Keepin' it on the downlow(country) at HHI - New TR link - pg 31

You chose the title wisely! And you two don't look as if you can be married 25 years! What'd ya get married at 12? ;) Write on!
Thanks for the message, I had quite forgotten how long it has been since I last subbed to a glennbo trip report. Wow, where has the time flown... Seems like only the other day I was reading the start of your last trip report, life sure does find a way to derail you! Education, finance, health, family, curveballs can come at you from every direction that's for sure... Still, no matter for I am here and ready to read :)

I totally understand on the expenses troubles, and the kids in paid education... Mostly because I am one of the latter and know how expensive it can be! Not to mention my finances are directly attached to my parents who have experienced some financial ups and downs recently, fortunately on the up at the minute. ;) Glad to hear that you managed to get a trip together despite it even if it wasn't Hawaii like you dreamed, and also that by the sounds of it, it was a great trip!

I guess the only thing left to say is I'm eagerly awaiting the updates. Hopefully life won't get in the way this time :P

Oh, and I shall also have to do my usual routine for a new glennbo trip report... Reading your previous ones again of course :) although I might start that task tomorrow as it's currently 1am here!

Will stay tuned! :)
Thanks for the heads up!

Congrats on 25 years of bliss! How come Judy still looks so young and you......nevermind. :)

Can't wait to hear all about HHI. It's on of the someday list.

Jill in CO
Yay!!! for a new glennbo TR! Sorry its not WDW but its kind of close. My friends family goes to Hilton Head every year. I'm looking forward to your take on the area.

Am I first? Can't be!!!

One Judy!

Hey orangecats2! :wave2: You are first! :woohoo: And :welcome:

Woo hoo! New trip report! I'm back on the DIS again after some time off, so I'm hoping to keep up this time. I do love reading your trip reports.

From the start of your report, it sounds like a lovely trip.

:welcome: Darla! I'm glad you're back on the DIS, and just in time for this baby to start.

Whoo Hoo! So excited to be on page 1!!! Thanks for the bat signal!!!

Hi Tammie! :welcome: And pretty high on page 1 also...not too shabby! :laughing:

I am here and normally I would shout out 1 Judys, but since we are not playing... You should have just handed over the rules committee responsibilities to Marv, then he could not complain and we would get rid of the worst competition! ;)

Hi Magdalene! So glad to have you here. :welcome:

That's a pretty good idea. :scratchin

But this is not about Judys but about what sounds like a wonderful trip! I can't wait to read more about it. Hilton Head sounds like a great destination and I hope to get there some time in the future!

I can't wait to tell you about it. :hyper:

I'm here Glenn...thanks for the bat signal. :goodvibes

Great intros and so happy that it ended up being an adults only trip. I can't wait to hear all about it.

:welcome: Kathy! We love traveling with our kids :grouphug:, but ya know was also really nice to spend a week with just the two of us.
Grrr 1 Judy

Sorry Glen I am here !!! Of course I didn't read the new rules as in you are not playing the Judy game. So as Marv or Bob as he is now known hasn't commented yet I rule that the 2nd person to name the Judy's wins , this will change on each sighting!! :rotfl2::rotfl2: Now I am going back to read and look at that delightful pix of you 2:goodvibes

Yay! Rosie's here! :welcome: Yeah, I'm sure that Pat would've approved of that rule change since she was almost allllwaaaays the second one. :bride:

Delightful? Aw, shucks. :blush:

Great intro and even better picture of the two of you.

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations!

Can't wait to read all about it.


Thanks Dee! And :welcome: I tried to send you a batsignal, but your pm inbox...she is full.

I am so excited that you have a new report started!! Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Wow, thank you Riles_and_Gabe! :welcome:

Ok Im here. I have subbed. I'm shocked I even saw your message. And I will try to keep up but most likely will not. But I sure am going to try.:thumbsup2

Hi Dawn! :welcome: No worries, read when you can. Thanks for subbing. :)

WooHoo! New trip report!

Can't wait to read all about your journey into our (sort of) neck of the woods!

Howdy Liz! And :welcome: I was just thinking, didn't you have a trip report or something going on? So I went back to look and it was a PTR for last fall.'d it go? popcorn::

Can't wait to hear how you liked it. We're heading down the last week of Aug.

:welcome: lovegrumpy. Good to have you signed-on again! I think you're going to love HHI...can I stow-away in your luggage?

Hello! I've been mostly off the Dis, but I had to pop in, given the PM and all! Good to "see" you! :goodvibes

Hi Tina! Yes, good to see you too, and :welcome: No problem, DIS-time comes and goes...I'm glad I caught you checking-in. :surfweb:

WooHoo totally in Glenn. And as always, looking forward to following along on your wacky (and I assume romantic) adventures.

Yo, Rob! :welcome: Yes, it might be hard to distinguish between the wacky adventures and the romantic adventures. :confused3

WOW, one in college and 2 more on the brink. Where does the time go?


Actually, one is half-way through college! :faint:

A little disappointed you didn't go with "Shawty got low low lowcountry". But that's just me. :upsidedow

:rotfl2: Well, when you see someone else's trip report with that'll know where they stole that gem from. ::yes::

Finally a big sincere CONGRATULATIONS on celebrating your 25th!!!!

Thank you Rob! That's another area where the time has flown!
I'm in! :mickeyjum

Awww, no Judy game :( I was so ready for this one! Oh well, now I don't have to rush to comment at the most inopportune moments. :thumbsup2
Woo Hooooooooooo! Tried to sub from my phone earlier, but I couldn't. Here now and back to read. :cool1: Thanks for the bat signal!

I know the feeling. Sometimes I'll try to just post a one-sentence comment and it'll just hang-up until it times-out. So frustrating. Well, regardless...:welcome: Mary Ellen!

Yay! A HHI DVC TR!!! (and an plethora of acronyms!) I went for the first time in Feb 2014 and was hooked on the place. Can't wait to revisit it through your TR. Congrats on the 25 years anniversary!

Good thing I read DIS lilwitch646. :laughing: :welcome: And thanks for the anniversary congrats!

The ones in red have me :scared1:

:welcome: Pat! Some are scarier than others. :rolleyes:

Aw shucks but I get it. :sad2: No more :bride: for me. :upsidedow

You were the queen of "missed it by thaaat much!"

Collegedom????? Is that what it's called? We just paid those tuition bills for the fall. OUCH!

Well, "collegedom" is my own word, but I think it works. You know me, I'm not afraid to invent a new word if I feel like it.

We just paid Lauren's too. OUCH is right.

OK, What were you dates???????

We were there from Saturday June 21st, checking out Saturday June 28th.

I am trying to decide between HHI and VGC for next June (first week) versus September. I was leaning toward HHI, but if its just Denny and I then I want a studio. I just don't like spending points on the 1BR, as nice as they are. I rather take the whole family and do a 2BR. Now I'm worried if we go the HHI in June route! I need more details.

The first week in June might be a different dynamic as there are schools still in session. Not sure though.

Cute picture of you guys! I am so excited for this TR. I gather that HHI won you heart, as it did mine. And Denny's - literally - because that's were he got his stent! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Now that was a good one! :rotfl2: So glad that he was able to get that stent too! So was the hospital on the island itself, or did you have to go back to the mainland?
I've been summoned by the Glennbo signal in the sky! Good thing too, since I almost never frequent the DVC boards and I would have been devastated to miss your next adventure.

Aloha HHI!!
Thanks for the batsignal! Joining in!

Hi Kelly! Good to see you. :welcome:

You chose the title wisely! And you two don't look as if you can be married 25 years! What'd ya get married at 12? ;) Write on!

Thank you SusieBea, and :welcome: :laughing: Trust me, we were legal drinking age when we got married. ...But our kids have seen our wedding video and accused us of being 12, so who knows?

Thanks for the message, I had quite forgotten how long it has been since I last subbed to a glennbo trip report. Wow, where has the time flown... Seems like only the other day I was reading the start of your last trip report, life sure does find a way to derail you! Education, finance, health, family, curveballs can come at you from every direction that's for sure... Still, no matter for I am here and ready to read :)

Yay! Squidgy! One of my most devoted readers ever! :welcome:

I totally understand on the expenses troubles, and the kids in paid education... Mostly because I am one of the latter and know how expensive it can be! Not to mention my finances are directly attached to my parents who have experienced some financial ups and downs recently, fortunately on the up at the minute. ;) Glad to hear that you managed to get a trip together despite it even if it wasn't Hawaii like you dreamed, and also that by the sounds of it, it was a great trip!

Wow, sounds like you and your family have had some ups and downs, but glad to hear that things are in a good place right now. And I see a Malta trip in your signature...that sounds very exciting! Will we get a chance to hear about it?

I guess the only thing left to say is I'm eagerly awaiting the updates. Hopefully life won't get in the way this time :P

Oh, and I shall also have to do my usual routine for a new glennbo trip report... Reading your previous ones again of course :) although I might start that task tomorrow as it's currently 1am here!

Will stay tuned! :)

You probably know the past reports better than I do Squidgy. All right, if 1am is a little too late for ya, I'll let you off the hook this time. ;) Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the heads up!

No problem! Thanks for following me over here, and :welcome: Jill!

Congrats on 25 years of bliss! How come Judy still looks so young and you......nevermind. :)

Thank you! Well, she's a good cook, that's why I look......oh, nevermind. :goodvibes

Can't wait to hear all about HHI. It's on of the someday list.

I recommend it!

Thanks for the PM Glen!

I'll try to keep up- I'll let my track record speak for itself. :sad2:

Your track record? :rotfl2: :welcome: Tim! And on a side-note, thanks for maintaining the resales thread, I always like to keep track of what things are going for. So :worship:

I'm in! :mickeyjum

Awww, no Judy game :( I was so ready for this one! Oh well, now I don't have to rush to comment at the most inopportune moments. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Timmy! Yes, no rush anymore, but still looking forward to your comments. :)
I've been summoned by the Glennbo signal in the sky! Good thing too, since I almost never frequent the DVC boards and I would have been devastated to miss your next adventure.

'Zactly Jenn! I didn't want folks to have trouble finding me over here, but I thought that the report really did need to be here. I'm so glad you followed that blinding light on over! :welcome:

Aloha HHI!!

I couldn't have said it better myself! :goodvibes
Guess not........ But at least I kept Rosie from stealing top of page. ...... :thumbsup2

As for Judy rules. ....... No matter when she supplies the correct answer, Rosie can never win a round! :sad2:


You can only win if your name is Bob or Carol. .......

......... Or Ted or Alice........... :rolleyes1
Guess not........ But at least I kept Rosie from stealing top of page. ...... :thumbsup2

So true! :lmao:

As for Judy rules. ....... No matter when she supplies the correct answer, Rosie can never win a round! :sad2:

She did pull out a few. ::yes::


You can only win if your name is Bob or Carol. .......

......... Or Ted or Alice........... :rolleyes1

Do I have to admit if I'm old enough to get that movie reference? :confused: 'Cause I'm not. I mean, I don't even recognize that that's a movie reference. :rolleyes:
I look forward to reading about the trip Glenn.

And I liked your list of unused TR titles. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:
Yay! Another Glennbo TR! :wave2:

Thanks for the invite Glenn. I know I don't come out to play much anymore since I went back to teaching - but I do still like to lurk occasionally. And I miss hangin' out with all you guys. Or 'all y'all' as I should probably say, in the spirit of this low country report.

Looking forward to hearing about HHI. We bought into DVC a couple years ago, and I've been pushing for a Hilton Head trip. Maybe next summer?


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