Kirstie Kelly for Disney's Fairy Tale Weddings- THE DISNEY WEDDING GOWNS!!!!

I agree. They are all very pretty gowns, but I don't see much of the princesses they are named for in them.

I agree. I was expecting something "different". You can find dresses very similar to these already in stores.
It is sad to me also. I have been working so hard to lose weight, and have actually lost 30 pounds since January... but, today I tried on my dress and my daughter took pictures of me in it. I was just stunned, I look awful. I have just cried and cried. I have actually decided to look for another dress.. saw this link and was excited. But, it just re-affirms my feelings that I am fat and ugly. :sad1:

What a shame that our society can do this to someone who should be preparing for one of the happiest days in her life.

I am a size 16/18 (pear shape) and although I've been on and off diets for years, and I still have the desire to lose weight, I am also angry at the idea that a curvy, healthy woman's body is not praised like it should be. It's a relatively recent thing, though - look at the Botticelli paintings and Greek goddess statues - they're real women. Even fertility statues from thousands of years ago - they have hips.

Sometimes real bodies have lumps and bumps, but the poster that mentioned Spanx is right, they'll hold you in and make a smooth silhouette. It's not worth starving yourself or being miserable to be something you're not when you can be beautiful just the way you are. You've worked hard to lose 30 lbs. and no one dress should make you feel bad about yourself. If the dress doesn't complement your curves, find another dress, don't look for another you. That's irreplaceable.
YEY they are up... Thanks for posting.... They are all so beautiful
I like the 3rd Belle one (2nd one on this thread), but not too sure on the straps...

I thought they'd be more Princess-Inspired too :shrug: And they are lovely, just not $3,000 lovely.
They are all very beautiful. I thought that they would look a little over the top soI am shocked as to how classy they look.

My favorite are the cinderella gowns.
Some of them I can see the "inspiration", like I think the Belle ones and most of the Ariel ones are obvious...especially Belle.

HOWEVER, the other ones, I wouldn't ever guess they were inspired by Disney princesses. For Cinderella, I think they could have been a bit more over the top...with tulle and sparkles and all that. Maybe just a little more elaborate, I don't know why, I just thought that.

I don't think but maybe 2 of these gowns would even be remotely flattering on someone who is over a size 12. Which I do think they could have thought about that before they designed the whole line. They EASILY could have designed a few of the cinderella and Belle ones for sizes over 14. They are mostly what I would consider "semi formal" gowns. Most of them don't have trains or traditional looks to them. Not that that is bad or anything, but for Disney Princess inspired gowns, I guess I expected them to be a little more elaborate...ya know? Am I nuts??! :confused3
NO you are not nuts! I do think they are pretty and I thought they would be tacky or costumish as someone else mentioned. But they look like wedding gowns. There are some that I think are pretty, but over all the line is ok. I have worked in this industry for a while and now wowed by anything - I also know the sizes of brides and they come IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES - Disney is going to make people mad!

Wedding gowns run small anyway so if you are an 8 depending on where you carry your weight you could easily be in a 10-12 dress...This will be interesting!
I'm a little disappointed in these actual. I don't see a lot of the princess elements here (some but not something where if I saw the dress on the rack I would be like -- Oh! Cinderella). And the designs aren't really that avant garde. They're very classic designs that are similar to dresses you can find by other manufacturers for less! I'm glad they're not costume-y but still they aren't as spectacular as all the articles hyped them up to be. And don't get me started on the sizes! I am only about 15-20 lbs overweight for my age and height but it doesn't show because I'm 6 feet tall! However, I have like a 42/44 inch chest. That does NOT fit into a size 14 gown (from anyone). I have to buy one much bigger and then have it taken in everywhere else but my chest. And I didn't know bridal dress sizes run so small. The first time I tried on dresses I was in a funk for over a week thinking maybe I was fat and had been in denial for a long time cause not even a 16 would fit me and I can usually fit my chest into a regular 14. Sometimes even a 12 depending ont he style. Then my fiance found this thing about how small wedding dresses ran and I felt better. I think the best advice came from my best friend who is, as she puts it, happy and fluffy. She said don't try to slim down into some sort of picture of thin bride -- buy a dress for who you are. Find a size that suits the body type you are and then have some cake to celebrate cause those itty bitty waifish girls who fit into those tiny dresses can't have that cake and you can! ;-)
I wish that they would have cinderella's actual dress,and I loved Ariel's dress.

I didn't know that they were 3000,they do look like any other designers dress. They are very pretty but I wouldn't pick any of them over my dress:)
Add me to the list of people really disappointed with these. From the sketches I was positive I'd love the Snow White collection, but in reality they fairly.. matronly (no offense to those who might like them!!). The Cinderella ones are nice, I do like the simplicity in the lines, but none of them really sweep me off my feet. And I know its difficult to tell from photos, but the fabric looks almost cheap!

And don't even GET me started on the only going to a size 14 :sad2:
Yes the dresses absolutely do run small so don't be upset! And a lot of it does depend on where you carry your weight as to how many sizes you go up - example a girl came in to my store in Feb very tall and I would have said thin. She said she wore and 11 in juniors and based on measurements I had to order her a 16 in her prom dress... so formalwear does run very very small
im gonna have to add to the disappointed list

i think they are nice, but like some others said, "what sets them apart from any other wedding dress"??

I dont see the "disney princess" inspiration at all........what I do see is a designer that designed dresses & was able to convince Disney to add its up the price & watch the money flow in!!?!?!?

kinda sad....this line could have had some incredible potential...guess they were to scared to be the risk takers, so they went with safe:sad2:
It is sad to me also. I have been working so hard to lose weight, and have actually lost 30 pounds since January... but, today I tried on my dress and my daughter took pictures of me in it. I was just stunned, I look awful. I have just cried and cried. I have actually decided to look for another dress.. saw this link and was excited. But, it just re-affirms my feelings that I am fat and ugly. :sad1:

I am so sorry. I too felt the same way. I went to my first fitting for my gown. The only alteration I was supposed to have was a bustle. Needless to say, the seamstress told me that I'd better lose some weight or else they will have to let the gown out and it won't look the same. I was devastated.
Gosh sweetie - you are having a heckof a time. That seamstress was awful mean to you.... depending on how much needs to be let out - she is wrong - if it is just a little in the side seams - that is no problem- Good Luck!
I am so sorry. I too felt the same way. I went to my first fitting for my gown. The only alteration I was supposed to have was a bustle. Needless to say, the seamstress told me that I'd better lose some weight or else they will have to let the gown out and it won't look the same. I was devastated.

Are you kidding me? Seriously im not a big complainer to head people but I would be making a call to the head of the place and letting them know what you were told. Thats just ridiculously mean and should never have been said regaurdless of the situation!! Sending a big hug to you!:hug:
I have to say I'm a little dissappointed - I don't see the 'inspired' at all. It's like they said on well Ariel's a mermaid so her's will all be a mermaid or trumpet gown and Jasmine didn't wear ballgowns so she's bohemian. I don't see how they were inspired by the princesses at all IMO.

I was hoping maybe they would actually take inspirations from their movies, Ariel actually wore a ballgown to her wedding, I thought they would take it and modernize it (take away the puffy '90s sleeves for a start) but not at all close to what I expected. There is only one in there I would actually consider, It's a Cinderella, but I've others I like better.

I guess they were to afraid to resemble anything from the movies. Afraid of being too costumish. It's like they took gowns and said let's label this a Disney princess so it will appeal more to the fairytale bride.

A let down in my opinion, maybe they are better in person...

I don't even really like the dresses (sorry), I think they look rather "cheap" and not very well designed. And I certainly don't see any Princess-inspiration!

For those who think they are fat and ugly: you may be fat, but you are not ugly!!!
The point is finding a dress that fits your body type and shows your "good" body parts. Everyone has something that is nice. Some have a nice bossom, but not really a nice waist, so then you need a dress that draws all teh attention to your bossom, etc.
If you have a nice waist, draw attention to your waist, if you have nice shoulders, draw attention to your shoulders.

Hey, and in the worst case, you can always wear a huge hat and draw attention to that ;)
Just kidding!!

Really, you're not ugly. You have just not found the right dress yet!
And the right lingerie can also do wonders!

(I just bought a formal dress, huge cleavage, and now I still have to find the right bra that will fake some b00bs!)
Just because the women of the world aren't skin and bones, it doesn't mean we are fat and ugly. Beauty comes in all sizes. And most importantly, from the inside. Personally, I think Disney has done themselves and many women an injustice by limiting the sizes of these gowns. And I also have to agree that I don't see a lot of princess inspiration in many of the gowns either. Many of them are pretty, but I don't see the princesses in them when I look at most of them.

You are a princess in your DF's eyes. That is what counts. He loves you, and you need to love yourself, as you are. Hugs to you !
Oh, and btw, I don't think Disney had much to say in the dresses, it seems to me it's like a Donaldson-type of thing: a company pays a license to use the name, and then they can do pretty much what they want, as long as they insure a certain quality.

I am quite sure Disney is not involved in the design, and I also don't think they have to "approve" the styles before they get in the stores.
I'm seriously pissed about the dress sizes. I had a hard enough time finding a dress that will fit and a seamstress that was nice to me while trying on dresses (seems if you're a size 28 or bigger they laugh at you when you go into a bridal shop).

Why are thinner girls the only girls that get to enjoy their day dressed up like a princess? Why do the bigger girls have to be subjected to the "You're bigger, they don't make any dresses in your size, here wear a white business suit" attitude?!

In my opinion, Disney doesn't drop the ball all that often, but they REALLY dropped the ball on this. Big time.
I am also disappointed. I thought with several designs for each princess, at least one would be based on one of the signature gowns the princess actually wore toned down in color (pale blush or ice blue for Aurora, ivory for Cinderella, pale gold for Belle, etc.). Also, most of them look more like 1930's Jean Harlow dresses. Nice for prom or evening dresses or super lingerie but not inspiring of a fairy tale wedding. I don't see much difference between the Disney "Princess" dresses and the designer's other styles. Very nice but nothing that really speaks Disney. Then too, gowns inspired more on the princesses' dresses would also accomodate all sizes and in a flattering way. There are far too many strapless or spaghetti strap styles in there to suit a wide range of brides. Back to patterns and sewing machine for me, I guess.


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