Kids at Heart, Gluttons for Punishment, or just plain Idiots? We report. You decide.

Ah, we were tired and we slept in. And when I say slept in, I am emphatically referring to that which is an inalienable right when staying onsite at a Universal onsite hotel. God Bless America. God bless unlimited express. And, thank the sweet Lord that I actually married the man who understands me and indulges my need for vacating approximately every 3 months, and that I didn’t marry the loser I dated forever previous to Mike who wound up sucking me dry and couldn’t afford the cable bill, much less maintaining the all-important Platinum status we’ve attained at the Loews hotels. But that’s a story for Danielle Steele or the Lifetime Network, and not the Disboards, or this trip report that I am writing at 3 in the a(ngry) m(ike) hours and will just kiss up to God and hope it makes sense in the end.

We realized that we had been at Universal since Saturday, here it is Thursday, and we had yet to ride Spiderman and the Hulk. How did that happen?

I can tell you how it happens: after you have been to Universal so many times and you have an extended stay, you tend to say, “We still have 4 days left” or “we’re coming back in 6 weeks.” This also leads to forgetting to bring your camera. I don’t mean to sound like we take our Universal vacations for granted. Well, maybe we do. Next trip, we’re going to live it up like it’s our last. Until we decide to go back 5 months later.

Now, I love the walking paths between the hotels and the parks, and this, honestly, is one thing I look forward to the most. Oh how I miss the days when those paths were Rickshaw free and not littered with the peddling peddlers. I wish they had their own path so we didn’t have to regularly dodge out of their way as we try to enjoy our walk. I’m sure they serve a purpose to those with injuries or cranky children. I hate them, however, and never miss an opportunity to say so in any survey I receive from the Loews Hotels or Universal. That’s just me.

And so we were off to a late start and arrived at Islands of Adventure at the ripe hour of about 1 o’clock or so. One of the reasons that we started out slow was that I was not feeling so well. I figured it was mind over matter and I would NOT get sick on vacation. No way, baby. Only losers get sick on vacation, and I was not one of them. No way, Jose. I figured that I would stay hydrated and feel better once I stepped outside and got some fresh air. For the most part, I was able to get forget about that pesky little problem, and we enjoyed Spiderman, The Hulk, and both sides of Dueling Dragons. Mike also decided that he was hot and he wanted to do Cat in the Hat with no line. He usually doesn’t like CITH. At least he never volunteers for it. There was no one in line on that ride, not a soul in sight, and I was embarrassed to be flashing our express passes at all. Mike’s philosophy is that we’ve got the passes; we might as well use them.

Since it was not Water Ride day, we skipped most of the other rides at IOA. And, as usual, we also skipped Dr. Doom’s … which after how many visits to the parks, we have never ridden. Mike and I play chicken on this ride, and we always say “next time.” Except that we’ve been saying “next time” for 4 years now. I’m sure Dr. Doom’s is nothing to write home about. We ride Tower of Tower with no qualms whatsoever. Mike attributes his hesitance to Dr. Doom’s being outside, without the safety of ToT’s enclosure. Hey, whatever lets him sleep at night.

We did a quick run over to the Studios. Well, more like a light jog. Who are we kidding? You’re not allowed to run between the 2 parks. We always seem to ride Jimmy first, and there is no rhyme or reason to that either, other than it’s the first ride you come upon as you enter the park, and Mike really doesn’t care for Shrek 4D that much. We made a casual circle around the park that included stops at The Mummy and MIB, and then, magically, it was 4 o’clock and time for Happy Hour at NBA City.

Our buddy Axe was working, and we had two beers with him and went back to the room for a bit before deciding what we were going to do for the evening. We told Axe maybe we’d see him again before happy hour was over.

We relaxed in the room for a bit. At 6:30, I had to light a fire under Mike’s bum if we wanted to enjoy one more beer at Happy Hour prices. He reciprocated in kind with this pic:


Nice, huh?

Does someone look annoyed? Possibly?


On our way there, we noticed they had changed out a poster for American Gangster. I first stood with my fist to my chest. Mike said that was wrong, and instead, instructed me to pose like this:


Mike told me that was a Gangsta Pose. I don’t see it.

For the record, the kid in this picture is not ours:


We made it back to NBA City by 6:50, 10 minutes prior to Happy Hour ending. There was only one problem: not only were there no seats at the bar, but people were standing 3 rows deep trying to order and beat the end of the special pricing.

Mike and I stood back and entertained ourselves with pictures like this:


Clearly, we are easily amused.

I happened to look up after we snapped the picture to see a beautiful sight: Axe had 2 beers and he nodded at me. I went to the bar, and he said “This one’s yours, and this one is the Coors Lite.”

That’s right, baby. We were about 20 people behind others that were trying to order, and we strolled right in, got served, and didn’t even have to run a tab. Woot!

Why am I feeling like a VIP at NBA City and not at the Hard Rock? Hmmmmm.

By 7:15, happy hour prices were over, and we were easily able to move to the bar. They have a video game right at the bar, and appropriately, Mike played the game where you have to get the drunk home. I wish I remember what the name of the game is called. Essentially, you have a drunken man who takes a huge swig of beer and tries to stumble home by way of an alley. You have to keep him straight or else he falls and the game is over. I believe Mike had high score. We’ll be curious to see if he’s maintained that when we go back at the end of this month. (Seriously … this month. Did I just say that?).


Our friend refilled our beers without asking, and we relaxed for a bit and decided what to do next.

We went to settle up, and our best friend said simply, “You guys are good.”

Really, no bill? Could this night get any better?

We left a tip, and decided we might check out Pat O’Brien’s as City Walk seemed to be pretty busy, and Pat O’s is only good when it’s crowded. We meandered to the second level of City Walk, only to find that much of that part of “town” had been bought out for the evening for private parties.

Figures. Mike went to talk to someone to find out what was up, and it would seem that that area would be closed until after 10 or 11 and was bought out by some businesses. Can you imagine the cost of that? Yeah, I want to close out the Latin Quarter, Pat O’Brien’s and City Jazz and the area between the clubs for about 4 hours, and don’t let anyone else in. Sure, for $237 thousand dollars you can. I don’t know what it cost, but I do know it was big bucks.

It was then we were stopped by a pleasant lady who noticed that we didn’t make the cut into Patty O’s, and she apologized for interrupting, but wanted to know if we’d be interested in a comp to the Red Coconut because they were having a charity event for CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees: They were having a band (I believe it was Bob Mason?), and all profits were going to support CORE.

Sure, we had nothing better to do at the moment, and if you’re telling us that if we bought a beer, we’d be drinking for a good cause, who are we to say no?


They had hats and everything:


We had fun people watching. Check out this lady’s hair. Mike and I tried to figure out if it was real or not. I was going to follow her into the bathroom just to see if she had to do a wig adjustment or something, but I was unfamiliar with the stalking laws in the state of Florida and rethought that one.


Not that I wound up following Raggedy Ann into the bathroom, but I must say, the bathrooms at the Red Coconut are among the nicest bathrooms in all of City Walk. Even Mike was impressed. They were only missing a bathroom attendant. It’s that type of bathroom. Really. I’m not lying.

Unfortunately, the band started, and it really was not our type of music. We’d had enough of the band after about 2 or 3 songs, and it didn’t matter if we were drinking for charity or not.

The block of City Walk was still closed, so we made our way to the Hard Rock Café where the music tends to be more to our liking, and at least the beer was on draft:


Mike was digging me in my new hat. He went to snap a picture, but I told him to give me a second to get rid of my double chin. He didn’t give me a chance to adjust properly, and in case you were curious as to what someone in the middle of trying to hide her double chin looks like, I am proud to show you this completely unflattering pic:


It was here that we met our new friends, Ann and Jessica. We chatted for a bit, and then decided we were going to over to Margaritaville.

Margaritaville was having a band that night, and they wanted a $7 cover from each of us. Now, I actually had the gall to flash our comped Red Coconut tickets (they looked like regular City Walk passes. How was I supposed to know that they were only good for charity and not bar hopping?). Needless to say, they didn’t work, and I don’t know what I was thinking, but I just stared at the kid, and he asked, “did you visit the parks to today?”

Indeed I did. With my annual pass. I handed him my pass, and said, “Try this.”

He gave me a look like I had about 7.5 heads, but humored me and slid my AP through his computer. To both of our surprise, my AP actually worked for free admission into Margaritaville that night. Now, did Mike remember his AP too, or were we going to have to fork over $7 for him?

Mike never brings his AP, but somehow he pulled it out of his pocket, and he was good to go.

Wow, is this new or a one time thing for HHN or did we lucky? I am not sure. We’ve never tried using our APs for club admission before, and I don’t know that I’d ever have the cojones to do that again. If anyone knows, please speak up!

So, we bellied up to the bar:


We ran into our friends Ann and Jessica again. In fact, that reminds me that I have to send them the pic we took of them. Duh. I am bad about that kind of stuff.

Ann was celebrating her 39th birthday. We had lots of fun with them.


Let’s just say that the night ended with even Mike dancing (that NEVER happens!). It also ended like this:


We had a good, fun night, which was fortunate … you’ll learn why when I get to the rest of the report.
I agree its so easy to do so little in the parks as u do get comfortable with FOTL over the stays, sounds like you both had a great night, I do know the HHN tix got u into the clubs so perhaps thats y the AP worked, think it maybe a late rise in the morning:goodvibes
YAY!! More trippie....I wuz wonderin when you wuz gonna give us more.....

Ya know we did the same thing this summer with the "eh, we got all week to ride *insert ride here* :rotfl: There were a few things I didn't ride this summer for that very reason....however, Doom WAS one of them! It really isn't bad, it's great in fact! You are in a closed room waiting to "launch". Once you shoot up, it's an awesome view....and pretty much done. Just "bounce" down and enjoy the view ;) (We did this last trip because we were trying to "do" everything on the map...mission accomplished :thumbsup2 ) I was looking at Raggedy Ann's hair trying to figure out if real or not, but I can't...pic isn't that good (sorry :guilty: )....but the night sounds like a blast!!!! Maybe too much fun :scratchin (why you got sick??) Interesting the AP worked access to club..... (altho, we never go to the clubs cuz we are usually surrounded with 4 kids!) Oh, and I REALLY hope your night didn't end like you said.....hope it ended better ;)
It sounds like you had a GREAT day!

Gotta love the "try to get the drunk home" game sitting at a bar. :lmao:

And how kind of you guys to drink your beer for charity (for a little while). Hey, if you're going to buy the beer anyway, might as well do some good while you're at it. :thumbsup2

I would describe the "annoyed" picture of Mike as more of a "pout"... but I wasn't there. :rolleyes1
Yes, I should apologize .. our camera doesn't take such great night shots. Plus, I am a really bad photographer so that doesn't help matters much. Mike is much, much better than me, but hates to take pics. Next time, I am going to have Mike take all the pics. I have no sense of perspective!

Next time they try to get a club entry fee from us, I'll have Mike ask if his AP will work. Honestly, I am usually not that person at all. When I tell you I stared at the kid because I was not forking over $14 for the 2 of us to listen to a band that plays the same set every time they're there (Blue Stone Circle), I wasn't kidding. He was very nice about it. I wasn't mean, and I didn't say anything. I just sort of tilted my head with the "Huh, you're going to charge us for this?" look of befuddlement. I don't know why our AP worked. I can't even believe that Mike had his on him. What a stroke of luck!

we skipped most of the other rides at IOA. And, as usual, we also skipped Dr. Doom’s … which after how many visits to the parks, we have never ridden. Mike and I play chicken on this ride, and we always say “next time.” Except that we’ve been saying “next time” for 4 years now. I’m sure Dr. Doom’s is nothing to write home about.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
that's my favorite ride.
if i could put that baby in my back pocket and take it home with me i would.
dr doom rules........
I have to say TOT makes Dr Doom look like baby doom:lmao:
Well, to an extent. I like TOT, but you can't beat that initial launch of Doom, or the view, I think I saw my house in Pennsylvania from the top of Doom :rotfl2:
Ugh, you know how you take your trip, and there is something that either bugs you or you find interesting, and you totally intend to write about it, and then you write your trip report and then you just plain forget to include your profound thoughts and experiences?

Well, that happened twice to me here.

So, before I continue on with the next day, allow me this.

At Disney, can I just tell you how much I cannot stand those stupid Mickey and Minnie wedding ears? What was up with the sheer amount of them? To me, they scream "HEY, LOOK AT US! WE JUST GOT MARRIED, AND WE NEED ATTENTION!!" And seriously, you have to take them off at the shows. You do. It's the polite thing to do. But here are these giddy couples who decide they continue to need attention through the show and don't bother to take their stupid wedding ears off during the show. And the boys just look dorky in those stupid Mickey Ear Top Hats. And the stupid veil with a tank top and sneakers may have been OK for your wedding rehearsal, but did you really love the look so much that you had to continue it all day in front of a hundred thousand strangers in a theme park? I suppose the wedding ears were cute before every 4th couple we saw were wearing them. Mike and I decided that we hate those hats, and those who wear them make our Top 10 List of Annoying people at WDW. Thank you for allowing that vent.

Also, on Thursday, when we rode the Mummy, we were witness to an interesting (yet age-old) scenario: a young girl about the age of 9 or 10 was waiting in line to board the coaster with her mother and father. She was clearly upset, afraid, and did not want to ride. I cannot even begin to tell you how mean her mother was to her, telling her to stop her crying and whining. She was being a baby, and she was to shut up and like it. I felt horribly for this poor girl. She was visibly shaken, and her mother was having nothing of it, and in fact, the father looked afraid of the mother too.

When this family loaded the coaster, the TM saw how upset the little girl was and asked her if she really wanted to ride. The mother snapped at the TM, "She's fine. Just go."

The TM said, "Ma'am, we cannot let this train go if she's crying." To which the mother turned to her daughter and demanded again, "Stop crying."

The TM ignored the mother, and looked directly at the daughter and sympathetically asked, "Honey, you don't have to ride if you don't want to. Do you want to ride? If you don't want to ride, we can let you out now."

We were sitting right behind this family so we saw the whole blessed thing. The mother nudged the daughter, and the daughter reluctantly nodded that she would ride.

The TM asked the girl if she were sure. The poor child said yes, and as soon as the TM left, the mother scolded her kid, "Thanks, you almost got us kicked out of the ride."

Mike and I of course watched the whole thing intently, breaking only briefly to give each other the wide-eyed, WTH?-Are-you-believing-this type of look.

Cripes. Even I was afraid of this lady, and I didn't dare open my mouth to tell this lady to cut her poor kid a break.

Her dad rode most of the coaster with his arm around her. When she got off the ride, her mom was all smiles: "See? It was fun, right?" How in the world could it have been fun for her? She was still quietly crying, and just nodded at her mom. Poor kid.

Well, sorry for the interruption.
The wedding Mickey ears don't bug me. Neither do the Dream ears, the I-got-my-name-stitched-on-the-back ears, the Sorcerer Mickey ears, the princess hats, tiaras, Goofy hats, Donald Duck hats, Figment hats, or any of the others.

Okay, maybe the Stitch hats bug me a little because it kinda looks like he's humping your head, but other than that I hardly notice them anymore.

They are no longer a novelty. You can't pass through a crowd at WDW without seeing someone with something cute or funny or stupid on their head. I've worn a few of them over the years. It's always a caught-up-in-the-moment purchase where I'm feeling wonderfully silly and child-like. Where else can you wear a lighted flashing tiara? Of course, when I get home, I always find myself with this gaudy head gear saying, "There is a reason we only wear these things at Disney World..." :laughing:

I do, however, absolutely agree that the funny hats should be removed for rides and shows. When I had my flashing tiara, I forgot about it and we rode Spaceship Earth. As the ride started, I realized that I still had it on and I grabbed it and tried to figure out how to turn it off. I didn't think the people behind us really wanted to see multi colored lights blinking on my head for the whole ride. I could not find the button, so I wound up sticking it on the floor and putting a bag on top of it to kill the annoying factor. :rolleyes1

As for the mother on ROTM, words fail me. Those are the moments that stick with you because you can't help but think, if this is what she is like with her daughter in public, heaven only knows what she is like behind closed doors. :sad2:
If you remember where we left off, Mike and I had just had a wild night, so I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that we slept in late. And I do mean late.

Both of us were moving pretty slow. Mike was feeling just a tad of pain from last night. I was feeling an entirely other type of pain. If you remember my small foreshadowing, I mentioned that I was getting sick, and only losers get sick on vacation. I had planned to stay hydrated and eat healthy. Apparently, my body meant for me to stay hydrated with water, not beer. I could no longer deny that a pesky illness was invading my body. I was one of those losers who get sick on vacation.

The trick was, of course, to hide it from Mike so as not to ruin the rest of our vacation together. It was rather easy to do since he was moving slowly. But, my coughing and increased use of tissues was not going unnoticed. I was also fluctuating between being hot and cold, but thankfully, Mike was not so observant that he noticed my constant state of undress/redress.

I figured if I just got outside, I would start to feel a bit better. It was the hotel room, of course, which was the sole source of my feeling ill. I know, you’re all reading into this that I must be nursing a nasty hangover and “feeling ill” is merely a euphemism. But, sadly, this would not be the case.

We decided to take it slow that day, and it turned out to be a good day for ET, where we always use the names “Alex” and “Vanessa.” Except that ET was having a bad day, and no one heard their names. We couldn’t understand a blessed word ET said, and the people we were riding with asked, “why did we have to give our names and get that card?” on their way out.

Since we were already down that way, we decided to do MIB, but this didn’t go over well. The spinning at the end was just a little too much for me to handle. I was feeling a bit warm too, and I had another urge to just go outside. Mike knew we couldn’t handle the Mummy at that point, and I had said that I wanted to do Shrek, but definitely not today. Mike agreed. Instead, we decided just to get some water and a bit of lunch and sit outside and wait for the next Horror Make up Show.

Mike decided on a corn dog and fries. I didn’t know what I wanted, so I just had a bit of his since I’d had my protein bar and fruit not long before.

When were done, we plopped ourselves down on a bench in the shade and people watched. Had either of us had the energy, we’d have offered to take pictures for everyone who was snapping pictures in front of Lucy and Desi’s car.

We slowly meandered into the HMuS, and we were looking around to see who the “volunteer” was going to be. Hmmmm. Seriously lacking older Asian women. None here. Whoever will they pick?! Just when we were going to have to seriously make an effort to see who would be picked for the volunteer, in came a small group of Asians. I called it: Pink Visor.

Sure enough (really, could the HMuS be that predictable?), didn’t they immediately head for the Asian lady wearing the pink visor? However, she was too scared, and she vehemently refused. No amount of coaxing could convince her, and they moved on to a lady from the UK who was pretty disgusted and also refused. Alex told Mark that he was going to try one more time, and then he was going to send Mark to pick a volunteer. Reluctantly, a middle aged woman “volunteered” and we had a winner.

I was glad that this time they did away with the “kid who threw a rock at the curtain” schtick. This was also the first time I saw the “Playtex” scene. That was actually very good for a laugh. It was nice they changed things up a bit. I know this show is popular with many, but I found it to be funnier the first 3 times I saw it and now can take it or leave it. I would love for this show to get a facelift.

And, so with that, we meandered for a bit, and Mike decided that he wanted a hair of the dog. I wasn’t in the mood, but also did not want to admit that all I really wanted to do was go back to the HRH and crawl into bed. So, like the dutiful wife I am, on we went to NBA City. I had a Coke. No seriously. I really did.

I sucked that baby down, and thought that I was good to go. Miller Lite now, please.

Except I didn’t want it. I found myself just staring at Mike while he was playing video games and thinking: do I want to eat? Maybe if I eat I’ll feel better? Maybe I’m not really hungry? If I do eat, what would be best? Ick. I can’t even read the word “hamburger.” Don’t they just have some chicken soup or something? Eck. Maybe I’m not hungry. Maybe I just need to go outside. How do I tell Mike he needs to finish my beer? And that we need to go?

Ultimately, I decided I wasn’t feeling hungry. But I did feel a bit tingly. You know that kind of tingly where your skin is just buzzing? Not the good tingly. The bad tingly. Definitely the bad tingly.

I asked Mike if he minded if we head back to the hotel to rest for a bit before going out again, and he was up to that. Welcomed it actually. I should have said something earlier.

I thought I’d feel better if I went outside in the fresh air. That’d worked before. Right?

I told Mike to settle up, and I’d be waiting for him outside.

Now, here’s what sucks. If you’ve been to NBA City, you know that the doors to leave are maybe 20 feet from the downstairs bar. I don’t remember opening the door. I vaguely remember looking at the big statue of the basketball player right outside the door, thinking, “that’s big.” I remember thinking that the steps were a long way away, and how was I going to make it to the steps to sit down? I remember looking at this blonde teenager who gave me a weird look. Then I remember thinking “I’m going to fall.”

And boy, did I manage to take a spill. I have no idea how long I was “out” for. I can’t imagine it being more than a few seconds. But as I came to, that blonde teen was still looking at me, and I thought “crap. This is going to wind up on You Tube.”

There was a family from the UK who rushed to my side, and a young, sweet girl unscrewed the cap of her water bottle and made me drink it. Her mom held up my hair and fanned my neck. By this time, I had a bit of a crowd around me, and Mike made his way outside, and saw the commotion but not who or what caused it. He saw a flash of my red shirt, and started saying, “I think that’s my wife! Can you let me through?”

Of course he was panicked. I was panicked, but mainly humiliated. I still had several people around me, and he said, “Did you pass out?!” I had some wits about me because I said, “No. I fainted.”

Well, you have to follow my logic here …. “passed out in front of NBA City” during Happy Hour has one connotation. “Fainting” in front of NBA City while Happy Hour is happening has slightly another.

The staff of NBA City also came outside, and asked Mike if I were all right, and to let him know that they’d called Health Services. They got me a chair so that I wasn’t sitting on the ground anymore.

Security arrived first to take an incident report. Then Health Services arrived to take my pulse and ask me questions.

I remember him saying “It doesn’t sound like you had a heart attack.”

Good. That totally makes me feel better.

Is that kid shooting this on his cell phone?

Then, Health Services leaned over to me and whispered “Um, is it that time of the month?”

I don’t know why I found that funny. Maybe because he whispered that so that my own husband wouldn’t hear?

The manager at NBA City also came out to check on me and give me a cold bottle of water.

Health Services asked Mike what he thought of my coloring, and Mike said that I was really pale. HS said he thought so too, but wasn’t sure what I looked like normally. Then Mike said, “I thought her lips were a little blue earlier.”

I later had to clarify that with Mike: wait. My lips were blue, and you let me go outside by myself? No, not while I was inside. Right after I fell. Got it.

Now that my color was coming back and my pulse was normal, Mike’s main concern was how to get me back to the HRH. But, Security and Health Services had already taken care of it. They had ordered a wheel chair and arranged for a car to meet us and drive us back the entrance of the HRH.

I was still shaken up, so the wheelchair was a good idea. Not sure if I was more embarrassed or still recovering or what.

I had created quite the commotion, and it was at least a little unnerving to be wheeled around a crowd who by now was waiting to get into the Studios for HHN on a busy Friday night.

Sure enough, with Security trailing, Mike wheeled me to a security car, and helped me transfer from the chair to the car.

Really, I have to give a huge kudos to the staff of NBA City, Universal Security and Health Services. They were all very responsive and professional. And, if you happen to be the family from the UK who first came to my rescue, thank you too.

Mike didn’t let go of me as we waited for the elevator up to our room, and this was the first time that Mike was cursing how far our room was from the elevator.

Mike told me I’d have to skip turn-down service tonight. That I’d have to be happy with him turning down the bed instead.

Now, he got me settled into bed. Obviously, I’d ruined everything, and we weren’t going out for the rest of the night. We had wanted to go to Pat O’Brien’s since it was Friday night, but that just wasn’t happening. I just wanted to lie down and watch some TV and just not think or be around people.

After a while, we decided that I was OK, and I sent Mike down to the Beach Club to watch the game. I didn’t want him cooped up too. Plus, you know when you’re sick sometimes and you just don’t want to talk, and you can’t answer, “Can I get you anything” one more time? I just wanted quiet for a bit.

Mike found my cell phone and put it next to me, and he took his with him down to the Beach Club.

Every 10 minutes, I got a text message to check up on me and let me know what was happening down at the bar.

Now, I work in the telecommunications industry. This does not mean that I can text message with any sense of ease. I fat finger everything, and I never know if I’ve gone too slow and I thought I had the right letter, but it was the wrong one, and now a new cursor is there and I have to go back. Or if I’ve gone too fast, and I thought I could put in a double letter, but it wasn’t ready for me yet, and now I have to press the 4 three more times to get a “G”. I hate it. Plus, I barely knew my own name at that point. Texting was just not going well.

Since room service sucked and we weren’t about to suffer through it a 3rd time, I called Mike to read me the Beach Club menu so that he could bring me up some dinner.

I opted for a chicken quesadilla. Mike had told the Beach Club staff what happened (I was quick to remind him: use the word “fainted.” Not “passed out.”), and asked if he could order my meal to go so he could bring it up to our room.

They were very nice, and looked after Mike’s stuff and let him keep his tab open while he made my room service delivery.

But then he had to text: “how was it? Will I want 1 for ltr?”

Good grief. He got a one word response: “yes.”

That was about all I could handle. Mike was having fun with Natasha who showed him pictures of her baby, Skylar, and kept him company. I figured he wouldn’t mind if I went to bed. I don’t even think I heard him come in that night.

And, so, that is why there were no pictures of this sad day of vacation. Let me know if you find any on You Tube or
Wow Jodie. When you said you got sick you really meant it. Sounds like you gave Mike a good scare. Way to go to the Uni staff! Thanks for taking care of our homie!
Thats rotten luck, but lucky you never hurt yourself seriously with that fall, :goodvibes
I hate the hats too, but it is because the kids always want them and then don't even wear them for a few hours after buying them. Then they just get stuffed in a bag to junk up the house when we get home.

And that mother...just don't know what to say. I have a very hard time keeping my big mouth shut when that is going on. Not only is the kid traumatized but everyone else in the area has to deal with it too. Of course with this mother if something had been said the child probably would have had to listen to it from her mother once you were gone.
I'm glad you're okay and didn't hurt yerself when you kissed pavement :scared: Guessing not eating all day has that affect on you, huh?? Was your blood sugar low? I know you had a Coke, but that wouldn't have been enough time to get the sugar into your system, at least, I don't think? :confused3 Nice strangers to help you out, unlike the blonde....livin' up to her rep i guess :rolleyes: Glad to hear HS and the managements are on top of things....then again, I'm sure it's not everyday they have THAT kind of "excitement" :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, it wasn't a good day, but still....bad day on vacation beats good day at home :rolleyes1 (well, in my book anyway!)
What to search first... keywords on YouTube... woman passes out ('cause you know that's how the teen saw it) at City Walk... face plant at NBA City... the possibilites are endless... :rolleyes1

I have been sick and stuck it out on vacation, but I have never required medical attention. You need the big trooper badge for that!
I have been sick and stuck it out on vacation, but I have never required medical attention. You need the big trooper badge for that!

Reminds me of the saying.... "Put yer big girl panties on and deal with it!" :lmao:
Ah, yes, a bad day on vacation still beats a good day at work, so certainly not the end of the world! I had only fainted once before in my life (conveniently while giving a presentation on the House of Seven Gables in senior HS English, and we won't talk about how long ago that was.), so this was definitely unusual for me. I think I had just tried too hard to deny I was ill and it all caught up to me. Live and learn!

I had tried to search You Tube and, but hadn't really found anything. Not that I tried too hard. I mean, did I really WANT to find it?!

And, you know, I had thought about saying something to that awful mom. I still struggle with it. Why didn't the dad say anything? Who was there for that poor girl? Not the dad. Not me either, and I feel bad about that. But if it's one thing I learned from these boards it's that moms on vacation don't tend to take parenting advice from others who aren't moms, don't know their kids, and maybe that mom was just having a bad day, and haven't I ever had a bad day? Sadly, yes, later, I did think about how the scenario would play on our Community Board.

And only those stupid wedding ears bother me. No other hats or tiaras or head bands or head gear bug me. My hatred of those stupid wedding ears is irrational.

Stay tuned for our exciting next day of vacation (can you sense that I'm being facetious?).
wow, scary stuff; stinks to not feel well on vacation...DH always manages to crash & burn one night-think he can't take the commando pace? Make sure to pace yourself in a few weeks:banana: i cannot wait myself!

i've bought the bride & groom mouse ears for my kids;) & presented @ their shower along with certificate for "bonus" limo on honeymoon trip...the hat barely fit DSs noggin. You do tend to get special percs/attention from CMs when wearing said headwear, especially @ the restaurants in Disney (extra food/wine, etc.).:thumbsup2 Youngest DS bought the infamous "stitch is eating my head" hat when we went in Dec. one year & we wore our winter coats & gloves @ cracks me up. Stitch & donald are my 2 fav charactars (perhaps cause they aren't so sanitized?)

never underestimate the percs of tipping well & often to barkeeps.:)


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