Kim's maintenance rollercoaster. Wanna ride along? (all are welcome)

Hi, Kim! Thinking of you, even though I've been reading and not posting. Sending huge loads of pixiedust: and hoping you are feeling so much better. :sunny: :hug:
Hey ya feelin'? :cloud9: :sick: :hyper:

just checking in on ya!
Hey everyone. Feeling pretty much 100% healthy again. :woohoo: Even my knee/hip has been good for the most part. I'm still going to go to the ortho this Friday to see what he says. I'd really love to get back out there and start running again...or at least take long walks. But I'll wait and see what he says first.

DH and I went out with friends on Saturday night to see John Heffon (season 2 winner of Last Comic Standing). He was hysterical. I cried so much, from laughing. What a great night. Doug Benson (LCS) and Finesse Mitchell (SNL) are coming in July and we hope to see that show too. A night of laughs is just so much fun! ::yes::

Hope you all have a GREAT week!! :goodvibes
great news your 100% Kim :)
They say laughter is the best medicine ;)
Good news on the health! I'll keep my fingers crossed and send PD your way for the ortho appointment. And I'm jealous you saw John Heffron--he was hilarious on Last Comic Standing, and I imagine much more so in person!
Hey Kim. I hope your ortho appointment goes well! I go Thursday this week. Aren't we a pair. It's kinda funny...For me, when I can't run, I want to and when I can, I don't want to. Are you the same?

I hope you get a clean bill of health! So glad you are feeling better!!!

Well guys. Not sure I'm happy with the current situation. I went to the ortho & basically the offer or ice/stretch/cortisone shot. I went with neither. I will ice/stretch/foam roll and see how it goes. He also said I can start to run a little and see how I feel (since I'm pain free right now, after not doing a blessed thing for a whole month). So either Sat or Sun I'm gonna go out and try a mile. WISH me luck!!! :thumbsup2

At this point, I have a month until I see him again, unless my knee or hip really bothers me and I want a shot before that.

I am going to do exactly as he said and hopefully I'll be ok. My last cortisone shot for my hip was in November. I'm hoping that this isn't an ongoing trend. Run/hurt/shot. I don't know how long I could continue that cycle. :worried:

Well, we'll see how it goes, like I said. I'm going to think positively. ::yes::

ETA: As I was in the waiting room today...there was a grandson/grandmother waiting for her appointment as well. She was talking to him about getting ready for college and general things and it really hit me that my gmom is gone. Mine was so involved in my life and it was just one of those times when I felt the pain of losing her all over again. :(
Hi Kim
I hope the run goes all right this weekend.
Mt grandma has been gone for 4 yrs now, & there is always something that makes me miss her - just know she is still watching over you :hug:
Run/hurt/shot....does not sound like a good cycle to continue. Did he say why it was acting up? I'm just worried that if it keeps up in a few (20) years your gonna need hip and knee replacement!! And then what....can you run the mini with a walker?? :lmao: Be careful girl...don't overdo it...k?

Sorry about feeling down about gmom.....:hug:

talk to ya soon!
:hug: Kim! I know it stinks. Trust me...I do understand. You really are in a rough pattern right now. My totally unsolicited advice follows ;)....have you considered taking up cycling? Either spin class or road biking? It makes my bursitis feel hips feel amazing after cycling compared to running. I've added 3 days/week of cycling and my legs haven't felt this good in years. You'll still get a great workout but maybe it will be gentler on your body.

Sending some PD your way. I know it's tough to think about grandma too...I'm sure you miss her terribly.
ETA: As I was in the waiting room today...there was a grandson/grandmother waiting for her appointment as well. She was talking to him about getting ready for college and general things and it really hit me that my gmom is gone. Mine was so involved in my life and it was just one of those times when I felt the pain of losing her all over again. :(

I copmletely understand this..I had a lot of those moments while i was on the cruise--hang in there

Hope you are enjoying your weekend--its HOT otu there!
Morning all. I did it. I ran this morning! :goodvibes One whole mile. ::yes:: I felt good the whole time and I finished in 12 minutes flat. I honestly wasn't trying for any certain pace. Also, I wore the running sneakers I had bought cheap for my Universal trip. Thought I'd try something different. Definitely not a lot of support, but no pain either. I stretched really well before and after and also did abs & arms. :thumbsup2

So far, so good this morning. I have lots to do today, in the almost-100-degree-heat, including DD's Alex's Lemonade Stand with her brownie troop. :thumbsup2 I plan on stretching again tonight, using the foam roller and icing too.

Not sure what the plan is for the next run. I'm thinking this week I'll try 3 days with one mile each day. As frustrating as it is, I'd rather not push it and start hurting again, you know?
Great news this morning, Kim. I think easing back like this is smart and your plan sounds solid to me. One mile is better than zero a mile!

The weather sounds miserably brutal - but the lemonade and the brownies sound really good. Yeah, I know the brownies aren't the FOOD type of brownies, but when you said Lemonade and Brownies, I couldn't help but think of the chocolate ones.

Take it easy and stay hydrated!
Thanks, C! It feels good to get back out there, no matter how short of a run it was. ::yes::

Ironically enough, there were brownies selling lemonade and brownies today. :laughing:

Speaking of the lemonade stand... the troop raised over $800 for Alex's Lemonade Stand today! :woohoo: The girls worked hard out in the 90+ degree heat for a wonderful cause!

And one more thing....
My IL's worked on a special project in our backyard...and I love it!!
That is an impressive amount of lemonade and brownies to sell! Glad to hear there were brownies selling lemonade and brownies today. Baked goods are always a hit, and lemonade on a hot day....mmmmmm. That's the best. Way to go girls!

And I LOVE that mickey-mulch. SUPER cute. You are lucky to have such talented and helpful IL's!
I love the Mickey mulch!!! Very cute!:thumbsup2

Congratulations to the girls on raising so much money for Alex's lemonade stand!:thumbsup2

That's great that you got your run in, Kim!! Way to go!!:banana:

Hope you have a great day and a wonderful week ahead!:hug:
Hey Kim. Sorry to hear the not-so-good news from your appointment. I hope that cycle doesn't continue either. I'm really glad to hear you got in 1 mile over the weekend and you felt good! :thumbsup2 That is encouraging!!!

Take it easy in the heat. It can't believe it is soo hot and it's only June! It's crazy hot!

I love that mickey mulch! How cute!!!

Take care!
Hey guys. Another run logged! :thumbsup2 I didn't wear my Garmin, and of course I didn't remember exactly where the turn around I just ran 7 minutes out and turned around, then it only took me 6.5 minutes to get home (good song came on :laughing: ). Still felt really good during and afterwards. I ran at 6am to try to beat the heat, but it was still almost 80.

I came home, did abs and some arm weights and still managed to make it to work on time. ;) That's the nice thing about only running one mile. :rotfl:

At lunch I went to Sports Authority and bought some new sneakers to try. They are Nike Shoxx something-or-other. (I'll post the exact name and a picture later). They felt like heaven on my feet for the few minutes I had them on in the store. Hopefully that translates well on the road. ::yes::

My plan at this point is to run one mile again on Friday morning (in my new sneakers! :woohoo: ), do abs & arms again right after. I'll take the weekend off and see how I do. (I'll still stretch and ice over the weekend)

Have a good one, guys! :hug:


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