Laura & Craig PJ (WP/CG 12/14/09) - Invitations Done 9.2.09

I finished my personalized aisle runner!!!! :cool1: I am so happy with it! It took a little time but it was so much fun to do.

Oh speaking of the welcome bags from earlier, we finally figured out what to do for them. I initally really wanted to do a embroided bag for each guest but we need 18 and it was just going to be too much $$. Then, I was thinking just doing colored paper but wasn't too thrilled with that and then another DIS bride mentioned possibly doing the green friendly bags that cost like $2 each and I was like genius! So with her permission I am stealing her idea so we picked up the Mickey, Tinkerbell and Wall-E bags!! :yay:

Phew..getting tired of reading yet?? :lmao: Last 2 things shoes and the dreaded to do list! :scared1:

I FINALLY found a beautiful pair of purple sandles to wear under my wedding dress! :cloud9::lovestruc



and last but not least the most updated TO DO LIST!!! :eek:
Mickey Programs
Burn Music to CD
Wrap Ornaments
Place Cards and Table Numbers
Make Tags for Oranments
Wedding Invite & Inserts
Order Wine
Tags for Welcome Bags
Dress Altered
Rent Tuxes
Totes for Girls
Make T-shirts for Girls
Book Mani/Pedi
Book Men's Golf
Book Tea Party
Book Segway tour (Craig groom gift)
Buy MVMCP tickets (MAY 1st)
Book Airline Tickets
Buy Favors for Tea (candles)
Wrap Attendant and Family gifts
Buy Cards
Buy Gift Certificates for Vendors & Planners
Order Candy (mints)
Order Water
Make Water Bottle Labels - not done yet BUT we bought the labels so step 1 is done.
Make Information Packet
Make Newsletters
Buy BM gift
Buy Wrapping Paper for favors
Book reservation dinner at Bongo's
Figure out and buy gift for FIL's
Buy Undergarments
Make Tags for favors
Snacks for Welcome Bag (when we get to FL)
Buy Roses for petal toss (when in FL or order freeze dried?)
and then eventually SHIP EVERYTHING and Pack for 2 weeks!!!!

Well I guess that's it. We are doing good. Some of this or most I should say won't be until after the PS when everything is settled.
What are the green friendly bags that you are using? I think it is a great idea and I am looking for something to do for our welcome bags!
What are the green friendly bags that you are using? I think it is a great idea and I am looking for something to do for our welcome bags!

Hi Christina, I am sorry I just saw this. I have been a bad disney bride with my updates but what's funny is now that I am so much closer I have TONS of questions. However to answer yours, these are the bags:




There are a few new ones out there too - Up, green one and a bigger Mickey one.
I need to stop waiting several months between updates! Ok so since my last post oh so long ago in April. I have had my PS, worked on a ton of projects and booked a lot of outside vendors. Now with 4 and half months to go I still have a TON to do! :eek:

So, let the update begin.

PS TR - I am not doing one because outside of the actually PS with Meri, meeting up with a few other DIS brides and meeting Ana for my hair/makeup trial it SUCKED! We had a horrible stay at SSR and me and DF were fighting for most of it so I am not going to rehash it. I am moving on and so have we.

I sent our first Newsletter out in May! The newsletter is 3 pages long and is basically a hello and more information on the discounted hotes, Magical Express and tickets. The next issue will be more updates on the schedule, invites and more detailed info on the wedding. Then one final one which will be in the welcome bag. Here are the pictures:

The pile of newsletters

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Ready to be mailed!

Here is our programs, well the layout. They are finished yet. They are in the processing of being cut (thanks to a special DIS friend!) and then I will assemble them when I get them back.

I got my BEO and Floral BEO in June so this is what they were originally:
The types of flowers that are going to be used in lavender, lilac and ivory colors are: Roses, dendrobium orchids, alstromeria, mini calla lilies and stephanotis.

My bouquet - 325 (with 1 mickey crystal)
Refresh bouquet - 75 (this I think I am cutting)
MOH and BM - 300 (150 each)
Flower Girl - 90 (2 flower wands - real) I love how it says on the BEO "mist with with pixie dust"
Boutiners - 63 (6 of them including a refresh one for Craig)
Corsages - 52 ( 2 purse for the mothers) 1 is changing to a pin on
Single Rose - 40 (2 for my grandmothers)
Unity Candle - 65
Alter arrangement - 150
Candelabras - 125 (for 2)
Candles and Rose petals for cylinders which will line the aisle - 702 (includes rental of the cylinders)
Butcher paper for kids table - 10
Cotton Napkins - 35 (in lavender instead of the monogramed Cali Grill ones)
Candles and Rose petals for the reception table centerpieces - 164.25 (incluldes rental of the cylinders)
Tax 142.95
Transfer/Delivery Fees - 75

Grand total $2417.20

We did cut all the personal bouqets, corsages, bout's and alter arrangement. I am using an outside vendor for those things so our new total is in the range of $1200.

Keep in mind we didn't have the cake total yet but since then the cake was added at $500. This also includes all our taxes and service charges.

Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Pavilion $3195
Vintage Car$600
Floral$2417.20 (this is for all including at reception)
Limo – 4hr$376.64
Sedan – one way $25 (this is for one of my grandma’s and our minister. We are adding a second one for
their ride back to their hotel)

Wedding Pre Reception & Reception
Food & Beverage $3,898.17 (this is still under our minimum because of the cake)
Bartender $100
DJ $2800 ( we are doing an outside DJ or iPod setup)
Dance Floor $450

Bridal Portrait Shoot
Animal Kingdom $650
WDW Resort (AKL) $450 (we are removing this)

Total: $14,968.51

Since those original one we have taken away, changed or added others so I am still waiting on my next BEO from Meri to reflect those changes but my estimte is around $11,500.

What else....lots a little projects done.

Water Bottle Labels - I have 44 labels which should be enough for 2 bottels per welcome bag.

Table "Numbers" - Craig and I didn't want to do the boring old numbers so he came up with the idea of using the characters from Lady and the Tramp so that's what we are doing.




Si & Am

Place cards, which I can't print yet, will have our guests name and the picture of their corrosponding table. :)

I also booked me and my girls Mani/Pedi at the GF Spa after our rehearsal on the 13th. :cloud9:

Welcome bag tags: I found some blank bookmarks that would make a great tag but I wasn't sure if it was going to go through my printer. Well I came up with a desgin using Donald and Daisy with an image I had already found a month ago.

I opened it in paint and cleaned it up and added our names and date and Viola! I tried printing it on the bookmark and it worked!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Here are our welcome bag tags!


I might have them lamenated but I am not sure? They are a little flimsy and I don't want them getting ripped. Now I just have to wait to get all my confirmation numbers and then I will print them out in November.

I got in our Cards & Pockets for our invites. We went with a metallic Black Raspberry pocket, black mat and cream invite. Then, we also bought the inserts that are cream as well to match.

This is everything along with the envelopes we also got

The pocket

What the invite will look like when assembled (minus the inserts)

I bought a few things for me to wear. I got a stole and pin and a crinoline which I dyed (wait to you see the color!) I :love: it!!





I was also on the hunt for puple wrapping paper and I finally found it!! This is to wrap the wedding favors (ornaments) and also boxes to wrap the mom's and grandmom's gifts in.


Hang in there there is still more coming....

I also loved a shirt another DIS bride got for her DF for their honeymoon and I wanted to get for Craig. I plan on giving it to him the moring we do the Segway tour in Epcot which is his groom's gift.

However I ordered it in the wrong color :( I thought I picked grey but it was really military green which Craig hates the color green! So, I called and they sent me a new one without having to return the wrong one. It looks awesome!Here it is in the wrong color:


Then I was still in a hunt for a brides bag for me and so I was looking once again looking on Ebay and there it was! It was perfect! Well I am not good with sizing things up to see if they are going to work so I asked my friend Karen if it was going to be big enough for both my 3" wedding binder as well as my laptop and she who is really good at that stuff assured me it would be fine. She was right! Here it is with my binder in it! :love:


Hmm...what else...Oh I was in the Disney store the other day and they had a clearance rack and I found a cute Wall-E t-shirt for DS to put in his welcome bag! I also wanted to get Disney $ to put in my welcome packet so I picked up $2 for each bag and I got also for DS's welcome bag $50 in Disney dollars. Craig also this weekend found the nerf game and controller that DS is dying for so that will go in his bag as well and now he is done!! Thank God as I was having a really hard time trying to think of what to put in there! :ha:

Oh another thing, I got in my shapewear I ordered for underneath my dress and it fits!!!! I am so psyched! I really was very skeptical after the issues I had with Spanks but it was tight but not overly and really held me in. I am so happy! I am almost tempted to get a second one to wear under all my dresses since it worked so well! Jen thank you so much for listing the site where you found yours otherwise I would never have found it! :banana:

I completed all the tshirts I was making for my girls - I think they came out great! Here they are:


and last but not least my updated to do list!!! :scared1:

Mickey Programs - 1/2 way done
Burn Music to CD
Wrap Ornaments
Place Cards
Make Tags for Oranments
Rehersal Invites
Wedding Invite & Inserts - have everything purchased, just need to print and assemble
Order Wine
Dress Altered
Rent Tuxes - done just have to do measurement in August
Book Men's Golf
Book Tea Party
Book Segway tour (Craig groom gift)
Buy Favors for Tea
Wrap Attendant and Family gifts
Buy Cards
Buy Gift Certificates for Vendors & Planners
Order Candy (mints)
Order Water
Make Information Packet
Make Newsletters - first one done and sent. 2nd one will be mid September
Book reservation dinner at Bongo's
Snacks for Welcome Bag (when we get to FL)
and then eventually SHIP EVERYTHING and Pack for 2 weeks!!!!
WOW Laura! you sure have done a lot! can i ask how your guests are getting to the WP and then to the Cali Grill? We are using the same location and considering just having them take the monorail from the GF to the CG but I'm unsure of how to get them to the WP?:confused3

Your BEO looks great! So glad you were able to find an outside vendor for the floral! That will save a nice chunk of change! Can't wait to hear more of your plans looks like you are doing well:thumbsup2
WOW Laura! you sure have done a lot! can i ask how your guests are getting to the WP and then to the Cali Grill? We are using the same location and considering just having them take the monorail from the GF to the CG but I'm unsure of how to get them to the WP?:confused3

Your BEO looks great! So glad you were able to find an outside vendor for the floral! That will save a nice chunk of change! Can't wait to hear more of your plans looks like you are doing well:thumbsup2

Thank you! :goodvibes We are only providing transportation for the bridal party, immediate family, my grandmothers and our pastor who we are flying in. Everyone else has will have to find a ride for themselves. However I will say there isn't that many more guests (18) and those that are left either are driving as they live in the area or are renting a car. We also might have the limo to make use of as well if needed.
Well I got one of my big projects almost done tonight! I got my menu's done!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

They have been fun to do and I still have about 11 more to go but I ran out of crystals so I will be headed back to Micheal's to pick up some more tomorrow. My friend's joke I should just live there! :rotfl2:

I cannot take credit for the design of them. They came from a DIS bride BaBeeCee14. She was is so awesome sharing me all her insturctions for them. Without further ado here they are:

paper color choices with template

closeup of the menu


everything all cut up and ready to assemble (thank you Fedex Office!)

the final menu's!


and look what I found at Michael's today! I thought they were so stinkin' cute. :cutie:

(their rubber duckies in case you can't tell LOL)
Laura, I love all the great updates. Everything for the welcome bags sounds great and the tags came out really cute. I love how the menus came together too, do you mind repeating what your food includes since I don't remember off hand.

Also, how long are you in Orlando? I'm sure it is somewhere in your PJ. DH and I are now coming down there from 12/17-12/20. Not to Disney though :sad2: but we'll still be in the area and plan to come on property a few times during that time period. Maybe we could meet up at DTD or something if you're still around :goodvibes
Thanks Vanessa! Here is my menu:

-Sonoma Goat Cheese Ravioli with Sun Dried Tomato Nectar, ****ake Mushrooms and Basil
-Wine Country Salad with Marinated Dried tomatoes, Olives, Sourdough Croutons and Cabernet-Herb Vinaigrette
-Market –inspired Seasonal Sorbet
-Slow-roasted Atlantic Salmon with Farro wheat Risotto and Crustacean Sauce
-Sliced Oak-grilled Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Carmalized Onions and Teriyaki Barbecue Sauce
-Oak-fired Pork Tenderloin with Polenta and Zinfandel Glaze
-Wedding Cake
-Coffee and Selection of Teas

We are definitely going to be there when you are. We will be there from December 9th to the 22nd! I would love to meet you and Chris! We will have to connect up if you get to Disney. :cool1:
Hi Laura! Can I ask where you got the 'i love my wife' tshirt? DF wears tshirts ALL the time and I want to get him one for our honeymoon! :goodvibes
May i ask where you get the card and metallic card for your invites and menus? i love them

i also 'borrowed' the piccys of your menus as i like them so much- hope this is okay!
May i ask where you get the card and metallic card for your invites and menus? i love them

i also 'borrowed' the piccys of your menus as i like them so much- hope this is okay!

You may absolutely borrow the pics! They were a blast to make.

I bought the metallic cards for my invites from along with the mats and inserts you see in the pics. The paper for the menu's I bought a craft store here in the States called Michael's. There were done with 3 different shades of purple.

Let me know if you need anything else! :goodvibes
thank you!

I have heard about this michaels ... i was pretty close to one when i was in orlando this year but we couldnt work out how to cross the highway (there was no footpaths or briges) and we didnt want to spend $$$ on a taxi just to get there! hehe!!

i will let ya know if i need any advise!
Stacey there are a few places online that you can find the paper if you get stuck trying to find some at your local craft store. is where I found the extra packets of the purple cardstock I needed for my menus.

:idea: You know what I just realized I have a TON of leftover purple if you need it. I can send some to you. How much do you need?
Looks like we're definitely going to Orlando at that time. Still no reservations made, but as soon as we lock in our plans I'll contact you about scheduling a meet :goodvibes
Stacey there are a few places online that you can find the paper if you get stuck trying to find some at your local craft store. is where I found the extra packets of the purple cardstock I needed for my menus.

:idea: You know what I just realized I have a TON of leftover purple if you need it. I can send some to you. How much do you need?

Well, as i am the worlds worst for making things.. heh.. Jenny (MrsDisneyb2b) has offered to make them for me when it comes round to my wedding so if it is needed, i will let you know. But dont hold onto it just for me hun! thank you for the offer its so kind of you. I will let you know. xx
Looks like we're definitely going to Orlando at that time. Still no reservations made, but as soon as we lock in our plans I'll contact you about scheduling a meet :goodvibes

:cool1::banana: That will be wonderful! Do you know the dates?

Well, as i am the worlds worst for making things.. heh.. Jenny (MrsDisneyb2b) has offered to make them for me when it comes round to my wedding so if it is needed, i will let you know. But dont hold onto it just for me hun! thank you for the offer its so kind of you. I will let you know. xx

Sounds good! :thumbsup2


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