Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

I'm really into the blue and white outfit you have going. It'll look great with your medal!

I super duper love that cactus phone case!!!
Apparently I wasn't getting updates about your report! I am excited to hear about the race now that I'm back in the loop!!!

Glad you're back in the loop!

Also I love the InB sidenote...DO IT!!!

Yeah, the DIS is definitely not the place to come if I'm looking to be talked out of buying InB (I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy something, I just don't know what yet)

Not at some point.. soon! It would be the perfect post-race movie to watch with Starbucks ;)
(Am I pushy? ha!)

I don't watch things that aren't on Netflix ... (we'll see if I can get my hands on a copy of it by Sunday to watch post-race)

Ah! The suspense!

See thread title ...

Hope you have a blast this weekend and a great race!! Cheering for you!

Thank you!

I'm really into the blue and white outfit you have going. It'll look great with your medal!

Thanks - I totally agree. It's always nice to match the medal :)

I super duper love that cactus phone case!!!

Thanks! My friend Tony drew the whole thing himself (on a tablet with lots of frustratingness) - it came out great!
Race Packing List

Looking at this list, there's not very much on it. I feel like I'm forgetting something. It's fine ... hopefully if I'm forgetting anything I'll remember it before morning, and if not ... hopefully it's something I can pick up at the drugstore on my way in.

Without further ado ... here's the packing list: (actual packing will happen later tonight)
  • Race Belt
    • ID/Cash/Credit Card
    • Jelly Beans
    • Sport Beans
    • Tissues
    • Extra ponytail holder
    • Gel
  • Change of Clothing
  • (Full) 32-oz Water Bottle (I forgot that on the original list)
  • Extra Water Bottle
  • Breakfast (still don’t know what … will probably just be an uncrustable)
  • Jacket (wear on the subway and then bag check)
  • Cell phone/metrocard (I have to remember to swap out my phone case in the morning … no fun cactus case for the race :()
  • Yellow headband (in case I decide not to wear the hat - this way I've got all the colors of the medal in my outfit)
Race Clothing: (this will get set out before bed)
  • Blue Skirt
  • Blue Leggings
  • Raw Threads Hoodie
  • White Shirt
  • Blue Socks
  • Gray NB 880s
  • Race Hat
  • Gloves
So ... what am I forgetting??

Other Notes:
As I mentioned above, still no idea what's going on with post-race breakfast. I'm tempted to go somewhere and get actual food, but food is expensive and I will probably be gross.
- I'm a little more freaked out about this bib number not showing up on live tracking situation than I let on yesterday. If I have time when I get to the race, I'll see if there's someone I can talk to about it. I'm sure I'm just being nervous over nothing, but ... I just really want my tracking to work properly.
- Still haven't decided when I'm getting my medal engraved. It will probably depend on how I feel post-race. I'm guessing I won't be in the mood to stand in a long line, so I'll probably get it done Monday.

Live Tracking:
If you go to that website and type in my bib #, you get nothing.
If you type in "Sarah K", I'm the only one who comes up. I don't know if you'll get any actual tracking information, though, because of that whole "I'm worried that my bib isn't properly connected to my account" situation. But, if there is tracking information for me, that's where it will be. Race starts at 8, so expect me to finish somewhere between 10:30 and 11, depending on what time I actually start (I'm in the last corral) and how long it takes me to run.
Currently waiting for my second Starbucks. I went blonde this time.
The reason for the second latte is not good, but I'm very thankful for Starbucks right now.
Have a great race! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Thank you! Hopefully there will be a recap coming either later today or tomorrow.

Nice 10K're not done yet, but at this point, totally on track to beat your time :)

Thanks! (As I'm sure you saw) I slowed down a bit after the 10K, but I'm very happy with my time!

Woohoo!! Congratulations!! :cool1:

Thank you!

I would totally do this too! I actually think it is good for the legs.

Yeah, my legs definitely appreciated me not sitting down right away. The walking was not fun, but it helped.
Race Recap: NYRR Fred Lebow Manhattan Half
Sunday, January 21, 2018, 8:00 AM
Central Park, New York, NY

Getting to The Race: This was more of a mess than I was expecting. The plan was F to Q to 96th, but I just missed a Q at 63rd, so I walked to 59th and took the 6 to 103rd. Once I got to the race, I organized my stuff (and swapped out the hat for my headband) and then went to wait in the long line for bag check.
Once I got to the back of the line, I said "Wait, is this just the line for bag check? I thought this was the race!" (I'm so funny!)
Not-entirely-related thing: On the train, I happened to be looking at the NYRR app, and I noticed that the "best pace" in my account, which I thought was just the best pace I had ever run in a NYRR race, was actually the best calculated 10K pace. More on that later.

Race Course: Most of Central Park done twice, then a third shorter loop.


The Race:
I took my gel when I got to the start line, and then waited for my turn to start. They had us jogging to the start line rather than walking (which I hated), but whatever. According to live tracking, I started at 8:08:26, which is consistent with what I saw on the race clocks (btw, I checked live tracking on my first walk break and saw that it had my bib number and my start time, so I was relieved that the bib thing was not an issue).

Loop 1 (Miles 1-5): Started off feeling pretty good. Had the 2:30 pacers in my sight (or a drop behind me) through the first four miles, but I lost them when we hit the Harlem Hill (ugh) and I never got them back. Saw an old friend for a few seconds, which was nice. Started slower than my first two halfs, but that’s what I was aiming for.
Mile 1 Split (per Garmin): 11:11
Mile 2 Split (per Garmin): 11:24
Mile 3 Split (per Garmin): 10:52
Mile 4 Split (per Garmin): 11:52
Mile 5 Split (per Garmin): 12:01

Loop 2 (Miles 6-10): Met up with my friend T when I hit 90th and she ran this loop with me (she wasn't registered for the race, but she lives on the UWS, so we planned this last night). She was definitely pushing me faster than I would have gone on my own (which was fine), but it was nice to have someone to talk to. Definitely didn’t feel great, but having someone to complain to was nice J. Walked the Harlem Hill on this loop because T didn’t feel up to running it.
Plus, T took a picture of me, so now y'all can see how weird I look when I'm running:

Mile 6 Split (per Garmin): 11:38
10K Official Split: 1:12:31
Mile 7 Split (per Garmin): 12:18
Mile 8 Split (per Garmin): 11:52
Mile 9 Split (per Garmin): 12:17
Mile 10 Split (per Garmin): 12:24

Loop 3 (Miles 11-13.1): T left me at this point to meet up with some people and then head home. Feet started to feel a little numb. Wanted to finish strong (and maybe even run the last mile), but I just didn’t have it in me. Finished okay, but wanted to do better. Definitely made sure to push myself to stay below that 12:00 min/mile pace, but didn’t push harder than that.
Mile 11 Split (per Garmin): 12:09
Mile 12 Split (per Garmin): 11:51
Mile 13 Split (per Garmin): 11:42

Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 2:44:53
Garmin Time: 2:36:54 (for 13.30 miles)
Chip Time: 2:36:51 (11:58/mile)
Overall Place: 4,412 of 5,191
Gender Place: 1,634 of 2,110
Age Group (F 30-34) Place: 283 of 351

Overall Thoughts:
  • Forgot to set the intervals on my watch! Had to use my phone, which took a while to set up (and then I missed a few cues).
  • Goal was to not go out too strong and to still stay below 12:00 min/mile average. Did both! Got myself a new NYRR best pace, 11:21, which may actually move me up a corral (see above comment about best pace)!
  • Not an easy race, but not the worst.
  • Enjoyed running with my friend, but I definitely pushed harder than I should have.
  • Need to practice running hills!!
  • Not sure what was up with my shoes/feet feeling numb at the end… if that happens again, I need to figure out why it's happening.

Post-Race: Got my medal, heat blanket, and an apple. Once I got my bag, I walked a bit before stopping to stretch, then walked to the Fred Lebow statue for a picture.
I then walked to Starbucks and got an Iced Venti Vanilla Nonfat Latte. That was Starbucks #1. I walked to Lex & 86th and grabbed the 6, planning to take that to the E and then switch for the F.
That plan had a second Starbucks stop in the middle ... but that's a little TMI, so I'm going to stick it below a spoiler tag:
So, I like to joke that I'm not toilet trained. I actually am toilet trained ... I just don't always register that I have to use the facilities until it's almost too late. I know this, so I usually try to use the facilities right before I get on the train, especially if I've been drinking a lot. Stupidly, I didn't use the bathroom at Starbucks, and when I got to the E train, I had to pee. I was hoping I could make it home, but I realized I couldn't. I kinda freaked out, but then decided to be rational and get off the subway near either Target or the mall and use the bathroom there. Alas, I then realized I wouldn't make it that far. I went on the Starbucks app and found a Starbucks near the next train station, so I got off there and went to Starbucks. I felt weird taking my Starbucks into Starbucks, so I gulped down as much of the first Starbucks as I could (I actually almost finished it) before trashing it right outside the store. I then used the bathroom, and when I was done with that, got another latte (this time a Blonde Espresso) before heading home. As soon as I got home, the first thing I did was pee. That's right ... I got off the train to pee, and then had to pee again less than an hour later. Bladders are stupid.

Blonde Espresso Review: It's not bad, but it didn't seem that special.

Goals Met: #1 (new NYRR best pace), #4 (new NYRR coral)
Race Recap: NYRR Fred Lebow Manhattan Half
Sunday, January 21, 2018, 8:00 AM
Central Park, New York, NY

Getting to The Race: This was more of a mess than I was expecting. The plan was F to Q to 96th, but I just missed a Q at 63rd, so I walked to 59th and took the 6 to 103rd. Once I got to the race, I organized my stuff (and swapped out the hat for my headband) and then went to wait in the long line for bag check.
Once I got to the back of the line, I said "Wait, is this just the line for bag check? I thought this was the race!" (I'm so funny!)
Not-entirely-related thing: On the train, I happened to be looking at the NYRR app, and I noticed that the "best pace" in my account, which I thought was just the best pace I had ever run in a NYRR race, was actually the best calculated 10K pace. More on that later.

Race Course: Most of Central Park done twice, then a third shorter loop.

View attachment 296992

The Race:
I took my gel when I got to the start line, and then waited for my turn to start. They had us jogging to the start line rather than walking (which I hated), but whatever. According to live tracking, I started at 8:08:26, which is consistent with what I saw on the race clocks (btw, I checked live tracking on my first walk break and saw that it had my bib number and my start time, so I was relieved that the bib thing was not an issue).

Loop 1 (Miles 1-5): Started off feeling pretty good. Had the 2:30 pacers in my sight (or a drop behind me) through the first four miles, but I lost them when we hit the Harlem Hill (ugh) and I never got them back. Saw an old friend for a few seconds, which was nice. Started slower than my first two halfs, but that’s what I was aiming for.
Mile 1 Split (per Garmin): 11:11
Mile 2 Split (per Garmin): 11:24
Mile 3 Split (per Garmin): 10:52
Mile 4 Split (per Garmin): 11:52
Mile 5 Split (per Garmin): 12:01

Loop 2 (Miles 6-10): Met up with my friend T when I hit 90th and she ran this loop with me (she wasn't registered for the race, but she lives on the UWS, so we planned this last night). She was definitely pushing me faster than I would have gone on my own (which was fine), but it was nice to have someone to talk to. Definitely didn’t feel great, but having someone to complain to was nice J. Walked the Harlem Hill on this loop because T didn’t feel up to running it.
Plus, T took a picture of me, so now y'all can see how weird I look when I'm running:

Mile 6 Split (per Garmin): 11:38
10K Official Split: 1:12:31
Mile 7 Split (per Garmin): 12:18
Mile 8 Split (per Garmin): 11:52
Mile 9 Split (per Garmin): 12:17
Mile 10 Split (per Garmin): 12:24

Loop 3 (Miles 11-13.1): T left me at this point to meet up with some people and then head home. Feet started to feel a little numb. Wanted to finish strong (and maybe even run the last mile), but I just didn’t have it in me. Finished okay, but wanted to do better. Definitely made sure to push myself to stay below that 12:00 min/mile pace, but didn’t push harder than that.
Mile 11 Split (per Garmin): 12:09
Mile 12 Split (per Garmin): 11:51
Mile 13 Split (per Garmin): 11:42

Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 2:44:53
Garmin Time: 2:36:54 (for 13.30 miles)
Chip Time: 2:36:51 (11:58/mile)
Overall Place: 4,412 of 5,191
Gender Place: 1,634 of 2,110
Age Group (F 30-34) Place: 283 of 351

Overall Thoughts:
  • Forgot to set the intervals on my watch! Had to use my phone, which took a while to set up (and then I missed a few cues).
  • Goal was to not go out too strong and to still stay below 12:00 min/mile average. Did both! Got myself a new NYRR best pace, 11:21, which may actually move me up a corral (see above comment about best pace)!
  • Not an easy race, but not the worst.
  • Enjoyed running with my friend, but I definitely pushed harder than I should have.
  • Need to practice running hills!!
  • Not sure what was up with my shoes/feet feeling numb at the end… if that happens again, I need to figure out why it's happening.

Post-Race: Got my medal, heat blanket, and an apple. Once I got my bag, I walked a bit before stopping to stretch, then walked to the Fred Lebow statue for a picture.
View attachment 297004
I then walked to Starbucks and got an Iced Venti Vanilla Nonfat Latte. That was Starbucks #1. I walked to Lex & 86th and grabbed the 6, planning to take that to the E and then switch for the F.
That plan had a second Starbucks stop in the middle ... but that's a little TMI, so I'm going to stick it below a spoiler tag:
So, I like to joke that I'm not toilet trained. I actually am toilet trained ... I just don't always register that I have to use the facilities until it's almost too late. I know this, so I usually try to use the facilities right before I get on the train, especially if I've been drinking a lot. Stupidly, I didn't use the bathroom at Starbucks, and when I got to the E train, I had to pee. I was hoping I could make it home, but I realized I couldn't. I kinda freaked out, but then decided to be rational and get off the subway near either Target or the mall and use the bathroom there. Alas, I then realized I wouldn't make it that far. I went on the Starbucks app and found a Starbucks near the next train station, so I got off there and went to Starbucks. I felt weird taking my Starbucks into Starbucks, so I gulped down as much of the first Starbucks as I could (I actually almost finished it) before trashing it right outside the store. I then used the bathroom, and when I was done with that, got another latte (this time a Blonde Espresso) before heading home. As soon as I got home, the first thing I did was pee. That's right ... I got off the train to pee, and then had to pee again less than an hour later. Bladders are stupid.

Blonde Espresso Review: It's not bad, but it didn't seem that special.

Goals Met: #1 (new NYRR best pace), #4 (new NYRR coral)
Loved the recap! I was wondering about your slightly cryptic message about the second Starbucks - cracked up when I read why! I’m guessing you might have also made the most of the drink stations during the run?

Anyway glad you achieved your goals for this one, even with the hills!


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