Kids are grown what now?


DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2010
I was always VERY involved with my kids and now they have their own lives pretty much. I do work full time but on the weekends feel very lonely and sad. I wish I could turn the clock back to when they were little. Does anyone else feel like this?
Mine are getting there. 18 and 15. I currently am on disability, so don't work.. I have TOO much time lol..

But, I too wish I could turn back father time.. People warn you over and over at not taking time for granted, but honestly it really is amazing how quickly it really does go..
I have been so lucky to have been a stay at home mom and my kids are now 16 and 13. The oldest has started looking at colleges and will definitely be wanting a school out of state. I worry about myself as well as my husband and my youngest when the oldest goes off to college.
I am always the mom that bakes, volunteers, gives rides, is on every committee etc. Most moms in my town work outside the home.
Is there anyway you could volunteer- maybe at your kids' old high school. Maybe being around younger people might help. Also I know a few empty-nesters in our town that host students from abroad anywhere from 2 weeks to a school year.
I'm not sure how to plan on weaning myself off my oldest with her leaving the nest. It's going to be a process and I will be praying a lot.

Good luck.
I too worry about how I will deal with when my kids have their own lives that don't include hanging with mom. I am a single mom and my kids are 15 and 17, my 17YO just got his license. I so wish I could turn back the clock, I miss that time with them so much!!!

I also do not have many friends and the ones I do have are married. I was thinking about finding places to volunteer as the previous poster suggested. Maybe I will make some new friends that way too.
My boys are only 8 and 11 and I already fear the days when they leave home.
My son is 20. And I work part time, just 10 hours a week. I used to home school. I have lots of free time.

I try to plan things that I, maybe, couldn't do when he was home full time. I've joined a book group. I'm going to a bible study. And I meet with a group of ladies to color.

We've also welcomed an unwed teenage mom and her baby into our home. She is gone for a short time, and will be back.

Basically, I've started doing all those things I thought about but never did.
I haven't had kids, but I have thought a lot about happiness in my own life, and I can tell you, too, that I need my mom just as much at 41 as I did when I was sixteen. So they'll always be your kids. <3 This is probably a good time to take stock of your life and see where you want to go next. A really exciting time, if you think about it! The world is your oyster.

yes people feel that way about the people in their life. My mom did when we moved because she was a big help to my sister and grandkids so it was hard on her so she helped out at church in the toddler room and it helped. Find things to do on the weekends take up a new hobbie or a lost art you use to do before the kids if you painted or crafts.
I was always VERY involved with my kids and now they have their own lives pretty much. I do work full time but on the weekends feel very lonely and sad. I wish I could turn the clock back to when they were little. Does anyone else feel like this?

Yes, I can relate since I am now an empty-nester. Both of my kids are attending college out of state, and my weekends are also very lonely. The house is clean, so there isn't much to do anymore. We are contemplating downsizing. I also work full time. I miss going to volleyball games, playing board games, going out for dinners, seeing movies at the theater, etc. I get to Facetime them often, so that helps a bit. I also enjoy writing letters to them and putting Disney stickers all over the envelope. I go to Doordash and send them food delivery once a week. It isn't the same as enjoying a meal together though. I guess I just have to get used to the new normal. I am going to get more involved in my local community organization and play a bigger role this year. It's my way of giving back (and staying busy).


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