Kelyn's Post-Pregnancy WISH JOURNAL (Comments welcome!)

I'm getting pretty nervous but not about the marriage part:) LOL I'm just worried about getting all the planning done in time! It's going to be hard with my college graduation coming up in less then a month. LOL some how I know I'll make it through though. I can't wait to go to Disney! It will be a great relaxing vacation after all that stress.:Pinkbounc
Kelly, your dress looks just beautiful and the girl wearing it....WOW!! You make a lovely bride!! Thanks so much for posting your pictures in your gown!

You're doing such a great job on sticking with your exercise routine and it's working!

Take a deep breath and know that all will get done in time for your big day.

I've done the tanning thing before some of our previous trips. Make sure you start slow and work up to a nice base tan. You should be starting now or within the next week so you don't have to rush and risk getting a sunburn.

Looks like you'll be at Disney the same time we are! We arrive June 13th and leave June 25th. I'd suggest a meet but I have a feeling you and your new DH will be busy enough! :teeth: ;)

Hope you have a great week! :sunny:
WOW! You look fantastic! And the dress is beautiful. Good luck with all the planning. I'm so jealous of anybody that will be at Disney this summer.
Congratulations on your weight loss and you look absolutely beautiful in your wedding gown. You should be very proud of yourself!
You look gorgeous, Kelly ::yes:: ! Congratulations, all of your hard work has really paid off.

On a side note -- I DETEST David's Bridal! I make it a point to tell everyone I know not to buy their dress there!
Thank you all for you encouraging comments:wave:

I've finally got my five pound gif in my signature because I lost another pound:) I'm so happy with all my results. I'm going to continue going to the campus fitness center this summer so I definitely won't be stopping after my wedding!

Last weekend I went out to celebrate my graduation by participating in the "Bridge Street Run" (Basically a drinking fest, students go from bar to bar on Bridge Street wearing white shirts and having them signed by friends.) But while I was doing this I ran into a lot of old friends and tons of them complimented me and said that I was looking really good! Man it feels so go to know that people notice! Well the morning after that I went with a hangover to have my next dress fitting, here are the pics:




princess: princess: CONGRATS ON THE 5 POUND CLIPPIE PRINCESS KELLY!! princess: princess:

You really do look like a princess in your gown!

:hug: and :sunny:
YOu look great! The dress is so beautiful! Congrats on the 5 lb clippie and keep up the dedication:Pinkbounc
Thank you all again so much:) So I lost another pound recently so I'm getting closer to my goal. I'd like to be 148 before the wedding. Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be down to my goal of 135. It's do-able, it's just going to be a lot of work! I just got my new summer gym membership, I also got my fiance one, lol it's my birthday present to him, I hope he comes with me a lot, it should be fun! The gym doesn't open up till next Monday so till then I'm going to be running around town, plus moving to our new house will be a workout!
:wave2: Hi Kelly,
Wow! In less than two weeks, you'll be married! You must be so excited (and busy) ::yes:: . I hope all is going well for you. Let us know how you're doing when you have the chance. And please share some wedding pics after the big day :D .

I just read over your whole journal and wanted to congratulate you on your journey so far. To take time out to care for yourself while attending college and planning a wedding, well, you should be commended for that!

Best of luck on your big day coming up soon...I am jealous you will soon be in WDW!!!

Your hard work is an inspiration to me. Thanks!

Thank you all again so much for your words of encouragement! It's been a long journey since January and I can't believe how well I did! I'll post some pics as soon as I get back from our Honeymoon at POR. I'll have tons of pics, we have a huge memory card for our camera! Meanwhile I'm going to post some more before and after pics of my weight loss, hope it encourages some of you, I wasn't sure how much I could really lose but I put my mind to it and I'm feeling better then ever!
Oh yeah forgot to add, my future husband has also lost weight too! He went today to pick up his tux and they have to quickly get him a smaller size by tomorrow!! He lost 3 inches in his chest alone! I'm so proud of him!!

Here's pics, the first one is from May 2000
Second is May 2003
and the rest are from my bridal shower last Sunday!




You look FABULOUS!

Have a wonderful wedding day & a FUN FANTASTIC Honeymoon:Pinkbounc

Congrats on your loss & congrats on your soon to be marriage:wave2:
Congratulations on the wedding. Time sure flies. I hope you have sunshine and blue skies. Have a wonderful time at the wedding and honeymoon. You look fabulous.

Hi Kelly, Congratulations on the wedding. I hope you continue to journal once you are back from HM.

I just wanted to stop by and say how much I enjoyed reading your journal (I am new to W.I.S.H.). I have just started my own bridal journal. I have plenty of time to lose the weight but I always have the problem that after I've lost a certain amount of weight I kind of level off---so I want to leave plenty of time to lose the maximum weight. My goal weight is 105, I did it before but it was a struggle.

Thank you so much for the inspiration.
:wave2: Congratulations Kelly,
The wedding looked like such fun ::yes:: ! You and your dh looked so great. I hope you are enjoying fun, sun, and Mickey. Please check back when you are home and tell us how the honeymoon was so we can all be jealous ;) .
I know I'm a little late, but I wanted to tell you CONGRATS!!!! and you look FANTASTIC!! Your progress has been so great! Congrats again to you and your new hubby! I'm coming right behind ya in the marriage department!

Keep up the good work on the weight loss!
Kelly, congratulations on your marriage - you were a beautiful bride!! I hope the honeymoon was full of magic and pixie dust!


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