Kiz, Jem and Jim's Adventure along the Rio Grande The COMPLETED TR!


Eating poisonous apples since '86
Sep 10, 2009
Hey all :wave:

So we got home Friday night from our longest and most awesome trip yet and I'm getting started on our TR but before I do I'm going to redirect any newbies to this thread: - its our PTR for anyone that wants a look!

Heres a quick cast call and details of our trip:

Kizzy – me! Mammy aged 27, DLP nut.

Loves the Queen of Hearts, Stitch, ToT and BTM!

Jemma – DD, aged 7, Princess crazy!

Loves Alice, Tiana and Rapunzel. Thinks Fantasyland is the best place ever and really likes Stitch Live.

James – DS, aged 4, wannabe Monster!

He loves Mike Wazowski, Stitch and the Seagulls from Nemo... Mine, Mine, Mine. MINE!


Sunday October 6th at an airport hotel.

Monday October 7th until Friday October 11th


1st time back since our 1st trip :banana::banana::banana:
So we were up for Jem's 1st mass in preparation for her Holy Communion and had a cuppa before double checking we had all the essentials (a few unnecessaries too!) and we packed up the car and kissed Dad and our dog Basil and cat Nelly goodbye.

We had a grand spin to Dublin and arrived a little early at the Premier Inn where we were staying the night. It made sense to have a relaxed extra day tacked onto the start of the holiday, especially as our flight check in opened at 4.50am and flight was due to leave at 6.50am.
We were in luck too as our room was ready! It was a lovely big family room on the 2nd floor (room 230) and overlooked the retail park. We organised ourselves and put our feet up for a little bit before deciding to go for a wander in Harvey Normans and Smyths toy store.
It was a little before our reservation for dinner but we were all very hungry so we went back to TGI Fridays which very conveniently was beside our hotel. We had €30 worth of Tesco restaurant vouchers so this was a great bargain meal :yay:

I had a Fridays chicken sandwich, which was a bit meh. I think my expectations much exceeded the reality of what I was served. The fries were great but I should have just went for steak as it looked and smelled ah.may.ziiing! I also had a fling (non alcoholic juice drink - mine had pineapple in - very possibly was called a pineapple surprise) which was very nice and refreshing.
The kids had orange slushies to drink (very sweet and sour!) and Jem had chicken fingers which looked very nice and tender and Jimmy had a cheeseburger which also looked lovely and nicely charred (jealous much ::yes:: ). These were followed by two dirt pies (jelly worms and ice cream and cookie crumbs) and a beeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful apple pie with hot caramel for me. It was the best bit of my meal and had whipped cream and lovely vanilla ice cream on the side which was dessert perfection for me! The bill minus vouchers was €12 as drinks arent included. Would happily return but definitely have loads of red meat the next time!

We waddled back across the street to our hotel for a shower in preparation for meeting the main mouse the next day and got into bed to watch X Factor. On a side note we loved Lorna, boo hiss Sharon!

The kids fell asleep by 10pm but I was aaaages getting asleep and had about 3 hours of sleep. I was far too excited at the thoughts of getting to DLP to sleep!

Thats it for today guys - next installment will hopefully be tomorrow. Thanks for reading along xx

Great start - can't wait to read the rest!:cool1::cool1::cheer2::cheer2:
I just couldn't sleep the night before so I only got about 2 hours sleep before our alarm went off at 3am! It didn't wake the living dead (both kids were unmoved by the very obnoxious alarm!) so I did my make up and woke them just before I started getting our bits and bobs organised to leave. They were dressed super quick and bounding around our room! We moseyed on down to reception and checked out and had a two minute wait in front of the hotel before the airport shuttle arrived :) This was free for the kiddies and only €1 for me:cool1:

We checked in fine and as usual our suitcase was tipping the scales at 20kgs (she really ought to watch what she eats!). We had an easy time going through security (although we watched a super sad goodbye just before going through - a Mam saying bye to her two sons - heartbreaking :( ). We had a look at some of the shops before getting to our gate and sitting down to breakfast - I'd brought apple slices, cereal bars and pancakes - a much better option then €13 for a fry up! We got chatting to a lovely elderly man from Florida - he thought we were going the whole journey with him as he didn't know Mr. Mouse had a home in Paris. I would have happily joined him :rotfl:

We were 1st to board and had seats together just past the wing. Jemma had won the toss up and got the window seat and we took off a couple of minutes late but had a very smooth flight and were soon collecting the suitcase and waiting outside for our driver from RS Transport who was a couple of minutes late.

We arrived at the Santa Fe and our room was ready :yay:
We dropped our stuff, changed shoes, took off a layer as the weather was gloriously sunny and hot footed it to the park.

Our room was 019 in Block 58 - which we had requested and it was right opposite Donald Ducks Wife's room too which we had also asked about! The room was lovely and fresh and surpasses the Cheyenne by miles IMO. Also the theming is more prominent now and it feels more like New Mexico.

We encounter this lil guy 1st and he kinda stole our hearts!

The kids posed infront of the castle...

And we decided it was time for our very 1st ride! BTM! :jumping3:
James loved it and even Jemma was converted!
We queued 20 minutes and this was our longest queue of the entire trip!

Next it was over to the AP office where myself and Jemma were again served by Gavin and he made it so that our APs didnt start for a couple of weeks as we still had two weeks on ours. Bonus :goodvibes

Next it was time for foooooooooooood as the tummies were a-rumbling!
Was so excited to try Victorias (not open) oooh maybe the Last Chance (not open) or perhaps Cowboy Cookout (no luck there either) but we settled for Hyperion which was a 1st and I ordered three kids meals - two cheese burgers and one chicken burger with chips and the kids had gervais yoghurt drinks and I had some apple slices. It came to €21.57 and was all very nice and tasty although the line to order had been very long. We ate at 2pm though so that kinda explains it. We watched Pixar shorts while we ate and properly cried with laughter - these are hilarious!

We headed straight to Buzz to fight Zurg and came out with two level 3s and a level 4 - fine results!

We followed this with a go on the Teacups... look at these faces!

Dumbo was reasonably quiet so that was our next stop

And then it was onwards singing Yo Ho Yo Ho until we came to PotC and James was a bit hesitant because it was dark but singing soon resumed and we decided to bring Nan to the Blue Lagoon on our next holiday.
We marched back to BTM but it was closed for technical reasons :( so we went to Phantom Manor instead and James was very freaked out (good job imagineers! :thumbsup2 )

Jemma met these two outside - Sally was away with the fairies!! Really kooky! Love her!

We decided to head back to our room at this point to freshen up before dinner and unpack but I diverted the kids into the Storybook Store and bought them both a Duffy. They were thrilled and then both purchased him a change of clothes from their own savings. Jemma bought hers the Sorceror's outfit and James bought his the Aviator one - just like UP he told me!

We unpacked and strolled to La Cantina (El Picante - fantastic - everyone must try one!!) which wasn't quite open so I bought myself a cocktail - the kids weren't bothered as their Duffys were too busy dancing.

We headed in at 6pm and it was €45.87 with discount. It was a superb spread and very much so worth the money. All the food was hot, plentiful and very very nice.
Heres what I can remember
soup - Jem loved it.
bread rolls
salads - coleslaw (nice) cous cous (nice) fresh leaves, tomato, pasta salads, nachos, rice salads, potato salad, dressings cheeses (three choices), meats (salami, chicken and ham)
Chicken wings
Chicken for fajitas (plus peppers, lettuce, tortillas, salsa, guacamole etc)
Turkey in a cream sauce (very nice)
Baked, carved ham (very yum)
Dauphinoise potatoes (a definite reason to return - fab!)
Beef goulash
Cod in a white sauce
french beans
two types of pasta and pasta sauces (bolognese and plain tomato)
enchiladas (nice)
chicken goujons - the proper ones, real breast meat and very tasty.
cod nuggets
chili con carne

chocolate cake - yum
raspberry coconut tart - yum
creme caramel - yum! Ya can see I like sweets!!
chocolate mousse
almond tart
Bavorois - yum!
There were more but I'm at a loss! But take my word there was a massive selection of foods and it would easily suit even the pickiest of eaters. I would happily return and it is high on the list for our next holiday.

We waddled back to our room a little after dinner and unpacked and got ready for bed and then spent a while chatting to DDW at the door as the poor pets plane had been very delayed. But she still had time to knock at our door a little later and leave goodie bags for my two monkeys. They were thrilled and thought it was Mickey Mouse who left them! It was such a kind thing for DDW to do and shows how kind and generous she is :hug: The kids played with all the bits in their bags for ages until we jumped into bed and we were asleep as soon as our head hit the pillows!

Next update later this week - thanks for reading along xxx
Morning all :wave: DD is poorly today so we are snuggled up watching Spongebob and I said I'd be productive!

Day two started at 6.20am - I advocate early mornings at DLP, we find we get so much more done and we can sleep when we get home :)
We wandered over the road for brekki at 7am and had our fill of cereal, hot milk and pastry! We caught the 7.45am bus to the park and were almost not let in as it was a blockout day for James' AP but luckily I'd remembered the hotel easy pass! We went through the turnstiles and there was barely anyone about :yay:

We took loads of pics on Main St and at the Castle: heres a couple!

The rides for EMH were all operational and our 1st ride was on the Carousel - the kids picked two fine steeds!

Although you'd think James wasn't fussed this is the ride he chose!
We strolled over to Peter Pan and had no wait again and then we endeavoured to help Buzz fend off Zurg with levels 2, 3 and 4 scores.
We soared above the sky in Orbitron next - does this make anyone else pukey?!

Next we followed in Arthur's footsteps but the sword was stuck tight today!

We then had a twirl on Dumbo and then the Teacups - where we got a great, really spinny cup :yay:
James gave me his crazy teeth smile again!

We had an explore of the Castle next and it was lovely to have it almost to ourselves.

We then had a mess about in the Christmas shop trying on hats!

We then decided to meet Goofy and his cool sweet machine! He was great fun and thought it was hilarious when the kids were too wrapped up in watching the bon bon machine to turn around for photos!

We wandered back into Fantasyland and met the lovely Gepetto who was looking for Pinochio but settled for a picture with Jemma!

Our next stop was Autopia which neither of the kids had done before and it was a definite favourite!

Will follow on with part two in a moment xx
We were to meet Donald Ducks Wife around Bella Notte to watch the Halloween Cavalcade but arrived a little too late to look for her but as it turned out she was just up from where we stood!
The parade was brilliant - very new and shiny and it was great to see all the new characters!

We had a stroll into Discoveryland with DDW and her lovely son and decided to try a spin on Buzz before heading for Star Tours which James was all on for but Jemma was apprehensive - they both loved it! We were getting peckish at this stage so we went our separate ways as DDW was going to Pizza Planet for lunch and we were set for The Lucky Nugget.

We ordered and were seated quickly and had a table near the stage. I ordered the Ribs with onion rings and fries with the fruit sauce ice cream and both kids ordered the chicken goujons with fries followed by ice cream.
My ribs were in a lovely BBQ sauce and while they were a little fatty, the meat was lovely and the onion rings were very nice too, even the quality of the fries was better! Both kids enjoyed their goujons and they were proper breast meat and quite a big portion. The kids enjoyed their dessert and I can honestly say the ice cream in the red berry sauce that I had was the nicest dessert of the week. It was so nice! We caught a few minutes of the band before we left too and they were great. I would happily recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for somewhere nice but without the TS price tag. Our total was €30.75 with discount.

We were all a bit full after lunch so we chose the Molly Brown to be our next outing and it was lovely and relaxing plus I also got to catch up on my notes.
We were straight off and raring to go when we docked and sprinted to BTM and got a FP for later. We even put our hands up going around!
We decided to try our hand at being pirates again and had a go on PotC. It was FP time for BTM again so we had another spin on it before we went back to Fantasyland to do Snow White and Pinochio which for some reason we really liked this time - we must really watch the film in its entirety!

We took some lovely Castle pics in the sunshine then.

And then we met the old hag (she actually was a bit mean - she kept turning away from Jem and choosing other kids and it kind of felt like it wasn't just her playing her role! The wagon!)

We sat for a bit to watch the Halloween band at teh Sword and they were really great.

We next did something we hadn't done ever - we watched the new parade!
We all really loved it and it was great to see the new bits

This one screams circle of life!

We were planning to get our souvenir and pressie shopping done as best we could today so we left the park after the parade and went to WOD for some retail therapy :) We bought some lovely bits for our family and friends and went back to our room afterwards to freshen up for dinner.

We had dinner in Kind Ludwigs that evening and I must say it was a fantastic meal! I ordered the House Pizza which had a thin crust covered in chicken, red onion, pineapple, a BBQ sauce and loads of rocket on the top and was beautiful! Jemma had a hotdog and fries and James had chicken nuggets and fries and they both ate every bite (unusual for the little man!) We all had dessert - the kids had a haribo ice pop and pancakes respectively and again ate it all up and I had the meringue with fruit salad and cream which was an ideal, lighter dessert to follow the pizza. Both kids had fizzy drinks which were included in their meals and I had a coke. It came to €48 including a tip and I think the bill had been about €45. Great quality food and a reasonable price. Would return no problems.

After dinner we did a little more shopping and I picked up some lovely Christmas tree decorations - a mickey one with a gingerbread shaped mickey (double pack) and also a duffy one.

We then went back into the park to get a spot for Dreams which was to start in 20mins. We sat in the centre of the hub a little to the right and would have had a perfect view had the people infront not put their kids on their shoulders but we had a fine view all the same and I ended up just lifted James up myself as Jem was tall enough to see. It was fantastic and the lantern scene from Tangled always makes me tear up a bit! I'm sorry we didn't muster the energy to go see it another night but the weather wasn't on our side any other night really.

We braved the crowds when it ended and got luck and hopped straight on a shuttle bus at the station. We were back to the Santa Fe in a couple of minutes and all had baths before the kids fell into bed and myself and DDW had a natter at the door again:)

Thanks again for reading along guys - more to follow later in the week xxx
I'm caught up now kizzy :)
Looks like you had some great weather on your first 2 days.
The park looks fab in the sunshine.
They kids look like they are having a ball
Yay, you're spoiling us with updates today! :cool1:

Love the look of the calvacade! You were so lucky with the crowds and the weather on your first two days!

Hope your DD is feeling better soon! :goodvibes
Following along! We were there at the same time as you, I think we were behind you in the queue for Jack and Sally!
Lol you had the loopy Sally too?! She was great fun! There seemed to be loads of Disers there that week! And we didn't find it busy at all :) Did you have a good holiday?
Sorry girlies - almost missed your posts!!

I'm caught up now kizzy :)
Looks like you had some great weather on your first 2 days.
The park looks fab in the sunshine.
They kids look like they are having a ball

Oh Rach we had the best time, it was everything we could have wished for and even when things went wrong we didn't get too bothered - although the car acting up almost broke the camels back!! I just wanted to see me husband :blush:
The weather was so great on Monday and Tuesday I was like why did I even pack the coats.. By Wednesday night I was like wheres the gloves and the hats and the umbrella was my best friends (just dawned on me - we lost that too!!)

Yay, you're spoiling us with updates today! :cool1:

Love the look of the calvacade! You were so lucky with the crowds and the weather on your first two days!

Hope your DD is feeling better soon! :goodvibes

She is well on the mend but hedging her bets on whether to play sick so she can come to Nana's in the morning - school it is!!
It was glorious and nice to see something new and exciting! You'll see it for yourself shortly though :yay:


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