Lilo & Stitch **SPOILERS***


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May 31, 2000



I saw L&S last night and here are my thoughts.

First, I can't dog on Shrek anymore for beibg gross - there were four breif gross out scenes in l/s. two didn't bother me much - the robot thowing up the cogs when stitch cusses in alien, and stitch spitting back the cake slices. Well, a 5th = stitch spitting so the gun would shoot st the spit. I could have done without the licking the nose and the picking the ear - I guess they made the character of stitch, but one could argue the same ab out the male ogre (i forot his name) in shrek.

second. i was reaaly floored by the behavior of lilo in the beginning. my jaw actually dropped when she punched that girl - it was so unexpected because until that time everything set in hawaii had been so calm and pleasant - such a contrast. I had read that LIlo and her sister argued like real sisters, but wow, I wasn't really ready for the seriousness of it. "I wish I was dead" "Get a rabbit" "have you killed anyone" "Me Alone" wow. Lilo's character was so poignet, yet she was such a sympathetic character. Here is the umpteenth Disney orphan, and finally a child who has some real emotional problems stemming from it. Lilo and her sister are two of the most real characters I've ever seen in an animated film. The shocking nature of lilo's behavior make the story so much more emotional and deep and rich. This is a long cry from the fairy-tale land of so many animated films, and the depth of emotion caused by the film is much richer than in those. After I got home last night, I had to remind myself of the film's happy ending because I was so stuck on worrying about this child's well being from the first of the movie. I honestly wasn't expecting how severe Lilo's behavior and her fights with her sister would be - but that severity really makes it a lot more emotionally deep of a film.

I suspect that some right wingers are going to find a problem with the film's central theme of 'ohana and family, in that the crowd who insists that a family can only be a married man and woman and their children will likely object to the "small and broken" family in the film. But this had a real-life feel to it. with both the highs and lows that brings. The photos at the end also felt a lot like "community" and how that relates to family.

I think a lot of folks will notice the strength of the female characters in the film and see that as a good contribution of this film. At the same time, I was touched by the number of concerned and compassionate males on the side lines - minor charcters like the hula instructor or the fire men. Even the luau manager didn't want to fire Nani, he just felt like it was the only thing he could do for his other employees and guests. Even the social worker (Cobra Bubbles? something like that) was a good guy who wants the best for the child, and who lilo calls when the aliens arrive. The aliens end up a part of the family - the closest thing to a "villian" is the shark like large alien captain, who seems to be a character who is doing what he thinks is right and good to protect the universe. There is no character in this film that is all bad - not even the little girls who won't let lilo play (really they are scared of her). Likewise, there are no main characters that all good - not even the title ones. David probably comes closest, but he has his own agenda too. Well, maybe Cobra comes closest.

Unlike some, I didn't have a hard time with the different elements (space - aliens, hawaii, elvis, etc). coming together and I felt it was a coherent story. I thought the animation was wonderful - as for the one reviewer who compared to it to television animation, either he doesn't have a very good eye or he gets some channels that I don't. As others have noted, the background were wonderful, the characters were refreshing in anatomy and charming in character. I thought the music was wonderful and well used (I was glad the Elvis remakes were saved for the closing credits). Oh did I mention it was funny? And a lot of adventure / suspense in the chase scenes at the beginning and end?

A really different type of movie from Disney. I am not going to go so far as to say this is my favorite - actually, I had a hard time with it and had to really think about it and digest it afterword. But that it is a pretty wonderful thing if an animated movie leaves you thinking about the characters. Honestly, I think the characters had a richness and depth that is seldom seen in an animated film. It really is a beautiful movie - I'm not sure how anyone could see it and not love it.

Yeah, Johare, this deserves an oscar if you ask me.

Originally posted by Amphigorey


doh, i don't know what i was thinking when i wrote that this morning duh, i knew that of course - i gyess l&s still had me all shook up. actually i was trying to remember names fron l&s so I probably used all my brain power up on that. thanks.

I had one last thought about l&s - i have seen two or three reviewers complain that it is a rip off of ET - i don't get that. I guess any time a movie has an alien abd a kid it is going to be an et rip off. ET had a home that e desperately wanted to return to. In contrast, not only does stitch not have a home or even understand the concept, he is being chased by others from space. Elliot helps ET return home, Lilo helps stitch become part of a home = stitch's quest is to discover his own identity and along the way he becomes part of a family. I think it is sort of shallow to confuse the two.

The more I have time to process it, the more i think i like L&S - I am going to have to see it a second time to mull it over.

Yeah, Johare, this deserves an oscar if you ask me.
Haven't seen it yet, but we'll see...not much competition yet this year so it may actually have a chance.
Haven't seen it yet, but we'll see...not much competition yet this year so it may actually have a chance.
You just couldn't stop with "haven't seen it yet" could you?
How do you know it wouldn't have a chance even with stiff competition?
This movie is not like any Disney movie you've ever seen; you shouldn't judge it from past experience (especially since you haven't seen it).
Hey, D-R, why are you dissing the right? Let me fill you in with a review from my side.

I loved the movie more than I have the past Disney animated offerings. Several reasons:

1) Beautiful artwork. The watercolor backgrounds were outstanding.

2) Beautiful characters. The core of really memorable movies are really memorable characters. As others have said, one of the best things is the fact that the characters are real. I thought the fight scene with Lilo was a great way to make her character true. The fight between Lilo and Nani when Lilo has nailed the door shut with all the shouting back and forth just made me feel that Chris Sanders had really captured sibling behavior. It was excellent. Stitch, with those big eyes, has such a range of expression that he became a very sympathetic character. The sandcastle scene with Lilo, Nani, David and then Stitch off to the side really spoke to how Stitch wasn't yet part of the family, but he wanted to be.

3) Great Story. The heart of it is that what matters most is that a family takes care of it's own. What makes you think the right would have a problem with that? The right has always held the line of preserving the family, this is no different. As the story progressed and Stitch caused more and more havoc until the big fight scene where Bubbles almost takes Lilo away, you get drawn into wanting Nani and Lilo to stay together. You keep hoping that Bubbles will just give them a break. It's that last moment where you feel your heart break for Lilo and Nani.

Lilo and Stitch has all the makings of a classic. It has everything that Atlantis and ENG don't. So, this voice from the right strongly recommends this movie.

Dragonfly Manor
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to diss anyone, and is i sounded offensive i apologize, honestly didn't intend it. I was just thinking about the depiction of a non-traditional (not intact nuclear) family.

I went over to cap report just now to see what they thought, and they liked the idea that "the family can continue despite the loss of some of them." so i guess i did call that o wrong - i did see this on usenet though -

again, sorry if i was generalizing or offensive i was just "thinking out loud/typing" and i didn't maen to offend.

We returned from seeing L&S just a bit ago. Six year old loved it as did the eight year old as did the adults. May take a bit of discussion with your youngest children about Lilo and Stitch's actions at first.

The big question is the sound track. The movie is much better mixed than the CD. I found it much better than the CD would lead to think, really was not loking forward to non-stop Elvis and the movie track was not. We bought the CD after listening on the official web site and falling in love with the tracks, "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" and the Lilo chant. I cannot understand why these are not the featured songs on Disney Radio instead of the "Take My Hand". Mind you, like them all, but the original Hawaiian tracks are far superior to repeats of past hits. The beginning, with the chant, and the surfing, with "Roller Coaster" are just great and the music makes them even greater. Maybe we will get more of Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu (a hula teacher and master, and obviously a good singer and song writer) on the next "Island Favorites" CD. Not since IZ (of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" fame) has a Hawaiian artist made me feel like I was back in the magic of Hawaii. I also cannot understand why the lovely, "Aloha 'Oe" was left off the CD. In case you do not know the background of the song, it was written by the last monarch of Hawaii, queen Lili'uokalani. 'Farewell to fond embrace and I leave..till we meet again' (bawled in this scene).

The backgrounds are wonderful, the water colors so like Hawaii, the little details, such as the peeling paint on the sisters' house, perfect. I want all the photographs at the end to study the "In Jokes" they show. (Wonder if the Merry Monarch competition was won by Lilo!).

I loved the Cobra Bubbles character, I thought he had just enough presence to make for a wonderful surprise ending and a very neat and clever solution to the problems raised by the silly and serious aspects of the plot.

We all thought this was the best Disney has done in a long time (liked it better than anything since Aladdin).

Go see it and enjoy!

Right Wing? Scoop, you? Oh, no...You're not the Reverand Jerry Scoopwell are you??? Oh well, I seem to agree with other conservatives around here like Dave & Galahad...As long as we're talking Disney...;) Just don't talk politics!!!:eek:

:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
You just couldn't stop with "haven't seen it yet" could you?
How do you know it wouldn't have a chance even with stiff competition?
This movie is not like any Disney movie you've ever seen; you shouldn't judge it from past experience (especially since you haven't seen it).
Ok, we've seen the movie and...I don't think it has much of a chance against this years competition. L&S was just average. It isn't a bad movie and we did enjoy it, but it wasn't that memorable either. I can't see it ever being called a Disney classic. It was hard to like any of the characters for the first half of the movie and even at the end Stitch wasn't that likeable, though it was easy to feel a little sympathy for him.

My pick (so far) for this years best animated film would be Ice Age with Spirit and L&S about even in second place.

Against last years competition there is no contest, Monsters, Inc and Shrek were both much better and even Jimmy Neutron and Atlantis are worthy competition for L&S.
Why do we need to have 3 threads on this? ;)

Carry on Carry On.
Yeah, Republicans are all rich and hate orphans, right?

j/k guys. L&S is MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!! Definitely a film for EVERYONE!

(I thought this thread would be about the 'easter eggs', though.)
We all know that there are still a few around here with green-colored glasses....

d-r- Excellent review. You captured the many aspects of this film that make it hands down better than any animated film over at least the last few years (yes, including Monsters). Who knows what the final box office will say...

The only thing I'll say about the "gross" parts is that I found these a little easier to take than flatulence and outhouses, but I'll admit that may just be a personal taste thing... At least the sexual innuendo was left out.

abitjaded- I was planning on picking up the soundtrack later today, and like you am disappointed Aloha 'Oe is not included. I enjoyed Hawiaan Roller Coster Ride enough that I'll still pick it up, but find it hard to understand why it was left off, especially since it was short.
I saw the movie on Friday and I have to say that this is the first animated movie to continually crop back into my mind the day after seeing it and the day after that and the day after that.

As much as I enjoyed the movie, I didn't start having a good time until Stitch built the San Francisco scene (was he playing Godzilla at the time?) . My son pointed out to me that it was at that point that Stich seemed to turn his personality around. Maybe it was, I'm not sure.

I, too, think I have to see it again, very, very soon.
About Aloha Oi (SIC, sorry) not being on the sound track. We taped the preview show that was on ABC friday night because we were at the theatre, and watched it Sunday afternoon - there was an interview with Tia Carrerra (SIC also, sorry) in which she explained that in the "hammock scene" they wanted a way for Nani to communicate to Lilo and comfort her, but they hadn't gotten it right when Carrerra though of this song because her grandmother used to sing it with her. She couldn't remember all the words, so she telephoned her grandmother who sent her the words. On the ABC show, Tia and her grandmother sing the song together. I'm guessing that is why the song didn't make the soundtrack, it wasn't a part of the original script but just came up.

one could argue the same ab out the male ogre (i forot his name) in shrek.

I know this has already been addressed, but I am still ROFLMAO over this sentence!!!!!!

Nothing personal - no slam intended. I simply haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
One thing that didn't make sense was Bubbles, FBI, Area 51.
When he reveals himself at the end, aren't we spost to then assume that he's been watching the family because of stitch, the alien? But that can't be the case, because he was hounding them before Stitch even arrived. So what was he doing working as a case worker?
If I remember correctly (its been 3 days, after all;) ), he was EX-CIA, and now truly is a child-welfare case worker. He was assigned to this case because things were not going well, which is why he was involved before Stitch ever "dropped in".
Raidermatt is correct, Cobra Bubbles was apparently reassigned to Hawaii DCFS. moore then likely it was a CIA Witness protection program kind of thing.
Originally posted by Dodie

I know this has already been addressed, but I am still ROFLMAO over this sentence!!!!!!

Nothing personal - no slam intended. I simply haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

I'm glad you got a kick out of it - I could see his picture in my mind and here that mike meyers accented voice, but for the life of me I couldn't remember his name, and I had thoughts I wanted to type so I didn't want to stop and think about it.




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