Life is Worth Living--Support and Comments are Welcome and Needed!!


Jun 8, 2010
As I sit here my 57 year old Mother is being wheeled into surgery for 99% blockage of her right artery.

My Mother is too young to be dealing with heart disease. Smoking, Type 2 diabetic, no exercise and horrible eating brought this on her in the past 12 years.

My Father is in congestive heart failure, has been for 3 years.

I am my Mothers clone, looks, personality (Type A, high strung), medical records (40lbs overweight, smoker, PCOS, high cholesterol,depression, anxiety, etc).

I just turned 40 in October.

I have a beautiful Miracle 7 year old daughter that I want to live to the fullest for-I don't want this to be her fate too. It's time to stop this circle of death and destruction of our bodies.

The time has come for me to stop running my mouth and pitch the excuses (I'm the queen of excuses) and just get to it.

I get frustrated that I just can't "starve" myself like I did in my 20's and lose the weight. I was athletic in school, it was the 20's and beyond that did me in.

I don't want to fail, so I figure why bother. Plus I'm HORRIBLE about starting things and getting discouraged and just quitting. Not a good habit to teach your child.

A hubby who just doesn't understand why I just don't do something about it. He doesn't understand the word "depression"

See what I mean about the excuses, I'm just full of them. I'm going to be fully accountable right here, and I'm hoping I find some friends along this journey, so please join me here.

My Starting Stats
body fat 40% (I had it read about two years ago, weight has decreased since then, but I really don't believe the fat has changed any)

My Plan
Nothing white
Gave up sodas two days after Christmas (still have serious urges for them, but haven't had any in a month)
record what I eat (I've been using lose it on the ipad)

I have a treadmill, that my dearest Mother gave me. I've used it maybe three times in the three months since she gave it to me.:confused3

The plan is to exercise 3x a week

I'd like to start running again, I did it in High School and College, but that was 20 years ago. So I'll look into a couch to 5k program.

What I'd like to do--run the TOT 10 miler next Fall.

Got any tips or advice about the best way to go about doing this???
Princesslvr, I'm sorry for what you are going through. :hug: You aren't alone. I hope your mom's surgery goes well! I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your parents can manage their health and enjoy their lives. It's hard enough to see them get older. Really hard to see their health become fragile. I hope they are on their way to the right track.

I am like you. Picked up some unwanted pounds. I don't walk as often as I should. I like to read when I walk. The fastest I can walk and read is about 3.7, but I like 3.5. My walking has been hit or miss.

I'm trying to add more fruits, vegetables, and water to my diet. Leaner meats. I'm trying to bring the family along on the plan just because it's healthier. And it's been going along okay. The foods have not been too exciting to them. :laughing:

The big thing for me right now, is portion control. I can be heavy handed with portions for everyone, myself included. One thing that does help me is to eat some protein for a snack. I like unsalted nuts, all kinds. If I'm not so hungry, I don't mind a reasonable portion. It just depends on my hunger level. I'm *trying* to fill up on fruits and veggies too and that helps.

Thanks for mentioning, "Lose it", on ipad. I'll have to look into it! Good luck to us both! :hug:
You've taken the first step by realizing there is an issue, and now you are moving ahead to fix it. Way to go for taking that step!!

My advice starting out is to weigh and measure all of your food. If a serving size is half a cup, get out a measuring cup and measure it out. I bought a cheap digital food scale (I think it was like $10 at Walmart), and I weigh out my food that way as well. Spend at least the first month being diligent about your portion size.

When you become comfortable with that, start adding in your exercise. Find out what works best for you. Start slow, and increase from there. Short on time? Find 15 minutes twice a day to fit in time on the treadmill. Sometimes it is easier to do that then use 30 minutes all at once.

You can do this!!
My mom's surgery went well, she's been in CCU all afternoon, hopefully by 7pm they'll move her into step down.

Thank you Ocean Annie! Lose it is a great app. I just need to follow thru and use it more often.

BabyTigger-Thanks for the tip about the food scale. I've tried to measure the dry stuff, but not on a consistent basis. I just need to get it together.
I've had a decent day--but why is it when you want to eat healthy, be healthy--that you crave just the oppposite??? Is it all a mind game thing?
I've not craved this much junk in forever:confused3

I found a WW points plus calculator for my ipad so I downloaded it today and have began tracking my points today. My point allowance is 29, and I've eaten 35. The extra points came from my crazy insane idea to make pumpkin muffins, well I can't control myself very well (WHY did I make them??) so I ate three of them :(

*note to self-don't make them when I'm stress eating and just plain stupid about food choices. I know better. It's not the end of the world.

housework was the main activity today and I know I walked by the treadmill a dozen times, but I didn't make the right choice and get on it.

Tomorrow is another day, I'll make better choices. I'll remember why I must make better choices, instead of wallowing in self pity.
Glad to hear your Mom is doing well, that is scary and so young.You are right to get moving now-it gets tougher every year.

Sending you some motivation today-you can do it.

Go out and take in some fresh air.

You CAN do this!! Small steps...eventually they will lead to BIG steps!! No one has ever said that weight loss/healthier living is easy. If it were, we would all be super model skinny! Keep on making healthy choices!
I'm glad your mom is doing well too.

We all have those cravings. And I give in sometimes too. Cooking for the family and having the things they like is a challenge when you are trying to watch what you eat! The only thing that helps me is to brush my teeth or to eat some hard candy. That doesn't always work for me either. :hug:

Today will be better.
Sunday was another pity party for me today and my obsession with food continued.

I'm an avid reader and have a wishlist a mile long on ibooks, so I hopped on yesterday morning and bought two, both were from my religion/spiritual book list.
Made to Crave- it's an awesome book so far for the weight battles and God's role in my life. I'm struggling alot in my life, including my faith. It has been blunt and uplifting all at the same time.

The second one was The Resolution For Women. I had read the sample chapters a few weeks ago and put it on my wishlist, well I bought it too. Some of it's really hard for me to read now, but I'm doing as the book suggests and reading one chapter and really focusing on it.

Today-a new day :) a better day :) I haven't obsessed AT ALL about food, or losing weight. Well actually I did have a temper tantrum this morning for about 20 seconds. My daughter was playing with the scale yesterday and I'm not sure what she did but it wouldn't read AT ALL. I began to wonder if this was God's way of telling me that I did not need to obsess over the scale.

I took a few deep breaths and got over it. I didn't want to start my daughter morning with me fussing at her over breaking it. After taking a few minutes, calming down, I went back and fiddled with the scale and it started reading again.

Doesn't sound like much, but in my mind I was proud of not losing it completely and ruining everyones day. It's the small victories that count right?

I've had breakfast and lunch and absolutely no snacks. Which is funny because those blasted pumpkin muffins are right there on the kitchen counter! I could have skipped lunch, I wasn't hungry. But I'm not sure I'm supposed to skip meals? So I ate anyway.

**need to figure out what triggers me to eat and go nuts on the weekend??

It's gorgeous outside and my little one is going to be home any second. So I think we'll walk around outside and get some fresh air. It's hard to believe it's Winter, we've had 50-60 weather :)
Yesterday was an awesome day!!! I had three meals that were healthy and no snacks :) and felt really happy about it:) I also did Day 1 of Jeff Galloways Ease into 5K app on the treadmill and it DIDN'T kill me:banana: I actually felt GOOD after running Day 1, which was a complete shock. I had pictured a gasping, sweating, dying woman lying next to the treadmill, so thankful that wasn't the case or I might not be so excited about doing Day 2.

I know, I know it's only day 1, but I'm thrilled I actually got off my rear and did it!

My Mom is starting to "sound better", you know what I mean. People can tell you all day long they feel fine, but the tone of the voice says another thing altogether. Well yesterday she finally "sounded" better, but she has a long way to go.
Sunday was another pity party for me today and my obsession with food continued.

I'm an avid reader and have a wishlist a mile long on ibooks, so I hopped on yesterday morning and bought two, both were from my religion/spiritual book list.
Made to Crave- it's an awesome book so far for the weight battles and God's role in my life. I'm struggling alot in my life, including my faith. It has been blunt and uplifting all at the same time.

The second one was The Resolution For Women. I had read the sample chapters a few weeks ago and put it on my wishlist, well I bought it too. Some of it's really hard for me to read now, but I'm doing as the book suggests and reading one chapter and really focusing on it.

Today-a new day :) a better day :) I haven't obsessed AT ALL about food, or losing weight. Well actually I did have a temper tantrum this morning for about 20 seconds. My daughter was playing with the scale yesterday and I'm not sure what she did but it wouldn't read AT ALL. I began to wonder if this was God's way of telling me that I did not need to obsess over the scale.

I took a few deep breaths and got over it. I didn't want to start my daughter morning with me fussing at her over breaking it. After taking a few minutes, calming down, I went back and fiddled with the scale and it started reading again.

Doesn't sound like much, but in my mind I was proud of not losing it completely and ruining everyones day. It's the small victories that count right?

I've had breakfast and lunch and absolutely no snacks. Which is funny because those blasted pumpkin muffins are right there on the kitchen counter! I could have skipped lunch, I wasn't hungry. But I'm not sure I'm supposed to skip meals? So I ate anyway.

**need to figure out what triggers me to eat and go nuts on the weekend??

It's gorgeous outside and my little one is going to be home any second. So I think we'll walk around outside and get some fresh air. It's hard to believe it's Winter, we've had 50-60 weather :)

I have the same problem. The whole family is at home and it's just easy to eat the same things. We usually have pizza on Fri. or Sat. night. It's fun. Light mood, everyone is eating, eating, eating. I have to remind myself, wait a minute. I'm full. I don't need another slice. Even though it tastes good and everyone else is digging in. Same thing replays during the rest of the weekend. Everyone is grazing -- munching, munching, munching. If I don't have something planned that I like that's low cal, I'm in danger of joining them.

Sometimes it doesn't matter. I still slip. :upsidedow

Yesterday was an awesome day!!! I had three meals that were healthy and no snacks :) and felt really happy about it:) I also did Day 1 of Jeff Galloways Ease into 5K app on the treadmill and it DIDN'T kill me:banana: I actually felt GOOD after running Day 1, which was a complete shock. I had pictured a gasping, sweating, dying woman lying next to the treadmill, so thankful that wasn't the case or I might not be so excited about doing Day 2.

I know, I know it's only day 1, but I'm thrilled I actually got off my rear and did it!

My Mom is starting to "sound better", you know what I mean. People can tell you all day long they feel fine, but the tone of the voice says another thing altogether. Well yesterday she finally "sounded" better, but she has a long way to go.

Good for you starting the 5K program! That's the first step.

Glad your mom is sounding more like herself. That's a relief. :hug:
Thanks Ocean Annie! I need to plan ahead for the weekends or just make sure we are super active and not just sitting around for everyone to get the munchies, lol.

Yesterday was great for 80% of the day, then we all went to do the grocery shopping. UGH. Not the best scenario for me. So I've learned that I need to do grocery shopping solo or with just DH. DD can convince me to easily to bring junk home for her, but then I get home and I can't say no. Example for last night-Valentine Little Debbies.

But I have abstained from them today :)

bfast-Greek Yogurt
Lunch-Turkey sandwich on Whole Wheat, 13 lil bite tortilla chips and salsa, water
Dinner-I have meatloaf and veggies planned for tonight.

*Today is Day 2 of the Jeff Galloway plan and I'm going to do it before DD gets home from school, because tonight is Girl Scouts for her. So I know I'll make the excuse that it's too late, I'm too tired, etc. So I'll just do it early :)
I thought it might be faster to pop on the DIS early in the morning, but wow, it's still crazy slow...

I did Day 2 of Galloways Ease Into 5k:cool1:Although I have to say that it seemed harder, even though it only added like two extra minutes. BUT I'm just happy that I did it!

Weigh in was this morning and I've lost 1lb this week. Not the greatest, but they all add up.

Need to watch my fat's, I've been eating nuts and other "healthy fats" but I think I need to watch how many I'm actually eating.

I also need to figure out how to deal with stress without putting food to my mouth.
Good job on losing the pound! It all counts! :) You are doing really well. It helps to jot down eating habits. Things I wouldn't have thought about comes to the surface.

** OT- I haven't been on here much. The boards have been too darned slow. It takes forever for a page to load. I'll go and do a few things and come back and it's still loading. No fun.

Hoping this place picks up the pace!
Yesterday was great for 80% of the day, then we all went to do the grocery shopping. UGH. Not the best scenario for me. So I've learned that I need to do grocery shopping solo or with just DH.

I hear you on the grocery shopping. I do the grocery shopping solo most of the time now. I find that if I go alone I can put my blinders on and stick to my list.
I hear you on the grocery shopping. I do the grocery shopping solo most of the time now. I find that if I go alone I can put my blinders on and stick to my list.

I like to go alone too. The big thing for me is to not go hungry to the grocery store. When I run errands and leave the grocery shopping for last, I run into trouble. The hunger kicked in and everything looks good. Not only do I buy more, but I buy the wrong stuff. So I generally have a small snack with me now, usually a small bag of nuts and some water.
Me and a stomach virus-ugh.

Friday afternoon we met quite unexpectedly, and have been the closest of friends. Finally it decided to leave this morning and I actually feel human again.

So I've not had the same concerns about weekend eating, but now I need to work on rehydrating. I got on the scale this morning just to see if there was a difference-154 lbs. Which is 5lbs different from my weigh in early Friday morning, so I've lost a lot of fluid. Too bad that isn't actual weight I lost.

Today is my Day 3 on Ease into 5k, lets hope I can make it through the entire workout.
Me and a stomach virus-ugh.

Friday afternoon we met quite unexpectedly, and have been the closest of friends. Finally it decided to leave this morning and I actually feel human again.

So I've not had the same concerns about weekend eating, but now I need to work on rehydrating. I got on the scale this morning just to see if there was a difference-154 lbs. Which is 5lbs different from my weigh in early Friday morning, so I've lost a lot of fluid. Too bad that isn't actual weight I lost.

Today is my Day 3 on Ease into 5k, lets hope I can make it through the entire workout.

I hope you feel better soon. Don't push yourself too hard. :hug:
Thanks OceanAnnie! I did not get day 3 done, too today will be the day for day 3. We've been having issues with the cable/Internet-so hopefully it will work itself out.
I have tried and tried to post on here for a week but no go... Every time I try I hit post and it goes into slow speed oblivion and is lost. Ugh. I have had good success lost another 3lbs last week! Yay! Have been trying to exercise, DD got a new bike this weekend so we were out with her all weekend, didn't calculate miles on Saturday but on Sunday I walked three miles. Felt good :) yesterday was a monster work day, so I burned quite a few calories. This afternoon we're outside (it's a bit breezy, lol) but I am so ready for sunshine that it doesn't matter. Still haven't got up the nerve to do my running in front of people aka outside on the running paths. But I am doing it on the treadmill, still plugging away at my couch to 5k plan. I think I actually like running again, even though it's limited to the treadmill for now.

Crossing my fingers that this post doesn't head to oblivion


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