Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 3

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Here are pictures of DD "almost in school dress." She is only 3, so no school or preschool yet! I am not so tickled with this, but she was veery excited. Makes us both happy:goodvibes


A close up of the patches done with E 6000


The bow that came with all of those bows I won on Voldemort a while ago.

Here are the pictures of the customs we'll be taking next week for Gracie. I took pictures of the outfits with matching bows, jewels and shoes. Some have more than one choice of shoes! I'm waiting on one more thing that may or may not go to Disney... a tulle Minnie dress from Voldemort... it's over the top! If I think it will work for MNSSHP I will take it, if not Gracie will wear Snow White and use the Minnie tulle dress at home.

So, if you're at Disney next week and see us... say hi!:thumbsup2












These next two outfits will be used for diaper bag outfits in case a quick change in the park is needed. Usually Gracie isn't messy but just in case...



Beautiful and absolutely adorable! :cloud9: My husband and I are hoping and praying to conceive a girl first and this page is helping!!!! :rotfl: If I may ask.. who is this amazing designer or designers? :teeth:
Finished more creations today A real 'outfit' actually, a top and shorts.
Great job Dance...I just love it!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to share some pictures of my daugther's birthday party (and cake) that we had yesterday! Hope everyone is doing good!

The outfit.....


Wow what an amazing outfit and cake! :cool1: Yaaaaa and Happy Belated Birthday to your DD!!!!

I have to say I am a little bummed with the pictures. It is better in person. I still need to make the cape and the petticoat. The dress is full but I want it to be really really full. I love the rose bows. I put them on pin backs so I can take them off. I also bought a matching big rose.

Any ideas on how to pack this velvet monster

I am so glad I finished and now I get to sew cotton!!!!

Its just beautiful!princess: :love: I get teary eyed just seeing your DD in it so I can't imagine how you feel. I get emotional sewing too! :confused3 I guess its because we all sew from the heart :love: Just so you know all three of my DD's caught me staring at it and come over to the computer....."Ohhhhh mmoooommmmmyyyyy......I want you to make one of those for meeeeeee!!!!" I don't know if I should thank you for that :rolleyes: :rotfl2:

I forgot this picture. After everyone gave me a lot of really great clip art. I posted a request for a picture of the real Belle.

This is BradK's photo. He is a really great photographer and it was really nice for him to share.

This is a case of not only "case" but "camib".....:rotfl: (copy and steal everything but copy and make it better) This is pretty but your is wonderful!

Hem foot

All I can say is go get one! This little baby rocks. I picked one up today and the gal told me that it would take some practice. Well I practiced with it once and then attacted my dd's skirt! It worked great

All you need to do is keep an eye on where the fabric is and it will do the rest for you.

Now off to practice with the ruffle foot
Ohhhhhh very cool. I was wondering how it worked. Do you think it will make hemming faster? It takes forever to hem ruffles and ruffle by hand. I need to get these two "feet" ! :thumbsup2

Wow! Beauuuuuutiful!
I just noticed you are going during Christmas. I can't wait to see a pic of the Christmas Belle's together.
As far as packing...LOTS of tissue paper and definitely its own suitcase. If you are flying you should buy it a first class plane ticket and just set it up there. I think it deserves one. :)

We leave in 4 days and it's time to stop sewing (almost) and finish packing!

Don't forget the ziplock bags!!!

Here's what I did yesterday, it's not Disney, but inspired by you lovely ladies (and the few super sewing guys we have!). It's far from perfect and I learned a lot of things I'd do differently next time, but I only spent $5 on all the fabric so you can't go wrong really.

Excellent job and great shopping! I have like 4 or 5 fabrics for mine and it cost a llooooottt more than $5:eek:

Before my DD went to school I let her try on her Belle gown. Now the dress is going to be hung in my closet in hopes she will forget about it

I think she loves it!


Oh it fits so beautifully and the colors and textures and trims and flowers.....just loverly!:cloud9:

Got my ruffler the new Disney machine out...can't find the cord!!!! Drat!! I have so much fabric cut out and so many machines and patterns all over I can't find a thing!!! What a mess...hope this ruffler thing works when I find that cord....only have until the 21st to finish my outfits.

Oh, by the way, the horsehair braid gets sewn into the hem and then turned.
The patterns tell you how to do it.
I think I used this on my sister's wedding gown. Is it a stiff plastic-like tape, sort of clear, and about 1-2 inches wide?

Here are pictures of DD "almost in school dress." She is only 3, so no school or preschool yet! I am not so tickled with this, but she was veery excited. Makes us both happy:goodvibes


A close up of the patches done with E 6000


The bow that came with all of those bows I won on Voldemort a while ago.


Great job!!!! :goodvibes
Beautiful and absolutely adorable! :cloud9: My husband and I are hoping and praying to conceive a girl first and this page is helping!!!! :rotfl: If I may ask.. who is this amazing designer or designers? :teeth:

Uhhh is your checkbook ready for a girl though????? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: (jk)
I posted a picture of Emily's first day of school, here's a few more of her outfit. Sorry it's not Disney related, I'm just so proud of her! She loves school, and can't wait to go back tomorrow! Thanks to CastleCreations for posting the "first" back to school outfit using this fabric. I love how DD's outfit turned out (not to mention all the other awesome BTS sets using this print!).




Passed the twirl test!

Just because she's too stinkin' cute!
Stephres - this one's for you! Not all her pictures turn out.


But this one is my favorite.


And this is what DS was doing while I took pictures of DD.


Yep, he's stuck!

As always you are too kind! I do not know about CAMIB but I loved the complitment!!!!! If you deceide to make this dress for you daughters let me know I may have some tricks I learned to pass on.

If I miss answering anyone, please let me know because I'm a bit out of it today. I'm struggling with a nasty bug and I probably shouldn't even be at the computer... but it's hard to stay away. ;)

I have a rookie question for you. I want to try a twirl skirt, but don't have a serger. Should I set my stitch length on the smallest zig zag for finishing the edges? I practiced a little with it set at 1 and at 2 and both seemed to put a little fold in the fabric as I went along. Is that normal? Also, do I want the top of the zig (or is it the zag :)) to go right to the edge of the fabric?

I had one other question too. I don't know if this gives away trade secrets to answer, but I was wondering how you do the ruffle down the outside of the skirt like on the JoJo's Circus skirt (which I LOVE by the way!).
Thanks for your help.

My zigzag usually curled the edges under a little. I didn't worry about it since the main purpose was just to reinforce the seams and it wouldn't be seen unless someone was checking the inside. You might be able to reduce the rolling by adjusting the thread tensions but unless you think it will cause problems with how the item looks on the outside, I wouldn't worry too much.

The ruffles on the JoJo skirt are simple strips of fabric, finished on all edges (the ends are rounded) and gathered down the middle. One the skirt is sewn together, I lay it out on a cutting board and pin the ruffles in place trying to make sure I don't catch extra fabric under them. Then I just stitch in place and remove the gathering stitching (which I really should do in a contrasting thread since that makes it easier to know which thread is which).

Lisa, thank you for your advice and encouragement! I will look for these fabrics the next time I venture out to a fabric store!
I do use a serger and love it, it makes everything so neat and finished.
The slippery aspect of fabric is what intimidates me! I am also so afraid of puckering and the final project not looking "neat" that I shy away from it.

Satin has been the only fabric I can think of that gave me problems. Because of the weave, it almost acts like a stretchy fabric in some ways. I have to pin a lot before sewing two sections together to be sure the edges match up correctly. I've also had issues with the needle creating little snags as I stitch.

I made this costume for DD out of inexpensive costume satin and it wasn't too big of a pain. In fact aside from having to do more pinning than usual, it went together pretty simply. I had some puckering in the princess seams of the bodice but mostly covered it with lace.


BTW - I also like to use panne "velvet". It's a stretch fabric but looks like crushed velvet and is inexpensive, usually under $5 per yard plus often goes on sale before Halloween. I used that for the cape in the photo above. Since this was a quick Halloween costume, I just did a serged edge on the cape and a simple casing with silver cord at the neckline (the white collar is part of the dress not the cape).


When you did Zoe's gold dress how did you do the underskirt? I love how full the dress is. I have to make a underskirt or petticoat for DD and I really want it to be full.

I made a petticoat that was totally separate so she could wear it with other gowns. The bodice was a camisole style with snaps up the back (the no-sew kind). I used ribbon for the straps so they'd be pretty if they showed but the bodice was white lining fabric. The skirt portion had 4 layers, 3 or crinoline/petticoat net and the one next to her skin was cotton. We did a few trial wears at home to be sure there wouldn't be a problem with itchies and I had to adjust a couple things. I made sure to encase the top gathered edge of the netting between the layers of the bodice (which was lined). She wore the petticoat a lot both for dress up and for a couple weddings.

Stephres - this one's for you! Not all her pictures turn out.


But this one is my favorite.


And this is what DS was doing while I took pictures of DD.


Yep, he's stuck!

Oh, she's still a cutie even when she's being a stinker! And the poor baby, stuck in the bushes, while Mommy takes pictures of his sister twirling around the yard! I'm laughing so hard! :rotfl2:

Here's some pics of my littlest just learning to walk. I'd like to find some Mickey hands to applique on. Any ideas?
thanks for the "jo jo ruffle" tip. i must say that skirt, the ruffles, color combos,etc make it one of my all time fav dis outfits! im a newbie (and a slow learner- i thought id be better by now:confused3 ) so when you say the ruffles are "finished" on all edges and "rolled" what stitch would i use to do that? i dont have a serger but my machine does have quite a few stitches.... and also you said to gather down the middle and then stitch in place. how do you stitch it down?-- along the inside edges? down the middle?

any help is appreciated- youre always so kind to share your tips w/ us!
Can I ask (sorry that I forgot) who made the Mickey Head countdown calendar for instructions? I went to Home Depot, and got one of each color (for an odd number of 33 I think) so I was wondering how to do this? Did you cut out the heads and put tape on the back or what? Thanks!
Geez, Lisa, Even the "undergarments" you make are pretty!

The first version certainly wasn't. :rotfl: I tried using a white undershirt for the bodice thinking it would be comfortable but it stretched too much. The netting isn't heavy but with the amount I used plus the cotton under it, the weight was enough to make the petticoat droop. If I were to make another one, I'd omit the top net layer because it actually seemed to keep the gathers of the lower layers from fluffing out as much as they could.

Another option I've used is an attached petticoat. I make an underskirt of cotton the same as the skirt. To it I sew a wide gathered strip of petticoat netting. Since I really want the fullness mostly at the bottom of the skirt/dress, I prefer this method plus I don't have to worry about the petticoat drooping showing since it's attached to the skirt/dress at the waist. I did that with this skirt and even did a decorative stitch along the edges of the netting both to make it look more finished but also figuring with twirling and such, the petticoat would show so it might as well look nice. ;) (I set up my serger like I would for a rolled hem but I left in the left needle so the stitching was wider.)

BTW - I haven't tried gathering petticoat net with my ruffler foot but I sure hope it works because gathing the net by hand is not fun.


thanks for the "jo jo ruffle" tip. i must say that skirt, the ruffles, color combos,etc make it one of my all time fav dis outfits! im a newbie (and a slow learner- i thought id be better by now:confused3 ) so when you say the ruffles are "finished" on all edges and "rolled" what stitch would i use to do that? i dont have a serger but my machine does have quite a few stitches.... and also you said to gather down the middle and then stitch in place. how do you stitch it down?-- along the inside edges? down the middle?

any help is appreciated- youre always so kind to share your tips w/ us!

I use a rolled hem edge on my serger but a regular narrow hem would work, too. I stitched the ruffle to the skirt down the center close to the gathering stitching so it was ruffled along both sides.
Stephres - this one's for you! Not all her pictures turn out.


:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

But this one is my favorite.


Awwww so precious!

And this is what DS was doing while I took pictures of DD.


Yep, he's stuck!
This is too can't make this stuff up!:rotfl:

Awwwwww how cute is do you control yourself and not just pinch those cute little cheeks??!!:confused3

You are the queen of the fabric deal :dance3:

It looks great and your DD is adorable! I cannot wait to get to my Halloween projects.

It's not hard to stay cheap when you're making clothes for a 17# baby. :rotfl: She only needed 1.5yds of fabric + the tulle to do the skirt. I dread when she gets bigger and wants one of those mondo twirl skirts w/ like 10yrs of fabric! :lmao:
That is great idea. It would be great to find a use for the Princess fleece that I keep saying No to DD. I tell her I do not know what to do!! Now, I do. Thanks!

I was just at JoAnn's and there was SOOOO much cute Disney fleece. I was considering blankets too (lots of Mermaid to choose from), but got cute Halloween fabric to try a twirl skirt...wish me luck.
By the way, the Belle dress is AMAZING. You have one lucky daughter :)
... I also bought the Simplicity guide to sewing at WalMart. It is like a sewing Bible. Whenever I do not understand something in the pattern I grab the book and it helps.

Now only if I could get over my fear of applique before our Christmas trip. I have an idea for Snow Mickey's.:santa:

ooooh I want the Simplicity guide to sewing!! Where do I find that?

About your fear of appliques... I was so scared, but now I love it! You really should try it! I think you're the type of person that would enjoy it and the results you get. Don't worry, we're hear for you ;)

Does anyone have some clip art or picture of large Mickey gloves I can use to make an applique? I only want the glove part. TIA!

I have a really good one that I got from dds MM Clubhouse coloring book, but I don't have a scanner or anything. I don't know how else to post it, unless I can take a picture with my camera? I might try that. If you don't find something, you might want to PM me and remind me. I'm extremely forgetful!

Here's some pics of my littlest just learning to walk. I'd like to find some Mickey hands to applique on. Any ideas?

He's an absolute doll!!!!!!!!!!! Mickey hands would look so cute on that, I agree!
That doesn't sound too difficult. Do you use fleece for the squares as well as the backing? Or regular (non-fleece) fabric for the squares and use the fleece around the outside and the back? Does that make sense?


Hi Chantell,
I use regular cotton fabric for the top of the quilt. If I find a cute print I like (ie. the Disney Halloween fabric), I may just use a big piece of that for the top and not do any squares and back it in fleece. I usually do some easy pattern (ie. 6 inch squares; there are other easy quilt patterns too). I piece my top and then put the fleece on the can do this as in a traditional quilt where you stich the two layers together and then put a binding on or you can do what I said earlier and put right sides together, sew most of the way around, flip, and sew up the hole. Any way you slice it, the kids love it. If my daughter had seen all the fab fleece in JoAnn's today, my wallet would have been in pain :) My husband said we don't need one more woobie around here...I so disagree!!
Let me know if you have any other questions.
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