"Just like we dreamed it!" - A Trip Report

Enjoying your latest installments :thumbsup2
I love Paris but think the troops need to be a bit older before they will cope with it... well actually DP thinks till they can cope with me taking them to all the corners in a day :rolleyes1
Great report Matt, glad Day 2 was fantastic and you really enjoyed yourselves and also glad you enjoyed Paris. There's a lot to see and lots to do in Paris and definitely worth walking around (that is what we did when I first went to Paris for a visit)

Look forward to more :)
The beginning of the end...

Monday 30th June 2008

And so we were back. After two days of non-Disney action, we were positively buzzing with the thought of three days on the spin in the parks.

We called the faithful bakery and got our staple breakfast of croissants and chocolate filled bread (healthy eh?), and made our way onto the RER for the short trip to Marne-la-Vallee/Chessy.

At 9:30, we were once again stood on Main Street USA. Our funds were running quite low by this point, and with a good two to three days still to go, we decided to withdraw some money from a cashpoint. A BIG tip to you all - if you have a Nationwide card, you can withdraw money at NO CHARGE. Not only that, it's at the pure exchange rate! We couldn't believe it. Whilst the Post Office and travel agents are offering rates of 1.20 or 1.21, getting money out of the cashpoint got us an exchange rate of 1.26. We were delighted.

Other cards, such as my Halifax debit card, charge £1.50 per withdrawal - so be careful about that.

Anyway - we did the usual of getting a FastPass for Big Thunder Mountain and headed for Pirates.

Monday was by far the busiest of the days we were there, and we managed a paltry 11 rides in the 10 hours we were in the park. On a day like that though, one ride per hour is probably about right. I should also mention that the weather was stifingly hot. I can honestly say that it didn't drop below 25 or 26 for the entire time we were in Disneyland park - a good thing on one hand, but it made walking round and queuing very tiresome and energy consuming. It was on this day that we queued 30 minutes for Phantom Manor (the longest we had to queue all week), and at one point I felt like I was going to pass out. Goodness knows how hot the indoor queues would have been.

After consuming, at lunch, some rather horrible bread which we'd bought from Bussy in the morning - we decided to treat ourselves in the evening to a Planet Hollywood meal, as we'd been in September and enjoyed it. As far as Disney Village restaurants go, it's not the most expensive by a long way.

I had the gorgeous pasta dish which I had in September (the name of which escapes me). One interesting thing to note was that we left the park an hour before close and there were LOTS of spaces. If you really want a Planet Hollywood, and feel that you've done all you feel like doing for the day, definitely leave an hour before close, you'll get a seat immediately on most occasions.

We felt as though the heat and busyness had contributed to a slightly deflated day in the park - but we enjoyed it nonetheless. It's just so difficult when it gets hot and muggy, and people get tetchy in the queue lines. Sometimes, it can be a chore queuing for rides, and it's perhaps better to bite the bullet if you're there for a few days and just chill out and take in the atmosphere. After all - Disneyland is still Disneyland whether the rides are there or not, and there is an awful lot to see (and to unwillingly miss, it would seem!) in the scenery without having to queue an hour to go on a ride.

We headed back on the trusty RER to Bussy, and said goodbye to the station until the morning.

However, little did we know it, as we entered Planet Hollywood, something was happening on the other side of Paris which would cost us dear the following day...
What!? What happened the very next day?? Seriously the tension is killing me :P
I'm waiting too, you are a tease!! LOLs

Loving your report, we are hoping to travel into Paris on our trip in 3 weeks, not sure yet how we are doing it but after 4 trips we feel it's a must!
The penultimate day...

Tuesday 1st July 2008

We got up a bit later today, because we knew that we wanted the supermarket near Bussy station, and that didn't open until 9. We also knew by now that the lands in the park didn't open until bang on 10, even though we were allowed onto Main Street at 09:30.

We arrived at the supermarket at 9, went in to buy a sandwich and a couple of drinks, and headed to the station. (By the way, a sandwich and a drink in Disneyland would set you back about €8-10. I got a ham and cheese baguette for €1.20 and a 1.5l bottle of lemonade for €0.23 - well worth it!).

At the station - horror filled my heart as I walked towards the doors. Which were closed. And locked.

The station was empty.

I scratched my head and said a few naughty words before finally seeing a note which was pinned to the door.

"Due to an attack on an RER driver in Paris at 19.10 last night, all RER services are suspended today".


So the situation is as follows:

It's 9:30am. We're 7 miles or so from Disneyland Paris, and there's no trains.

Luckily, we're told by a polite passerby that we need the number 44 bus to Val d'Europe, where we would change onto another bus for the final mile or so to Disneyland. I was confident that we'd still be there for around 10, as a 44 bus was just approaching - and it can't take that long to do the journey surely?

Well - I was spectacularly wrong! The journey to Val d'Europe, on a cramped horrible bus, took a whopping 30 minutes, as it went via most streets in Bussy, and also the scenic village of Jossigny. I realised it was a service bus, and NOT a rail replacement service.

Once at Val d'Europe, I felt a bit better - as I could see the Tower of Terror and Disney Village from the bus station.

45 minutes. 45 painstaking, airless minutes on a packed bus as it circled the entire Marne la Vallee ring road entering every town and village it could find.

We got to Disneyland, annoyed, frustrated but relieved at around 11. We'd lost an hour in the park.

Believe it or not - this is the day when we did the most rides! We actually crammed 19 rides into this day, as we stayed until 9. BIG MISTAKE!!!

We returned to the bus station and politely, and cheerfully, asked a bus driver when the next Val d'Europe bus was.

"Last one went at 9 - sorry".

For the second time in this day, the following was appropriate:


My eyes drifted towards the station where there were definitely no trains...

My eyes then reluctantly drifted towards that dreaded four letter word, which I try to avoid saying or using at any point in my life - TAXI.

We had no choice. It was 9:15pm and we were 7 miles from our hotel.

The queue was perhaps 20 people long, and I heard some mumblings of Torcy and Bussy. I tried my luck, and very loudly said:

"It's a shame no-one else is going to Bussy - then we could share".

Miracles do happen. A family of 4 in front, including two young children, turned round and said: "We are!".

They were a very friendly Scandinavian (or Dutch, I can't quite decide) bunch who were thrilled to meet us so the cost wouldn't be as much. What it did mean though is that we'd need a taxi for 6.

After half an hour, they were in front of us in the queue and a taxi for 4 arrived. The man turned round and looked at me. Before he said a word, I told him to take it. He had two young children and it's only fair to let them go.

Our taxi arrived 5 minutes later, followed by a taxi for 6 (!), but it was to be that we'd have to pay the full fare between us.

€30 from Disneyland to Bussy. How do taxi drivers sleep at night?

I avoid getting taxis in this country for the very same reason.

Anyway - we got back to the hotel, and I tried to be philosophical. I said that we must have saved over €30 even on one night of not staying on the resort, so it's just money we would have spent elsewhere. It still hurt though paying that much for what is usually a 6 minute RER journey.

We went to bed, relieved to be home but slightly downhearted by the RER strike. Is it worth a letter to RER asking for compensation for the taxi fare? They didn't lay on any rail replacement services and didn't give any notice of a strike. Perhaps it's worth the price of a stamp. Who knows?

(The last day coming soon...)
What luck! I'm glad that after all that has happened during this trip that you can still feel the Disney magic!
Oh Matt, what a terrible shame :sad2: This is one Disney day you won't forget in a hurry. :flower3:

IMO it will probably be a waste of your time writing but if it makes you feel better then do it, and if you get a favourable response then it will have been worth it.

I'm lookng forward to your next day ~ it has to be better. :)
You have a really positive outlook. I am sorry you had such difficulties but pleased you had a good time
The final day...

Wednesday 2nd July 2008

And so we got on the RER to Disneyland Paris for the last time. Trains were back to normal, and we felt both sad and excited as we walked towards the turnstiles for the final time (for now, anyway).

Once in the park, we decided to try something new. We'd noticed an alleyway running from Main Street USA to Frontierland which not many people knew about. It, of course, had a rope across it like the main entrance - but had just 10 people queuing, as opposed to over 100 at the other one.

When the music started, the CM dropped the rope and let us in. I was confused - normally it's when the music stops.

I was delighted when we got into Frontierland to find that we were the only ten people there!!! She'd let us in a good minute and a half before everyone else.

What do you think we did? Oh yes - we headed straight for Big Thunder Mountain and rode the first train of the day! What a fantastic start to our final day in the park.

I forgot to mention on Tuesday's report that the FastPass machines were out ALL day (which makes it even more remarkable that we managed 19 rides). They were still out on Wednesday morning, although some were mended by lunch time. We still only got two though - one for BTM and one for Buzz Lightyear's Lazer Blast.

The day grew on, and we decided to head to Toad Hall in Fantasyland for some food. We paid €10.95 for a meal, which included a donut as well as the burger, fries and drink. Quite reasonable as far as park food is concerned, both in quality and price.

As the afternoon developed, we started to feel the first twinges of sorrow as the minutes ticked down until we had to leave. After having a fantastic time in Walt Disney Studios around lunch time, we headed back to the main park to ride our favourites for the last time. In turn, we said a solemn goodbye to Pirates, Big Thunder Mountain, Phantom Manor - and finally, Main Street USA.

We walked out under the railway station on Main Street, and under the Disneyland Hotel. I took one last look back down Main Street USA where the sun was setting peacefully over the castle. As childish as it sounds when I write it back, I really was having to choke back a few tears as I left. For a 21 year old red blooded male to say this surely shows what an impact the place can have on everyone.

I love Disneyland with a passion. Where else can you go where so many people are smiling? I've looked back at our photos, and there isn't one where I'm not smiling. It's such a happy place - whether you go on the rides or not, but here I was leaving for the last time this year...

Anyway - after that emotional outburst, I'll get back to the stark reality of life! We went to Rainforest Cafe because we enjoyed it so much, and the service was not too good this time round.

We ordered a starter (gorgeous cheese garlic bread), and all seemed ok. We ordered a drink and then our main.

Half an hour passed and the waiter came over apologising, saying that our meals had been given to a different table (who'd ordered the same thing) by mistake, and that we'd have to wait for ours to be cooked.

We weren't offered any reduction, not even a free drink.

At the end, once we'd finished, we noticed a couple on the next table were waiting to be served. The waiter went to them, took a starter and drink order, delivered the drinks and then waited five minutes doing nothing before giving them their starter. He then got them a bottle of wine, chattered for a while and then, after having our dirty plates in front of us for 10 minutes, he came and cleared our table.

The service, especially for two meals, a starter and two drinks costing €60, left much to be desired.

Regardless, the food was very tasty and I will certainly go back there. Unlike the RER which I will not follow up, I think a letter to the Rainforest Cafe is in order.

Anyway - at about 10:30pm we finally left Disney Village for the final time, and made our way back to Bussy-Saint-Georges.

Our Disneyland adventure was over - all that was left now was to head back to Paris the following day to get the Eurostar back to England. I'm happy to report that it went according to plan, and that we got back to Yorkshire at 10pm on Thursday evening.

Thank you for reading my report - I hope you've enjoyed it!

In subsequent posts on this thread, I will post some photos for you - along with ride and restaurant reviews.
A few photos of our trip for you to browse...

Me with Captain Hook at the birthday buffet:


BTM from Phantom Manor:


The Molly Brown from Phantom Manor:


The Teacups, Castle and Disneyland Hotel from Alice's Curious Labyrinth:


BTM from the FastPass queue:


Looking up at the Castle from Fantasyland:


The last day - saying goodbye...

your photos are great sorry to hear not everything was perfect but you seemed to have enjoyed yourself even so!...thank you for sharing your holiday with us xx
Definitely enjoyed it!

Still to come are ride and restaurant reviews, as well as a few key hints/tips/facts about our stay.
You seem to have had a great time! I always find the little things that don't go to plan can often make a holiday and when i am gritting my teeth and trying not to swear I always remember past holiday crisis' and how much I laugh when i look back on them!

You won't forget this one in a hurry!
Great report!!! Annoying things happen but everything is forgotten with a little bit of :wizard:

You're not the only one who fights back tears when it's time to say goodbye... I'm always very very emotional:sad1:

Roll on to the next trip :)
Ride Reviews


Still remains one of the best rides in the park. The queue times hit 45-60 minutes pretty easily in summer, so make sure you make use of the FastPass ticket, or get there at the start of the day. The queue area makes the tedium a little lesser, but it can still be uncomfortable on a hot day. Ride this a few times, it never gets old!

Phantom Manor: 09/10

Still a classic. The queue got up to 45 minutes when I went, but most of the time it's around the 10-15 minute mark. If you go at the right time of day, you'll be fine. The spookiest bit of the ride is probably the moving room sequence at the start when the lights go out. Small children may be spooked by this. The actual ride is very well engineered and has some comic and tragic elements to it. I'd recommend riding this twice a day if possible.

Pirates of the Carribean: 09/10

If a ride ever deserved 10/10, it's this - but I never give perfect marks! The music still gives me excited chills when I hear it. I can still smell the dampness of the place now. I love this ride more than I love chocolate cake, and that's quite alot. Ride this 3-4 times a day if you can. The queues rarely get above 15 minutes.

Casey Junior: 07/10

A 'kiddy coaster'. Cute and compact, with nice scenery over the Storybook ride. Well worth riding if the queue is short or you're with the kids. Probably not worth queuing twice in one day for.

Storybook Canal Boats: 06/10

Not a right lot to say about these. The scenes could be a lot more detailed and a lot bigger. Some of them are hard to see. Unless my eyes deceive me, the Little Mermaid scene doesn't actually contain Ariel! Ride it once if the queue isn't too big.

It's a Small World: 09/10

Very cute, very sweet - perhaps too much so for some. The queue is never over 5 minutes except in exceptional circumstances. The ride capacity is huge so you're normally straight on. Definitely do this if you're there with kids or as a couple. One word of warning, the song will be in your head for weeks afterwards. Get on this a couple of times in a day.

Peter Pan's Flight: 07/10

To this day I still don't understand the fuss about this ride. The queue can be anything up to 75 minutes in summer. The ride itself lasts about 2 minutes, and isn't very different to the other dark rides in Fantasyland. Worth going on once perhaps - but are you willing to use a FastPass to ride it?

Mad Hatter's Tea Cups: 06/10

A fun enough ride which could last longer, but with queues lasting up to 30 minutes, they need to get people on and off in double quick time! Don't ride just after lunch!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: 07/10

A pleasant enough dark ride with some scary moments which may spook young children. Worth going on once or twice.

Pinocchio: 07/10

Again, a decent enough dark ride with some nice effects. I think the cars move too quickly though. Even after two rides, some details still flash you by.

Star Tours: 07/10

Seemed a little outdated this time. It should be slightly longer. Perhaps it's time for them to change the video? It gets a little same-ish after the 2nd or 3rd time.

Disneyland Railroad: 07/10

A nice relaxing change from all the traditional rides. The Grand Canyon diaroma, the It's a Small World bridge and the Pirates viewpoint are well worth the ride.

Lancelot's Carousel: 05/10

My lowest mark. It just isn't that exciting. The horses don't move up and down as much as they should, and the ride is slow and short.

Cars: 07/10

A nice ride in WDS. Feels like you're going to crash, so is quite exciting. Queues can be 20 minutes or more so make sure you go at the right time of day.

Studio Tram Tour: 07/10

The effects are spectacular, but I feel that the water/fire routine alone isn't enough to warrant a 15 minute ride. It needs that little bit more to justify queuing for 25-30 minutes.

Animation Studio: 08/10

An enjoyable and comedic look at drawing Disney's Mushu. The after show Animation Acamedy is fantastic. There are 12-15 easels with a guide at the front showing you how to draw a certain character. Well worth waiting for.

That's about all we went on. I'll post soon showing what we did on each day so you can base an itinerary around our visit.


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