Lesli's Live Long and Strong WISH Journal

Hey! Did you get those crazy storms last night? Wow!

Glad to hear your younger DD is on the mend. Here's hoping everyone stays healthy for a while! Congrats to you DD for picking a college! You must be so proud! :cool1: Sure goes by fast, doesn't it?

I hate it when you so somewhere and the cookies/treats sit right in front of you! I've always been envious of the people who could ignore them, because that's never been me! They just sit there mocking you until you have one! But don't get too down about it--they were small and you didn't have much. Plus, you've got a plan for next time.

Hopefully the grogginess has worn off for you today and you can get your exercise in.

Have a great day! :banana:
Today is so windy and cold. Big change from yesterday.

I went to bed late, mainly becuase I am feeling overwhelmed with everything and am starting to fall back into that mode that I have to keep working to get things done and don't have time for sleep. I KNOW THAT IS DANGEROUS! So tonight, I am making a point to get to bed by 10:30. My weight loss and energy was so much better when I went to bed earlier. Also, I have found that I have been working past a few snack times and opportunities to exercise. So today, I will make a better effort to take a break and time for me. Fortunately, this is an unusual week, as I don't normally have so many meetings back to back. Unfortunately, I know the next few months are going to be extremely busy so if I am not careful, I will get too wrapped up and forget my plan. I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN, I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! :earseek: Do you think it works like hypnosis?

Like I said, I missed a snack and some exercise yesterday. But, I did go out and transplant a few things out of an old garden bed that we are getting rid of. It went well, until I realized the previous owner had planted the Hyacinths all the way to China. pirate: Needless to say, I never did dig down far enough to get them out without breaking them off. So, I guess they will come up in the same spot next year! Some new tools might have helped, but it seems my youngest DD has ran off with my good ones. This happens every year. She loves to dig. Maybe one day, I will find all the missing tools. :confused3

Today, is busy but at least I am prepared for my meetings tonight and tomorrow.

My weight loss is going so slow and even though I feel like a rabbit, I just feel like I am not getting enough fiber. I hate taking pills, but am about ready to get some FiberCon. Has anyone else had the same problem? This problem alone is probably keeping 2-3lbs on.

Oh yeah, supper last night was a BLT on 9 grain bread (lots of lettuce and very little mayo, light on the bacon), 1/2 c. potato salad, 1 c. watermelon. The :sunny: was shining like a BLT day!

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg, 3/4 c. grapenut flakes, 1 banana, 3/4 c. milk, and 1 c. hot tea
AM snack: 1 apple
Lunch: tuna wrap, veggies
PM snack: yogurt
Supper: chicken and stir-fry veggies

Goals for day:
1. Exercise (make the time, I am worth it) :cheer2:
2. Take more breaks to revive myself and dance around the house
3. Get to bed by 10:30

Of course, I have so much more to do for the day, but these are the things that will help me stay on plan and I need to remember that they are just as important as all the deadlines.

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Thank God it is the end of the week. :banana: This has been my worst week since I started on my plan, but it still was pretty good compared to bad weeks in the "before". I still need to work harder at getting in some exercise, but today is April 1 and I signed up for the April Challenge so hopefully that will be a motivator. Unfortunately, I didn't make my March Challenge of losing 5lbs since beginning the challenge (which I did late). Part of that problem is that I must not be getting enough fiber, but I will work on that. So I only lost 2lbs. since the challenge, BUT I did lose 6 lbs in March, so I still feel successful. :flower:

The best part is, I am recognizing many of my former habits and making changes to keep them from taking over. :flower: In the last 3 1/2 wks, I have had little fried food, few chips and all in all, not many sweets. Except for a slip here and there, I have not been eating after 7pm. I have also noticed that I am not hunting through the cupboards looking for something to munch on. My food choices have, for the most part, been healthy and reasonable portions. Also, I am learning to quit eating before I am full. AMAZING! :cool1:

Done with the self awareness.

Yesterday, was a "best laid plans of mice and men" day. It started in the morning when I had to cancel my meeting becuase one of my chairs has a big family crisis and I had to lend an ear. Unfortunately, I will probably be taking on some of her responsibilities over the next few weeks. Time to delegate! My director's husband is seriously ill and doing surgery today, so she couldn't make the meeting, so I just ran and met one on one with the other chairs, no biggie. Good news.......I had time with the family last night.......Bad news.......DH decided we needed to go to Pizza Hut for the buffet!!!! :scared1:

My lunch was late, so I didn't have time to make my tuna wrap (those are so good). Instead, I had a ham sandwich on 9 grain bread, 6 celery sticks, 6 green pepper slices and 6 chips (DH brought them home and before I knew it my hand was in the bag, I didn't even crave them, but yet I ate without much thought........ pirate: ). The good news, I didn't eat all my lunch, not that it was much, but I realized I wasn't hungry and quit when I was comfortable, not full and not overstuffed. How amazing is that? :banana: I missed my PM snack, but we had supper early. My plan was thrown off, but I managed to salvage things. I had a plate full of salad, then ate the equivelant of 2 slices of pizza and 1/2 breadstick and drank Sierra Mist (1 glass). There again, I stopped before I was full AND I did not eat the dessert pizza! :banana: I consider this a personal success as I could have lost it on the pizza buffet. BTW, the pizza did not make the scale move!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I did take some breaks yesterday, didn't exercise, and did get to bed earlier, but then I laid there wide awake :earseek: !

Today was up early, but not early enough to exercise before everyone esle was up. I think I need to shoot for 5:30am, seriously!

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice 7 grain toast/jelly, 6 oz grapefruit juice
AM snack: veggies and a little cheese
Lunch: That tuna wrap is MINE!
PM snack: fruit smoothie
Supper: Another meeting away. This one will include supper, I think pizza, so my plan is maybe 1 (count 1) slice. Usually, there isn't anything healthy at this meeting, so I will take a travel pack of veggies to eat in the car before the meeting (1 hour trip) AND my water, they always have pop.

Goals for today:
1. Start that April challege (it's a new day and a new month!)
2. classwork
3. take breaks and do some cleaning
4. Keep busy

Everyone have a great weekend and remember this is a new month of losing! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Happy Friday!

You did a great job handling the pizza buffet--that would have been an easy place to lose it but you held it together and stayed in control. Way to go! :banana:

Sounds like a good plan for today--hope you have an awesome day!
Yes, that pizza buffet can be dangerous. :rolleyes1

So far, I have done great today!! I had a strawberry and banana smoothie for my snack, those are soooo good. It's like a treat, but only has milk and fruit. It sure does cure the sugar blues. :smooth:

Anyway, I have decided on another thing to add to my exercise routine! It also gets me out of my desk chair. Dancing to Billy Joel! DH downloaded 20 songs for me and I just now danced to 4 (about 15 minutes) it was fun and I could feel the calories burnin'! So I think I will add one song a day, in a couple of weeks, I will be dancing for over an hour and having fun!

Don't have time to do more, I have to go get ready for that meeting. Remember, water........check.............Veggies............check! I am prepared to face whatever food may be there. :banana: :banana: AND I will pass on anything that decides to sit in front of me! :flower: I can do this, I CAN do this, I CAN DO this, I CAN DO THIS! :earseek: (hypnosis you know)

Have a great evening! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sending you :wizard: to get through tonight!

I LOVE the dancing idea! Dancing your tush off--literally! :teeth:
Thanks for the :wizard: to get me through my meeting. WHEW! That could have been really, really bad........but I made it!

I ate 1/2 a small baggie of veggies on my way up to the meeting and drank some water. Then I took the water in with me (had a really big mug :goodvibes ).

There wasn't any pizza (saved!), but there was every pop imaginable (I had my water! :flower: ). The table was loaded with chips, pretzels, dips, cookies, brownies, and chili. I had 2/3 of a small bowl of chili, a handful of tostitos with a small amount of dip, and one small brownie. That's it! I think I did really well. You know, all those bowls of chips and cookies, didn't really look that appealing. "Before", I would have probably loaded up, but not tonight. I DID IT!!! :banana:

The downside is that I am getting very hungry now, because there really wasn't anything that I could really load up on. As it was, I just didn't eat very much. It is better than eating junk, but I don't want to get too hungry either. Maybe I need more water.

The rest of today was pretty good. I had to have bread (9 grain) with my tuna at lunch because the tortillas were pretty dried out, but I didn't eat it all because I just wasn't that hungry. Also I added a side salad and had 4 chips (DH isn't working with me here). :confused3

I did move around the house alot today and am seeing the top of my desk!! It helps to clean it when I get overwhelmed.

Gotta get going to bed before I find something to eat and regret it later. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Great job getting through your meeting!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: Knew you could do it!

Have a great day! :sunny:
Awesome job at your meeting! I would have had to have gum in my mouth to keep me from snacking. Smart move on bringing the veggies and nectar of the gods (water!!) :wizard: and :banana: bringing :sunny: and good things your way on this wonderful (yeah right!) day.
Well, I briefly saw 222.5 on the scale. It was hovering between that and 223, but finally settled on 224. Oh well, at least I know in a few days I will see that 222.5, it is so close!

I just know this will be a good week.

I went to bed last night and didn't eat anything more after that meeting. The only problem was I was like this :earseek: and every time I got to the half state, DH would start snoring, so then I was doing this :earseek: again!

Oh well, I woke early this morning and I did manage to Taebo for 23 minutes before everyone started getting up.

Breakfast: 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 c. grapefruit juice
AM Snack: veggies and a little cheese
Lunch: Don't know, my sister is coming out so I will play it by ear and be good :angel:
PM Snack: smoothie
Supper: Haven't gotten that far either, but we need a good healthy dinner

Goals for the day:
1. Dance to 5 Billy Joel songs (about 20 minutes)
2. Stick with my food plans
3. Keep busy after company has left

Gotta go get ready, they should be here soon. Everyone have a great day!! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good job getting your exercise in this morning! :cool1: :sunny:

Have fun with your family today!

Hope you have an awesome day! :banana:
WHEW!! Just finished 25 minutes of dancing to Billy Joel and am I warm! That's good though, right? :dancer:

It sure beats trying to find some munchies because I am getting hungry. I never time my snack right on Saturdays when we eat after 7pm.

Today went pretty well so far, even though my sister didn't make it out. Lunch was tuna on 9 grain bread, 1/4 c. lf cottage cheese, and small bowl of salad. I didn't finish it all, because I stopped when I was "comfortable". Two more bites and I would have been full, any after that and I would have been miserable. PM snack was 5 sesame crackers and 5 thin slices of cheddar. I didn't get to the store for more fruit to make a smoothie.

Supper well be chicken with stir-fry veggies and rice. I am not worried about the rice, because I will watch my portions. I debated on steak and baked potatoes, but DH wanted chicken. Personally, I think he is thrilled at the almost 5 lbs that he has lost, which he mentioned today. :smooth: Looks like my plan is working. :smooth:

I have 60oz of water in already and am hoping for another 20. Tonight we will have movie and make-up (for the girls) night. Maybe, I will consider a slumber party in the living room. Haven't done that in a while. So I told everyone that we could have popcorn since they have been good at working with me. I'll limit the amount I eat and will have to stay up a little later, since I dont' want to go to bed on a full stomach.

Gotta go cook supper. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sounds like you had a good day!!! I hepe you have another one today! :cool1:
Today, I wish you :wizard:, healthy eating, :sunny:, and LOTS of fun :dancer: :rockband:! Have fun, have an AWESOME day and be good to yourself...tomorrow's Monday!
DD7 had fun putting on makeup and doing her nails, but we didn't get a chance to watch the movie. Oh well! I probably had too much popcorn, about 3 good handfuls (and it was very buttery), but at least I didn't eat the whole bowl and could easily stop there. I call it progress! :cool1:

JUST IN SPECIAL REPORT........NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS..........THE SCALE MUST NOT BE BROKEN............I LOST .5 lbs!!! :banana: I was maintaining for awhile, so it is good to see it move. Now I am 13.5 lbs from my mini goal when DD17 graduates in May! I can actually see it happening! This is going to be a good week!! :banana:

I guess, I just needed to get myself moving some more and increase my water just a little more. Last night I was thinking that since I have always drank so much water anyway, maybe making sure that I drank the minimum of 64 oz wasn't really enough for me. So I am increasing to 80 oz and have already noticed a difference in the softness and texture of my skin, so hopefully I have found another key to becoming a healthy me.

Since, I am doing pretty well with food, I have decided to stay with Dr. Phil's plan and am moving on to Stage 2, which again is just a well balanced plan through the day. The recipes however are all my own now, but I have the confidence to dig out my Cooking Light magazines and know I can find recipes to match the plan. YEAH! I got this far!! :cool1:

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg w/chives, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 c. grapefruit juice (which btw is unsweetened, but I love it), 1 yogurt, 1 c. hot tea
AM Snack: 1 apple
Lunch: leftover chicken stir-fry and salad
PM Snack: veggies and cheese
Supper: Don't know, gotta go look for a new recipe

Goals for day:
1. Stay in good spirits
2. Exercise
3. Catch up on the little things.

DH took everyone away this morning, so it is quiet for now. Time to enjoy it! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Go you! :umbrella: You're having a great day...have a Mickey Bar! :mickeybar :) Keep drinking H-two-O! That reminds me...I better get started!

Toodles :cheer2: :cheer2: Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .5 closer!
Down another .5 lbs! :cool1: My tummy is losing that "cut in half" look. Thank goodness and I am looking forward to getting rid of these jeans for good in a couple weeks. :goodvibes

Yesterday, I did manage to get some stuff done, although I didn't get my dancing done. :sad2: Guess I will have to make up for it today. But I did Taebo.

Here's part of the problem: I began to sabatoge myself without thinking. BAD! I skipped the AM snack, ate lunch late so I skipped the salad part, and that started the downhill slide. It was munchie time! Grabbed a handful of chips, a handful of fritos, and to get rid of the greasy salt taste, I grabbed 2 GS cookies. The chips were not worth it. I am now at the point that they don't even taste good. So why? I ask. :confused3 It wasn't a big slide because I caught myself, but it was just enough to not zap some energy and make me lounge more (I was working at my desk, but not moving alot). Needless to say, the PM planned snack was off. Supper was good though. I had 3 oz pork chop, green beans w/onion, and a nice salad. DH almost put his porkchop on a bun then realized that if he skipped the bun he could have a treat later if he wanted. (It's progress). We don't usually have dessert, but I made chocolate fudge pudding (sugar free w/ 1% milk). I had 1/3 c. w/cool whip lite.

Today is another day, which reminds me I need to start on the water. I am planning on finishing up some projects and with luck I will only have to update some of them 2-3 times max until August, the rest will be finished. What a load off my mind.

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg w/chives & cheese, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 c. grapefruit juice, 3/4 c. milk
AM snack: veggies
Lunch: Salad, maybe a little stir-fry
PM snack: banana and strawberry smoothie
Supper: Don't know, but will look for some ideas while I eat lunch.

Goals for day:
1. 45 minutes exercise
2. Stick with food plan
3. Stay busy and have fun!!

On the plus side, I got in about 84 oz of water yesterday and am planning for the same today. On the bright side, it is :sunny: :sunny: !

Time to tackle the rest of my day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Great job yesterday!!! :cool1: :Pinkbounc

You stopped the slide and regrouped. You should be so proud of yourself! :banana: Awesome job!

Congrats on your loss--your goal is in sight--you can do it!!! :cheer2:

Glad to hear DH is getting with the program! That always makes life easier!

Enjoy this beautiful :sunny: day! Hope it's a good one!!!
Sounds like you did a great job! It's never what I would call "WDW level of fun" to go off and struggle but you got right back up! Kudos to you!!!


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