Laurie's "Grand HCG Experiment"

Day 35: Still snuffing, but not wanting to take an antihistamine as I really don't want my nose to bleed non-stop. Moving to the desert sounds really good right now, but I'd probably just develop an alergy to something there within a year or two too.

Ketosis: small
Weight: still 189 (need one more lb for a 30-lb loss)

I have been setting my alarm clock this week - began at 7:30 am, but that doesn't mean I'm actually getting up. Need to change it to 7 am tomorrow and really get up. I'm such a nightowl and always have been. Between daylight savings time and my adversion to early mornings, getting ready to begin the school year is a very rude awakening indeed.

I was actually hungry prior to bed last night, but just kept drinking water instead of reaching for a protein snack. So this morning before I went for my walk I did have 100 g of trim cottage cheese. My calves were cramping up a bit last night too, so the calcium will do me some good (I hope.)

Last night we had the flank steak with greenbean instead of salad. We rubbed the flank steak with minced garlic, pepper, ginger, and a little light soy sauce and let it sit for about an hour prior to grilling. It was so good.

Meal Plan for today: breakfast--ice water (forgot to make iced tea), cottage cheese, lunch--left over green beans, flank steak and apple, dinner--halibut, green salad, strawberries.

Exercise: 55 minute walk (same distance, but went a little slower due to stiff right hip part way through).

Plans for the day: need to drop off ballots, do some lesson planning, picking up around the house, water plants.
Day 36:

Ketosis: trace to small
Weight: still 189

Exercise: 65 minute walk - added distance today.

Meal Plans: breakfast-jasmine-spice tea w/stevia, lunch-leftover flank steak, green beans, apple, dinner--grilled Ahi tuna, salad, strawberries.

Just answer panicked email from colleague. She and I taught summer school together 3 years ago and we collaborated very well, but she was then teaching at junior high level during the year. She's now been involuntarily transferred to my high school and I am estatic about our good fortune. Although she won't be teaching the same courses as I do, she still is amazing to work with. I've been trying to forward her some of the things I used when I did my student teaching in the same courses she will be teaching and help connect her with respected teachers to help her get started. She's a lot like me; if you can't put in 110%, it just isn't worth doing. Whatever I can do to help make her feel welcome and confident at the high school level, I will gladly do. But that reminds me...I've been lazy lazy lazy and need to get my first units in order! Planning is the order of the day for the next three days!
Day 37: I'm sure that my back is going to pay big time, but I spent 2 hours up in my classroom moving the desks, shelving, and files around from the state of confusion the custodial staff left them in after cleaning the carpets. It's not that I don't appreciate the cleaning, but can't they at least keep certain heavy items in place and keep my desk in-tact? Oh well, I'm sure it was a good workout for my whole body and I'll need to remember to take the Advil PM tonight to sleep.

Ketosis: trace
Weight: down 1 lb to 188 (30 lbs now gone, I hope, forever)

Exercise: I got up early and got my walk in, so that I could shower and get to my hair appointment. Trim, highlights and toner today and it took forever. I walked for 60 minutes, but did not tackle the big hill twice due to my hip still twinging about half way through my route.

Meal Plan: breakfast--water with meds, lunch--1 egg, 2 egg white omellette with shrimp & apple, dinner--DH choice (will have to shop on way home), green salad & strawberries.

I need to catch up on my water intake - didn't take anything with me to hair appointment or to school, but luckily I had some water stashed in my cupboard--it was warm, but who complains when one is thirsty?

I still have pleanty to do at school, and could spend some time there tomorrow morning or on Monday or take DH over on Sunday morning (while the church is meeting) to hang up artwork and do some re-arranging. I need to spend more time planning my first units and writing standards-based rubric despite the team meeting getting cancelled for Monday. Yes, summer truly is over.
WOW 30 lbs in 37 days, you rock girl!!:thumbsup2:cool1::banana:

Sorry about your room, I understand. DH can't get into his office for a few days each summer because they wax the floors (no carpeting). Then he gets to move computers all around (new ones in boxes and old ones they are replacing). He is currently complaining of a groin pull/hernia issue:rolleyes: and is in hyper drive to finish before his staff comes back starting next week.

Only 2 more weeks of summer vacation for DD-tomorrow teacher assignments get mailed out, so my phone will be ringing off the hook Saturday with all the girls calling each other to see who got what teacher. Last year of elementary for her-she is a big fish 5th grader this year.:eek: Next year we go to middle school, I am :scared1:.
Day 38:

Thanks Veronica! It feels good to be 1/3rd towards my goal. The last time I was able to lose 30 lbs, with Atkins and lots of exercise, it took me 5 months! I started out heavier this time around (my lost weight returned with a party of friends), but I'm definitely not skeptical about the HCG now. It works, at least it works for me. My youngest niece is a 6th grader this year and still in elementary school. She will go to junior high next year. My oldest is a senior this year, but taking most of her classes at the community college instead of high school. If she can earn an AA by the time she's ready to graduate HS, Utah will pay for her Bachelor's degree at any state college. She is really motivated to get both by the end of May.

My knees are black and blue after all the furniture moving yesterday. I didn't even realize the damage I'd done to myself until after my shower this morning. I was beat this morning too. Turned off the alarm and went back to sleep for another 2 hours! I guess lots of physical activity and a very low calorie diet just don't mix. And now I know it and will have to make adjustments. I still don't know how large my classes will be; rumor has it they could be up to 40 students and I have seating right now for 38 and tables are already tight. We are supposed to be able to get into our gradebook system on Monday and preliminary classlists should be there to gage class sizes. So today, I've been lazy, lazy, lazy except for my 65 minute walk (and yes, I did the big hill twice today.)

Ketosis: trace
Weight: still at 188
Midriff measurement: 39" down 6" now from 45".
Hips: 43" down 5" from 48"

Meal Plan: breakfast--hot English breakfast tea with a 1 T of half & half, lunch--apple, green salad with grilled chicken tenders, dinner--scallops, spinach salad or asparagus, strawberries or apple (depending upon state of strawberries...they are going fast).
Day 39:

Ketosis: trace
Weight: still 188

DH and I walked for 65 minutes, 3.3 miles - he actually wanted to add some at the end and I had a weird pain in my tush and opted to stop. We did take a different way around and back and up another big hill to get home through a new (stalled) development to the north of our neighborhood. It makes me so mad that they downed all those trees and bird habitat and now nothing is being done to build. With this economy, it may not be completed for years and years.

I also mowed the lawn with DH emptying the heavy bag for me. I sure wish my back would come back to life and not ache all the time. I definitely overdid it at school on Thursday afternoon. More bruising is showing up and my muscles are really achy.

Meal Plans--up in the air. Breakfast--hot Stash chai green tea with a little half and half and stevia, Lunch--DH went and got iced coffees-- with more half and half and stevia, at least it will get my system moving--I'll cut up and apple shortly and have some leftover flank steak. With all the half and half, I'd better skip on the salad or just have some tomatoes. Dinner--??? need to go to the store and pick up something or eat more leftovers.

DH is really, truly going to sand and start finishing the powder room door. I hear the garage door opening and so I'd best get on with lunch and help. Oh, for another two weeks of summer (or maybe four).
Day 40: My worst fear is to be ill to start the school year, because I never catch up health-wise all year. I was up a pound this morning and feeling bloated and my lower back is tender to the touch. I think the kidney infection is back, and my trips to the restroom today are pretty much confirming it now. I will contact the doctor's office tomorrow am before heading to my classroom to get some work done. This is not what I want to have happen.

Ketosis: small
Weight: up 1 to 189

We got up and "Rambo'd" the house today - time went by way too fast and by the time my parents arrived (early, early, early), I realized that I had not had lunch--no food other than the iced coffee with a big of half and half and stevia all morning. Well, it was too late to eat something then as we planned an early dinner. I wasn't hungry even at 3:30 pm.

We fixed salmon cooked in parchement with citrus slices over a bed of sweet onions, mock caesar salad (dressing receipe to follow) and strawberries. DH also cooked up some cous cous for a side for my folks. The food was very good and the weather was decent so we ate on the patio (but the flies and the bees started to converge). I think my father was interested to see just what my portion of food looked like as my mom is pushing him to check into doing the HCG also. His comment was that he thought I was getting enough to eat.

After my folks left, DH and I finally got our walk in. We need to transition to walking in the evening anyway as I have meetings this week and school begins the next. We did just 40 minutes tonight (I begged off--my lower back was hurting and I needed the bathroom about the time we'd head back up the hill and around and down into our part of the neighborhood.) Still for the amount of water I've gotten in my today, my throughput isn't right. Also, I was wearing a pair of size 18 shorts, and by the time we'd hit the upper part of the neighborhood I had to roll the waistband 3 times to keep them on.

We got another 2 coats of finish on the door and let it dry to move inside overnight--expecting marine layer of clouds tonight and tomorrow am. We can't chance any moisture.

Tomorrow, I have a ton to get done planning-wise in my classroom, so the plan is to head to school early in the morning and hope the network and the printers are up and running. There is a fairly new administrator that is forcing teachers of like subjects to teach "lockstep" as he did to all elementary teachers when he was in charge at that level. The idea is to "play nice and go along," but I know that most of my colleagues will just post the requisite targets on the board and do whatever they want anyway. He wants us to turn in our first 5 days' lesson plans--I'm betting since we are starting prior to Labor Day, that many students won't show until after the holiday weekend and a day late at that (we traditionally start the Wednesday after Labor Day). That means many students will miss the first week of classes and their parents won't care that they did, just that they shouldn't be penalized for going on vacation. Our district really needs a true attendance policy, because it's chaos to teach when parents are pulling students out all year at their discreation. When I was in high school, if you missed 10 days in the first quarter of a semester class, they withdrew you unless you had a medical emergeny and applied for school-home support. Miss 20 days in a semester and you didn't earn credit for the class at all. Some districts had gone to 10 days missed in a semester, no credit. And given that the students who have failed my classes over the past 3 years were the ones that missed 30 days or more in a semester, attendance is key to success. (And I put all my lesson's online on my school website too for easy access for those who are absent or for those who can't keep their planner straight.)

Enough whining...I'm already having back-to-school nightmares. Enough already.

Mock Caesar dressing for salad serving four--approx 1 1/2 to 2 cups salad each.

1 Tb lemon juice
2 Tb white wine vinegar (good stuff, not the stuff you use to clean with)
1 tsp dry mustard (I like the hot Chinese stuff)
1 tsp minced or crushed garlic
1 tsp anchovie paste

Shake or wisk contents together until thoroughly blended. After tossing romaine lettuce, liberally add fresh cracked pepper. A bit of non-fat feta or smaller amount of fresh grated parmasan cheese helps to give that creamy taste that you miss with the oil with minimal calories, carbs or added fat.
Day 42:

Ketosis: medium (and actually higher at the doctor's office this afternoon!)
Weight: down to 188 (again)

Back ache was way worse this morning; and still not able to put much out in urine for all the fluids I've been drinking, not even first thing in the am and it hurts when I do go. Got into the doctor this afternoon and the quick lab results showed nothing! Before I had no symptoms (until after being put on antibiotics), and this time I have symptoms and no lab values to back it up. Both sides of my lower back (kidney area) are sensitive to touch, but I guess the right is much worse than the left. Dr. said she called in another round of stronger antibiotics, but DH was just at the pharmacy and the Rx wasn't there! Dr. sent me for a CT scan--thank goodness they take walks ins--and then I had to get back to my classroom and get more things organized in my room (they are using it for new parent orientation tonight.) With the lower back pain, I didn't walk this morning, spent time playing phone tag with the clinic office staff and finally got the appointment. I hope DH is up for a short walk this evening.

Meals: cottage cheese and green/mint iced tea before heading to school, lunch--didn't think I'd be out that long, so I didn't take anything with me. BIG MISTAKE. Didn't get to anything before 4:30pm--left over flank steak, apple, 1 oz low fat havarti cheese. Dinner plans are up in the air, whatever DH returns from store with and strawberries. At least I did remember to take 2 liters of water with me, but it wasn't enough for the time I was out.

My father suffers from kidney stones; so I know that I don't want that diagnosis. My sis has even had them. Somehow I thought I'd skipped out on those genetics. The family type doesn't break up with ultra sonic or the drugs. They have to shred and pass with the pain. I'm not thrilled with starting the school year this way at all.
:hug: Hoping you are feeling better soon. I have only had a kidney stone once, but it is an experience I hope I do not repeat any time soon. I do suffer from UTI's more frequently than I like, even though I do all the things I am supposed to in terms of diet and hygiene. But alas, some of us are more prone to them than others. My DD seems to get them a bit too, hoping she outgrows them.

Keep doing the water-even though you aren't outputting, it, you still need it and this too shall pass :lmao::rolleyes:
Veronica - thanks for your kind words...this is my first experience with kidney stones (if that is really what it is). I once had a doc tell me that UTIs were part of being female. I'm not sure I buy that--but I seem to go years inbetween getting any or getting them all the time. It is uncomfortable and inconvenient. Sorry DD gets them too.

Day 43:
Ketosis - small (not the bright magenta of medium, so I must have done better with that extra serving of veggies last night. We had a small salad and grilled asparagus since I missed veggies at lunch and the day prior at lunch. I guess I've learned a lesson about skipping meals.)

Weight - still 188 this morning, but I know I'm holding onto fluids. My hands and feet are puffy as is my face. DH thought my eyes looks a little yellow/jaundiced even. Not good.

Meals thus far - breakfast, started on water with non-food meds and after shower dove into some trim cottage cheese despite feeling nauseated eating that early in the morning. Lunch - took leftover salmon, green beans, and apple with iced green tea and 2 liters of water. Dinner will most likely be grilled flank steak, more aparagus, and apples/strawberries or cherry tomatoes since my bushes have gone crazy!

Today was our first official back-to-school meeting day and it was as unproductive as I feared it would be. We were to meet in groups of similiar classes and hammer out our first units. Sounds like a good thing to do except for the fact that we all teach other classes that pulled people away from the primary class groups. So for my sophomore American Studies blocks, only 3 of us were able to meet with 5 absent to other groups and for senior English, one was missing, but no one was up for planning a common unit to begin the school year." Well, I was and so was my neighbor next door, but the rest didn't want to go that route--and I have to modify everything for the remedial kids, so double the work to keep them using the same materials as the other classes. The arguments over nit-picky things just get to me. We are mandated to collaborate, but when it all comes down to it, everyone just does their own thing anyway. However, I believe with the new director in charge, there will be heck to pay when he visits and we are not all on the same page. But I tried to be a team player.

The problem with being so frustrated is that I came home and wanted to EAT. I don't think I'm physically hungry, just wanting to crunch something or have something sweet, like candy. So I'm getting a fresh glass of ice water in me and if I'm still "hungry" I'll have some cheese before we go for our walk, that is if the "stabbing" in my back doesn't intensify again.

Last night was torture prior to heading upstairs to bed. The pain got worse--I had a moment of feeling dizzy and nauseated before dinner it hurt so bad. Then it came and went for about 2 hours. Then it went and I slept fairly well (for a night before an early wake up call--didn't clock watch as much as usual). I was OK this morning. Then it has started to get worse again this afternoon. It is definitely more on the right side now than the left. Achy over both, but stabbing on the right. It certainly does not feel like any back strain I've ever experienced. I won't have any answers until tomorrow afternoon.

DH went to pick up the Rx yesterday after work - it wasn't there. I called and left messages and never had a return call. I finally got a live body at both the doc's office and pharmacy to say it's ready. DH will pick it up on way home tonight. If this is an infection, I'm now another day into getting worse. If it is kidney stones, I'll have my system upset by antibiotics for no reason, but I'm so uncomfortable I don't want to wait another night for the meds. (No pain meds prescribed--I'm not a person to take them even if they are offered. I don't like the out-of-control feeling anything stronger than an over-the-counter pain med gives me.)
Day 44:

Ketosis: small
Weight: down 1 lb to 187

Slept through the night and managed to get through the morning relatively pain free. But, this afternoon, the pain started intensifying. The CT scan didn't show anything, but sometimes kidney stones don't show up on the CT or X-ray. I've been scheduled for an ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon - the earliest I could get in. My UA showed a significant amount of blood in my urine, which wasn't there on Monday. The labs show that there is an infective agent, but it is not e-coli; so I must continue taking the Cipro (nasty awful stuff). She prescribed some pain meds for sleep (if needed). If I get terribly bad, I'm to stay home and take them. Yeah, right, one more day of meetings this week and one more next and I've got to get a great deal of work done at home and school to be ready for Wednesday's first day of students. She also surprised me by saying that she'd researched my HCG diet plan and said I could continue (didn't think it was causing the kidney problems), but asked that I add some macademia nuts to my diet--just about 5 total (10 halves) a day as a precaution against gall bladder attack/gall stones. Now, those are pretty high in fat, but apparently ketogenic, so I may give them a try and see if they stall my weight loss (which has been stalled the last few days due to fluid retention--I think.) It was nice to see the scale move this morning again.

Meals: breakfast--scrambled egg/1 egg white, lunch--leftover flank steak, green beans, apple, dinner--new flank steak, strawberries, salad.

Exercise: the last two days - non-existent. We didn't walk yesterday because my pain intensified. It's not too bad now, so after dinner, maybe DH will opt for a 30-40 minute walk with me if I'm still up for it. My father, who really knows about the kidney stones from experience, said not to let it impact my lift until the pain interrupts it. "You'll know when enough is enough. Call in sick when the pain doesn't go up and down and just goes up and up and up." Now I got that to look forward to.
Day 45: When it rains, it pours--and even though I live in the (supposidly) rainiest part of the country, it was a beautiful, clear, 86 degree day. So, I'm not talking about the weather "pouring." DH was taken from work to the hospital this afternoon by a co-worker because he was sweating and dizzy. They thought he might be having a heart attack! Work is just minutes from the ER, so they made the choice to get in the car instead of call 9-1-1. His BP was sky high, and they ran all the tests to make sure he wasn't having/or had had a heart attack (or stroke). His BP has come down slightly--enough now to discharge him with an immediate referral to a cardiologist (well, as soon as one will schedule him in) and another med to add to his BP med regimine. Trying not to freak, trying not to freak--as that is how he texted me with info this afternoon while I was at the school retreat. His co-worker, Jim, called me and calmed me down because DH couldn't use cell in room. Now that he's been cleared to go, he has to head to the pharmacy and then home. He's not here yet. Yes, I'm freaked!

I had a good night's sleep due to the pain meds. A good morning despite having to get so early and meet the carpool at the mall. I stayed relatively pain free most of the day, but started having twinges again about 2pm. It was bearable until I got home at 4:15 and then saw the message from DH. He didn't want to worry me and knew I wouldn't answer my phone while at meetings. I did check messages about 2:30pm, but he hadn't texted me nor had Jim called me by then. At least I was home when I did hear and not in transit (even though I don't answer the cell while driving either.) Both DH and Jim told me to stay home until there was more news from the 2nd blood tests--OK, I'm hurting now and I agreed to stay put. About an hour later I had to use the restroom and nearly fainted while doing so, the pain was so intense. TMI here, but a fair amount of blood, but if there was a stone it was too small to see. I'm feeling a bit nauseated now, but the sharp pain is now dulled. No, I haven't taken the pain meds--I want to be coherent when DH gets home.

Ketosis: trace (must have upped the veggies/fruits to acceptable level--just hope I didn't go too far overboard)
Weight: still 187

I still have my goal to be at 180-185 by the start of school (Sept. 2); I hope all this nonsense and stress doesn't stall it. Stress is my worst culprit--I can be eating nothing, I mean fasting and drinking only water--and stress will put weight on me. I really need something to be going right in my life right now to keep me motivated to get everyone accomplished this next week.
:hug::hug::hug: Laurie, I am thinking of you and praying for both you and DH. It is hard enough to handle DH's problem, but when you have your own thing going on its worse. We have a friend who had a similar problem to your DH's-he works at a university with a med center thankfully. He spent the night and now is taking meds and doing much better.

When do you find out the rest of your test results? Hopefully they can help you get past this and you will be able to start school next week pain free.

Keep us (well at least me) posted. Thinking of you.:flower3:
Day 46: DH's BP was down to a more "normal" level this morning after taking the secondary meds prescribed by the ER doc. (It took it again after I got on him about making his call to the cardiologist...Hey, I made my phone call and reported what believe was the kidney stone incident to my doc's office this morning.) He did take the am a little easier, and despite my admonitions to stay put for a day, he went off to work to a 10 am meeting and has to stop by HR to help roll more teacher contracts over this afternoon. Me, I'm laying low, so to speak. I will do my planning from home today and then get to my dental appointment this afternoon. I feel that if I go up to school, I won't continue to get enough fluids in me. I was so excited by a big, real, whoosh this morning after literally waking up and needing to run to the bathroom, that it has made my whole day. I'm still a bit tender in my lower back on the right side and through the rest, but no visible blood this morning.

Thank-you Veronica for your positive thoughts and prayers. (The principal wife of my colleague had to have two surgeries yesterday--she had what is called "broken heart" syndrome where a ventrical literally stops working. She was close to being gone...and she's only a year or two older than I am! She will be kept in the cardio ICU for at least a week--she could go into arrest again even after the double surgeries and then rest at home for three to four weeks. You can bet, as a principal, that she will not be thrilled about that. BTW, she ran 10 miles on Sunday in prep for another half marathon. She and her husband have been running for now just over a year and they are in visibly excellent shape.)

Ketosis: trace
Weight: down 1 lb to 186 (total loss 32 pounds)

Unofficial measurements (official ones will be taken on 9/9)
Neck: 13" (down 2 from 15)
Upper Arm: 12.5" (down 1.5 from 14)
Midriff (at belly button): 39" (down 6 from 45)
Hips: 44" (down 4 from 48)
Thigh: 23" (down 2 from 25)

total inches lost: 15.5"

Meal Plan: No breakfast, water, lunch--green beans, left over flank steak, apple, dinner--DH's choice, salad, strawberries.

Note: I felt like I'd cheated eating 10 macadamia nuts (about 1/4 cup) yesterday as I waited for DH to come home. My doctor asked that I add them to my diet to ward off gall bladder issues, but it still felt strange to eat something so fatty, salty, crunchie! Still the scale moved this morning for me--probably the loss of water weight made a huge difference. I'm not going to eat them every day--may two or three times a week, but thus far, it doesn't look like it kept me from losing. I've also had protein for breakfast the past three days prior to meetings. These are also added calories, but I'm still losing.
I have been reading your posts, first I hope you feel better and CONGRATS on the weight loss.

Hope your DH does well too.That is scary.

Linda: thanks so much for your support and kind words. DH has a follow-up with the cardio specialist on Tuesay afternoon (the same time I see the imaging folks for my ultrasound). We are both feeling much, much better! But isn't that the case when you have appointments scheduled?

Day 47:

Weight-down 1 lb to 185 (I've met the top end goal for back-to-school)

FIL wanted DH to go over the hang up his mum lights because it rained overnight and he's got many he's counting on for entering at the flower show at the fair (DH planned to go over next weekend to hang the lights up). However, up on ladders is not the place for DH to be at the moment and, whenever DH heads to his father's, it's a laundry list of tasks to do that keeps him all day. It can be everything from computer support to sweeping off the roof! So I went too to surprise and get up on the roof if someone must. Thankfully it was just the lights in the garage and some computer issues...BTW computers don't function as "toasters," there is a bit more to them and no one should expect them to "read your mind." We got out of there within a couple of hours, but I'm sure FIL was NOT happy I showed up to keep the list short. FIL's live-in girlfriend is one nosey piece of work. She wanted to know about everything!!! FIL has been trying to lose (significant) weight over the past four years on Jenny Craig (and I know this plan works for many many people), however she buys such crap and then it hangs around on the counter just begging to be eaten as a sweet before bed. She's also had intestional surgery in the past year for IBS (probably alchohol related the amount she drinks!). She is one to eat that crap too (although just a bite and then if someone doesn't eat the rest, it will go to waste!) She was all happy about showing me her new acacia soluable fibre for before bed, "It really works." But then she complains about not being able to keep weight on! So this time I let her have it; that surgery crap is just plain poison and just what is she trying to do, poison FIL! and if she needs soluable fibre why doesn't she just fix some real nutrition lentils or bean soup and have a little of that instead. It has nutritional value! She was quite taken abac to say the least and I'm sure over the next couple of days, DH will hear from his father about my rant.

Meals yesterday: breakfast--stash chai green tea, lunch--green beans, leftover flank steak, apple, snack--iced coffee with half & half and stevia (timed between Cipro pills), dinner--grilled alder planked salmon, grilled asparagus, small green salad, strawberries. (Dinner the night prior was lingcod in parchement--highly recommend this way of doing any fish.)

Still no exercise on the agenda, I'm not as tender down there as I have been, but DH's BP was super low after the new meds. Last night he chopped the new pill in quarters and only took 1/4. This morning he was more "normal" for himself, but not quite as low as he'd like. He'll take a half a pill before bed tonight. BTW, DH has two BS degrees (biology and zoology) and post-grad work in microbiology (he was preparing for medical school, but didn't get in after being on the wait list 3 times). He's excellent at research and found that the drug prescribed should be added in the quarter increments so as not to drop BP into dangerously low levels after the first night of taking it and seeing that happen. It's not that he's just experimenting without information.

Me, I've just never been so happy to go to the bathroom with a "whoosh!"

Day 48:
Weight--still 185

Meals: breakfast--English breakfast tea, lunch--leftover chicken or flank steak, small salad, apple, dinner--more lingcod, salad, strawberries (may be the last of--they are going soft so fast now!)

Exercise: planning on walk later this afternoon or evening.

I need to get some serious unit planning done and also get the required elements ready for turn in on Tuesday. I finished syllabus updates on Friday. At least laundry (my usualy Sunday task is pretty caught up and I can run a small load on Tuesday evening for any necessities for the first week of school.)

This morning, my lower back pain nearly gone and I'm not feeling any discomfort going to the bathroom. I'm not certain just what they'll find in an ultrasound at this point, but I guess I'll play along on Tuesday. Again, somethings, like being able to go, when you need to go, shouldn't be taken for granted.
Day 49: I spent most of the day up at school getting my unit plans, learning targets, syllabi, parent letters, information forms completed and ready to go for tomorrow (due to admin.) and first day of school on Wednesday. Tomorrow we have morning meetings followed by a whole half a day (paid) to set up our classrooms. No, given that I have an ultrasound appointment at 2:30pm, I won't have everything "just so" and ready to begin the year. However, the first three days of classes will be mostly get-to-know-you activities and icebreakers along with there are the expectations and rules. I'll get caught up with other stuff over the weekend. Another American Studies teacher offerred to collaborate with me today and actually took some of the planning and preparing. Usually, when other teachers offer, it means that they just want my unit/lesson plans. It was nice to actually have some input and real partnering today.

Ketosis: trace
Weight: down 1 lb to 184

Meals today: breakfast--ice water with meds, lunch--small green salad, leftover flank steak, apple, dinner--grilled lean beef patty over grilled portabello mushroom cap (DH does one larger patty and portabello so that the beef is on the med-rare side and then cuts the patty and mushroom cap in half for our portions. Condiments were fresh sliced green pepper, red onion, and tomato slices), small green salad (to offset the veggie carbs with the burger), strawberries.

Still no exercise happening. DH was told to take it easy prior to tomorrow's cardio appointment and I really didn't want to walk by myself. I will go by myself tomorrow evening if DH still doesn't feel up to walking. I will have to take myself back down to 45 minutes instead of an hour at a slower pace to make sure I don't get shin splints after a week of inactivity. Funny, I'm still losing pounds and inches despite the lack of exercise...

I'm really hoping for one more pound gone by Wednesday morning. That would be right between my goal of 180-185 and 183 would be 35 lbs gone. Next short-term goal will be to get my BMI into the "overweight" range instead of "obese." That would be 170 for me.
Day 50: feel like I've run a marathon today, and didn't even get out to walk. We had school-wide meetings beginning at 7:30am this morning, then advisory meetings from 9:30 to 10:30. They finally turned us loose to work on our classrooms then (clock stopped for pay at 11:45am--we used to get a full half day paid setup). I got myself as organized as I could be before leaving at 2pm for my ultrasound appointment. They could have kept us in meetings until 11:45, but decided we could complete all the health trainings on-line on our own (I have until Sept. 30th to go through all the tutorials--something we re-train on every year.)

Nothing major on the ultrasound - or at least the tech didn't give me the big frown. She stated that she couldn't comment one way or the other, but when I asked if I'd be hurting like I did on Thursday evening, she said it was doubtful anytime soon.

DH's cardio appointment went very well; his heart is healthy and he scored well above the average on the stress test. He will have another test on Thursday, but he will be on the meds prescribed at the hospital in the evenings, same drill he's been doing for the mornings. He needs to get his weight down to 190-195; he's lost 13 or 14 lbs since I started my program, so he has between 34 and 40 to go. (I wish I only had that much to go...)

Ketosis: trace
Weight: same at 184

Meals: breakfast--iced green/jasmine tea, lunch--chicken tenders, green beans, apple, dinner--alder planked salmon (in oven), green beans with a little turkey bacon for flavor, strawberries. (Snack when I got home from my appointment since DH was in an hour or more wait at the pharmacy for meds--1 oz low fat cheese, 10 macadamia nuts).

No exercise (except running up and down stairs at school, moving furniture, and boxes.) I'm feeling really out of shape now.

We should have walked, but DH was tired from the stress test and we have tomatillos piling up that we needed to make into salsa verde ASAP. We bought the peppers and cilantro Friday - but the cilantro went bad already--well mostly. It is nearly done now and it's time for bed.

Tomorrow begins with my sophomore advisory at 7:40 and then the juniors and seniors come to school at 10:00 and we do 20 minute classes through 2:10pm with an hour and one half for 30 minute lunches where the kids spend an hour in advisory in between 2nd and 3rd periods. Should be an interesting day.
Glad that DH is doing better and his appointment went well. Hopefully he continues to improve. Glad you are feeling better too.

Hope that this first week of school goes well for you. I was at DH's school today picking up DD and things are starting to get crazy there. He is almost finished, just odds and ends to be done, but every time the phone rings its someone with a problem (or so it seems). Once everyone is back next week things will settle down for him.

I wouldn't worry about the exercise-you are going to be going all day while working and until you get back in the groove its hard to get out there. Do what you can, once you are back on a regular schedule the exercise will fit in. I am technically on vacation this week, but I am filling in at other offices for extra vacation money. Since most places start at 8 am (compared to my usual 9am) I have done no running at all since Sunday. Tomorrow my first patient is at 7:30 am:scared1:. I have to leave the house with DD by 6:45 to be there on time. I will run on Friday when I am off and get back on track.
Day 51:
Ketosis: trace
Weight still 184 (was so hoping for 183)

First day of classes--I am really blessed thus far with some really fantastic students. (However, the absent ones are bothersome...especially when the kids start to say, "We hope he stays M.I.A.) There was so much to do, but for the most part all went as planned and more importantly, I survived. The toughest part was getting enough water in me and I failed miserably! I really need a water bottle that 1. has a wide moulth for ice, 2. stays really cold all day, and 3. doesn't "sweat" all over my desk--oh and 4. doesn't make the water taste like old socks.

Once home, I was so hungry, so I had an ounce of low-fat cheese, got two 16 oz glasses of water in me and was still hungry! Had 10 macadamia nuts. DH got home and we walked for 45 minutes at a much slower pace than the usual, but at least we walked. My feet were so sore afterwards and this morning.

Meals: breakfast--100 gr. trim cottage cheese, iced green/jasmine tea, lunch--chicken tenders, leftover green beans with little bit of turkey bacon, apple, dinner--grilled flank steak (super good marinade), romaine salad with homegrown cherry tomatoes and "mock" caesar dressing, strawberries.

Day 52: getting up this morning was tougher than yesterday--and my feet were so sore to stand upon.

Ketosis: trace
Weight: up a lb to 185!!! Drat it all!

Regular-length classes today. The schedule change blitz is on despite counselors telling us that this wouldn't be a large deal this year. I'm nearly maxed out for my seating at 33 in my 1/2 block class, and lost one to 23 in my 3/4 block class. 28 to 30 is really idea for some of the learning activities I do throughout the year, especially the mock trial the end of October. Why can't they balance these classes! One senior needs to be moved as he's passed his exit exams; 4 others are M.I.A. and one who should be enrolled is also dodging the counseling office. To meet deadlines and stay on schedule with all that needs to be accomplished this semester, I really need to start the serious work of learning on Tuesday next week. The student shuffle needs to be completed ASAP for all of our sanity.

Meals: Breakfast--iced green/jasmine tea, Lunch--romaine salad with cherry tomatoes and chopped chicken breast, apple, Dinner--it's up in the air right now...I'm actually NOT hungr this early evening despite a frustrating fight with the copy machine at school this afternoon. So I'm skipping all snacks (and breakfast) until that found pound is gone. Again, didn't not get my water consumption in while at school. I'm getting through 16 oz now and another before I ask DH about dinner plans.

Exercise--not yet; my feet still are so sore, but I really should do another 45 minutes on the same route tonight.

Note: I forgot to slip on a belt with the capris I wore today and they are linen. By lunch I felt like a clown with baggy pants. I want to hold off as long as I can before going "school" shopping for myself, so I'll have to make do with the baggie clothes for now.


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