Let's try this again... Morgan and Rusty get married at Disney 10/21/13

Hi Sharli! Glad you found me. It was you that inspired me to start again!

I haven't quite figured out how to post pictures on here (last time I tried it was ginormous). If I post dress pics, I may do it in the FB group. DF wouldn't be able to see it, right?

I like the idea of doing a favorite topping for each of us and list it as such. Makes it personal.

I got a response Sunday from my uncle (not the one doing the wedding, the one from here) and it was his address 'as long as he's still in his house'. A big stink went on between his common-law wife/long term girlfriend and they broke up around the end of Feb/first of March. So... that is put a big riff in the guest list, because she was part of it. Now he has a new girlfriend from across the country and I've never met her. I don't find it fair that I'm telling all my best friends that they can't come when my uncle may expect that he's getting to bring this new fling? I'm gonna have to put my foot down on it. Anyway.. turns out he wants to live in my grandparents' RV on some plot of land about 45 min-1 hr away from here, so he may not have an address come time. OK, I'll send his to my grandma's. I got a response from one of DF's sister. As he was talking to his mom today, she was confused as to why I asked for addresses and assumed I had everyone's, at least theirs. DF knows theirs. He doesn't know anyone else's!! So I don't know if his mom told his other sister anything about it, but whatever. I'm upset that people are going to the website (the number of views keeps increasing) and they can't respond to the email like I asked. DF said he's going to tell his mom and sister that I really need their addresses, so who knows what will happen. He is so non confrontational and I feel like he may not back me up if they say something negative about me. I haven't done anything wrong... I'm trying to keep them informed and included... much more than what DF is doing.

What makes matters worse, I can't even get the uncle (the one performing the ceremony) and aunt from S. Carolina to ever reply to my emails. I have sent them 2 emails and no response. My dad had to call him and make sure we have the right emails. We do. *sigh*

I feel like I have put forth all this effort, and no one cares. The only way I know that people are reading the emails is that people are going to the website. If I didn't have that up, I would have no clue. Its just so frustrating. I guess I have high standards for this type of thing. I guess that if I don't really have anything to tell my guests, I won't send an email. I had plans to send out monthly emails with something that would help their park experiences each month. As you can see, I am wordy. DF thought maybe my email was too long. Well.. I figure one long email is better than more frequent, shorter emails. They surely wouldn't read them then! I was wanting to go over FastPass basics and other things like parking and security, as well as the transport system in future emails. I am so discouraged at this point that I don't know if I want to continue the emails. DF says that I should still send them because he doesn't think that they go ignored. Thank goodness I don't do anything fancy with them that would require lots of work. Otherwise I'd be quite upset.

Ok, sorry for being so long-winded. I just don't have a soul to talk to about this because my mom thinks I'm stupid and DF doesn't know what to say.

On a happy note, we ordered our home reception invites on Sunday! We used a Groupon for VistaPrint and saved a bundle. Yay!

Thats all the new stuff going on. I send my planner, Karen, an email over the weekend, and I surprisingly got an email rather quickly today. I would have thought she would have been bogged down with emails over the weekend. She seemed rather cold the first few communications, but this email was super friendly and told me not to ever think I was bothering her. She answered all my questions! That made me feel a bit better today.

Alright, I'm really done this time. Thanks for listening (or really reading)!!

So glad I inspired you! It's always a nice thing to hear!

Posting pictures is a breeze, once you get the hang of it....I resize all the pictures I want to post before uploading them anywhere. On my home computer I can resize several at the same time, which makes it super easy (I have Windows 7, if you have that, you should be able do the same through "edit photos"). Then I upload everything to photobucket and organize them into folders. Once you have all your pics uploaded, you can click on the image and it has an IMG link already there for you (it should be the last one on the right side). You click in the IMG box where the link is and it automatically copies it, then you just paste it in your comment box here. No need to click the picture above the comment box since you've copied everything from photobucket.

Beware that if you go into photobucket after posting your pics and reorganize the photos, like I did, you will have to go back and fix all the broken links in your posts. If you don't go back and fix the links, then the photos will appear as the little red x's. If you like to be organized, then I would make folders and organize first, then post. If you still have questions, feel free to PM me and I can walk you through it. I posted on several message boards for a few years and had to refresh my brain on how everything works, I'm remembering most things and am happy to help if you need any. :goodvibes

Your DF can't see anything you post on the Disbrides FB page. I always check and double-check that I'm actually posting it to the Disbrides and not on my wall or someone else's, I'm so scared he's going to see my dress or something else I don't want him to see yet. :rotfl:

I'm really sorry you're having so much trouble with the responses. I would definitely tell your uncle (the one wanting to bring his new girl) that she won't be invited. Has anyone met her yet? I would say, something to the effect of, "If you were still with (insert former common-law wife/long-term gf here), I wouldn't mind since that was someone I knew and had a bond with, but I don't know (insert new gf here) and don't feel as comfortable with her being there." In your own words, of course. After all, you know what would set him off and make him upset. Hopefully, he will understand. As for his invite, I would probably send it to grandma. I'm having to do that as well. I think I have double invites going to at least three addresses. And I feel a little bad because I'm only doing that for certain cousins....oh well, we can't please everyone, can we.

I don't understand why it makes a difference if your DF already had someone's address. YOU don't and you are asking for it. Is it really THAT difficult? My mom's older brother has lived in the same house for.ever. and I knew his address (I stayed with them for several weeks when I moved to San Antonio), I still made him write his address down on my spreadsheet. I tried to make it simple. If you don't write down your address, and write legibly, then you won't be getting a save the date or invite. Period. We are trying to make things easy, but others make things difficult. The fact is, it's a formal invite, everything needs to be accurate. My DF is very non-confrontational as well. He will avoid conflict at ANY cost, so I feel your pain with that. But I know he will stick up for me, we had that conversation many moons ago because one of his friends doesn't like me. I think you'd be surprised at what he would say if someone says something negative. I don't think they'd say anything negative anyway, you're really just asking for information. It's not like you're calling every day or sending endless emails. I think it's nice that you're including them and trying to get the family to be a little closer. Just remember, you can't force it. It needs to come naturally, and probably over time. In the end, if they do become closer, they will be greatful to you for the nudge. ::yes::

For your uncle that is performing the ceremony, if your dad doesn't mind, I would have him call again and ask if they got the email requesting their address. Maybe he got it and decided to respond later (I also don't understand why people do that....just respond and get it done), or maybe he hasn't checked his email. I used to go weeks and weeks without checking my email. Anyway, I would definitely be making another phone call. DF had to do this with one of his uncles, it turned out he spends half of the year in Florida and the other half in California and was trying to make sure he would be in Florida at the time of the wedding so he could attend.

I *completely* understand how you're feeling about all the effort going unnoticed. I feel exactly the same. I had to realize that no one, besides myself, DF, and maybe our parents will prioritize our wedding to a degree that we do. It's hard to think about and makes me sad, but it really is true. It's not that they don't care, it's just that they don't know. They don't know how much time and effort (and money) we are putting into all of this. It is our life for a year (in some cases well over a year)! What I've been trying to do is focus on things that we can do for the wedding, and most other stuff (like emails and informational things that people may or may not be reading or looking at) have fallen by the wayside. If they're not going to realize what we've put into it, then I'm not going to put as much of an effort. Obvious exceptions to this rule are the save the dates, invites, and welcome bags. I try to protect myself from the heartbreak of making nice newsletters that some of the other girls spend hours, days, weeks on and then feeling like people barely look at them. The other thing that helps me at times is something one of my co-workers told me, she said, "They are probably thinking, 'Oh it's six months away still' but you're thinking, 'IT'S SIX MONTHS AWAY!!!!'" It makes me laugh because it's so true.

Never apologize for venting....or being long-winded, or rambling. I ramble on and on myself, as you can see. You need to vent, and this is a great place, you have a lot of people here going through the same thing you're going through and having many of the same frustrations. We understand. We are here to be a sounding board for all of your ideas, but also lend an ear and help you through some of the more difficult times.

Happy you ordered your home reception invites! I look forward to seeing them after you get the hang of posting pics! Sending lots of pixie dust your way! Everything will get better!

Hey Morgan! Just thought I'd check in and say hi! I've been following along, but it's been a super busy week for work. I hope you've gotten some more responses. I forgot, did you say that you put a deadline in the emails? Oh, and I loved the Rangers jerseys in your pics :-). We're headed to the Rough Riders game in Frisco Sunday. I think Ogando pitched Friday; wonder if he'll be pitching again. That would be a treat in Frisco!

And how exciting, Sharli, that we'll be in WDW at the same time! We're getting there Saturday the 7th and doing MVMCP Sunday night; SBP at 2:30 on Dec. 10 :-) and we're flying back to DFW Friday the 13th!!

Morgan, I know you're doing a reception at home. How is that going? I feel like I can't even think that far!

Ah, need more pixie dust.....

Well, not too much has happened since my last update. I did get a reply from one sister of their address, and even emailed me a few days later about tickets and things! Yay for her planning!

Thursday, I got a reply from DF's mom, with everyone's email, plus a little note about her being excited. I am glad she did this, but am sad that his other sister didn't bother to reply. I sent a reply back (a few days later, as I really haven't had a moment to reply AT ALL). I apologized for the delay in reply, hoping to convey that waiting a few days to reply to an email isn't exactly a good thing.

I still have not heard from my uncle performing the ceremony, or my aunt. This is really bothersome. If I don't hear from him by next week, I will email him again. After that, I will have my dad call him to remind him that I need to communicate with him. With my working hours, the time difference, and his schedule as a church leader, we probably do not have the greatest amount of opportunities to communicate on the phone. Email is a great way to communicate right now, because it allows us to read an reply on our own time. I'm getting a little nervous that history will not change and I will end up not having an officiant. I know that everyone is saying that my wedding isn't as important to everyone else as it is to me, but when I've asked you to play a major role in it, and I chose you over my best friends to come, you should respect me enough to talk to me. Maybe I'm just feeling down because work has stressed me out... I don't know.

An upside to the week is that I found some dark gray tulle for our favors for the home reception! You have no idea how hard it has been to find that! Places have light silver tulle, but not DARK gray. I even got it on sale, and had a coupon!! I got some personalized ribbon from The Knot (4 rolls for the price of 1!!) that I want to tie on the favors. We have stocked up on pink Hershey Kisses from Valentine's Day and Easter to have pink and silver Kisses. So, we will wrap the favors with tulle and tie with the pink ribbon. I know its simple and common, but I wanted to make the reception as budget friendly as possible.

Since my dad lost his job last year (he has found another job, but not one that pays nearly as much.. I mentioned in the FB group that he is a TSA officer now), I have felt really bad asking them to help with the reception (we made the deal that I would pay for the wedding at Disney and they would pay for the reception at home. They know they got off with the better deal, but I know it hurts them that they can't pay for everything and that I'm holding back on my big dream things. It will still be wonderful and I don't think I will want to change it for the world.

Now, its hitting me that I still have more things to pay for before the wedding: 2 nights in hotels (one night before we get to BLT and the other at the Hyatt MCO, airfare, welcome bags, pay off D&V and possibly adding an hour to photog, wedding rings, booking Beaute Speciale and paying for that, paying off our DCL honeymoon, etc). That is my biggest stressor right now. I have been working overtime (which is wearing me out) and cashing in my Paid Time Off in order to get extra money. We max out at 300 hours of PTO, otherwise we lose it. So, instead of taking a vacation, I'm working and cashing some of it in every so often (they tax the crap out of it, so I don't want to cash in a ton at a time), so that is some extra money. I should be able to cash in about 20 hours every month an a half, so I have a few more times to do that. I don't want to cash in too much, in case I have an issue. I'm waiting for my tuition reimbursement to come back so I can pay off some of those bills. I hope to get them with the paycheck next Friday. Its just all hitting me.

To top it off, I need to work on our planning kit. We don't have as many options as Wishes weddings do, so you'd think it would be easy, right? Not at all. I think I know what I want, but then I look at the kit and I become indecisive. I mean.. its simple stuff like my bouquet. I know I want light pink, but then I think about it, and am stuck. Why? I don't know. Maybe because it is the biggest day of my life?

Add PMS and the fact that I feel like I've gained weight like no one's business, I'm not having the best week! I know we've all been there and in a few days, I will probably feel better about everything. Its just.. you know. DF's and my work schedule has been completely opposite, so we haven't really spent a lot of time together. UGH!!! Just not a good week for me.

Tamara, the reception here is coming along. We need to order our fake flowers and figure out what we are doing with the centerpieces. We will have the mason jars and my dad's antique books. We also have to figure out the serving table for the sundae bar... We need to figure out how that will work. I don't want to to be boring. My mom and dad went to Canton for First Mondays and bought some chalkboard stands and boards to use for signs and things. Really cute. Just have to figure out what we want to use them for. I saw something on Four Weddings that they used for escort cards, but I want to try it for some of our pictures, instead of a slide show and a ton of framed pictures. I like silver buckets, so I would fill 2 with rocks and/or sand and put a dowel pole in each, tie string/twine in rows to connect the 2 buckets, then use clothespins to hold the photos. Thats the newest idea so far.

I don't think Ogando would pitch so soon yet. He's getting ready to make his return back to the team (boy do we need them), but you could catch other players in their rehab tho!

Sharli, I will try to figure out the photos. I have a photobucket account, so we will see what I can do. I don't know how to resize things on my computer, so you may just have to deal with big photos!!

Right now, I'm going to try to improve my attitude by watching all the Disney movies on ABC Family channel today. I like it when they do that.

Question... does anyone have any websites where I can see a ton of updos? THe ones I have gone to are confusing and/or have tons of crazy styles. I am looking for something simple, yet classy. I want it up, as my dress has a back that I want seen (plus humidity and my hair don't mix). Any ideas? I don't have the time or money for a test run with anyone, even here, so it will have to be really what i want. My face is fat and want something that will distract from that ;)

Well, I will keep researching and relaxing today. Hope you all have had a great weekend.
You should definitely check out Pinterest for some hair ideas! :)
Also, great idea with purchasing Groupons! I need to look into that.
Glad you got replies from FSIL and FMIL. It's progress. Hopefully you will hear from your uncle.

I feel you on the pressure to pay for everything. That's my biggest stressor right now too...and waiting for the BEO to come isn't making anything easier. It's actually more stressful because DF keeps telling me over and over not to buy anything until we get our BEO and it's driving me crazy. There are things we need regardless of how much the BEO states, and we can cut things from there. It will get easier. I have to keep telling myself that. I'm praying the cost is more managable than I anticipate it to be. Ugh. I don't get OT, which makes it more stressful for DF too, especially since he's the one contributing more (he makes more than me). I've been trying to pay for anything that's not Disney, invites, gifts, and other stuff to remove some of the pressure from him. Though, we are not having an at home reception, so I can imagine that's just more added stress. And no, PMS does not help. at. all. This must be my week. :headache:

We will get through, and it will get easier as the day gets closer. No worries on the photos. Big photos are ok by me. :thumbsup2
I am so glad that your family members have responded. I hope that you can get in touch with your uncle soon.
Congrats on finding the tulle and on sale, even better!
I have saved a lot of updos from when I thought I wanted an updo. I can email them to you :)
Hey Morgan! Just thought I'd check in and say hi! I've been following along, but it's been a super busy week for work. I hope you've gotten some more responses. I forgot, did you say that you put a deadline in the emails? Oh, and I loved the Rangers jerseys in your pics :-). We're headed to the Rough Riders game in Frisco Sunday. I think Ogando pitched Friday; wonder if he'll be pitching again. That would be a treat in Frisco!

And how exciting, Sharli, that we'll be in WDW at the same time! We're getting there Saturday the 7th and doing MVMCP Sunday night; SBP at 2:30 on Dec. 10 :-) and we're flying back to DFW Friday the 13th!!

Morgan, I know you're doing a reception at home. How is that going? I feel like I can't even think that far!

Ah, need more pixie dust.....


Congrats Tamara (and to all the other Escape brides posting here!) We are in WDW for your wedding and we would totally come stalk you as we got married at SBP at 2:30 our wedding day too, but we'll be getting ready for our photo session with Regina at that time!
Just so excited for you all-

Morgan-I am now subscribed to your PJ and can't wait to read more! :flower3:
Thanks for all the support everyone! I feel a bit better this week. Today I got paid and can say that I now have enough cash to pay off the base minimum of the wedding! If I decide to add anything, it will be more, but I have time to figure that out. So that makes me feel good! And I'm still 4.5 months away!!!

I am going to practice posting pics now, with pics of my reception invites!!!! Hope this works!!!

So glad you're feeling better this week. Yay for having enough to pay off the minimum! What a great feeling! :banana:

I love the invites, so cute!

Look at you posting pictures!!! They're perfect! :thumbsup2
I love the mason jar invites! How cute and they fit your theme perfectly!! Thanks again for the Impressions info. My mom is in love with it and she offered to buy the napkins and the door holders, yay!!
Like the last updates, nothing really to report. I have started going on Pintrest more to get ideas, but all it really does is depress me really, as I can't afford anything grand. As I read about other brides having all sorts of things at their wedding, I am almost wanting to add some extra packages to dress up the ceremony a bit, but I cannot decide if I want to do that, or just stick to the original plan of not adding anything extra. I'm not sure what I will regret more... spending money that I could use elsewhere or having a completely bland and boring ceremony... tough choices to make, and soon.

As an update on responses from my email... I still have yet to hear from my uncle and aunt. Its been 3 weeks. I will email them next week and if I still don't hear from them, my dad will call them and tell them that email is our primary route of communication. It really is making me regret choosing him to do the wedding. I want to cut down on communication, but with almost 4 months to go, now is when I need to communicate more things!

I purchased some napkins while they were on sale with The Knot that have a castle on them, so I can bring a bit of Disney to the reception at home.

DF worked with his mom on a rough guest list for his side of the family for the reception. There's not many people they wanted to invite... makes me feel weird because there's a ton I want to invite! Oh well. More guests for me!

DF still hasn't gotten a suit and doesn't seem to be in any big hurry to pick one out. We aren't renting, as DF needs another nice suit anyway. We haven't picked out rings either. I just feel like everything is going to sneak up on us!

Sorry this is such a downer post, but I'm not feeling too hot today. I hope to have more to report next time.
I hope you're feeling better about things. Good news about the napkins and your DF working with his mom on the guest list. Please say you've heard from you uncle by now! Maybe he's busy, hopefully you've heard from him, or at the very least your father has spoken to him.

I love Pinterest! Tons of ideas, and there should be some stuff on there to help cut costs....I know, that can be challenging with Disney, but I think it can still be done! What kind of packages can you add? Can you pick and choose elements to dress up the ceremony but still keep costs at a minimum? Or is it a set price for a package? I wonder if your planner can work with you a little on that....get a few things to make you feel like it's not bland and boring without breaking the bank.
I love your invitations, the colour is so gorgeous!

Have you heard yet from your uncle? I don't want to be presumptuous, but are you possibly considering a back-up plan? I know we'd all be happy to help if for some reason you uncle can no longer help you at your wedding. But I do sincerely hope you have heard from him and everything is working out!

Also, I want to second Sharli's suggestion of discussing your options with your planner. From what I understand you can tell them you have a very strict budget, and see if they can work with you to produce a couple small touches that won't break the bank but will add a little something extra.
I know I don't have many followers, as there's not much to really plan for my wedding, but I will update anyway!

These past few weeks since my last update have been quite busy! First, we got DF's suit for the wedding! I originally wanted a light gray suit, but he would have none of that. Finally, after watching an episode of American Idol, he liked a dark gray suit that Ryan Seacrest was wearing. Finally, with my HALF OFF everything coupon card in tow, we set out for Men's Warehouse. We are opting to buy DF's suit, as he needs more than one suit once he gets his accounting job going. We walked in to the store and this very nice guy came over and asked to assist us. He measured DF (I keep wanting to write DH... too soon!) and brought him over to his size suits. The first one he put on him was a light gray suit, because it was the first one found in the size. What do you know... he loved it! I did too. I will admit that I've never seen him in a suit, so this was a special moment for me. He looked GOOOOOOD! We went ahead and tried on the darker gray and a black suit. He wasn't a fan, and neither was I. So, we ended up with a light gray suit! And... we found a light pink and gray tie to go along with it! It was meant to be! He is going to look great!!!

I also ordered our welcome bags from weddingchicks.com last week. I had some designs picked out, mostly that would have the location on them, but DF was not a fan. He is GROOMZILLA!!! I finally had to give in to his wishes and ordered one that really didn't go with out them at all, but actually had our colors on it without any editing. It kinda could go, but he said it reminded him of Main Street, USA (not real sure where he got that idea, but oh well). I approved the design a few days later, and they should be coming within the next few weeks. I'm still working at what all to put into them. I have contacted IMPRESSIONS to do the door hangers. I really kinda want them all for myself, who cares if people use theirs.. I'm gonna use mine!!! I also ordered some koozies from totallypromotional.com. I found one that can have our date, names, and location (I want these to be a souvenir for everyone), plus it has a little blurb about fairy tales. DF liked it without issue! Yay! I keep telling myself that I'm not going to ask him anymore, but I really want him to like things.

Now on to wedding rings... We went to Zales to take my ring in for its 6 month check up and looked at the matching wedding rings (DF insists we call them bands. blah.). I found mine, and in a 6.5. Its hard to find them, apparently. DF had to order my engagement ring from Louisiana or something. They only had 2 in the US that were a 6, and one was in Puerto Rico! My hand size fluctuates with my weight, but I don't plan on getting super skinny, so the 6.5 should do it. If not, we can have it sized down. It fit perfectly in the store, so we will see. So.... DF bought it!! Yay! we looked at his ring, and decided he will probably want the Tungsten Carbide rather than Titanium, merely for the fact that it won't scratch as easily. He is VERY particular (if you couldn't already tell) about things, so we are still in search for the perfect band for him. He really needs to get on the ball!!!!!

Yesterday was DF's nephew's 1st birthday party. It was the first event that I was officially invited to, apart from DF. Usually I'm invited because he is. This time, his sister actually invited ME! So, since DF works EVERY WEEKEND, I decided I would show his family that I really want to be a part of their family, and I went to the party alone. I drove over an hour to get there. I was greeted by both of his sisters (he has 2 younger sisters, both married with at least one child each). His mom found me and hugged me, but the first thing she said was, "I keep waiting for that email about meeting your parents and never see it." Like I posted in an FB group... Sorry if I'm busy planning and paying for the entire wedding alone and haven't had much time to get a date set for that. Later on, we were discussing plans on where we will live after the wedding. We don't have enough money to buy a house now because I'm using all my money to pay for the wedding, so I mentioned that when he gets a better job with his accounting, we should have more money for a house. Her response, "You don't think he makes money now?" Well he does, but he works hourly and only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with a few week days in there. Ok, thanks MOM.

I did get to meet his grandparents, an aunt, and cousin. He has both grandparents on his mom's side, and one on his dad's. His mom's parents were supposed to come to the wedding, but they told me they most likely won't be coming. When was I going to learn that?! DF didn't even know. Luckily the only REAL arrangement that was made for them was 2 spots for dinner at 1900 Park Fare. I guess I can call and reduce that amount. This leaves 3 spots open. I know that I have 4 friends (2 friends and their sig. others) that want to come to the wedding. They all said that if there is anyone that won't go, to call them and they can try to make it. I would hate for someone to not go because I can't fit a boyfriend in (both have a baby with their boyfriends, so I would have to invite everyone). So we will just keep it to family only at this point, unless someone else (like my uncle performing the ceremony) wants to cancel. I still haven't heard from him, but my cousin says he's not really good at replying to emails. I may have to send it to his work email at the church in order to make him actually check it. My dad will call him this week to tell him to look for an email from me.

Also, since we decided to come in a day earlier than we had planned, we have been watching out for deals at hotels. I wanted AoA, but they had been booked for the Little Mermaid rooms. My mom was discussing the deals their Disney TA friend got them, she mentioned AoA Little Mermaid rooms. I was like AHHH! So I went online, and sure enough, there's rooms available! I believe that after Disney announced Free Dining and had pin codes mailed out, a lot of people switched their dates. I'm still hoping that another discount will come available after the current room-only discount is over, but I'm ok paying what I am for AoA! I told DF that he HAS to stay in the Little Mermaid room (its my FAVORITE movie)... I'm not sure he's excited, but its only for 1 night. He'll survive.

That is pretty much all that has gone on, wedding wise. The reception is coming along. We are just doing some hodgepodge centerpieces with some fake flowers we find on sale that are pretty. As of now, it actually looks pretty decent. I want to do some mason jars with Babies Breath for some so that we don't have to buy a TON of flowers. We've bought some chalkboard signs for the toppings and cupcake flavors, so its coming along. I still feel overwhelmed quite a bit, but its not horrible now that we have some major things out of the way.

I hope to have more updates more often as we get closer and closer to wedding day. 112 days to go!
I know what you mean about groomzilla! There are things I have always wanted for our wedding and now DF sees them and is like "no, I don't want that. I want this." Which wouldn't be a big deal if he picked minor things...no he picks the things I have had my heart set in since we decided in Disney. I think weddingchicks have awesome welcome bags.
Hurrah for your ring! I am having issues finding one for mine (stupid cushion cut!). I hope you find one for Rusty soon.
You took a really big step in going to his family's event. I know that there are certain people in DF's family that I wouldn't go near without him as a buffer so I was impressed.
I am enjoying following with you since I'm an escape bride too. I also feel like my PJ never has many exciting updates :)
Wow.... Its been a LOOOOOOOONG time since I have updated! LOTS has happened since. So.... In no particular order....

We got our welcome bags in. I hate to say that I don't love them, but DF does. I mean.. I doubt that anyone will really use them. Maybe someone will take their lunch to work in them. I got a bunch of them to use as gift bags for my shower hostesses.

We also wanted to do the door hangers. Even if people don't use them, I really think they are cute. We haven't gotten them yet, but the staff from Impressions has been amazing. We can't wait to get them!

We have been gathering stuff for our welcome bags for our guests. Most of my side of the guest list will be staying at Art of Animation. That makes things easy, as we are staying there our first night! I have on guest staying at All Star Music, one family at Sheraton Vistana, and all of DF's family is staying at a vacation home nearby. We will be going to Wal-Mart once we get into Orlando to get water bottles and snacks for the bags, as well as for us. The door hangers will go in them. We hope to get things packed for the bags and drop them off Friday afternoon. Not real sure about when we will get DF's family theirs... We will need to ask his sister how their check in process will go. Otherwise, they will get them when DF goes to get ready there.

I also opted to get some 'favors' for the wedding. I know there aren't many guests, but I feel like they all deserve something for coming all that way to the wedding! I got some koozies made! They are pretty simple, but that's ok! I like them ;)

We sent in our Planning Kit and have received our BEO. Months ago, I had asked my planner whether having our cake cutting ceremony at the Whitehall room was an option. I just was not excited about a plain, sectioned off ballroom for it. I know its only a 30 min long thing, but I wanted it to be pretty. After seeing some pictures of the Whitehall room, I was really wanting it there. My planner had said that it was booked, but we still had time and anything can happen. To be honest, I wasn't optimistic. Who cancels that close to their event? Well... When we got our rough BEO, there was my cake cutting at the Whitehall Room and Patio!! I was so excited!!! I had the set up as being on the patio, which I am unsure about. I asked my planner if it could be inside, especially if the weather is too hot. She said that we can decide the day before where we want it at! After looking at pictures, I REALLY want the patio! I hope the weather cooperates!

Speaking of the planning kit and BEO, we did some last minute decisions. For the entire time, we have been wanting the milk chocolate caramel filling. With my research, it turns out it really isn't a favorite for anyone. So... we opted for the Elegant Scrolls with marble cake and white chocolate mousse. We do hope its good. As for flowers, we are doing the classic rose bouquet. I didn't want white or red roses, and the pink was too dark on the planning kit. Since we can do other colors, I wanted to see the other colors of pink. My planner sent me a picture of a bouquet of medium and light pink roses. IT WAS GORGEOUS. So.. that is what we are doing! We aren't adding any other decor to the ceremonies. We decided that since everything is so short, we thought our money would be better spent on a 7-day cruise. I've seen weddings at the WP with little to no decor, and they are still beautiful. While I would LIKE to be able to afford extra stuff, we decided we don't need it.

We FINALLY bought DF's ring! He has super skinny fingers, apparently. We ordered what we thought he sized into, and it was still too big. So... we ordered a smaller size. We have the one that is still a bit too big, so we will have something to use in case the new one doesn't come in on time. The manager who helped him order my ring was there and so, we have a good feeling about it.

I will be sending out the invitations for the wedding soon. I didn't post them, so here they are! I got them from Invitations By Dawn and they are the Disney ones they sell.

Well... DF is home and we are going to run to eat some dinner. I will try to post more tomorrow to catch everyone up!
OK! I will try to post a bit before I head to church...

I have am still have guest issues.... I can't seem to get DF's family to really talk with me about the trip. I wonder if they resent me or something. I try not to ask them too many questions. I've pretty much had to resort to having DF ask them since I can't get any information out of them. It is quite upsetting, to say the least. Even past the fact that I need some of the info, I feel like i'm not part of their family yet. I have been invited to another birthday party, which will end up being without DF again. At least they are including me in those things. They don't even invite DF when they have family meals very much, which sucks. I guess we will see where this goes. Maybe since we aren't officially married, it will all be different.

In addition to this, since we found out for sure that DF's grandparents wouldn't be able to make it, we decided to ask our closest friends. One set was pestering us about not being invited and blah blah blah. So, we told them they can come. They were quite excited. So... as I tried to get them to plan their trip, they kept putting it off until they had more money. When will that be? Is it just going to appear? So, a few weeks ago, it turns out that my friend has decided to have bilateral foot surgery on Oct 1. While I know that she's been suffering, why couldn't you hold off a bit, or even do it before? And if you knew you were going to have to do something about your feet in the near future, why did you pester me about being invited? I was just hurt I guess.

This brings me to my other friend... She is my best friend and has been for a long time. She has a lot of things on her plate, with a toddler, changing jobs, working nights, a sorta hit-or-miss live in boyfriend who can be super helpful, or a complete poppyhead. Anyway... She was excited and has been researching so I can't say she isn't trying. But... We are at 50 days out TO WEDDING DAY, and she may only have her hotel booked. I'm not even sure on that yet. She had some runaround with one of the online travel booking sites and had to change up things. She is trying to get a friend's discount on American Airlines, but it hasn't come through yet. She's having some stress this weekend with her family being in town, working, and her/her mom's dog being pretty sick and going the vet ER. I hate to bring it up, but I will next week. I am afraid that she will do all this planning and may not be able to come. I would really hate that. Not just for me, but for her and her little girl. They were so excited....

And since I still had 1 more spot after my other friends backed out, I enlisted my friend who loves Disney as much as I do. We have been friends since 2002, so I have known her quite a while. We've been on 2 cruises together and do things (she lives close by) like wine tastings and stuff. Since she knows how Disney planning goes, she has already booked her hotel and airfare!!

Beyond the guest list, I had my final fitting the other day, and my dress still fits! I felt like I gained weight, but I guess I didn't! I am quite excited about that! I have submitted my request for steaming to Carolyn Allen's so we will see if they are available. Since it is a Monday wedding, it probably will be ok. I have booked Beaute Speciale for my makeup and my mom's. She originally wasn't going to, but since she thought she would be shaking the whole time, we opted to just have them add her, which wasn't an issue.

I think that is pretty much everything that has gone on! There may be a few other things that I have forgotten, but easily added! I just cannot believe it is 50 days away!!!!!!!
I'm so glad you updated!! It's been a while since I've commented....

I really like your welcome bags and favors!! I think everyone knows how much I love Impressions....they've really done right by me. The bags are simple, but still fun and I adore the pink on the koozies....and the quote! That same quote will be on our invitations....which brings me to your invitations....I love them. I think I said that on FB. They're so pretty....the color, the pattern...yep, love!

I'm so glad you got to move the cake cutting to the Whitehall! That room is so lovely and the patio is spectacular! Your bouquet sounds beautiful, can't wait to see photos. You're right, the WP is really very beautiful on it's own.

I feel you on the guest issues....we've gone from thinking we might have as many as 70 guests, to thinking we may have as few as 12 (12 is the number of people that have booked *something*, to date).
Wow, you are in the home stretch now!!

I'm so excited for you that you'll be having your cake cutting on the Whitehall patio (or in the ballroom, if you decide it's too hot). I think that will be really nice, and fun for your guests with the monorail going by.

I'm sorry you are not feeling the welcome from DF's family. Maybe they just aren't warm people. Or maybe they're shy. Hopefully things will get better as you all get to know each other better. Don't let it bring you down though!

I like your invitations, I think they're very pretty. I know you said you weren't too crazy about your welcome bags, but I think they're cute. I love the door hangers, and think that's a nice touch.

I think you are right to allocate your budget to your cruise rather than decor. When money is tight, you have to prioritize what matters most. The wedding pavilion is so pretty on its own, and so is the Whitehall Patio...I don't think you'll regret your decision at all. I'm sure your cruise will be wonderful!

Your bouquet sounds like it will be very pretty, can't wait to see pictures!

I hope it works out that your friend and her daughter can join you! pixiedust:

I found your planning journal because you commented on my post about the Whitehall room. Thank you for the advice. I've read your PJ and I love your story and all your plans. I hope you are planning to do a trip report, because I would love to see photos of how everything turns out.

I just wanted to let you know that I sympathize with you about people not responding to rsvp's and emails. My sister is getting married in a month and my extended family thinks if they call my grandma that it counts as an rsvp. People can be frustrating sometimes. I hope it all worked out for you though.

You might have already mentioned this previously, but are you and your guests going to go to a restaurant for a meal after the wedding?


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