Lisa's Journal (Life on the "Beach" - Part 2 all the way to goal!)

Lisa, I'm sending best wishes for your sister. I hope all is well with her.

I am worried about you feeling faint. I looked at your menu for that day and it seemed you were awfully low on calories at lunch. Your body still needs a minimum amount of calories, even if you do not eat whole grains, so please be careful to eat enough at each meal. I'll turn off my Mom-mode now! :p

Keep up the great work, Lisa! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Lisa - Hope your sister is ok!!!! Sounds liek you're reading your body well and eating accordingly. I know you want to get to Onderland and you will. Remember - It's usually the people who lose weight fast that are the one's who gain it back fast! Keep with the lifstyle changes you've been doing and you'll get there! Did you ever think when you started that you'd be where you are right now? Keep up the great work!
Lisa, hope your sister is o.k. I just wanted to post this because I knew you would appreciate it.

I got the new system in today and was reading through the Firm booklet, here is an excerpt of what it says


It is common for many firm users to find that they look and feel better, and their clothes fit better, yet their weight on the scale has remained the same or even increased. As you lose fat, gain muscle, and look slimmer, you may weigh the same or more because muscle is denser (and weighs more) than fat. In effect you are losing body fat and gaining muscle--which is exactly what you want. We recommend that you go by how you look and feel, and how your slothes feel, and don't be concerned with what the scale says. In fact, we recommend that you throw out your scale. YES, THROW OUT YOUR SCALE. How much you weigh is not as important as how you look and feel in your clothes!! Would you rather be a 135-lb size 8 or a 135-lb size 12??? We recommend that you take your measurements, since you will see a decrease in your measurements in the hips, thighs, waist and arms much sooner than you will see "weight" loss!!

I thought about our challenge and how we had to throw the scale out. Now if my head could just remember that scale weight doesn't matter, I would be happy:teeth:
Prayers and good wishes for your sister.....:sunny: :sunny:

Hope all is well

When you are under this much stress realize that your body will react differently and sometime you have to feed it more for energy.

Keeping good thoughts.

Have a Disney Day!!::MickeyMo
August 25, 2004 (Wednesday) Day 270 on the Beach

Here is today's menu:
B: 1/2 bowl of ww cereal, 2 small sausage patties and 2 scrambled eggs with a slice oflf cheese
S: 10 whole almonds
L: grilled chicken salad with ranch dressing
S: no afternoon snack - still full from lunch
D: 1 boneless pork chop (fried in canola oil and dusted with ww flour), 1/2 cup of long grain converted rice and broccoli with cheesesauce with sugar free chocolate/vanilla pudding for dessert

Exercise: I did Firm BSS1 body sculpt (upper body) this morning for my work out.

August 26, 2004 (Thursday) Day 271 on the Beach

Anyway here is my menu for today:
B: 1/2 bowl of whole wheat cereal, 3 slices of bacon and 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of lf cheese
S: 10 whole almonds
L: thin slices of deli chicken on 2 slices of whole wheat bread with mayo, lettuce, tomato and a slices of lf cheese with a diet soda
S: Dannon light and fit peach yogurt (4 oz.)
D: grilled sirloin bacon cheeseburger on a bed of lettuce and tomato with some sugar free chocolate/vanilla pudding for dessert

Exercise: I did Firm cardio sculpt blaster for my workout this morning.

Thanks so much to everyone for being concerned for my sister. I can't go into the details but she made a very unwise decision and put her life in danger. She is so young (just 13) and what she did was extremely foolish and unfortunately, it is something that even though the physical part can be treated with medicine, the emotional and mental part will last a long long time. We've been spending a lot of time together over the past few days and I hope sharing some of my past experiences with her will help the healing process. Thanks to you each again for your concern. What special people you all are!

Now about me. I was in this big hurry to get to 199 pounds. That is just silly and I realize that now. No, silly isn't the right word. I have to learn to exercise more patience. I will get there and I don't have to practically kill myself to do it. When I started to feel this was a "diet" and not a lifestyle change, I knew I had to put the brakes on Phase 1. I love Phase 2. It's so comfortable here. Yes, it means I'll only lose 1/2 pound to 2 pounds per week but that's just fine. And certainly way better than the opposite. I was closing in on 300 pounds and wearing the largest size Lane Bryant sells. Wanna hear something wonderful? I got a coupon book/flyer from LB yesterday and took such satisfaction in knowing I can't wear their clothes anymore! I told DH about it and just smiled as I left the flyer with the junk mail to be thrown out.

So the next time I get down on myself, I'm going to pull out my smaller "regular" sized clothes and smile. It amazes me how my new clothes take up so much less room in my closet than my LB clothes do. Yes, I said "do". I still haven't gotten rid of the big clothes. It's a little difficult, no it's a lot more difficult to pack them up than I thought it would be. But I will do it and soon.

Amanda - thanks for your concern, for me and my little sis. I really do appreciate it. For me Phase 2 is definitely where I'm more comfortable. One of the main things I have learned on this journey is not to ignore my body when it is trying to tell me something!

Doe - thanks Mom!!! :teeth: You know I view your comments and counsel to me with the utmost respect. I don't think I've ever felt faint before in my life and I definitely did not like that feeling. I will definitely be eating more at lunch. Phase 1 is out for sure. I love Phase 2 eating and even though my loss may not be as fast as I'd like, I am still losing pounds and inches and that's what matters. Thanks again!!

Carrie - thanks for the reminders. I know I'll get to onderland. There is no hurry, it will happen and I don't have to eat like a bird to make it happen. I certainly don't want to gain this weight back either! So slow and steady wins the race. Thanks for the support!

Sheree - how did you know this is just what I needed to hear today? Thanks so much for sharing this information with me! I can't tell you how many people say how "small" or "tiny" I am and think "huh?". I know what the scale says and I know that my weight is still way up there but I guess with the muscle being more dense than fat, I look a lot smaller, hence my being able to wear clothes so many sizes smaller than I thought I could. I think you've just saved my sanity!!!! ::yes:: And you are so right, I'd rather be a 135 pound size 8 than a 135 pound size 12 anyday!!!

chrismiss56 - thanks for checking on me and sending good and sunny thoughts me and my sister's way. I appreciate it!!!!
Dear Lisa, you know me and my "baby steps" mantra! :p Packing up your larger clothes doesn't have to be an all or nothing deal. Maybe you could pack up the things in the largest size only and see how it feels?

Even if you're not ready to let them leave the house, they could still live comfortably in a box, instead of taking up room in your closet. ;)

Lisa, you are so welcome. We are in this thing together. I know sometimes the thoughts that go through my head must go through some of my online buddies,a nd if I can give encouragement to anyone, I will.

Have a great day and keep on wearing those smaller clothes. Start getting rid of the bigger ones. I have nothing left in my closet but 6's and maybe one 8. Why, it's a reminder to myself that I'm not going back there. EVER

August 27, 2004 (Friday) Day 272 on the Beach
August 28, 2004 (Saturday) Day 273 on the Beach
August 29, 2004 (Sunday) Day 274 on the Beach

I have eaten OP each day and exercised with my Firm work out tapes each day.

I have been terrible lately of keeping track daily of my journal. I am honestly considering stopping keeping such close tabs on myself one of these days. I've been toying with the idea quite a bit lately. What makes me hesitant to stop journaling is that I know keeping a journal helps me to stay focused and has definitely contributed to my success. I'm partly afraid that if I stop journaling, I'll gradually start to pick up bad eating habits and won't notice it until I've gained half my weight back.

What I might do is pop in a couple of times a week and post my feelings and any unusual eating situations that come up. I do post on another board where we list our daily meals and I also might start doing so on the SBD thread on the main WISH board and see if I like that instead of the pressure I'm feeling to keep a daily account. I needed it in the beginning, it helped ground and focus me. My eating habits now are pretty automatic and I eat pretty much the same things on a daily basis. I also do the same exercises daily so there isn't always a whole lot to report.

I'll give this new way of journaling a try starting tomorrow for the week of August 30 and see how I like posting just a couple of times per week.

Hi and hugs to Doe and Sheree!

Doe - Thanks for stopping by and encouraging me. Doe, thanks for the advice about the baby steps. I think I could pack up my things, even if I can't quite make the move to actually give them away right now. I do really need to make space for my new things because right now everything is crammed in my closet and it's hard to find anything at all!

Sheree - you are so right in that I don't ever EVER want to go back to wearing large sized clothes. I got a set of coupons in the mail from Lane Bryant and it was nice to throw them away! I don't wear big ladies clothes anymore!!!! That is such a happy and exciting thought and I know I need to make room for all my smaller stuff. Thanks for the advice and encouragement.

Haven't had much time to pop in lately. If journaling is putting extra pressure on you, cut down. You know whether ot not you need it. Try it for a few weeks or a month and evaluate yourself. If there's anything slipping, you can always increase again if you need to. If you need help, there's always the main board too. The weight loss journey is pressure enough. You don't need more.

Take Care!
Hi Lisa!:wave:

I just wanted to stop by and say hello and see how you are doing today. You are doing a fantastic job! I know that you will see Onederland soon!:Pinkbounc

Have a great day!

Hi Lisa,
I know that I will miss you if you decide to not post as often. But that is purely a selfish reason that I don't want you to quit ;). Why not test yourself for a week and see if sporatic posting causes any change in your eating. You have been so successful with your new lifestyle that it has become a lifestyle and not just a diet. That is GREAT news!

Maybe you shouldn't feel pressured to post in your journal everyday but instead just come here and write down how you are feeling. Any achievements, good news, bad days, and of course compliments received!

Whatever you decide make sure it is the best decision for you and don't forget about us here!

Dear Lisa, I've so enjoyed our daily visits via our journals! However, just like baby birds must eventually leave the nest and fly on their own, maybe you also need to have some room to spread your wings and fly more freely, without the daily ritual of journalling. Know that we'll always be here for you, no matter how often. You're one of us, and I'll always feel you walking the daily walk with me, whether you're actively posting daily, weekly or monthly! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Do what is right for you!

Week of September 13, 2004

Hi everyone. It's been a little bit since I've posted to my journal and I wanted to get back here because it's been two weeks and I'm missing journaling. I may not post every day but I will try to get here at least once a week to write down my thoughts. I want to report that I have stayed OP (the cheat free bear is racking up the days and getting close to another 100 days) and work out with my Firm tapes everyday and sometimes twice a day. My water intake could be better and I could definitely stand to eat more veggies. I'm working on that one this week as well as watching my portion size and I'm going to try not to eat after 8:00. That seems to help a lot.

So much has been going on the past couple of weeks but not much with the scale. I am still sitting at 79 pounds. The past few weeks I've been struggling with the scale to get back to my siggie weight. I'm going to try, no I'm NOT going to weigh during the week. There are too many fluxuations that make you crazy when you weigh daily. I will however allow myself to weigh as many times as I want Friday, Saturday and Sunday ;).

I do have some good news to report. I keep a profile on and I did a comparison after 26 days and I have lost 10 inches, 3.67% body fat, 9 pounds of ugly fat and gained 6 pounds of lean muscle. This explains why I have only shown a 3 pound weight loss on the scale in the last month. This also explains why people keep saying I look smaller and smaller but the scale has only gone down 3 pounds. What a great news for me! I will see onderland. It may take a bit longer than I anticipated but I will get there if I just stay focused.

Thanks so much July, Doe, Amanda, Tracy, Carrie and everyone else that posts and reads my journal. I will do my best to get over to you all and see how you are doing. I get such strength and encouragement from reading all your journals. You each mean so much to me! Please take care!!!!! :grouphug:

That's GREAT news!! You've obviously been doing the right things to have lost so much body fat and gained so much muscle! Why do we rely on teh scale when teh body fat and inches say what we really want????? What a struggle! Way to go on your losses (and gain) and on committing to no scale during the week! Keep up the good work! You sound much happier. I hope removing the pressure of daily journaling and the struggler's thread has helped!

Hi Lisa,

I wish I had time to post in everyone's journal and my own everyday, but I wouldn't get anything done at home (including exercise!) So I post when I can...Sometimes I just glance through the last few pages of several journals and not even post. It still helps me though to read about what everybody else is doing.

Keep up the great work! I can't wait to get back into smaller sizes for the winter!
Hi Lisa....Just checking in on you! Have also been reading your posts on the Struggling....thread! Just continue to know you are a major inspiration to me and many others here! You have done so much so far....It can be overwhelming to keep it going....but I know you can do it!

I wanted to comment further on the "double edged sword" comment on the other thread. I once went to a nutrionist when I was dealing w/ the eating disorder thing/trying to loose weight the healthy way etc.....
She said that many of her patients had the similar situation. It was either at a 20 lb loss, or 50 lb loss. You really feel like you have done great and accomplished something! You feel better than you have in years or ever...but you have to ask yourself " Is this the end?" For some it might be and it still takes a lot of work to maintain.....but it takes MORE work to keep it going! Like I have said before ....on all my attempts at this ...I have NEVER made it to my goal....never made it to "maintence" and thus....the yo-yo continues!

Be strong in your commitment to keep it going....I know already you are a strong woman just in how far you have come so far!

You have identified some of the things that may be affecting you....eating times etc. Suggestion....Mix it up a the book...different recipes etc. Maybe eat at different times of the day if you can! Throw in some new foods and take away some of your old stand-bys for a week or so...just to see what happens! I did this for a couple days this week and it is going great so far.
Also maybe switch up the excercise a little. I know you work out A LOT!!!! I have much admiration for you in this regard...I'm lucky to get 20 minutes...but I'm working on it. Maybe get some new and differnt tapes to throw into the mix.....some yoga/pilates. Maybe just for one or two days a week.....I don't know ...
Just some thoughts ....rambling , I know!
There is no question that you are already doing what it takes.....maybe just a little change in the action could show posotive results on the scale and in the attitude department!

Good Luck w/ are amazing:sunny:
Lisa, I'm stopping in to say hi!! :wave2:

You sound so sunny! I'm so glad you're keeping a profile on the mybodycomp website, to help you stay encouraged in spite of that scale! I KNOW you're building muscle with all those FIRM workouts! ::yes::

Hang in there!! :sunny:


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