Letter to the Editor in Macleans


do something that MATTERS!
Mar 14, 2001
MacLeans is like a Canadian Version of Time Magazine ( though that may be giving it a little too much credit lately) They have been critical at best of the war. Well several people wrote in and here are two of the best this week LOL

From a GA Burns

To all the people who said there would be millions of deaths in Iraq, that the American aggressors were going to meet resistance by every Iraqi citizen, or that this was going to be a long war or even the start of the World War Three- you were wrong. Please go back to hugging trees or protesting the WTO or whatever the cause o'the day may be.

from Jennifer Meeks

After your coverage of the war in Iraq it occurred to me that the former Iraqi minister of information is alive and well and working for your magazine.

Originally posted by binny

from Jennifer Meeks

After your coverage of the war in Iraq it occurred to me that the former Iraqi minister of information is alive and well and working for your magazine.

This letter makes me laugh! :D


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