Las Vegas Shooting

@Hikergirl :What 2 people was Ms. Danley married to simultaneously? Why is it important if she had 2 different SS numbers and birth dates?
If listing multiple birth dates is a crime well then I know lots and lots of criminals, LOL.

I don't understand the rush to judgment and need to discuss her life in such a minute manner. On some news forums she's being faulted for being wheelchaired out of the airport. Someone on a board said she had a sugar daddy instead of a boyfriend or life companion- kind of strange use of adjectives IMHO.

Assuming, she voluntarily returned to this country, let us give the woman kudos for the grace of strength it took to return to this country knowing what others might think of her.
@Hikergirl :What 2 people was Ms. Danley married to simultaneously? Why is it important if she had 2 different SS numbers and birth dates?
If listing multiple birth dates is a crime well then I know lots and lots of criminals, LOL.


You know lots and lots of people who list the wrong birth dates? How very odd.
I remember a time when you could hear different perspectives of an issue without labeling a person a nut or a libtard or a white supremacist. I also remember when if a News organization was in a place where there was censorship they would announce it before a piece was aired. There is plenty of facts that people ignore for beliefs and I try to get facts. I don't accept beliefs as fact.
EVERY News Organization "censors". They MUST. It's called "editing". There is a limited amount of time available for stories.
She said glass was broken in the lobby. But didn't she also say she was on the 32nd floor of one wing of the Bellagio and then made their way back to their room in another wing? And then later she said she was in the front of the Bellagio? I haven't heard anyone else saying the Bellagio glass has been shot out. Do you really believe, among the hundreds, if not thousands of people around the Bellagio in the last two days, NO ONE else would have mentioned seeing the broken glass (or it being repaired)?
Other than the fountains not running on Monday I haven't seen anything going on at the Bellagio to suggest something happened there. There's no work visible from the outside that I could see at least if you're on the Strip facing it where the fountains are.
@Hikergirl :What 2 people was Ms. Danley married to simultaneously? Why is it important if she had 2 different SS numbers and birth dates?
If listing multiple birth dates is a crime well then I know lots and lots of criminals, LOL.

I don't understand the rush to judgment and need to discuss her life in such a minute manner. On some news forums she's being faulted for being wheelchaired out of the airport. Someone on a board said she had a sugar daddy instead of a boyfriend or life companion- kind of strange use of adjectives IMHO.

Assuming, she voluntarily returned to this country, let us give the woman kudos for the grace of strength it took to return to this country knowing what others might think of her.

I was just posting what I saw in the news since this thread is a place to keep people updated with what was being said in the news. She was the subject of the thread at the time.
I won't get in to the using multiple SS# numbers, or bigamy since they are't really important to what Paddock did.
I happen to agree with you, I don't feel the media should be posting any info other than her name and that she is willingly back in the country to meet with the FBI. I also saw where one news site "obtained" her travel itinerary for the last few weeks and reported that. I thought that was kind of no one's business, she is not a suspect at this time.
I also think they were wrong for posting a picture of one of his ex-wives.
So it looks like he was prescribed Valium back in June for anxiety, and Valium can cause aggressive behavior. And that puts maybe another big piece into the puzzle, IMO.
Correlation does not equal causation. The media unfortunately does not care about tempering all this sorts of stuff. You would want to keep options open as far as explanations but what you wouldn't want to do is zero in on something with no actual findings pertaining to the actual person themselves and launch into an "aha" moment.
I also think they were wrong for posting a picture of one of his ex-wives.
I'm just riffing off of this ... I wish that the media would stop showing the photos of those poor dead women on the ground. I feel so bad for their families.
Notice it hasn't come out whether he filled the prescription, and if he filled it if he took it.

No that's true but even so, if he had anxiety that could lead to something like this happening or contributing to his downward spiral.
Odd? You apparently don't know women of a certain age:).

I'm in my late 40s? Not sure what your point was. I never write it down wrong on forms which sounds like the girlfriend did. I may jokingly say I'm 29 if someone asks.
I'm just riffing off of this ... I wish that the media would stop showing the photos of those poor dead women on the ground. I feel so bad for their families.

I know, I can't imagine someone turning on the computer or TV and seeing their loved one like that.
Your memory seems very long for someone who joined on August 14th of this year :scratchin.

ETA, like @msjprincess I never called you names.

Maybe I lurked on these boards long before I joined. The Dis boards aren't a private website that people can't see without permission. I get good information about Disney World and Disney Cruises even without joining in conversations.
No that's true but even so, if he had anxiety that could lead to something like this happening or contributing to his downward spiral.
While possible, I wouldn't say it's a huge clue. How many people have anxiety and take Valium and don't try to shoot up a concert?

No, I'm not discounting it, I'm just not putting a lot of stock in it.
While possible, I wouldn't say it's a huge clue. How many people have anxiety and take Valium and don't try to shoot up a concert?

No, I'm not discounting it, I'm just not putting a lot of stock in it.

So what do you think happened with this guy?
While possible, I wouldn't say it's a huge clue. How many people have anxiety and take Valium and don't try to shoot up a concert?

No, I'm not discounting it, I'm just not putting a lot of stock in it.

Also, people react differently to medications when it comes to mental illness which is why it so often takes so many trial and errors to find the right one. So not everyone is going to have the same reaction to Valium.
EVERY News Organization "censors". They MUST. It's called "editing". There is a limited amount of time available for stories.

Even documentaries censor facts, but what I meant is that there are certain countries and territories and groups that threaten, beat and jail journalists for reporting facts that they disagree with. The news organizations instead of acknowledging the threats push the agenda of said countries, territories and groups.
I'm in my late 40s? Not sure what your point was. I never write it down wrong on forms which sounds like the girlfriend did. I may jokingly say I'm 29 if someone asks.

My point is some people ( of whatever sex) don't wish to be pigeonholed by their age.
My maternal grandmother lied like a rug about her age if it suited her purposes. She reported herself as older than she actually was to enter Ellis Island so she could work in this country; at a different time she stated she was younger to get a pension granting job at a state hospital in her 60's. When she died in her 100's we had to get a copy of her mother's bible to state her age definitively in her obituary.
For many generations, in this and other countries, it was considered ...lacking in etiquette to ask someone their age.

The man, (no, I'm not married to him and doubt I'll evah marry anyone again in this life; the ex trained me well) lost his job when the hotel he managed was sold. He was in his early 60's and could not find a position that was willing to pay him the same salary he was accustomed to receiving so he sucked it up and applied for SS earlier than we anticipated so he could help pay the bills. Based on the sugar daddy post ( I just re read and realised it was here) the man is my pool boy, allll blue haired and yellowed eyed, LOL.

For the last 15 odd years I've worked for myself. When I sold my company and realised I was bored out of my skull I saw the ...injustice of ageism up close and personal. Sometimes I say I am younger than I am to get consulting work. It annoys me but I still like to get paid.

There are many reasons people are not truthful about their age: vanity, the ability to work, concerns about the internet having too much personal information and, of course, none of your business just judge me by results;).
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