her down.

I've always been a stress eater and this time is no exception. I've just been really binge eatting. I just flew back to NC this AM and had to get straight to work so I haven't been back on the scale yet. I think I will let my self off the hook for the diet for a little while and get back on when this whole thing is over. I plan to start training for the full marathon in June so hopefully that will help pull everything together.
So sorry to hear what you are going through.Prayers for your Grandma.You have a tough decision to make.

Don't worry about the stress eating, it is a hard time to focus on that right now- the scale will wait too.

Good job on the race

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. :sad1: Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. :grouphug:
We are back from our first Disney Cruise!! It was amazing, our family had so much fun. I am already looking at booking for next year! I did eat like a piggy all week long and packed on about 7 lbs in 7 days :scared1: I've been "good" from the diet point of view since getting back and I've already taken off 4 lbs. I've been lax on my running since doing the broad street. My plan is to take it easy for the rest of the month and then pick it up when I start my full marathon training on June 1st.

G-ma is still in hospice. She was eatting/drinking a little bit each day until 2 days ago. Now she is mostly unresponsive. It is hard to say goodbye but our family is at peace with the fact that it is her time. We all just want her to be comfortable, and she appears to be, so we are greatful for that. Thank you for you kind thoughts and prayers for my family.
G-ma died 2 nights ago. It hurts that she is gone but in many ways I am releaved that she is not suffering anymore. I've been a little emotional lately which has lead to bad eatting and little exercise. We will have the services this weekend and then I am committed to moving on.

My full marathon training program starts 6/1 and I'm ready to take it on!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, Lola. :sad1: Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. :grouphug:


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