Laurie's "Grand HCG Experiment"

I was wondering when you would get back here!! Missed ya!!:)

Glad the Daffodil thing went well, at least that stress is gone, now it is just the regular school stress.:rolleyes:

Glad you got thru the Turkey Day meal, wish I could say I did as well. But the leftovers are almost gone so then I am soooo done.

Sounds like they are tweaking you a bit at the clinic-hopefully this gets things going for you again. I wish I could get my loss back on track, hoping that in the 4 weeks between now and Christmas I can be good and lose a few, at least enough so that my clothes for the trip in January fit okay.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!:santa:
Hi, Laurie:

I've been reading your thread with interest as I'm about to start on hcg. Congratulations on achieving such a great loss in only a few months! I was wondering about your protocol. Are you taking daily injections subcutaneously? How many IUs do you take in each dose and have you varied it during the diet. I'm worried about hair loss so I think I'll try the fulvic minerals at the outset.

Congrats again :)

Thankfully, we got away from FIL's without leftovers (although DH would like to roast a turkey at some point in the next few weeks...) I managed not to eat the potatoes or stuffing again, but was out of ketosis due to a little cranberry sauce and fat in the greenbeans (cooked with bacon) and a spot of gravy.

I was down 1 to 158 this morning despite being out of ketosis.

Veronica - I wish you the best to get into your warm weather clothing for Disney. My folks, my sis and the nieces are going in February and I'm just plain envious right now. I couldn't take the personal days to go anyway--too many restrictions.

Genie - thanks for stopping by...

I was doing 150 (15 on the syringe) and now I'm doing 200 (20 on the syringe) subcutaneously. I inject into the "pinch an inch" flab at my waistline and not into muscle like some say to do on other sites. The clinic said that it would be more comfortable to inject into the flab and injecting into muscle wouldn't aid in getting the HCG into the bloodstream. I've noticed that my hunger has diminished since upping the dosage, but then I'm off work for the weekend and the stress is lower. I'll be surprised if I'm not hungry tomorrow afternoon. I'm not sure if it is the fulvic minerals or the thyroid plus, but I had less hair loss this am than usual. I'm hoping something is finally stopping it.

I've been trying to get some grading done and get the scores entered into my gradebook--but the remote access isn't letting me in to work. It's frustrating. DH made some calls to his bosses to find out why the network is shutting us out--it worked last weekend just fine, but didn't work for the month prior. I'm threatening to go into school tomorrow and then bill them for the overtime if I can't get in. I don't mind working from home, but I do mind having to go in to get things done that I should be able to do from home. I've finished my Pro Cert assignments too and just need to print them out on Monday before going to the class tomorrow afternoon. The state still hasn't posted the examples of portfolios yet and I feel like I'm flying blind. I know I'm not the only one.

Breakfast again today was an omelette and half an apple; macadamia nuts and grissini for a snack, and it will be halibut in parchement and brussel sprouts for dinner. I've managed to stay away from the cookies. That's a plus, but still over what I'm suppose to be eating for the day.
I had every intention of posting daily now that Daffodil selection is laid plans gone awry.

Ketosis has been a struggle and I've been out of it for three days straight now. I added back in the fruit; half an apple at lunch and one/two clemontine oranges at dinner. I guess I'd best lose the oranges again, but it helps with the sugar cravings.

Weight: I was down to 156 yesterday, but back up to 157 this morning and could tell I was retaining water. Hopefully, I'm now back to bouncing again.

Sugar cravings are way high! (yes, I gave into four small cookies today! bad, bad, bad, very bad Laurie). I've been avoiding them at home, successfully, until this afternoon. I just felt light-headed like I had low blood sugar which is not supposed to happen eating this way. I'm pounding down the water now, trying to aleviate the continued cravings.

I'm also a bit spacey (yes, even for me...forgot assignments at school yesterday for grading, but had time to get them done before classes today.) It has been harder to focus and I thought the thyroid supplement might help that, but thus far it hasn't.

I had to add a behavioral chart for my sophomore classes; too much wasted time on behavioral corrections, too much wasted time between activities, and too much overall wasted time during those rare moments I allow them to work on assignments in class. They now are having to be responsible for themselves or else lose out on points for the week. Wish it didn't have to come to that. I figured out that I'm a month behind the past two years in curriculum, my notes are showing that it is due to having to deal with behavior modification.

Now, to get motivated to grade the (so far) dismal quizzes on American Imperialism...
Don't you just :love: clementines? They are my favorite, I look forward to them each year. DD likes em too, and they are a good size for her.

It's going to be hard to resist all the temptations this season brings, but you are doing a great job!! Keep up the good work. I am proud of you!!
Oh the clementines are fabulous this year (but I just found one going white with mold and tossed it, hoping it didn't poison the bunch). I can't stay in ketosis having even just one a day though. Apples are OK, don't seem to knock me out, but the oranges! With this head cold coming on, I'm going to keep eating them. Taking vitamin C and eating an orange just aren't the same thing for me...the clementines have helped me to keep the symptoms at bay over the week (or at least I'm giving them the credit).

Still can't stay in ketosis--been out all week long! (or the strips are bad...)
Weight, I'm bouncing again. 158 yesterday morning (yikes!), then by afternoon I was down to 156. Thought I might see a loss this morning to find that I stayed the same. Won't get on the scale this evening though, came home hungry and I've already had my flank steak snack, 2 melba toast snacks, a clementine (none at dinner tonight now), and a slice of cheese! I'm craving sugar something fierce. I just don't know what the cause of it is.

I found two more pairs of khaki pants in the back of my closet to get into; forgot I had them. 14 petites and fitting well. Still can't get into my 12 regulars--too tight in the waist. Will my tummy just go away already?!? I really need to shop for tops, I'm swimming in my sweaters and sweatshirts. I like things big, but this is ridiculous.

Students have two more weeks before winter break and I'm convinced they've just stopped paying attention. I've never worked with such interesting and yes, even kind students as this group of sophomores, but their work ethics, overall, are terrible! They don't seem concerned about their grades at all (even the honors group). While I had a senior stay yesterday and get 5 assignments finished- she was furthest behind and how is caught up. She and the other one who shares her name were supposed to stay after today too, but didn't show. I was actually happy to get to leave at decent hour - I didn't leave until nearly 6pm yesterday.

I need to make a concentrated effort on my pro cert stuff over the weekend. I didn't bring grading home and I'll have a little planning, but should just be able to do my own stuff instead of worrying about students. This house needs cleaning too. The cats be warned, the vaccuum is coming out tomorrow morning.
Hey chica, how is it going? Just checking in on you!!

Weather here is terrible, how has it been on your coast?
Veronica - it's too, chatter, chatter, chatter, darn cold! We've been 12-17 degrees overnight and up to 28-30 during the day. Thankfully, no moisture around so we aren't buried in snow like we were this week last year. It numbingly cold for another reason too...

I've meant to post sooner this week, but life just kept getting in the way. Some seniors staying to get some work done after school (a good thing, but not real convenient), appointments to pick up more HCG and check in with the Naturepath, and a hair appointment yesterday, another after school work session with a senior today (he's still 4 assessments away from being caught up). But last night I got a phone call that absolutely changed everything and nothing at the same time.

About Annie: she was a counselor at our H.S. who started the AVID program for students who have the drive to get into college, but no parental assistance in that area. She moved to a junior high at the beginning of last school year to make a difference earlier. She was a mentor to me when I first began teaching and I was her primary sub for AVID the first year of the program. Annie was also morbidly obese. Then, with the help of a liquid diet, she dropped about 150 lbs. Still obese, but determined, she began running and the last I saw her she was about my size when I began my program last summer. That was about a year ago. She since had reduced to a healthy BMI (I'm guessing around 130-150) as told by a colleague. She was out running when she collasped and, fortunately, was picked up by the wife of one of our admin team who took her to the ER. She suffered an aneurism (sp?). They had operated, then waited, then operated again. Staff members who visited her reported her to be in good spirits and chaffing about being in the hospital over the weekend. Wednesday she passed away. (Complications from surgery or another aneurism? we don't know.)

I wouldn't say I was close to her, but knew that I could count her being there for me if I needed her. She wasn't married, no children except those who became her children at school where she worked. But I feel this hole has opened up and I don't know how to plug it after the news of her death. I wasn't the only staff member today that hadn't slept much. My voice would just catch all day long (and while some students are very sensitive to our loss-and their loss-many are pretty insensitive.) We already were dealing with the shooting of the four Lakewood police officers - one of our student's father was shot and we were keeping things "normal" for her last week while the services were being planned. But this is just too much.

Somehow, weight issues just don't matter at the moment...but they should. Annie would scold me if she knew that I just wanted to stop trying right now. It is amazing the cravings of comfort foods at a time like this.

I've done OK; I'm down to 155 but still battling to stay in ketosis and can't keep the clementines down to just one (need two or three)--medicinal is what my DH calls them to combat that cold we are just trying not to let get us before break. The naturepath upped my Thyroid to 2 a day and I've not noticed any signs that I'm taking too much yet (no heart racing or warm moments.) I add the seriphos someone suggested to combat cortisol also. Whatever the reason, fulvic minerals, thyroid supplement or the seriphos, my hair loss has slowed to a "normal" level. My hair stylist commented that if was thinner, but still good. "Don't complain, your hair was too thick!" she said while doing my highlights yesterday.

I didn't snack yesterday at all, but needed some protein, an orange, and some macadamia nuts when I got home today. I was light-headed and ravenous. Somehow I held out yesterday afternoon due to my hair appointment and DH had dinner ready to microwave when I got home. (Love leftovers sometimes). He concocted this new dish; seared chicken breasts smothered in spinach and mushrooms (sauteed in a little butter). It was so good. Tonight it is off-plan lean pork chops (I don't tend to stall out on pork, despite it not being on the list) and green beans.

I have another class-worth of news articles to grade, but don't have the motivation to get started. I could put them off until planning time tomorrow or over the weekend instead. I had planned to present how to write reading questions to state standards at our dept. collaboration day, but our principal wasn't up to it (he lost a dear friend). He is rescheduling taking our classes next Tuesday. Friday evening we are planning on heading up north to see some friends who are in town from Pittsburgh. He was bestman at our wedding and he and his wife are really fabulous, fun people. I just hope that I don't break down in their presence.
:hug: I am sorry to hear about your friend. It is so sad when someone who turns themselves around and is living healthy is struck down so young. I know that during this time you want to just turn to food for comfort, but I don't think you or your friend would want that. I wish I could offer some other comfort for you.

On the weather front, it is extremely cold here. Wind chills in the single digits. More snow coming, hoping that Sundays run misses the wind and snow alike.

Keep up the good work, I know those clementines are tough to resist. But you are doing great, and soon you get a break from the kids for Christmas break. Take some time for yourself and relax.:hug:
Hi Laurie,
Sorry to have been MIA so long.I am so sorry to hear about Annie and the police officers.You are doing a great job- listen to Annie- she is saying be strong and don't use food for comfort.

Take one day at a time that's all we can do.

Just inside after raking more leaves...we have these street trees called Velkovia (sp?) - some type of elm that doesn't lose its leaves until the first weeks of December. Finally they're out of the trees and have blow all in our yard (we're the high point of our block and it seems the prevailing winds whether from the southwest or northwest almost blow it all towards us.) My feet are numb, but last year about time those darn trees dumped, it snowed and our lawn was ruined because once those leaves are wet, they don't rake up and seem to poison anything they fall on. DH is still out blowing, but sent me in.

We did some holiday shopping this morning and still have more to do to be finished. We don't buy much for each other, just my parents, sis' family, and his brother and wife and the pets. Still with the medical bills of last month and all the charity stuff this month, there isn't much left over. I don't know how people with their own children do it. We're just getting by, not much for Christmas in the budget.

This morning, ketosis strip didn't register (old strip?), weight down 1 lb to 154.
Eating off plan with lamb last night (pork the night before), so it didn't seem to make a difference. It is nice to have the variety. I've been pretty good today with a ham and green pepper omellette for brunch and an once of low fat cheese and half an apple this afternoon. Dinner will be claypot chicken (wish I could have a potato with it, oh well...)

The memorial service for Annie will be a week from today; I'm glad they are planning it for a non-school day. One more week to go until break and the students have been "on-break" since Halloween it seems. I don't know what it is about cohorts of students, but this group of sophomores are nice and good natured, but not real serious about their studies. Once back from break it will be a month of tears when many find out they don't have enough time left to raise their grades to passing. Too much other stuff competing, like the text-messaging all night long and that facebook page that has to be up-to-date. Just say no!

Thanks Veronica and Linda - I'm doing my best not to let the emotions control the food content. It is difficult to resist this time of year anyway, but with the rollercoaster going on in my brain I just want something sweet and warm like a gooey cinamin roll and I just can't go there. Got to be strong.
Almost all of the holiday shopping is now finished! Yay! and a good thing too, we've got snow flurries now and the cold air that has been sitting here over a week has not taken it's leave. Maybe a late start day tomorrow or a snow day? (Late start would be fabulous, but a snow day would not be welcome at all--my seniors are running out of time for their portfolios as it is.)

Ketosis didn't register again today--down to my last 20 or less strips and maybe they've gone bad despite the fact the bottle says good through 2011. I was down 1 lb again this morning to 153. That means I've lost 65 lbs according to my home scale with now another 25-30 lbs to go depending upon what size I end up.

I found some more pants (slacks and jeans) in the back of my closet that actually fit. Most of my 12s are still too snug around my waist, but all the 14's and 14p's all fit now. I even found a pair of 13 dress shorts from a vacation in CA long ago that fit also. My favorite size 12 denim skirt fits too now as well as a favorite Gap denim short sleeve shirt that I refused to throw out during my last fit of frustration (when my well-worn 501s also went--oh do I regret tossing those now!) If there is any shopping to be done, it will be for some non-frayed tops. Somehow the well-worn hems of pants don't show as much as frayed collars and cuffs. However, my birthday cash went to my hair appointment and my niece's Visa gift card--so much for a real splurge for my birthday.

We're getting through the Sunday laundry and really should upset the felines and take out the vaccuum along with getting some of my procert stuff done. Somehow, that is the last thing I want to do. My eyes are still so fatigued right now that this will be the only screen time I'll do for another couple of hours.

I don't know if it is the addition of another dose of the Thyroid supplement or the addition of the Seriphos, but I'm actually feeling like I have a bit more energy, falling asleep a little quicker, and my digestive system is much more regular. (I've always been a slow mover with my digestive system and the VLCD made it even more so, but this week that has changed a great deal for the better.) And since it seems to have taken about 1/2-1" off my waistline this week, I'm all for giving the supplements their due. If you are high stress, try the Seriphos between meals.
Why is the last week of school before winter break the absolute longest of the year? I feel like this week has moved in slow motion and I look up at the clock and half expect it to be moving backwards.

Monday night was choir/orchestra concert; Wednesday was the band concerts; skipping tonight's comedy troop appearance, but really should attend it tomorrow night. I'm just beat and it's been tough to keep students from doing nothing but eating holiday mini-candy bars. (Of course they offer them to me and I've been politely declining...) School work? Learning? Really, a test on Friday? You Grinch!

The other source of frustration is to see my weight bounce up two pounds from last weekend's low. And I've been good! I've been getting my water down me. Not too much sodium - why up two pounds overnight?

I was in the trace level of ketosis this morning, but the weight was still 155. I'm going to try one of those packaged internal cleansing products starting on Friday (it's a week-long pack of all kinds of stuff.) I figured I'd wait until I was home and not in a classroom where I can't just run to the ladies' if need be.

We are back into the mild weather - warmer than average temps and rain, rain, and more rain. Hopefully it will not begin flooding in the low lands (we live up on a hill).

The state still hasn't published the pro cert website with the exemplars on it. I'd hoped that I could see an example before getting seriously to work on the draft of part one (due on January 4). The only good news is that our book study text came in for our standards based grading PLC. I can use it for the basis of my research and decision-making process pages now and not have to do too many web searches with the college library.

DH is on his way back from his hair cut (and fighting traffic). I'm so tired of just protein and veggies and fruit (little of it) - I want a pasila chili releano! and that is definitely off plan.
Have you ever heard that things, especially bad things, happen in threes? Today I'll add to the evidence that it indeed works that way...

Our neighborhood was vandalized last night. Spray painted obscenities on houses and cars (the culprits could even spell the F word, however), torn down basketball hoops and Christmas decorations (our neighbors darling blow up polar bear with santa hat slashed!), knocked over garbage cans (garbage day was today and if it was out early, it was all over the street), and a stolen items (bicycles and smaller Christmas decorations). Our neighborhood is typcially quiet--we have two sections--the estates with really pricey homes with views of Mt. Rainier and such, and the much much smaller suburban cookie cutter houses (we live in that section.) Occasional vandalism happens - We've been egged and T.P.d (comes with the territory of being an educator), but nothing like this before. My neighbor down the street, who also has the neighboring classroom to mine, was hit hard - basetball hoop knocked over damaging the garage door, spray paint all over the front of the house and even her windows. Small table on her porch tossed and damaged. My first thought was that it might be one of her students--she teaches all seniors and many are failing right now (can't blame her--she gets the worst of the bunch, honestly). Police this morning saw it differently and then told her that it was all through the neighborhood mirroring problems a few nights prior in another neighborhood to our south. Police are guessing the culprits were on foot, and judging by the amount of damage, probably out all night.

Second rotten honors students couldn't even spend 10 quiet minutes reviewing for their test today...the noise level was atrocious and we began the test immediately (funny how all the motivated kids had already put away their notes--they knew the rest would blow the time for them--but the loud one's just protested louder.) I've never had to take away a test for talking or innappropriate behavior in an honors class (or regular for that matter), but I did have to do it today. Afterwards, the majority just couldn't settled down to watch a rather interesting video on the time period and lost their leadership points for the week. The scores were the worst I've seen in five years! I'm so frustrated!

Third and hopefully final very bad thing; I caught a kid stealing from a classroom across the project area from my room. Just didn't get why he was over there taking things out, so I went to investigate. And he was one of my former honors students! I let the custodians handle calling district security and I just sat with him and cried - why? The principal was on his way back to school to handle it when district security got there and told me I could go.

This morning - out of ketosis (again), weight down 1 lb to 154.

Got so frustrated I accepted a holiday cookie today...and ate it. I got the worst headache from the sugar. Guess I won't do that again real soon.

Really need to clean house. Annie's funeral is tomorrow afternoon. We still don't have a Christmas tree. And the state still hasn't posted the pro cert web site (the response said Dec. 22).
Just because I'm off from school doesn't seem to be any better for me to get things I need to do done...Not sure what to blame, but blaming myself is just as good as anything right now.

Annie's service was lovely; the turnout was so great that they had to activate every room in the church. There were probably over 1,000 people there all crying away. She touched so many lives and it was clear that from her last words to her brother that she wasn't concerned about herself, but about family, students, co-workers. She knew that she was just moving on to the next great adventure and would find a way to excell there too. The rest of us will have to pull together to make up for her absence here on Earth.

Sunday, we finally had the time to go pick out a tree. We cleaned house, well mostly cleaned house--I still have some chores to do--papers to go through and toss out. We finally got the tree up in the crowded living room on Monday night. We have such a small living/dining room combo and we bought the smallest sectional and chair possible to go with a pedestal table that seats 6 in the dining room. Somehow we didn't figure on Christmas trees in the configuration. We moved things around and go it all in. If we could afford a new flat screen TV and stand, things would not be so cramped. But alas, that is too much to think about right now with those medical bills and the IRS mistakes from two years ago to pay up last month.

While putting up the tree and lighting it - we ran out of lights. I trip to four stores yielded what we thought were larger, but a match. Get them home and they are "warm" white LEDs not "cool" white LEDs. DH took all the lights down and restrung the top to spread out the lights. We actually like the warm look better, but couldn't purchase enough of those at this late hour to fill out a whole tree. We'll look for new lights next year about Halloween (that is what all the store clerks said - what? wait until the week before Christmas - are you nuts?)

I finished putting on the ornaments yesterday - the cats are satisfied. I was ready to forego a tree this year as it was so close to the holiday. But our youngest guilted DH out. She came home at Christmas time four years ago and her idea of Christmas is a tree and a full stocking of toys and treats. (Yes, I know, we sound crazy, but our cats are our kids--and yes, they have better memories and communication skills than about half of my students. They've been parked under the tree since it was put up, all getting along--for the moment. Afterall, "Sandy Claws" is coming to town and he's watching to see if they are naughty or nice.)

I went to pick up more supplements at the clinic yesterday and since I was still in good supply of the HCG, I didn't pick it up--told them I was taking a two week break. In reality, all I needed was syringes and I was able to procure those for the next two weeks. The supplements - Thyroid Plus, fulvic minerals, and multivitamins and a Calm Me shot put me back way too much cash anyway. I've got to find another source for the supplements. I am seriously thinking about taking a 6 week break from the HCG, but I'm nervous about putting on any weight I've lost. The past two weeks has been the down and then right back up and then all week to lose again. I've been good about my eating and getting in my fluids since I've been off from school. We also started a cleanse - DH has taken off 8 lbs since last Friday night, me--nothing! I've just found a way to make my tummy upset! I'm sticking with it, but glad I don't have to get too far from home.

Weight, down 1 lb today to 153 lbs (but I was there over a week ago and then back up to 155 lb without any reason to be up). Ketosis - I'm out of strips and frustrated enough to go without checking for a few days since as soon as I add in some fruit, I'm out. Without the fruit, I have the most intense sugar cravings. With it, I'm able to stay on plan. However today, I went to get a 20 oz breve with a shot of eggnog - coffee took care of the intestinal blockage and at least I feel like I can think now. For me, fat is brain food. I've also decided that I am not going to totally deprive myself of real food tomorrow at FIL's or at my folks on Christmas day; just be careful of portion sizes. We are going to make real bleu cheese dressing for the salads we are bringing to both. I'll decide on the potatoes when I get there. The clinic said don't go overboard, but know that you're going to most likely indulge some. I was good over Thanksgiving with no starches; but I just feel tired of the whole game now. I don't have that kind of willpower and maybe allowing myself some leeway without totally giving up will help in the long run. (Getting over the guilt of it though is another story.)

The state finally posted the pro cert site, but no exemplars to go by. I'll pound it out on Saturday through Monday - at least that is my goal. Whatever I do will probably have to be redone at this point, so I'm not going to stress about it. A group of us is going to try to get together next week to share our drafts.

So, off to sort papers. DH should be home soon and maybe a last minute shopping trip...we have a credit at Macy's and I'm hoping to get a new comforter cover for our bed. That will be our gift to each other. His brother should be in tonight (but Sis-in-law decided not to come up - I hope everything is OK between them - I know that coming up here is the last way she wants to spend a holiday with FIL and the GF (who is usually a three-sheets to the wind shrew to her). FIL, ofcourse, takes her absence personally. We don't blame her and in essence, FIL should just fly down and spend some time with them in So Cal alone without the GF. My tactic lately is when she begins complaining about FIL is to let her and then ask why she stays if it is so unbearable. Perhaps I should find her a new BF (with more money - the reason she's with FIL) and that will take care of all our worries. Yes, holiday spirit is alive and well here. It will probably be as dysfunctional at my folks with both my mom's brother and sister and respective spouses in attendance and Grandma shut up at the assisted living home (we can't successfully take her out anymore without risking a fall or a problem in the ladies room.) Too many people will make her paranoid and uncomfortable. We'll all visit throughout the day in twos and hope for the best. (But the reality won't sit well with the Aunt and Uncle that aren't around enough to see how she's deteriorated this past 6 months--they'll want to bring her up to mom's.) DH has promised to keeps his temper (the IRS problems stem from some investments that my uncle made when he was managing the trust that I inherited two years ago and then when it began to tank, I pulled my money out and put it into the kitchen remodel. However, the government didn't agree that the offshore investments had lost money over time...I was the one stuck with those stocks--not any other family members. He, my aunt, my cousins and sis all got away without any IRS problems. My parents had to pay penalites too, but not in the neighborhood that we got stuck with.)

Should be a happy Christmas all the way round...I hope your's is merry and bright.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.I have given up on the temptations until after we get back from the marathon.To hard to do right now.Starting January 11th time to focus.I give you alot of credit for making it through Thanksgiving even.

Keep up the great work- you are inspirational!

All my fears about maintaining a healthy weight once I get the weight off have come to the surface today. First off, I have not overindulged by anyone's standards - even the strict standards I was given by the clinic. I followed their advice, but I'm up two pounds in two days. My logical mind says, there is no way you can physically gain two pounds of flab in two days! But my emotional sense if freaked out.

Christmas eve at my FIL's was interesting to say the least and unsettling to say the most. FIL's GF was inebriated by 4:30pm (we arrived about 3:15) and by dinner (romaine salad with bleu cheese dressing eggs and almonds, roast filet mignon, augratin potatoes, asparagus and bushe de Noel) she we four sheets to the wind (three sheets might have put her in to her usual holiday sentimental weepy mode.) I skipped all the appetizers and stuck to ice water. For dinner I had the right size portion of beef and asparagus but did have a Tablespoon of potatoes - just a taste and they were good. I also had a salad plate full of salad - we made and brought it and it was not on plan with real sour creame, mayo, and buttermilk in the dressing with the bleu cheese. DH and I shared a serving of desert, but I had 6 bites and I had only said I would have three. I also had one glass of red wine. Earlier in the day, I was completed on plan for lunch to make sure I wouldn't be too hungry at dinner and overeat. The sugar in the desert had me hungry by bed, so I did have a cup of left over salad and that kept me from wanting anything else until the next day.

DH's brother was up from So Cal - but his wife didn't come up. She was involved with a disasterous holiday a couple of years ago and was "preserving herself." I wish I had joined her down there instead of being witness to the GF throwing several punches at FIL when he tried to get her to go to bed instead of stumbling into walls etc and making it difficult for us to have a conversation. I've never quite seen her this way, but being around the drunkeness has always made us uncomfortable. However, FIL said it's been escalating as of late. I told DH before he went over to have the yearly "talk" with FIL and his brother that my idea was to ship her off to rehab or pack her duds and call her son to come get her. No inbetween. FIL is nearly 80, unsteady on his feet and although a large man, if he fell while dodging a punch, he'd really hurt himself. No one should have to live with that kind of abuse.

Christmas at my folks was pretty uneventful (even with my mom's brother and sisters who believe Fox News is the word of God - and having worked 6 years for Newscorp, I can tell everyone willing to listen that it's not news, but information disguised to keep you riled up and watching. It's about ratings, not real accurate information - not that you get accurate information from any other source either; all are owned by big corporations that are in it not to be the 4th estate of democracy, but to keep you glued to the screen.) BTW, my folks for all all their churchgoing and upbringing in Utah are surprisingly liberal in politics as they are socially conservative. I tend to mirror that and my DH is very pragmatic; but mom's side of the family believe's Reagan walked on water and GW Bush had the right idea with his tax cuts for the weathly (even though all them are decidedly middle income and see a break during the Republican years.) I just try to keep my mouth shut during any extended family gatherings, while my DH often talks about moving to Canada when pushed. Foodwise, mom held back some ham without the glaze for me, we repeated the same salad for the group, and I also had a deviled egg and no desert. I did indulge in some almonds and macademia nuts and two small cubes of my mother's fudge. (It isn't Christmas without it) But I didn't give in to her amazing rolls - I knew if I had one, I'd eat another one or 10.

Still, I was back up to 155 today from 153 on Wednesday. If I can't even have anything off plan now and not put on weight, what will life be like when I am done with the losing phase and into the maintaining phase? So the fear, as you can see, is real - not imagined. No, I shouldn't be so reliant on the scale and what is says, but this plan is particular about what it says. I'm out of keto strips, but know that they will be negative anyway.

Cats have been playing with all their new toys - after we got home late from FIL on Christmas Eve, we gave them their stockings. Tilda has already detailed 6 "real fur mice" and Sasha has scooted all the plastic twisty toys under the sectional. Niko has thoughtfully carried his catnip toys up and I found them tucked into bed with me this morning. However, DH's brother gave us a cat clock (like the bird clocks that chirp with a different species every hour). This one mews with a different cat breed on the hour (but won't mew when it is dark- has a light sensor). We hung it in the kitchen. Tilda and Sasha come running to find the "cat," when it goes off, but Niko runs and hides under the bed. So much for the giant Maine Coon mix - he's a cowardly lion. I hope he'll get used to it in time. I hate to see him all upset.

My right lowerback/hip area is really tender (I don't know if it is a muscle pull or kidney stone issue again.) I've been using the heating pad at night on it, but it is sore to stand, sit, sleep and twinges something fierce when I move much. I wanted to take a walk this afternoon (since I've not had much exercise lately and the sun it out even if it is cold outside), but I don't feel like I will get far before feeling like I can't move. Uneven ground - stairs - are the worst right now.

My goals for the next few days are to no more overindulge (despite the cookies that came home from FIL's) and to get those pounds gone as quickly as possible and get back on track and losing again. I still have that Pro Cert paper to write (yes, I'm still procrastinating) and some papers to re-grade, but not as many as I'd hoped. Only a handful of students took advantage of the opportunity to turn substandard grades into better ones. (Again, not what I have seen from an honors class in the past - more regular students than honors students did the re-writes and again, not enough of those.)
Just running through other journals and I see you have tuxedo cats. I have one too, as well as three other kitties. My very first cat was a tuxedo, and since then I have had two others...they are my favorites. :goodvibes
Hi Laurie,
Hope everything is settling down.How is the pain? Was it kidney stones and is that a side effect of this diet?

Sorry FILs was a disaster.Some people just have to ruin it for others.

Don't worry about the weight I bet it was a little water gain since you aren't used to some of the foods you had.

Keep your head up, one day at a time.

Happy New Year friend!! Hope all is going well with you and you are enjoying some much needed time off from school. Keep us posted on how you are doing.:hug:


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