Laurie's weight loss progress due to HCG


Jul 24, 2005
I am doing this to keep track for myself. I don't know if anyone will read it but that is ok. If it does help someone....great.

Needless to say I am overweight. As I describe it I am Biggest Loser big. I lost 60 lbs about 5 years ago and slowly, at first, gained it back. This past year my husband had quite a few medical problems and I am a stress now I am bigger than I have ever been.

I went to my OB/GYN last Oct. I had put it off for 3 years because of my weight and I was sortof ashamed. Anyway he had started to prescribe the HCG diet but told me he didn't think I wasn't ready due to all the medical issues and to let him know when I was.

I realized he was right but aroung Christmas I decided I was ready and went in.

I started the loading on Jan 1 and started the 500 calorie a day diet on the
3rd. Everyone said if you can get thru the first week you have it made. Well I never felt hungry. I found it easy to stay on it. I actually feel better on it than before. Getting rid of the sugar has really helped. I do feel like I have more energy than before.

I don't want to know what I weigh because it will just depress me so I am going in once a week to weigh. I went in Jan 11th and had lost 12 lbs :yay:

This past week I stuck to it but have had bronchitis so it has been a little harder. But I went in this morning and have lost 5 more pounds.

I have an old friend who's daughter is getting married in Oct and my goal is to lose enough weight that I can go to the wedding and not be embarrassed.

I think I will keep posting on this to sort of use it as a blog/diary. Heres to another week.

Best wished to everyone on this board. Keep up the good work.:hug:
Was a little hungry today but I guess since I have been up since 2AM coughing it seemed like I should have been eating sooner. But I stuck with it. Usually I eat a lot when I don't feel good in the misguided attempt to make me feel better. Hopefully tonight I won't cough as much.

I have heard being on antibiotics will slow weight loss and lack of sleep also. I wonder why??
Hi Laurie!

Best of luck to you on the hcg diet! Keep at it each day! :goodvibes

I just about survived my second day on the VLCD. I think the key once one reaches their goal weight is that you cannot go back to old eating patterns.

Hope you feel better soon! Colleen
Thanks Colleen for the good wishes.

Substituted at a school I haven't been to in a while and was shocked to see how much weight 5 of the women there had lost. Turns out they are all doing HCG and are on their 2nd round. Got me very pumped up. And it was nice to talk to someone who understood what was going on.

Still coughing and not sleeping well. I hope it doesn't affect my weight loss this week!
Went to the Outlet Mall with a friend today. Did lots of walking and actually brought my lunch!! Never in a million years would I think I could be doing this and doing so well. Sortof sorry I am only weighing once a week. I am so tempted to get on the scale but I am refraining......
Last night my husband and I went to a surprise 65th birthday party for a good friend. Apparently it cost around $60,000 :eek: It had an open bar, lots of food and the most wonderful looking cakes. And I didn't eat or drink a thing except for water :yay: I was thankful it was a buffet because I would have had a harder time if it was a sit down dinner. People just want you to eat. They kept saying tonight won't matter. Just this one time. But I stuck to my guns. It did look good but nothing that was just killing me to avoid, except for maybe the chocolate cake!!!!

I think I am going to go weigh tomorrow morning. It will be 3 weeks exactly.
Congrats on beginning and making it through the first few days. :goodvibes

Thanks....I just went to your journal and read the first page and the last page. What a journey you must have had in between those posts!!! Sounds like a great trip!
I decided to go weigh today since it has been 3 weeks exactly and I have to work tomorrow. I was very excited and then I found out I lost 3.5 lbs. I was kindof bummed. I was hoping for 5. But I will take it. I also realized it has only been 6 days since I weighed. And I have lost 20.5 lbs in 21 days. Can't beat that with a stick. I do need to start walking or doing something.

My cough is getting better and I am feeling better so I hope this week will be better. I don't know if my slower weight loss is due to the antibiotics and lack of sleep. We will see next week. TTFN
Hi Laurie!

Congrats to you for losing a few more pounds despite feeling sick!
I finally started walking. The past two days I have walked a mile. Not much but better than nothing. Today is going to be really nice so I am going to increase it.

I finally weighed myself yesterday and it was bad but not near as bad as I had expected. I called the Dr to find out my starting weight and as of this morning I have lost 25 lbs. :banana: This has been much easier sticking to the diet than I thought it would be.

In 2.5 weeks I will be on the phase II which is a modified maintanence plan then 3 weeks after that I will add more. I hope to lose some during that time but I realize it won't be as fast. Then I will start another round 3 weeks after that.

My goal of losing weight by Oct so I can go to Florida is quickly becoming a reality. I have lots more to go but I actually think it is reachable whereas just a couple of months ago I thought I was so far gone that there wasn't even a reason to try.
Hi Laurie,

I'm glad to hear that you are having success with your weight loss progam. Stick with it and I know you will be feeing great for the Oct wedding. :goodvibes

2 1/2 more pounds so I am now at 27 1/2. Started walking but today we are frozen in with no school The wind is crazy! The wind chill factor is 0. Poor people trying to fly in for the Superbowl!! So glad I went to the store and bought the food I am able to eat. I was just about out. That is the one thing the Dr really stressed was always being prepared with the food. Kindof sad I only have about 2 more weeks to do the HCG then I do the maintenence for 6 weeks. After that I can do the HGC again. Apparently your body gets immune to it after a while.

Substituted at a school yesterday that I hadn't been to in a couple of weeks but they know me very well. Quite a few people were commenting to me that it looked like I had lost weight :banana: Yea!! It is sad tho when you are so overweight that it takes a 27 lb weight loss for it to be noticable. Oh well, at least people are starting to notice. My husband says I am looking younger!! At 53 that is a huge compiment!

So glad I am doing this journal so I can look back on it and keep myself motivated.
Well it has been a while since I posted. Yesterday was the last day of my medicine. I have been craving so many things this past week. It has been semi torture. I have been strong......until last night. I don't know what happened. I know I am a little scared about the next six weeks. I don't want to gain any thing back. I have lost a total of 35 lbs. YEAA but last night. OMG. I went to town. Ate everything is sight. Why??? I wish I knew. Now the challenge is to get right back on track. Don't beat myself up. I hadn't had sugar in 7 weeks and blew that last night. But the important thing is to get right back up. I wish I had called someone last night. I should have posted how I was feeling last night. Maybe that would have helped. Anyway....I will be gone from the house all day today at my sons baseball games. I am vowing to take my lunch. Drink water at the games. And then come home and have my dinner. I can do it. I know I can.
I know this is an old thread but I'm wondering how you're doing? I'm very curious to hear about transitioning off hcg. I'd love to know how you are doing at this point!
Hi Danielle, Thanks for your interest. I have been meaning to update.

The first round I lost 33 lbs. I followed the 6 week maintenance faithfully and ended losing 4 lbs. My doctor convinced me to do the shots the next round. He had researched and decided they were more effective. I didn't mind giving myself the shots but I didn't lose as much. I lost 25 the second time. I was doing a long term sub job. My diet ended right before the last week of school. We had tons of treats, lunches, etc and I did a rotten job following the maintenance. I have gained about 10 lbs back. I am going to be starting my 3 round next week. I have learned the hard way I have got to stick to the maintenance.

If you decide to go this route make sure you go to a Dr and get the medicine. If you get it from a health food store or on line it is only herbal and you are basically starving yourself.

Good Luck!!


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