Kids and mis-interpreted song lyrics


<font color=blue>DIS Earth Angel!<br><font color=0
Mar 19, 2001
These are always so funny, and DS just gave me two. He is 5, and they are learning Grand Old Flag in school.

You're a grand old flag, you're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You're the LEMON of <----------hee hee hee
The land I love ....

Then fast forward to the end of the first verse:

Every heart BEEPS true for the Red, White, and Blue <-------- hee hee hee again.

C'mon folks, lets share some more!!!
I remember when my youngest brother was in elementary and the song "Crush on you" by The Jets was popular. There was a girl on his bus that used to sing "I've got a FRUSH on you". We still joke about it when we play that song.:p :p
My last name is D'Addario (like the guitar strings). When I was in pre-school I thought that the Farmer in the Dell went like this:

Hi, ho, D'Addario, the farmer in the dell!

I used to smile, I thought my class was singing to me!
These stories are making me laugh! My DD used to sing "Get your pecans" to the song "Get your freak on".:p
My brother used to think "Jesus loves me this Sino" He asked what was a sino!
It is hysterical to hear my DD sing Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer - not the lyrics exactly, but the 'echo':

They never let poor Rudolph (Rudolph)
Play in any reindeer games (Like Pinopoly!)
Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer (Reindeer)
You'll go down in history (Like Ken Washington!)

Don't know where she got Ken Washington doesn't even sound remotely like 'George'!

My older DD's version of Crocodile Rock when she was around 3:
Had an Uncle Chevy and a place of my own...

My 5 yr old is a Bon Jovi addict like me. :)

When she was trying to learn the words to 'Wanted Dead or Alive' she made a slight mistake in her interpretation.

The third verse of the song goes, and I'll add her mistake:

"I walk these streets, a loaded six FEET on my back......"

It should be "a loaded six string"!!!

I asked to repeat herself a few times to make sure I heard her right. I asked her if that made sense to walk around with SIX FEET on your back. And she said
"I don't know mommy, but that's what the man said!". It took a little while to convince her otherwise!!! :teeth:

She will still sing it the wrong way occasionally just to be silly! :)
Here's a few -- Don't know that they are from kids.
Bachman Turner Overdrive:
"Takin' Care of Business"
Bakin' carrot biscuits

It's such a feeling that, my love, I get high
It's such a feeling that, my love, I can't hide

Beatles "Lucy Sky with Diamonds"
The girl with colitis goes by
The girl with Kaleidoscope eyes

Creedence Clearwater Revival
There's a bathroom on the right
There's a bad moon on the rise
(Although I always thought they sang "There's the bedroom on the right." Couldn't ever figure that out! ):jester:

Led Zeppelin "Stairway to Heaven"
And there's a wino down the road, I should've stole his Oreos
And as we wind on down the road, Our shadows taller than our souls

Pink Floyd
Shine on you crazy blind man
Shine on you crazy diamond
Awww......brings back memories of DD when she was about 2, singing I Just Can't Wait To Be King. In her version Zazu sings to Simba:

I think it's time for you and I to have a tot to tot :D
Can I blame it on my DS if it was really me? ;)
I used to think in the song All Star they were singing Hey now, youre an all star, go to KMart. :teeth:

Rudolph..."Youll go down and hit a tree".
There was a song a few years ago "Summer Time Girls" and it goes, "I like girls who wear Abercrombie and Fitch" Well, my son used to sing, "I like girls who wear crabmeat and fish" the first time I heard him sing it I nearly peed my pants laughing!:teeth:
My daughter a couple of years ago was singing one of the songs on the last Bee Gees cd, it's called Deja Vu and one part of the songs says ....this is my daughter sings...this is my medication , I was driving when she was singing, I almost got into an accident, LOL.
My DD was 8 at the time, we were camping and she was taking a shower and singing, Garth Brooks' song 2 pina coladas, but she sang "bring me two pina coladas and we'll have a good time in your pants" I had to listen to make sure I heard her right, then I was laughing so hard I was crying!! Poor DD did not know what was going on!
like years ago.....we were at a wedding and the DJ was in front with a mic......and went to my sister and they were singing Davey my sweet innocent sister......sings......BORN ON THE TABLE TOP IN TENNESEE.....instead of born on the mt top in tennesee.......we still laugh on this one......
This isn't exactly the same thing, but we have a family friend with the last name of Farmer. When my DD was about 3, we ran into him at the bank and I introduced her---I said, "Nicole, this is Mr. Farmer." She looked up at him and sang out, "E-I-E-I-O" LOL :teeth: :teeth:
"The lid is up where it belongs"

"Love lift us up where we belong"

(Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes)
Originally posted by Mermaid02
"I like girls who wear crabmeat and fish" the first time I heard him sing it I nearly peed my pants laughing!:teeth:

Thanks Mermaid02 Now everyone here thinks I'm nuts for laughing out loud in my cubicle!

Keep this one going! It's hysterical!
My brothers used to sing, ok they still sing

I ordered two pizza's

I fall to pieces
(Patsy Kline)
My friend's little sister...

Hopelessly devoted to you...Hope to hold the phone out to you

old song..It's kind of a friends dh thought Canada Dry

Not a song, but when my daughter was in preschool, she told me that she learned about Martha Stewart King Jr.



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