Lisa's Journal (Life on the "Beach" - Part 2 all the way to goal!)

Hello there! Sorry I haven't posted recently but the kiddos at home have been sick and work has been a lot crazier than usual since my boss has been away from the office. You're doing great Lisa! I read your last menu entry and the pork chop and broccoli sound soooo good right now and I'm still at work. My time is limited this evening but I promise I'll check in with you tomorrow. Hopefully you got your new computer today so can post more. Have a good evening!:D
You are doing so well. I'm very impressed with your committment. I can't wait to find out how you do with your next weigh in. I'm working all weekend, so I'll check in Sun. night. Keep up the great work.
Dude, I thought you were gettin' a Dell! I just realized that you're in a different state and maybe they don't run the same Dell commercials over there.:blush: I hope you got your new computer yesterday because I'm anxious to see how you're doing. I'm still hanging in there and still steady at 189 1/2.:rolleyes: Hopefully I'll see the scale move on Monday. I hope everything is ok where you are. Have a good weekend if I don't hear from you before then.:D
December 11, 2003 (Thursday) or Carbs - we don't need no stinkin' carbs!

I don't have much time to post as the work day is almost over. Come on Dell where's my new computer!!! DH and I went grocery shopping for food for Phase II which we start on Monday. I was shocked at how many carbs different types of food has. Take cereals for instance. I can't believe how many carbs a bowl of oatmeal has. I know there are good carbs but I have conditioned my mind to think of carbs as evil incarnate and I had to re-read the chapter in my SB book (see it is coming in handy) entitled "Good Carbs, Bad Carbs" to reassure myself it was okay to come off Phase I. I know I can't eat with the limited type of foods available on Phase I forever but I feel like I will be leaving an old familar friend and stepping out into the unknown. Goodbye, Phase I, parting is such sweet sorrow . . .

Okay, enough silly stuff on with the show:

B: 2 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon, tea
S: 7 whole almonds
L: Chef salad with lf ranch dressing
S: string cheese
D: "Deluxe" Cheeseburger and a diet Pepsi with a ff fudgesicle for dessert

I am trying to get creative with my burgers and I did a good job with this one. I made my grilled cheeseburger as usual but set it on a bed of lettcue where I slattered (but not too generously) with mayo and ripe red tomato slices then topped the burger off with bacon. It was so good!!!

20-25 minutes on the exercise bike
6 mugs of water

That's a wrap for Thursday. I really do hate to leave Phase I behind in so many ways but I am looking forward to the new food choices available in Phase II. Gotta go finish some work before 5:00. I probably won't be able to post again until Monday. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. To those that post to my journal, you know I appreciate your support and encouragement! These journals are like the weekly WW meetings I used to go to and are so helpful. Everyone take care!
lisa....congrats on moving to next matter how fast the wt loss is, it's again important to remember this is now your lifestyle phase a wonderful thing for you.....i dont think a year of sb is all that much considering how long it took us to get where we's been a year almost for me......and i am not done yet, but my goodness i am already feeling so good........i am just so thrilled for you that you have embarked on this healthy endeavor...........i am happy for you!!!!!!!

Thanks Deb for the words of encouragement. It is a bit scary moving to the next level. I'll only be added back limited carbs at first. I really am looking forward to having a bowl of cereal for breakfast tomorrow! I like bacon and eggs but I've been having them every morning for 2 weeks now. Time for a little variety!

Bring on the oatmeal!
December 12, 2003 (Friday) Day 12 on the Beach or I guess I won't be eating pizza for a long long time!

I am so happy to have computer access at home again. We just bought a new Dell system and it's wonderful! Finally got all connected to DSL last night and here I am. I can't really remember too much from Friday. I know I stayed on program and had my usual breakfast, of eggs, bacon and tea. For lunch I had a chef salad and my usual snacks. Dinner stands out in my mind pretty vividly because we had pizza, which DH and I were really looking forward to having all week. For some reason it made me sick to my stomach. I probably overdid it a bit but I figured since we were just eating the toppings it would be okay to have the toppings off 4 slices. I don't think I'll be doing that again for a while. Maybe I'll have the toppings off 2 but not 4!

I rode my bike for between 20-30 minutes and drank lots of water. That's about it for Friday. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Thanks as usual for reading. I think I'll put Saturday's journal on this post too and that I way I can just start a new thread for Sunday.

December 13, 2003 (Saturday) Day 13 on the Beach or Your popcorn doesn't compare to my cheese stick!

I was able to resist the all tempting smell of fresh popped popcorn at my sister's house. I had an emergency cheese stick in my purse and my family gave me weird stares when I pulled it out my purse and started eating it. I am so proud of myself when I can resist the urge to snack on something that I would have eaten on auto pilot in the past. I didn't want the popcorn, I was just enjoying the smell. Thankfully, popcorn is on the approved list of food for Phase II so I do plan on having some at one point in the future. There is such a feeling of freedom to be able to walk away from food and know in your mind and heart that you really don't need it and more importantly don't want it!

I wasn't going to work out today. I told myself I deserved a break. I was thinking I was exercising for a clippie on the internet or approval from someone but as I got ready for bed at midnight, I realized I couldn't go to bed without spending at least 20 minutes on the bike so that's what I did! I realized I wasn't exercising for anybody else but me. That was a good feeling. I may not be able to exercise everyday but I plan to keep up some type of routine each day that I can.

I am really loving this new way of life! I like the energy level I have. And as I mentioned before, I like the freedom from food I have. I would have never thought of myself as a food addict but I was. I couldn't stop thinking about food or eating food. Now, sometimes I forget it's snack time or meal time. Crazy I know but that's how it is. Also, I think my stomach is shrinking. I made taco bowls for dinner and couldn't finish half. I mean I was really struggling to eat it and remembered something I read in Dr. A's book about eating until you are full, or eating normal portions and I realized I didn't have to finish the food. It was really okay. I was raised in a poor (big) family and we did NOT waste food so that mentality has always been with me. But I was able to stop when I was full. DH was still a bit hungry so he finished it. Again, the freedom from food is a good feeling. On with Saturday's menu:

B: 2 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon, tea with splenda
L: bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo wrap
S: cheese stick (back you popcorn monster)
D: Taco bowl (yummy, thanks again Lisa) and a ff fudgesicle for dessert

I rode my bike for 20 minutes and unfortunately didn't drink much water today.

That's a wrap for Saturday. Sorry this is so long but it's so wonderful to be able to type at home and not at work. Take care everyone!

P.S. It's Sunday evening as I type this and I did weigh myself this morning - I couldn't help it but I won't report on my loss until tomorrow's journal entry. It's no where near as dramatic as the 11.5 pounds I lost the first week but I would fear something was wrong with me if I was losing 10 pounds or more every week. Onward and downward everybody!
Good morning Lisa! Congratulations on the new computer, glad you're back online at home now. You're doing a great job and you made past Phase 1. I can understand your trepidation about adding formerly forbidden foods to your diet. Just take it a step at a time. Don't add too many things at once, just a couple of items a week. Can you have dairy now? I remember how I anxious I was to have milk after induction. Well, my time is limited this morning, but I just had to see how you're doing. Have a great day! :D
so kewl that you have a new computer at home.......i am sure that will make posting easier for you..........speaking of are keeping me in suspense of how much wt you lost last week........i am waiting patiently. do you take your measurements?........i hope will be amazed at how many inches you will lose. i have lost more than 61" in the last year......i wish i would have taken my measurements right from the beginning. i took my first ones after i was already 6 weeks into it.

how's your water intake today?

December 14, 2003 (Sunday) Day 14 on the Beach or My Last Day on Phase I!

Today is me and DH's last day on Phase I. We are a bit sorry to leave familar territory and step out into the unknown but so ready to add a bit more variety to our meal plans. I cheated and weighed myself this morning. Big mistake. As I would find out tomorrow, the scale can be so cruel! I lost 3.5 pounds but it only showed 2.5 pounds the next day. From now on I will only weigh myself once per week. The weekends are the most unpredictable part of the week for me because they are much less structured than regular working days.

DH and I discover a new lunch favorite. He bought some deli sliced chicken and I took a couple of pieces of the chicken and rolled 1/2 slice lf American cheese into it. I microwaved the rolls and they were delicious!!! Okay on with the food and exercise:

B: 2 slices of bacon and 2 scrambled eggs and tea with Splenda
L: 2 chicken roll-ups with lf American cheese and a diet Pepsi
S: 4 almonds (the rest that were in a bag)
D: Chili with lean ground beef and chili beans and a ff fudgesicle for dessert

Road for 30 minutes on exercise bike (7 miles and over 300 calories burned)
Definitely did not drink enough water today! I am trying to work on it because I seem to be having a hard time getting the water down on the weekends.

That's a wrap for Sunday and a wrap for Phase I. I plan to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast tomorrow and 1/2 cup of light strawberry yogurt for each of my snacks. I hope everyone is having a great day and sticking with their respective programs.

Lisa - thanks for the reminder to add back carbs slowly. That's what we plan to do. I hope things are going well for you. I know how busy you are and I appreciate your stopping by to check on me!

Deb - hope your day is going well! Didn't mean to keep you in suspense but while I was happy with my alleged 3.5 pound loss, I wanted to make sure that's what it was at my official weekly weigh in and I am a bit disappointed that things did not turn out that way. I lost 2.5 pounds. I was jumping up and down on the scale trying to get that pound to disappear and I was successful in getting 1/2 pound to go away by some tricky manuvering. I decided to try one more time and weigh myself before I got dressed for work and the scale stayed at 268.5 which is 2.5 pounds for the week. So officially I have lost 14 pounds in two weeks. That's not too shabby so I'll stop complaining.

Take care everyone!
wow!!!!!!!.........that's 15# in 2 weeks......hide that evil scale in your hubby's car trunk!!!!!!.......hehehe.

great workout yesterday too........i am very proud of you!

come on and fill those water bottles up......plan for your water intake can do it!!!!!

Hi Deb!

I guess we're on the board together this afternoon. I appreciate your support so much. Unfortunately, my loss stands at 14 pounds and not 15. I'm okay with it. That stupid pound will come off this week for sure and next Monday I'll be able to sport a brand new clippie!

Take care!
ok's to next week's clippie that you are gonna earn.....i have no doubt......cheers!!!!!!! i'll keep checkin on ya

You are doing so well! 14# in 2 weeks. Way to go. I also have to remind myself to drink water. Using a brita filter water bottle seems to help, or I add lemon and make sure it is really cold. Good for you exercising this weekend, and the chicken/cheese rolls sound yummy. I'm sorry the yogurt didn't agree with you. I know you were looking forward to it. Good Luck on Phase II.

PS comment on my journal anytime.

I have just read through your journal, and just had to post in response. You are doing such an amazing job on the SBD, and with your exercise and water intake! You have lost an amazing amount of weight in such a short period of time! I can tell how motivated you are and it is so encouraging to me! I am excited to hear how phase II is going for you.

So, I have a few questions for you. I started the SBD yesterday. Silly me will be in Phase I through Christmas, but I have convinced myself I can do it!

So, my first question relates to cooking for your DS. I know your DH is on SB with you, but are you making separate meals for your DS? If so, are you feeling this is too much? I have a 10 yo DS, and a skinny DH. My DH decided he will eat what I do, however he will supplement his meals w/a potato or other carbs. But I have such a picky child, and I am concerned about doing all of this meal prep and basically making two different meals all the time. Any suggestions?

Also, I wanted to ask you about quantities of food on the SBD. I have read the book, but it doesn't really talk about portions. There are portion sizes sometimes listed in the sample menus, but not always. So, are you just eating a normal portion of things, or a larger portion? Honestly, I am hungry on this diet. I know it is only my second day, so I need to give it some time!

Thanks, and keep it up!!!
blanq - Welcome to life on the Beach! I think you will find the program pretty easy to follow. Will you be starting a journal? It is a great way to keep track of your progress and gives you a level of accountability, plus the DISers on WISH are a source of wonderful support.

Thanks for the compliments. I can't account for why I have had success so far but I think having my DH join me in this way of life makes all the difference in the world. As far as my DS whose 16, he eats what we eat. It was hard deciding at first if I was going to make separate meals for him but it turns out, expect for the high carb sides, I don't cook too differently from the way I did before. I do buy him snacks and a treat each week so he can have his "comfort" food but other than that when we have grilled chicken breasts and salad for dinner (like last night) that is what DS eats. On another board I frequent they have an acroynom called "KISS" (keep it simply sweetie) and I am a big fan of that. Since you read through my posts you will note that I didn't make fancy meals like the SBD book provides the recipes for. I can't live like that. I need things to be basic and simple so DS has no choice but to eat what we do.

It's funny you brought this up because I had a long conversation with DS last night about our changed eating habits. I told him that I know he didn't sign on for this and it has to be hard for him. He looked at me as only a teen can and asked me if he had ever complained about a meal. He hadn't. I was just making sure he was okay with it. I do allow him the occasional take out meal but that's pretty rare.

Regarding portion size, I just use common sense and it usually works out. What I am finding is the further along this Beach we travel, the less I need portion wise. I know my stomach has shrunk so that probably has something to do with it. I made taco bowless taco salads the first week on the program and ate the entire bowl. I made them over the weekend and couldn't even finish half and I was stuffed!

As far as your feeling hungry, it's not necessary to feel that way. I have had some of the most satisfying meals on this program and am rarely hungry. Usually when I start to get hungry it's time to eat the next meal or snack. With 3 meals per day, 2 snacks and dessert every night plus Dr. A allowing snacks of protein and cheese in between if you feel hungry, you can be satisfied with this eating plan.

Sorry to go on and on but if I can give you any further advice, or share my experience with you, please let me know. I don't know what I would have done without the support of my DH and this board. So I am more than willing to help another SBDer along the way. Hey, I've only been doing this for 2 weeks and 2 days so we can take this journey together, okay?

Have a good afternoon and thanks for reading my journal!
December 15, 2003 (Monday) Day 15 on the Beach or We're Not In Kansas Anymore!

Today was my first official day on Phase II of the South Beach Diet. DH and I did it!! I feel like confetti should fall from the ceiling or something. When we started this program I never dreamed I would actually stick with it. I mean, I never stuck with any other plan before. Why is this so different? I think part of it is I am different. When I stepped on that scale the first morning and it read 282.5 pounds I almost fell out in disbelief. I knew it was time to do something and if this program was as easy to follow as I had heard then it could literally change my life and even though it's only been 2 weeks, I feel like I am transforming into a new woman.

People are starting to notice a change. That's so nice. Two of the lady attorneys in my office started SB when they learned that I lost 11.5 pounds my first week. They both started Sunday. We will be having lunch every Tuesday to keep tabs on each other.

I don't know where this journey will take me. I have always been afraid to lose this weight. I thought it would make me into a type of person that was bad or immoral or something. Silly I know but that is how I felt which made it so much easier for me to stay fat. It is actually scary to get compliments for someone like me. I read a post on lowcarbfriends where someone said that when the little voice inside says negative things to you that you shouldn't ignore the voice but acknowledge what it is saying and then get to the real issue as to why you feel unworthy to lose weight. I realized I'm not afraid to lose weight - what I am afraid of is another failure and the "look" people give you when they know you have failed at YET ANOHTER DIET. It's a terrible disheartening feeling and I desparately do not want that feeling. I was trying to keep this program to myself but people have notice almost from the end of the first week and have been demanding I tell them what I am doing.

I'm accountable now, to myself mostly but now to other people too because they know. It's okay though. I finally feel strong enough (first time in my life) to do this. Not for my husband or mother or one of my sisters or co-workers but for me!

Eating in Phase II allows you add back carbs slowly. I thought I could have a small bowl of cereal for breakfast and 1/2 light yogurt for a snack and be okay. Wrong!! I felt like someone had injected crack cocaine into my system. I was jittery all morning and just didn't feel right. The headache that followed let me know I wasn't imagining things. I guess being off the sugar for 2 weeks and then reintroducing two items with so many sugars was bad. I didn't realize my Bran cereal was already sweetened so I added a couple shakes of splenda on it. Oiy! Big mistake. The yogurt tasted so sugary to me at snack time that I could barely eat half of it. This from a woman who could put away a pint of ice cream quicker than you can say, "Bob's your uncle". I think what I will do is leave the yogurt for occasional desserts and definitely NOT put splenda on the cereal. We'll see how that goes. I even made the mistake of having 1/2 cup of no sugar added ice cream (Breyers neopolitan) for my dessert and ended up with the same jittery feeling and pounding headache so it's back to the fudgesicles for this gal. I am so gun shy at this point that I think I'll have a cup of Earl Grey tea before bed so I don't go into sugar shock!

B: 1/2 bowl of Post Bran All Flakes (I think that's the name) with 2% milk
S: 1/2 strawberry light yogurt
L: Chef Salad with lf ranch dressing
S: 1/2 strawberry light yogurt
D: Grilled chicken breast and sald with lf ranch dressing and 1/2 cup no sugar added ice cream for dessert

30 minutes on my exercise bike
6 mugs of water at work and 2 of the .5 litres of water at home

That's a wrap for Monday. I am learning so much about my body on this journey. Sugar and good carbs have to be added back slowly. Oh, that one pound was bothering me so I did weigh myself this morning (Tuesday) and I did lose it so I have lost 15 pounds in 15 days but I am not counting it until I do my official weigh in on Monday. I knew I was holding water, I could just feel it. So I need to be sure to get in tons of water on Sunday before weigh in.

I hope your eyes have not glazed over from reading this lengthy entry. I just wanted to be sure to get down all my thoughts today. Thanks as always for reading and let's not forget - we can do this together!!!! :hyper:
Lisa, you are doing so well! 15 lbs in 15 days is fantastic! (do I wish the scale would move for me - or my jeans would get just a little looser.)

I can relate to the "jitters" after eating carbs or sugars after not having it for a while. This happened to me on Thanksgiving - I thought I was going to jump out of my skin! I have a theory that the more prone you are to "low blood sugar" reactions - something I would get all the time before starting Atkins - the less carbs you can actually eat before your insulin levels spike and cause physical symptoms - like the jitters.

Listening to your body is probably your best guide to how many carbs you can add back and how soon.

Thanks again for all your support and keep up your hard work - it sure is paying off!

I'm so proud of you! You are really getting at to root of your diet issues. Congrats on the lb. I think that having some people at work on the plan will really help you (ALL) in the long run. If there is a potluck for the holidays, that's 3 low-carb dishes instead of one. You can also support each other through the day. Keep up your good work!
December 15, 2003 (Tuesday) Day 16 on the Beach or The More the Merrier!

Two of the women attorneys in my office have started SBD this week and we have decided to eat lunch together on Tuesdays for support. It is so nice to have people at work on the program plus having the support at home (and on these boards). It makes me a little nervous though to have people looking to me as the "go to" person for this diet but I can handle it, right?

Someone complimented me at lunch and mentioned that she could tell, especially in my face, that I am losing weight. It made me feel good but I felt those old insecurities rising up. I can do this and I do deserve it too. Sometimes overweight people can let negative self-talk talk you right out of losing the weight because you feel unworthy. I shouldn't and am not speaking for anyone other than myself on this though. I will just keep telling myself that I derserve to be a healthy normal weight just as much as the next person. I don't have to be frightened into sabotaging my efforts.

B: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon and tea with splenda
S: 7 whole almonds
L: Chef salad with lf ranch dressing
S: 1 slice of deli chicken with 1/2 slice of lf cheese (warm)
D: Chili with a sprinkle of lf cheese on top and a diet pepsi with a ff fudgesicle for dessert

7 mugs of water at work and 1 of the .5 litres of bottled water at home
20 minutes on the execise bike (4 miles and about 200 calories burned)

That's a wrap for Tuesday. I am doing my best to fight the inadequate feelings I am having and to accept and even dare I say enjoy the attention I am starting to get. I have been feeling so good about myself lately that I have started wearing makeup and fixing my hair up nicely again. With the few pounds I've lost and being able to wear stuff out my closet that was tight, I am getting some attention from people and it makes me want to go run and hide or like I said earlier sabotage my weight loss efforts. I am doing my best to counter those negative feelings. I can do this and see it through. It can be discouraging when someone makes negative comments like you can't possibly eat like that forever or something. I've decided the next time someone says that to me, I'm going to say, "No, what I can't do forever is continue to eat the way I used to eat!".

Laurie and Beth - thanks so much for reading my journal. It means so much to have my WISH buddies for support. Have a great day all!!!!!


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