Le Cellier (bad service)


<font color=blue>I always travel with my George Fo
Feb 14, 2004
Yesterday, a friend and I had lunch at Le Cellier. It was the first time my friend had ever eaten there. Let's just say the experience wasn't exactly what we are used to at Walt Disney World. We were seated after a very short wait, even though we made no P.S. arrangements. But we were seated right at the entrance of the restaurant bathrooms. And even though there were many empty available tables nearby we didn't say anything. Then it took almost ten minutes for our waiter to take our drink orders. And it took forever to actually get the drinks. We both had the Cheese Soup and New York Strips. And other than the potatoes that come with the steak being cold, the food was great. The problem was with the service. The waiter came by our table just once to ask about our meal. We had to ask another passing server for more napkins. I never even received a refill for my tea. Finally, even though my mouth was so parched (slight embellishment) I could barely speak, I got the guy's attention and asked for a glass of milk, he said no problem and disappeared into the kitchen only to appear several minutes later carrying someone else's dessert. Meanwhile, people at tables nearby had come in, ordered, eaten and left. Needless to say I had lost my patience at this point and when the waiter walked by my table I told him to forget the milk and just give me the check. Of course then we had to wait for the guy to change the check and take the milk off the bill. Luckily for him the manager never came by our table and asked about our meal. I left the guy nothing, nada, zip for a tip! Either he was new or having a bad day. But his lack of attention ruined a good meal. This was the worst service I have ever received at any restaurant in W.D.W. You would think you would at least get a second glass of tea with a sixty dollar meal.:(
You SHOULD have spoken with the manager immediately. Good service is just as important as the food.
I agree, there really aren't any excuses for bad service. The managers won't know there is a problem to resolve unless you tell them about your experience.

The only time I've had a problem there is when I have eaten late at night (after 8:30), but that was always a problem with the food, not service.
I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. :( Hopefully this will never happen to you again, but if it does please make sure you find the manager and let them know about the service you received. That way, the manager can address the issue so that it doesn't happen again. I hope the rest of your day was great! :D
We ate there in Ocotber and had a 12:30 PS and we had some of the same issues you did. We were seated and the resteraunt as pretty much empty, but it took almost 10 minutes for our server to come. When he came we ordered our drinks and our food. We got our soup before we got our drinks (which were a water and lemonade!) we were almost done with the soup by the time our drinks came! The food was great the service just wasn't there that day.
DH and I had PS on our honeymoon and they said it was just way to get you on the list and it would be another 45minutes before they could seat us, however if we walked up the wait was 20minutes. We said forget it and went to Norway to the counter service resteraunt.
You all are right, I should have told the manager. It may have saved someone else the same problems. I've never been the type of person that asserts myself in these situations. Usually I just vent anonymously on line!
We were there this past week and our service was pretty slow also. I saw the table across from us, a couple ordered ate and paid their bill and another couple had already been seated and was eating their meal before we were done with our meal. I'm not sure of our servers name but he was a younger man, tall, with short hair. Maybe they were having a bad week!!



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