Lilmamibella's journal- trying to lose 50 pounds!! Comments are welcome!

Hi! Well, remember that trainer that was supposed to open their own place? Well, he did open his own place and is already open for business. I was driving by and saw his sign so I went right in and signed up for two months. He does one on one training. There is no contract and no membership fees. We just pay by session or buy a package of sessions with him. So I went in and did a free day. He wore me out! But, I had fun and I really can't give up when someone is cheering me on.

So breakfast:

lunch: chicken noodle soup
1 1/2 90 calorie ice cream sandwiches.

dinner: will be one regular size piece of pizza with water.

I'm trying to stay around 1400 calories and under.

I exercised with D L the trainer for about 45-50 minutes.

My husband and I will be going to see DL together on Mon, Wed, and Fri.
Tues and Thurs..I will do some kind of exercise tape--like pilates, tae bo,etc.
oh and he also said to wait a month before weighing myself.
So today I weigh 146 pounds.
So on December 3rd I will definitely update.
Well, its been quite a while since I've seen my posts. I decided that I really need to journal again. I'm currently at 151 pounds. I joined my old gym again. Yes it is kind of far. ( Around 35-40 min drive one way.) But, I do think its worth it. I don't work and don't go out much and I see this as something I can definitely do for myself. I like the fact that they have tons of activities and classes for me to try out and they also have stuff for my kids to do. I haven't reached my goal. I want to lose the weight in time for our trip in June. I'm 5'3 and I'm not sure what weight I should be but I think I'd like to b at least 125-130 pounds.

B: 2 c. of strawberry oatmeal
bottle water

l: ramen noodles and c. cheetos

s: 1- 100 calorie cookie pack

d: 2 small pieces of pizza and bottle of water with a crystal light to go

I didn't go to the gym today because my Dh needed to use my truck. I did 30 pushups lol
The hardest part of losing weight is keeping myself motivated..that and food. I don't want to give up my favorite foods. So, I'm going to try and eat more veggies and watch portions.
Please wish me luck! I could use it. :dancer: :disrocks:

b: half grapefruit
c. green tea
toast w/ tsp peanut butter

l: 1/2 c. tuna
cheddar cheese

d: c. carrots
c. green beans
2 slices of ham
small apple
c. vanilla ice cream

Did 45 mins of spinning and 15 mins of abs

b: 1 hard boiled egg
c. green tea

l: 1/2 c. tuna
5 saltines

d: 2 hotdogs
c. broccoli
1/2. carrots
1/2 apple
1/2 c. vanilla ice cream

I'm going to the gym later today for a 1 hour tennis lesson with my Dh.

b: 2 c. strawberry oatmeal = 260 calories

l: bowl of healthy request chicken noodle soup w/5 saltines= 210 calories
w/ bottle water

I went to the gym and met my new trainer today. I thought we were going to be working out. We ended up just talking and he also took measurements and my bmi. I have 22% fat. I'm 118 lean mass and 33 pounds of fat=151 pounds total. He suggested I just watch my calories, eat smaller portions, and eat 5 small meals a day. He wants me to eat 1500 calories a day. So I'm at 470 calories so far.

d: salmon, macaroni, and green beans w/ water
B: 1 c. strawberries
1 c. nonfat milk
1 scoop whey protein powder

s: luna choco peppermint stick bar

l: spinach salad that had mandarin oranges, carrots, and cashew w balsamic vinagrette and water

s: mozzarella string cheese

d: meatloaf with green beans
w/ water

Worked out for 45 mins and did around 30 mins of cardio
b: c. low fat cottage cheese
c. raw pineapple
2 piecs of melba toast w/ water

s: 13 almonds w/ water

l: 2 slices whole wheat bread
3 pieces of romaine lettuce
2 slices of tomato
2 oz avocado
2 tbs mustard

s: small gala apple w/ one string cheese

d: baked lemon pepper chicken
w/ green beans
small baked potato with a tbs sour cream and tbs of reduced fat shredded cheese
w/ water of course

I did one hour of step class. That was my first time and it was fun.

b: c. oatmeal
c. blueberries
1/2 c. nonfat milk
Didn't eat it all though cause it tasted kinda yucky

l: subway 6'' turkey sandwich on wheat
lettuce,tomato, spinach, pickles, onions,and mustard

I can't remember if I had a snack. I was driving all over the place.

d: 2 oz leftover baked chicken with a 1/2 c. green beans
water and half bottle of gatorade

1 hour tennis lesson, 35 mins of strength training, 10 or so minutes of lunges :eek: 5 mins of cardio
b: 1-1/2 c. post raisin bran cereal w/ 1-1/2 c. nonfat milk

s: small apple w/ string cheese




Going to leave in an hour and do spinning for 45 minutes with 15 mins of ab work.
I haven't posted in 6 days or so. I've been sick and I have a sore throat. But, I'm supposed to see the trainer tomorrow at 6 am! I haven't been working out since Friday.

s: mango and strawberry protein smoothie with 3 pinches of flaxseed

l: two slices of whole wheat bread
2 slices of turkey
2 slices of roast beef
1 tomato
4 cucumber slices
1 teaspoon mustard
tiny bit of salt

s: 11 almonds
1 string cheese

d: cheeseburger on wheat with mustard
1/2 c. regular lays chips
The cheeseburger sucked because I burnt it. :rolleyes:
Had lots of water

I saw the trainer. He showed me some things to do. I've worked with machines a lot and this trainer wants me to do work with more free weights. He didn't really show me enough imo..
He suggested that I buy more sessions and then he could show me more things to do and make sure I have the right form. Which I probably will do because I definitely do need to more.

Then I came home and decided to try out the turbo jam videos that came in the mail. I never saw the informercial but I've read so many great reviews on it that I went ahead and bought it. I did the learn and burn twice. There were some parts in the learn in burn where I didn't catch up with them. But, if I keep doing it I'm sure I'll get it. It was fun and I really liked the part of the video where it talks about the people working out with Chalene. I was really touched by Anna-Rita's story. I can't remember how much she weighed before but she lost 70 pounds and her abs look amazing! I bought everything they offered for Turbo Jam and I've been following the meal plan. Its pretty easy to do. I'm going to take it easy today. My son didn't have school today so we're just hanging around here. I'll probably get my kids to do the learn and burn with me.

Oh, I almost forgot to add that I now weigh 146 pounds! Woohoo! I wasn't trying all that much. I was just trying to get back in my regular gym routine. :goodvibes
You're doing AWESOME, Stephanie.

I'm glad the trainer seems to be working well for you.

Congrats on the loss!
Just checking in to see how you're doing, Stephanie. Hope you're having a good week!


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