Kate's Back on Track Journal - comments welcome


3 of my favorite things<br><font color=red>I'll pr
Jul 27, 2004
Hi all

I was here WISHING several months ago (well, last year) and am back again to try to stay with this.

Briefly, I started WW 3 years ago, at 175lbs. hoping to lose my 'matronly' look I acquired after having 4 kids and not doing much about my weight.

Finally in OCtober, 2004 I reached my goal of 125, and have fluctuated between 120 - 130 since then. This maintenance thing isn't so easy!! I've really gotten lax in my exercise and journaling of food.

Just got back from a fabulous trip to Hawaii with DH, but I ate like crazy, and work has been hectic all summer.

My immediate goal is to get back to a solid 125 (about 130 right now) and to get consistent with my exercise.

Hope to see many of you around the boards and to encourage when I can.

Glad to be here! :sunny:
Thank you for visiting my journal! You are going to get those few pounds off, especially with all the wonderful support offered here! :flower:
:wave2: Hi, Kate. Thanks for stopping by my journal. I've been reading this book, "The THIN Commandments," and the dr. has stressed repeatedly that MAINTAINING is the real challenge--the lifelong process--that we have to accept after we're able to shed the pounds. As a yo-yo dieter, I'm glad to see you back on the WISH and hope I'll learn some tips from you as I follow your journey to maintenance success! :cheer2:

Welcome back to the Dis. You've been doing great! I know from personal experience that maintaining is tough. About 5 years ago, I started dieting with the help of these boards, went from an 18 to an 8, but only maintained my loss about a year. Now, I'm back & I want to hit those size 8s again. I love your Hawaii pic!
Saturday morning.

Pouring rain outside, so no running today. Maybe the abs tape? Haven't done that lately, and could use it.

Working right now, enjoying my breakfast of Fiber One covered in yogurt, and some cantelope. and of course my coffee. :sunny:

gotta get moving.
Good Morning, Kate! Welcome (back) to Wish!!

I'm a WW, too, but unfortunately, a struggling one. But I just keep on hoping that some day it will all happen.

Love your Hawaii picture.

Have a GREAT Saturday!!
Thanks for stopping by my journal. I have 4 kids, too. The youngest is going on 3 and I most definitely understand the "matronly" look.

It is really great that you want to get back on a routine to help your maintenance. Try not to worry about the numbers on the scale so much though. Using your clothing as a guide will probably work better than the scale, especially if you develop more muscle with the exercise.

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Kate!!! :wave: Welcome back to WISH! Glad you're here and I wish you the best. You know what you have to do...it's just a matter of doing it-and doing it with Kate-style!!! (PS When did you go to Hawaii? The picture is GORGEOUS!!)

And now, a cheer!

:cheer2: Takin' it
:cheer2: One day at a time!
:cheer2: Kate's gonna do it
:cheer2: And come out better than fine!

See ya! Good luck on restarting your journey!
well, the rain finally quit, so I did get to run 4.5 miles!

busy weekend, no time to do decent posts in others journals :confused3
so have to do that later.
Busy with kids? I can't imagine. :rolleyes1

Keep up the great work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hey, Kate. Glad the :sunny: is out there, but why'd you send the rain our way? :umbrella: Looks like you might just be forcing me to have a rest day! :rolleyes: (Thank goodness I don't have an abs tape! :teeth: )

Enjoy your exercise! :Pinkbounc

Kate - Glad to hear you got a run in! Woo hoo! :) Lisa

Welcome back. Hope we can be of encouragement to you in losing those pounds but moreso in exercising more and helping to help you maintain.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Another good run this morning, 3 miles.

Food good so far
Fiber One and yogurt
Tuna salad
toast and a laughing cow
cheese stick

Dinner - thinking of a tilapia with salsa recipe, or maybe shrimp. ODD (20 yrs - in college) doesn't always eat dinner with us but she's home from work today. She doesn't care for fish, so maybe I'll try something else.
Tilapia sounds awesome!! Don't you love the laughing cow?? My problem is that I eat 6 of them at a time!! What a beautiful picture. I have always dreamed of going to Hawaii, but I have a fear of heights and water, so flying over water won't happen for me!! Have a great evening!! :flower:
Another day to keep trying. Yesterday was LONG. had a snack attack last night with extra kids here and things going on in the house.

Working this morning, hope to run in a bit before it gets too hot.

Sitting here with my Kashi and yogurt, and of course my coffee. :goodvibes

Tonight is GS daycamp for DD, and I'm helping, should be fun.

Goals: work 6 hours, do some laundry, clean up the dining room, get in a short nap before day camp this evening.
Hi Kate laundry - that's one of my goals today as well....not too exciting is it?
Have a great day!!


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