Life Begins at 50 The Dream Tour With Lots of pictures

Thanks for your lovely comments. The truth is that we never stopped smiling for the whole two weeks (until our disaster on the last day which you will be able to read about shortly) we just loved every single minute of every single day and I'm sure I was even smiling while I was asleep, as I dreamed of what we had done that day. There is still our shark encounter & Crystal Palace to come yet, but I am trying to learn how to upload a video clip before I add these days.

Thanks again for reading my report - Kev
Loving all the photos of AKL! It looks absolutely wonderful and I'm looking forward to staying there myself in the future. DD and I are booked to dine at Jiko in October - after reading your report I CANNOT WAIT!!!! :thumbsup2
Like many others I love looking at the photos, sounds like you had a wonderful time and like you I got quite emotional reading about your swim with the dolphins. I would love to do that but a) it would be hard to fit in our already packed schedule as first timers and b) my boys don't want to do it!!!! Give it a few years and some more visits and even if they don't I will certainly do it. Brilliant work, thankyou for taking the time to do the trippie
Thanks again Kev, I know how time consuming producing these reports are and appreciate your efforts.

I didn't like Gwazi at all at Busch, thought I had suffered brain damage the way it shakes you about, loved the Kumba though. I also thought Rhino Rally was a good ride.
Gwazi seemed to shake us about much more the second time we rode it than it did the first Wicket, but I think there are two tracks so maybe we were on different tracks on each ride? It was certainly a bone shaker though!! Did you get to ride Sheikra? This is one awesome ride now it is floorless, and we were so lucky to be in the front seats, to get the full sensation of just hanging over the edge of the massive drop - WOW it still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stick up when I think about it.

We missed out on Kumba & the log flume due to technical problems on the day, but I don't know how we could have possibly fit any more in. The Kotonga show was sensational too, but then again, the whole day was!!
Fantastic report:thumbsup2 Can't wait for the rest, it takes me back to our trips. We loved AKL when we went for dinner at Boma and I would love to stay there some day.

Like you say Discovery Cove stays with you for the rest of your life.:love:
What a great report. Super pictures and writing. You definitely had a great vacation!
It was certainly a bone shaker though!! Did you get to ride Sheikra? This is one awesome ride now it is floorless, and we were so lucky to be in the front seats, to get the full sensation of just hanging over the edge of the massive drop - WOW it still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stick up when I think about it.


Unfortuntely, I didn't get to ride Sheikra. My youngest didn't fancy it and I wanted to stay with him at the time so the hubbie and eldest went on it. They enjoyed it. I nearly went when they came off as the line was low but I think they wanted the photo or something so I got side tracked.

On Gwazi I cannot remember which track we went on, none of us liked it because we were just shook around too much but Kumba was lovely and smooth.
Great trip report!

I love the fact that you are obviously having a fab time and seem to REALLY appreciate everything that you did. We are off to Florida for the first time in Sept and I am really excited about Discovery Cove - have to admit that your writing about your day there bought a little tear to my eye...

Happy belated birthday btw! :)
Day 13 Seaworld, Sharks Deep Dive, Golden Corral & Downtown Disney
Monday 6th August 2007

We were all out of bed by 8am and on the road by 8-30am. As soon as we arrived at Seaworld, we checked in for the Sharks Deep Dive, then headed straight for Kraken. There was no keeping Ben off the coasters now. Straight onto Journey to Atlantis next for a mini soaking, before touring the penguin encounter. I really enjoy watching these birds at play and the puffins were good fun too.


We fed the sea lions, which was quite entertaining, remembering from our previous visits that the birds swoop down & pinch your fish. Next came Shamu, and the hottest I have ever been in my life. The sweat was flooding off us as we waited for the show to begin. This was as spectacular as ever, but we just longed to get drenched, and thought we were in prime position in the soak zone, but yet again everybody bar us seemed to get wet - just unlucky yet again?? I am attempting to attach a video link, which shows just how close we came to getting a face full of Shamu water, without actually getting wet - from the water that is, as you will see us having to towel dry the sweat off us, as it was so hideously hot. Here goes, just click the screen & hope the video begins!!

We felt like jumping in with Shamu it was that hot, so we headed off to the Busch Hospitality Lounge and sampled a couple of free beers as we ate our sandwich lunch. We then had a little stroll to take in some of the scenery, and enjoy the sun for a while.





A trip through the shark tunnel came next, so that Ben & I could see what we were soon to go in with. The cage was moving along as we went through the tunnel, with two other people in it, obviously enjoying the experience, so we were getting really excited now. We took in Clyde & Seamore before heading off to the meeting point at the life size polar bear, ready for our shark experience.


Our guide, also called Ben, told Lisa what time we would be in the water and what time to meet us back here, and advised her to ask in the Sharks Grill restaurant if she could film us from there. He then took us off to the education centre, where he gave us bottled water before running through our consent forms, and then telling us quite a bit of stuff about sharks in general, and the ones in the tank in particular. He also went into detail about the helmets we would be wearing, and how to enter the cage. We then went into the changing room to get into our wetsuits, boots & gloves, which was an experience in itself! The suits are a very snug fit, and Ben suggested that we left them unzipped until we got to the tank. We zipped through the back lots on a golf trolley, seeing where all the filters & heaters were for all the water attractions, before reaching our destination. As we got inside, the cage was there, in a large tank of water & we met our trainers & got to walk along the edge of the pool, with all the sharks swimming right below us. We had a photo taken as we entered the pool.


Then Ben had his helmet lowered on to his head. They attached a balloon to his to take some of the weight. He then stepped down into the tank & moved over to the right to make room for me. My helmet was lowered on & I stepped in alongside Ben before closing the gate. We could just breathe normally & we could talk quite clearly to each other & to the trainers up above. We began to move downwards, and as we set off along the track, we could see clearly in to the tunnel with all the people walking through it. Just beyond the tunnel was the restaurant, and there, clear to see was Lisa taking video of us & waving furiously. The sharks came right up to the cage, we had been warned not to put our fingers through, but I don't think I would have wanted to really!! There were handles to help you move around inside the tank. If you moved your head forward, the water level would rise up your helmet, so you had to keep your head straight & bend from the knees. It was great fun & we seemed to be a greater attraction to the people in the tunnel than the sharks, with hundreds of them taking our photo. The swordfish came up really close & I was amazed at how the sharks eyes looked as though they had been glued on as an afterthought! Their teeth looked really vicious though, and they were so close that you could see their fillings!! Again, I am attaching a link for the video, taken by Lisa, firstly from inside the Sharks Grill, and then the last bit is taken from inside the tunnel. It''s a bit dark in places, but you can clearly make us out waving back to Lisa, & if you listen, you can hear someone asking if the divers are going to get out of the cage & her saying "I hope not, thats my husband & son in there!!" I hope the link works OK.

As the cage reached the halfway point, it stood for 5 minutes before continuing along & then did the same on the way back. All the way, we were busy bobbing up and down, waving to the people in the tank & shouting to each other "God look at that one" or "that one came close" & also communicating with the trainers above, who kept checking that we were OK. All too soon, we were back at the end and the cage was lifted. I had to open up the cage door, before stepping out and having my helmet lifted off. Ben followed & we both looked at each other, hardly able to believe what we had just done. We had a last look at the sharks from up above, before heading back on the golf trolley to get showered & changed. Ben gave us a T-shirt each & a book all about sharks, before taking us back to meet Lisa. This vacation had been full of incredible experiences, and this certainly rates up there with the best of them. It was still so incredibly hot, that we decided we had had enough, so we picked up our photograph & set off back to AKL, to get in the pool.

The pool water was really warm when we got back, so a cold shower was called for, before getting ready to go out for dinner. We decided on the Golden Coral, and enjoyed our meal, sampling quite a variety of different dishes from the ample choice available. We drove straight on to Downtown Disney, as we had to look for a few gifts to take home for the family. This was a very stressful & expensive experience.

Stressful in both trying to decide what to get for everyone, & also in the fact that it meant we were getting closer to going home! We eventually got fixed up though, & arranged for everything to be shipped back to AKL, so we didn't even need to carry anything. We were glad to get home by 11-30pm having called at the big McDonalds just down the road from the Lodge for thick shakes on the way back. Totally exhausted, we dropped in to bed ready for a big day tomorrow, as this would be our last full day.
OH! This is has been SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Now I see how a long visit to Orlando is spent! I hope I get to go for a long time soon!

I've just gotten to the part where you are going to SeaWorld. But I have to stop and join the "real world" as a friend and I are supposed to hang out for a bit today. Since it IS Saturday, I guess I should go outside right?

Well, I cant wait to read the rest. And if I'm not ready by the time my friend gets here, I'll blame it on you!!!!

See ya Later!! :wave:
The video clips worked well, had to call my son in to come and see Shamu splash as that will be us in 7 weeks time but what's with all the people moving around during the show, there were some very inconsiderate people standing in front of you while you were filming. My DH would have moaned at them. Are some people incapable of sitting still for 5 minutes?
What a wonderful time you all had.pixiedust: Thank you for sharing with us. Fantanstic pictures. :thumbsup2 I understand how emotional you were while you were there. The descriptions of rides and emotions is superb.:yay: :dance3: :hug: :grouphug:
Hello! I just finished! I really enjoyed your film clips. When I went to Aruba, I went on an excursion where I got to walk on the bottom of the sea to look at fish. We had the same type helmets you had on in the shark tank. Those things are HEAVY!

Glad you had such a great time, and awesome experiences. I'm sure your son will remember this for a LONG time!

-G :cutie:
Thanks everybody for your kind comments, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Although it has been hard work, it has also given me a lot of pleasure, recalling all the wonderful things that happened to us. We really feel very lucky to have been able to do so many things, all that remains now is to pay the credit card bills!! Never mind, it was worth every single penny.

Hoping to finish report off tomorrow:yay:
Thanks everybody for your kind comments, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Although it has been hard work, it has also given me a lot of pleasure, recalling all the wonderful things that happened to us. We really feel very lucky to have been able to do so many things, all that remains now is to pay the credit card bills!! Never mind, it was worth every single penny.

Hoping to finish report off tomorrow:yay:

Oh no I wont be here to see it - will have to look out for it on my return.

I think reports are excellent as it helps you get over having to come home and be depressed:rotfl2:
Day 14 Part 1 Typhoon Lagoon, Disney Tour & Crystal Palace
Tuesday 7th August 2007

Our day got off to an earlier than expected start, as we were woken by banging & scraping noises from the floor above. This was the first real time we had been disturbed by what sounded like construction noise. I took my coffee mug & after filling it, called at reception to ask about the noise. I didn't want to complain, everything had been too good to warrant a complaint, but it was annoying to be woken so early. The desk manager couldn't apologise enough, & said that the people in the room next to us had also complained, so the work had stopped immediately. Apparently it was a team of cleaners that had been brought in to clean the marble floors that had been laid in the new DVC apartments above, but they should not have been starting until 9am. No problem, at least our last day got off to an early start! We set off to Typhoon Lagoon, and after a short detour to put fuel in the car, we landed there at around 8-30am.


We set up base near Crush n Gusher & Ben & I headed straight onto the ride. Slightly disappointed by it, we headed off to Shark Lagoon to try the snorkelling. Ben was hooked on this after his experiences at Discovery Cove, and this too was an excellent experience, with plenty of different fish & even small sharks in the water with us, not quite as big as yesterdays sharks, but still interesting to be in the water with them.


We did the lagoon twice, before heading off to do all the other slides, which, I don't think are as good as blizzard beach. What typhoon lagoon does have though, is the amazing wave pool, that shoots massive tsunami type waves towards you, and you have to swim like fury to ride the waves. Ben & I got right up to the end so we could ride them at their highest, & we had great fun in the process.

We left TL at about 11am to drive to Epcot. We were determined that we were going to do Test Track before leaving, as it is my grandsons favourite, & I promised to ride it for him.


We got a fastpass ticket for 3-4pm so decided to head off to MGM for a last look around there.


We only did the Little Mermaid before the heat got to us & we needed to get back to the pool. Before we left MGM, we got chatting to a Cast Member, & when we told him it was our last day, he gave Lisa a pair of Tinkerbell pins, one for her, & one to give to a friend, so the pixie dust stayed with us to the end.

We took the bus back to AKL & had a good hour in the pool, before heading back to Epcot for our ride on Test Track. Even with our fastpass, it still took around an hour to get on the ride, & it still isn't my favourite, but I had promised my grandson, so I had to get the photo to prove we had done it!!



We had a last look around before picking up the car & heading back to AKL to get back in the pool, & do the thing we had been dreading for days - packing our suitcases.


I had been saying for days that we would never get everything back in to the cases, and this proved to be the case, so we decided that we would have to go out early in the morning & buy a new case. That was a good excuse to leave the packing & have a last wander around these beautiful surroundings, that we would be leaving around all too soon. This first picture is taken in the lobby area, showing the black screens covering the areas where construction work is taking place.


While out on the savannahs, the views were every bit as spectacular, and every bit as different as they could possibly be.


I really should know the names of all these animals by now, but I didn't really care what they were called, I just loved looking at them, and you certainly couldn't get bored as the views were always so different.




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