Just had a strange experience.....


DIS Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
This is abit of a random post, but Ive just had a strange experience I thought I would tell you all about.

I have just been speaking to a friend who has just come back from a two week stay in at the Port Orleans Riverside. A place ive stayed a few times. Obviously the first question I ask her was 'Did you have a good response?'

Her response 'No! We absolutely hated it, couldnt wait to come home' :scared1:

I was obviously abit taken aback.

She explained to me that she didnt mind the Disney thing for a couple of days, but then seeing characters everywhere got on there nerves. She also said to me that the people on Disney are some of the rudest people she has ever come across in her life!

She also went onto explain it was alot more expensive than they imagined. I obviously asked if she hadn't done her research and she said not really!

My favourite line was when she said she wasnt sure for a few days or not if you could go off Disney property! :rotfl2:

Have any of you out there had experience of people that hated there trip to Orlando???? Im finding it hard to take in!:rotfl2:
I wouldn't go as far as hated it but my Uncle has been a couple of times, not over impressed, had enough after a few days.
Also my Brother, doesn't get Disney, hates crowds etc, he still visits Orlando for conferences and flying (He thinks he is going to get me up in a plane one day over Orlando)but avoids the parks.
This is abit of a random post, but Ive just had a strange experience I thought I would tell you all about.

My favourite line was when she said she wasnt sure for a few days or not if you could go off Disney property! :rotfl2:


I think that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard :rotfl::lmao:
What did she think would happen?? So funny!!

I can remember the first time we went it was in 1994 and I was 18. My Dad was in a strop nearly the whole holiday and at TL he told me that he wished he hadn't come. I told him I wish he hadn't beeping come either and he was a miserable old ...!!! He did change his attitude a bit after that, but I know he will never go back!

Claire :)
I can understand your friend's reaction.

We might love everything Disney, let's not forget that some people do not share our enthousiasm.

Onsite accomodations are very apealing to us, because we're basically crazy about the theming, location, and so on. But let's face it, for the price you pay a disney room, you'll get much more when staying offsite.
And if a guest is not aware that living Disney has a price tag attached, then they will be disappointed. And from that point on, they will naturally find grounds to hate everything or nitpick at everything.

We also know that Disney is overpriced. We accept that, because the "magic" basically makes things worth it. But what happens when you don't bite into the magic ? Everything suddendly becomes so overpriced that it spoils the experience.
Disneyworld is a vacation heaven, or so first timers think. But we know that going to disneyworld requires advanced planning, and that you can easily drown in a sea of opportunities, things to do, etc. And you can easily get lost or confused, and the frustration will spoil the experience even further. And since Disney is "vacation heaven", people think everything will be offered to them on a silver platter. No need to get involved, it will all come right to your door. But we know that's not how things are done.
So yes, when you go to Disney's thinking it's just an ordinary trip, like any other, then you'll be disappointed.

Crowds will also be a problem. People ARE rude, and they are especially rude because Disney is a luxury vacation, some will think they own the parks. And because of rude behaviours, they will adopt rude behaviours themselves, as a protective measure. And if we accept that, it's because we are prepared for that, and because we are used to crowds and huge waiting lines.

Have you ever tried to go to Disney unprepared ? Guess if you did, you only did once.
Try to think how disappointing such a trip could be.

Some people just don't like the Disney atmosphere. Well we probably wouldn't like the kind of holidays they prefer, and they probably wouldn't understant if we said we hated their very own kind of vacations.

But to conclude, it seems from what you describe, that your friend did not really know what to expect but went with a definit idea of what things should be ... she was bound to be disapointed from the very start.
Disney requires open mind, open hearts and child's eyes. Disney is not for granted, it's about what you bring inside, the magic is not inside the park, it's inside your heart. If you're not ready, it won't work
yes, the lack of planning and not knowing what you're in for is definitely a recipe for disappointment..

by the way, i've encountered similarly negative reactions among friends who've gone for the first and only time..

and of course, they just HAVE to tell us how horrible it was since they know how much we love it...

but these are the same people who refused my help in planning their trip...

whereas, those friends i've helped (for free of course, i just do it for fun), have all had a wonderful time...
it's not because i'm such a great planner, but i made sure they were well aware of the hellish weather and massive crowds and i armed them with ways to deal with both of those issues..

but really, i think the people who hated it were going to hate it no matter what....they were all people who were going just because their kids wanted to go and they thought it was stupid to go but they went...so they were predisposed to dislike it..
Sounds like a lack of research - hope it doesn't put your friend off trying florida not just again.

First time we stayed onsite we had no car for most of the trip. When we did hire a car and go out it felt a bit like playing truant - I can remember DH laughing as we drove under the sign and saying we've escaped and i've still got my tag on (lanyard!)
I can understand your friend's reaction.

We might love everything Disney, let's not forget that some people do not share our enthousiasm.

Onsite accomodations are very apealing to us, because we're basically crazy about the theming, location, and so on. But let's face it, for the price you pay a disney room, you'll get much more when staying offsite.
And if a guest is not aware that living Disney has a price tag attached, then they will be disappointed. And from that point on, they will naturally find grounds to hate everything or nitpick at everything.

We also know that Disney is overpriced. We accept that, because the "magic" basically makes things worth it. But what happens when you don't bite into the magic ? Everything suddendly becomes so overpriced that it spoils the experience.
Disneyworld is a vacation heaven, or so first timers think. But we know that going to disneyworld requires advanced planning, and that you can easily drown in a sea of opportunities, things to do, etc. And you can easily get lost or confused, and the frustration will spoil the experience even further. And since Disney is "vacation heaven", people think everything will be offered to them on a silver platter. No need to get involved, it will all come right to your door. But we know that's not how things are done.
So yes, when you go to Disney's thinking it's just an ordinary trip, like any other, then you'll be disappointed.

Crowds will also be a problem. People ARE rude, and they are especially rude because Disney is a luxury vacation, some will think they own the parks. And because of rude behaviours, they will adopt rude behaviours themselves, as a protective measure. And if we accept that, it's because we are prepared for that, and because we are used to crowds and huge waiting lines.

Have you ever tried to go to Disney unprepared ? Guess if you did, you only did once.
Try to think how disappointing such a trip could be.

Some people just don't like the Disney atmosphere. Well we probably wouldn't like the kind of holidays they prefer, and they probably wouldn't understant if we said we hated their very own kind of vacations.

But to conclude, it seems from what you describe, that your friend did not really know what to expect but went with a definit idea of what things should be ... she was bound to be disapointed from the very start.
Disney requires open mind, open hearts and child's eyes. Disney is not for granted, it's about what you bring inside, the magic is not inside the park, it's inside your heart. If you're not ready, it won't work

I think on a Disney holiday you get the chance to let your hair down. By what I can understand, and knowing my friend, they didnt let there hair down and I think to enjoy Disneyworld you have to do it with a smile.

If you dont do Disney with a smile your gonna have a bad time!

As weve all said, if you dont do your research your screwed! Thats probably why these boards are so popular!
I think on a Disney holiday you get the chance to let your hair down. By what I can understand, and knowing my friend, they didnt let there hair down and I think to enjoy Disneyworld you have to do it with a smile.

If you dont do Disney with a smile your gonna have a bad time!

As weve all said, if you dont do your research your screwed! Thats probably why these boards are so popular!

absolutely true - the ability to let ones hair down and just enjoy....enjoy the little things and the big things...

those friends of ours who hated it definitely didn't do disney with a smile...

whatever....better for us if they don't go back....why add even more people to the crowds!! ;)
I was discussing our trips to DLP with some mums from my daughters' school. They had all said they hated Disney and would NEVER go back again. They could not think of one redeeming feature and said that their (6 year old)children didn't really enjoy it either. I wondered whether the parents' attitudes had anything to do with it?:rotfl:
I know a family who hated WDW too! They loved everything else about Florida - Universal, Busch, Sea World, the shopping, the beaches etc but absolutely hated Disney. I could never really get out of them why they hated it - just guess it's not for everyone.
I think some people like to have something to moan about and be misserable, when your in Disney its quite hard to be misserable, take away the crowds and the prices its a very uplifting place. Some people dont like that!

My uncle is a shining example of embaracing Disney. Back at home he keeps himself to himself, can be quite a moaner and misserable, get him in WDW and he turns into this other guy!
I know a family who hated WDW too! They loved everything else about Florida - Universal, Busch, Sea World, the shopping, the beaches etc but absolutely hated Disney. I could never really get out of them why they hated it - just guess it's not for everyone.

I'm like that...I don't HATE WDW but I'd sooner be anywhere else (Universal, Sea World etc.). I like WDW but think it's hugely overpriced and somewhat overrated. :confused3
I'm like that...I don't HATE WDW but I'd sooner be anywhere else (Universal, Sea World etc.). I like WDW but think it's hugely overpriced and somewhat overrated. :confused3

and we HATE universal/IoA/Sea World.....i wouldn't go to any of them for free....

everyone is different!!! :) makes life more interesting that way...

what i can't stand is when my neighbors go out of their way to tell me how much they hated everything about disney...that there was NOTHING good or fun about it.....i mean really, nothing? they didn't like even one thing about WDW? nothing at all?
It's human nature that when people hate something that you love they will tell you as soon as they possibley can and then throw in that insult of 'I don't know why you keep going back, what do you see in it?' or 'You going there again?'
Everybody is different and where I have friends that love to go on cruises and spend a few hours on shore in untold amt of different places and other friends that just sit by a pool in Barbados, I would never be so rude to say the same back to them. Each to their own.
My sister in law hated Disney, she just wanted to sit by the pool at the resort and drink a bud! What a waste of money, she could have gone to Spain for a fraction of the cost and done the same thing.:confused3
People that have made their minds up that its not for them on day one then look for fault and the negatives and are totally blind to any positives and pull all the people down that are with them!
Whilst waiting in the line for DTD virgin checkin the family in front were completing their Virgin Holiday Questionnaire, they were very vociferous that the holiday had not been value for money. Not sure if they were staying on site or off. Disney is getting more expensive (like everything else) but we will keep going as we feel the general standard of service for many aspects of the holiday is high. The reality is, yes there are rude people, yes there are crowds, but a little planning can go a long way to making things smoother.
I was discussing our trips to DLP with some mums from my daughters' school. They had all said they hated Disney and would NEVER go back again. They could not think of one redeeming feature and said that their (6 year old)children didn't really enjoy it either. I wondered whether the parents' attitudes had anything to do with it?:rotfl:

I don't like Disneyland Resort Paris. I visited it for the first time in 1995. 5 years after my last visit to WDW. I think it was the french language that ruined DLP for me. Well I wanted to give it another chance so in March 2011 I went to DLP for the second time. And I didn't find the magic there at all. I think it was the language again that ruined it for me. I did feel like a VIP guest all the time we were there because I had to have the GAC because I had my wheelchair with me. But even feeling like a VIP guest I didn't feel the magic I remeber from WDW.

Now we are planning a WDW vacation for february 2013 and I'm very excited. I'm trying my best to stay openminded so that I will get the magic there once again. I can only hold my fingers crossed :goodvibes
I don't like Disneyland Resort Paris. I visited it for the first time in 1995. 5 years after my last visit to WDW. I think it was the french language that ruined DLP for me. Well I wanted to give it another chance so in March 2011 I went to DLP for the second time. And I didn't find the magic there at all. I think it was the language again that ruined it for me. I did feel like a VIP guest all the time we were there because I had to have the GAC because I had my wheelchair with me. But even feeling like a VIP guest I didn't feel the magic I remeber from WDW.

Now we are planning a WDW vacation for february 2013 and I'm very excited. I'm trying my best to stay openminded so that I will get the magic there once again. I can only hold my fingers crossed :goodvibes

I love DLP even more than WDW, and I think the overall 'frenchness' of the resort makes it all the more magical, it's very romantic and European.
I didn't feel the magic I remeber from WDW.

Don't compare WDW to DLRP, it's like comparing a signature restaurant to a quick service restaurant.
For various reasons DLRP does not offer what WDW has to offer, and I guess those who know both resorts will agree with that.
First of all there is absolutely no money for park operation/upgrade/innovation, refurbs are cancelled, upgrades are postponed, and they cut back on almost everything (stars'n'cars for example)
Employment policies are nonsense. They recruit long term unemployed people, because of the incentives, and forget about the performing abilities of candidates. Once again, it's all about money. and the "spirit" is not often here. (note that there are very good CMs, but some just don't belong to any Disney park)
there is also the "european factor". How can you import a US concept such as a Disney theme park on a continent where loads of people refuse "US imperialism", and France is really rejecting everything of US origin ... think some french guys even burned down a mcdonalds as a protest to US imperialism ... (French guy speaking here)
Management methods are not the same, and I could go on forever like this.

French in shows ... well the park is in France, isn't it ?
I suppose that when visiting Paris, some french with the right accent is so much "couleur locale" ... you'd probably be disapointed if everyone spoke perfect english. I'll also add that French is a widespread language around the world.
I don't know about Tokyo disneyland, but I guess it would be logical to hear at least some japanese from time to time.
In florida and California, there are wide spanish speaking communities. Does it spoil your stay to hear some spanish ?
that's part of the experience.

I agree, though, that WDW is way above DLRP, but DLRP is still fantastic.
Sure, if you go to DLRP and start comparing with other Disney parks, you'll end up hating your trip ... but you will always get the same result when you compare things. Why not try to enjoy the present moment ?
Some people think it's like the commercials...Mickey comes along, takes you by the hand and off you go into this magical land :lmao:
People just don't realize that Disney is a city within itself. It's not Six Flags. You have to research and be prepared. I am NOT a planner, we live from day to day. But Disney planning is a MUST. It's a major shock to those who have never been at all.
There's always something new to learn when it comes to Disney. If you don't know your stuff...you might not have a good time. Going at the hottest time of year, the most crowded time of year.....it can make for a very bad trip and they never ever go back again.
My dad loves Orlando - we've always stayed offsite. The one year I didn't go with them (my mum, dad and sister went), they stayed onsite in Disney and they all hated it.

They didn't like how difficult it was to get offsite, to other Orlando theme parks etc.

This year, I persuaded them to go back but to stay in I-Drive (I've never stayed onsite yet). It was me, DFi, my best friend and the 3 of them.
I have now managed to convert my mum, the woman who said she would not go back until she had grandchildren is now begging to go back next year.
Apparently we do things so differently that they loved it.

I also took them on the Lynx bus from I-Drive to Disney to show that you can do it for cheaper and they agreed that they probably did the onsite thing "wrong".

I still don't think they'll stay onsite again, but at least they'll definitely go back!

My plan is to go for 3 weeks and stay onsite at Disney for 1, I-Drive for 1 and Universal for 1.
Now I just need the money for that! Haha


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