Live-ish TR WDW/DC/NYC/DL- now with photos!

Sorry your little one is sick :( What a thrill being the opening family for BB though!

Enjoy your last day.
Loving reading about your trip. Glad to hear your boy is feeling better,enjoy your last moments there!
So we started yesterday at UIoA We were there just after park open and walked onto Spiderman which had been a 45 min wait when we went two days previously.
WOWWW! This could be a new favourite ride!! 4D, fast but not too spinny and no upside down bits. We all loved it and immediately rode it again with no wait.
Then we hopped over to Universal Studios Florida or whatever the official name of the other park is... The boys did the Rip Ride Rockit coaster twice with no wait, which they said was good but still not quite as good as California Screamin. Then we rode The Revenge of the Mummy, which is fun but a bit sicky for me. Next it was ET which is pretty cute- you ride on "bikes", and The Simpsons ride, which we love as we are big fans of the show.

We loitered in The Simpsons shop for a while laughing at stuff they have (a sign in the shop "C'mon! if you opened a shop I'd buy your junk,") and bought a couple things. The ride is fun if you know all the show references, but it is another slightly sicky one for me...
Finally we rode Men In Black which is a 'shoot the aliens' kind of thing, a bit like Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.
Then we were done with that park and time to head BACK to UIoA to check out WWoHP one last time.
DH and oldest rode FJ while DS10 and I bought gifts at Honeydukes: Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans (watch out for the ear wax ones!) and chocolate frogs.

The FJ riders came back after a 30 minute queue and reported they got snowed on in line! Apparently Harry or someone casts a spell and gets it wrong and makes it snow. Real cold, wet snow cool is that..!
It was very hot and humid yesterday so snow would have been pleasant. I don't know how people can tour parks in summer here, it would be impossible for us!
We went to The Three Broomsticks for lunch, which was quite reasonable price and food-wise: two servings of Cornish pasties and salad, one ribs platter and one kid's chicken strips, plus three butter beers was only $50. The cornish pasties were pretty good- they must have had a UK expert doing the food development as I wouldn't expect many Americans would know a Cornish pastie!
We said goodbye to Harry after that and wandered back through the heat to Seussville, which is super cute theming, and took some pics, and then staggered through the humidity to the car, and home for a swim and a nap.

For dinner, we went to Cracker Barrel, another US chain we remembered from our road trip 20-odd years ago! It is "down home" country cooking, and had a general store cum gift shop attached. If you want to try southern style home cooking, with lots of "sides" that you wont find at home (turnip greens, pinto beans) we recommend it. Extremely good value too, just $39 for the 4 of us to have three adult mains and sides, one kids meal and four sodas. The mains included fried catfish, chicken fried steak and chicken and biscuits- all pretty good. They had a "light" menu too, if you want to steer clear of the frying, and with all the sides, we actually got a decent helping of vegetables for a change!
Great update.

That's the first time I've read of snow in the FJ line. I wonder how often they do that? It sounds cool.
Massive day today: I have seen threads on the Dis sometimes about doing four parks in one day, and thought " crazy people..." Today we joined the crazies! We did Epcot, MK, Wilderness Lodge for lunch, AK and ended the night with Disney Quest (kids) and a well-earned margarita at the House of Blues ( us!)
Up early to pack and catch our flight to DC, so will try and post the details then.
Nice, cool, quiet museums of Washington, here we come....
Saskiwi, we were snowed on in the HP Forbidden Journey queue too. It was lovely and I tried to take photos but only we know what the bits in the air are in them! I thought it happened all the time and had no idea we had been lucky.

I wish I'd ridden Spiderman. Our girls did with some of our extended family but we came past it at the end of our long day at IOA and after nearly 2 weeks of theme parks so DH and I were just over doing rides at that point. However, ever since, I keep hearing how good it is!
Glad you enjoyed universal. My kids still talk about potter world , Spider-Man ride ( very transformer ride in LA like) in glowing terms . They still talk about men in black in the same way as the lilo and stitch ride at wdw too- overrated and boring! Can never please some people.
Sorry folks, its been a busy couple of days in DC. Somany great free museums, so little time...
I was wrong about the cool, quiet part though..its been just about as hot and humid as Florida and it is "end of the school year field trip" time- so every museum is swarming with giant school groups!

But before I get onto DC, a couple of things about our last WDW day: we started by parking at MK and then catching the monorail to Epcot. The boys rode Mission Space and couple more times and we did Soarin' to see if it was the same as DCA (yup- identical!)
We bought a cute little kids spaceman helmet for our nephew at the Mission Space store and then caught the boat to Germany to try out some treats from Karamelle Kuche. The caramel corn was tasty but a bit soft, but the caramel slice thing (not its actual name, funnily enough) was great.
We rode the Gran Fiesta tour ride in Mexico again and stopped off in Norway for a couple of sandwiches and another school bread for lunch. We really enjoyed the wholegrain bread they used at the Kringla bakery, as it seems hard to find that sort of bread in the US supermarkets. In fact, we all decided Norway was our favourite Epcot land - the boys love the Vikings, I love the wooden church, the flower garden on the roof of the cafe, and of course, the school bread......

By now it was super hot and humid. Apparently it gets really bad right before the rainy season in Florida, a couple of people told us, and they hadn't had a decent rainfall for a while, so they were over-due.
As we were heading out, we timed it just right to gt pics with Mickey and Pluto:

We got on the monorail to MK, but it was heaving with people, so we just managed to catch Carousel of Progress, Mickeys Philharmagic and Space Mountain before we decided it was time for a break.

I had cancelled our dinner ADR at Whispering Canyon, but we were still keen to check out the Wilderness Lodge, so we drove over there and the security guard was nice enough to let us park, despite not having a reservation- we promised we would only be an hour. We had a good cheese steak flatbread at the Roaring Fork and had a look around the lobby, which is a bit like the GCH but more rustic- very cute detailing and great lamps. We were having a walk around the grounds when it started raining with thunder and lightening, so we headed back to the car and decided we still had enough energy to do one final visit to AK!

People were pouring out of the park when we got there, as it was 5.30 and still raining. But we poncho-ed up and headed in. It was SO great seeing the park without a zillion people around, and the rain had cooled things down a lot. It is a beautiful park with all the greenery. We watched the monkeys while we waited for the rides to reopen. A CM told us the top of Everest is metal and has been hit by lightening several times, so they have to wait for any storms to be at least 6 miles away before they can reopen the ride!

Eventually though, they did, and the boys were able to walk straight on and ride Everest twice, back to back with no wait. Then we went and walked the Maharani trail and saw the tigers and exotic birds. All the vegetation was looking gorgeous after the rain, especially tropical and jungle-like. We also saw A Bugs Life, which is identical to the DCA show, but worth checking out as you get to look at all the Tree of Life animals close up as you enter.

Rainbow over Everest!!

It was getting on for park closing time, so we headed to DTD for a final hour at Disney Quest. After checking the boys in, DH and I found a table on the patio at the House of Blues opposite DQ, and had a margarita to mark the end of our WDW stage of the holiday!

Next morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast before heading the the airport. Again, really good and cheap and lovely friendly servers-definitely one to try if you aren't on the Disney Dining Plan.

Our JetBlue flight to DC got in around 3pm after a bit of a delay due to a storm. Very impressed with JetBlue- massive amounts of legroom, free drinks and snacks and one free checked bag- plus they were the cheapest fare!
We have rented a small apartment near Union Station that I found through TripAdvisor, walking distance to the Mall monuments and Smithsonian Museums. It is small but has everything you need and is a great location.

So far we have visited the Library of Congress, which has an amazing ornate interior, Air and Space Museum (boys did this while I geeked out at the L of C), Natural History Museum and museum of the American Indian, plus the Lincoln Memorial and Vietnam Memorial. Today we also spent several hours at the American History Museum, which has cool stuff like Dorothy's ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. We had a great dinner at the Old Ebbert Grill, near the White House, which I would recommend. Lots of history, classy and very buzzy and good American food at not too crazy prices.

Tomorrow we are booked on a tour of The US Capitol and will try and squeeze in an art museum before we jump on our train to NYC at 4pm! Phew.....

Preparing to geek out - on the steps of the Library of Congress

The Capitol
You guys sure are cramming a lot into your holiday - I like your style :)

Are the boys really enjoying Washington? It's high on my list of things I'd like to see on our Big Trip.
So have put Cracker Barrel on our list of eateries in Arizona, thanks Saskiwi:thumbsup2 .It's funny, I had never heard of them until you mentioned the name earlier on in this trip report. And then yesterday I was reading the lastest Jack Reacher novel, and he mentioned the restaurants in there! Think we will go the Flagstaff one, or maybe one in Phoenix.
Caroline NZ said:
So have put Cracker Barrel on our list of eateries in Arizona, thanks Saskiwi:thumbsup2 .It's funny, I had never heard of them until you mentioned the name earlier on in this trip report. And then yesterday I was reading the lastest Jack Reacher novel, and he mentioned the restaurants in there! Think we will go the Flagstaff one, or maybe one in Phoenix.

They are a real slice of the "other America " that we don't really see so much of on tv in NZ/Oz- small towns in the midwest or southern states, where country music and religious stations are all you'll find on your car radio as you drive through... Nice folks and good food, and I can even handle a little country music now and then!
So we managed to avoid most of the mega school field trip groups today, both at the US Capitol and the National Art Gallery- and it has cooled down a lot, almost jacket weather today, so much easier for us over-heated Kiwis!
The tour of the Capitol is free and worth doing if you are interested in US history and government. it is a very impressive building inside as well, and filled with statues. The guide explained each state is allowed two statues at any time, and it is up to them to decide who they are of. One of Florida's two statues is the man who invented air conditioning! We laughed at that one. They have just added a new national statue of Rosa Parks, the black woman who kicked off the civil rights movement by refusing to move to the "back of the bus". She is the only woman to have been allowed to lie in state in The Capitol after she died in 2005. Usually it is only presidents who are given that honour- see how educational the tour was?? Lol...

Rosa Parks

Mr Obama's place.

Next we hoofed it over to the National Art Gallery, which seemed really empty after the busy museums of the previous days. We gave the kids a crash course in the last 600 years of Western art history: they have some great works there and it was a bit mind-blowing seeing them all in a couple of hours.

Van Gogh selfie

We are now waiting at Union Station (another amazing Washington mega-classical structure) it is currently getting a big makeover but is full of good shops and lots of dining options, plus a food court with all the usual suspects, so is an easy spot to kill a couple of wifi too!
Such great detail in your TR. I've got a fresh bowl of popcorn and I'm ready and waiting for your next instalment.
New York and the craziness just keeps on coming.... We have been allover in the past three days, concentrating on midtown where we are staying (Radisson Martinique on W32nd and Broadway. Great location right above two subway lines so very handy) We got week long Metrocards and have been catching the subway everywhere.
Also got CityPasses which you can buy online and get you into several museums, Empire State Bldg etc.
yesterday we did a Circle Line cruise, which was a nice way to take the weight off our feet for two hours as we sailed down past the Statue of Liberty and under the Brooklyn Bridge etc. It was also included in the Citypass.
We then walked over the Brooklyn Bridge and met some friends for pizza at Juliana's which is next to Grimaldis and owned by different branches of the same family. It was pretty good but not as crispy as we like our pizza base to be.
They are renovating the Brooklyn waterfront into a big park, so its a nice spot to sit and watch New Yorkers taking it easy. it was Memorial Day holiday yesterday, so it was super busy, as everyone had the day off.
The weather has been all over the place. It was FREEZING when we arrived and for our first day, raining and a strong cold wind, reminded me of Wellington in a winter southerly!
Luckily I had packed one merino top to wear when we came home to Christchurch (snow there at present we hear!) so that just kept me warm enough. then yesterday was lovely but today it is raining again, and tomorrow is supposed to be 34!
I feel very under-dressed, schlumping around in my Orlando tourist getup amongst all these snappily dressed Noo Yawk gals..I remember some one (Miss Shuttergal?) saying in their TR how they found themselves going into restaurants and places dressed in jeans and sneakers, that you would never do at home- so true, but that's life as a tourist I guess!
We have enjoyed some casual eats at Shake Shack in Madison Square Park (plus other locations) and also Eataly, which is a mega Italian everything-food emporium with about 6 different dining locations in it. we had good pizza and pasta and then amazing salted caramel gelato there for lunch today. Yesterday we had a great BBQ lunch at Virgil's near Times Square, I think Im getting addicted to pulled pork sandwiches and homemade lemonade.
We had some pretty good everything bagels from Murray's Bagels on 23rd for breakfast, but this morning topped that with the most amazing doughnuts from Doughnut Plant, also on 23rd. OMG...they have the most amazing flavours: Peanut butter and banana custard, creme brulee, Valrhona chocolate... So good. Also, for you old hippies, they are in the bottom of the Chelsea Hotel, where Joni Mitchell wrote her famous song...
We got half price tickets for Rock of Ages at the TKTS booth in Times Square. they were still $75 each, so expensive! It was a fun show though and the boys enjoyed it and all the great songs.
We popped into the MoMA museum of modern art for a couple of hours on Sunday and then spent ages in their fantastic shop where we just wanted to buy everything!
I bought 4 pairs of sandals for $77 at my fave cheapy Payless Shoes today, but otherwise haven't done much shopping yet apart from a few gifty things for friends and family. Our hotel is an excellent location if you are into clothes shopping, as it has all the big names right outside: H and M, Victoria Secret, Gap, Macy's etc etc.
Off to Katzs Deli for dinner tonight and then more museuming and Central Park tomorrow.

Empire State from the Flatiron district - a few blocks from our hotel
Loving the report! What crazy weather you're getting, but it doesn't sound like its slowing you down at all :)


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