Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

If you insist: It was heavenly, the most delicious chocolate mousse filling ever with just enough yellow cake to keep the chocolate ganache frosting from overpowering it!

Sorry, but you asked for it

So when are we going to find out about the next most precious baby to grace this earth?

That cake sounds heavenly!! I try to keep in good shape when I am expecting so I have been riding my exercise bike indoors most every day and I try to limit the sweets and just eat.......fruit. But man, chocolate sounds so good!!!

Marita, you can just blame Pkondz, but I think we have decided to let the little buzz's gender be a surprise. I promise you guys will get quick notice, I usually take my lap top with me....or at least I did with the other two kiddos!

Don't think tman has anything to worry about. HE can spell unlike yours truely here. *thumping myself in the head"

Hey! Don't sell yourself short! Ya done real good.

Now I have those dancing rodents from the commercial in my head.

Can't think of that one. Details?

Don' feel too bad about the man card being lost at a movie. Lance lost his st non other than Disneyland when we suckered er um convinced him that dancing down mainstreet USA with EEyore was a good idea and that no one would know him. The girls really got him on that one. They had to use the big eyed "Please Daddy?

Ooohh... that's a tough one to say no to.

No one here knows who you are anyway"

But the youtube video will live on.

About halfway through the parade it came to a stop so they could do their little doe see doe and sure enough we hear "Holy Smokes that's Lance from work from behind me in the crowd" I got "the daggers of death look" from him for that one.


Lucky for Lance the guy has 4 daughters and understood that what happens on Mainstreet stays on Mainstreet. I mention and bore you with this because while hanging out at the hospital waiting for his surger to be done put some old camera cards into my laptop and found the 10 seconds of shame video o Thursday.

Be sure and post it and link to it here!

How'd the surgery go?

And so yeah, I like your advice Pkondz. I do value your opinion which is why I posted the question in your TR.

Then again, I'm the guy who told the captain of the Titanic to not worry about some little ice cubes. I also told the captain of the Hindenburg that Hydrogen would be a good choice.

I showed your post to DH and we decided to keep it a secret from everyone until birth day. See what in the world am I going to do when you finish this TR? You must drag this sucker out, at least until Nebo gets back.

I'm not sure if that's possible. I've only got one more post and this puppy's done.

I was thisclose to meeting him, but since I can't this time due to work, maybe, just maybe we can all meet next spring....after Easter/spring break in late April? How cool would that be? Two birds with one stone!! ;) I know it may be a stretch, but that would be awesome!!

Yeah, I heard that you had to cancel. That really sucks. I had to cancel ours... but it was a year in advance, not short notice like yours was! We won't be going in the spring (barring some sort of monetary, miracle windfall). There's a chance, we might get there next summer, but even that's just a gleam in my eye right now.

And you aren't just a firework, you are selling yourself short! You are a sparkly firework!!! ;)

Gee... thanks.

You're not helping me here, ya know.

Oh yes, the Pkondz thought inducing Katy Perry song was "Wide Awake".

I don't know the titles... just know 'em to hear 'em.

Hey! Maybe that qualifies me to get my man card back? I'll have to look into that.

Marita, you can just blame Pkondz, but I think we have decided to let the little buzz's gender be a surprise.

Oh, sure. Go right ahead and blame me. I'm married and a father. So I'm used to it.
I don't know the titles... just know 'em to hear 'em.

Hey! Maybe that qualifies me to get my man card back? I'll have to look into that.

Why yes, I think that just might qualify you to at least get your man card learner's permit! ;)

Oh, sure. Go right ahead and blame me. I'm married and a father. So I'm used to it.

Not just married and a father.....married with two teenage daughters!! I think that in and of itself can give you your man card back! ;)

Oh yeah, if that glimmer in your eye would develop into the slightest possibility that the Pkondz family should make it to the World next summer then as I just told DH, it would be worth it, even for just a long weekend to say hi to you. Your sense humor is so similar to DH's. I know you guys would hit it off!

I would even be willing to brave the Brazilian tour groups to meet you guys, and that my friend, is really saying something! ;)

Not just married and a father.....married with two teenage daughters!! I think that in and of itself can give you your man card back! ;)

Hey that's right! Gimme!

Oh yeah, if that glimmer in your eye would develop into the slightest possibility that the Pkondz family should make it to the World next summer then as I just told DH, it would be worth it, even for just a long weekend to say hi to you. Your sense humor is so similar to DH's. I know you guys would hit it off!

"Say hi to me". I like that. We'd plan a meet, arrange time and place. Then we'd meet...

"Hi pkondz family!"
"Hi Buzz family!"
<crickets> <crickets> <crickets>
"Okay, so... See ya!"

I would even be willing to brave the Brazilian tour groups to meet you guys, and that my friend, is really saying something! ;)

Whoa. That is saying something. What're you trying to do? Give me a swelled head?

Too late.

Umm, never mind.....

Oh, no. You're not getting off that easy. Spill, lady.
I would, but I just had that last glass of wine, so I can't remember. This was like what, 3 hours ago? Geesh!

A Marita glass o'wine.


Jill in CO
Dis board rockanthem (to the tune of lmfao's rock anthe)
The Neebster left for the world tonight
Everybody just have a good time.
Have to wait to see what he hurts this time
But we still know they'll have a good time
Party Rock in he house tonight
everybody just have a good time
Gonna wait for nebos trip report
and wait for ponzi's sly retorts
Every day they have us chuckeling
chuckeling chuckeling,,

Hey that was really good! See Thumpy? You're not the only one who's got rythm. :laughing:

Oh Good. Someone else to come up with songs now. Now I can sit back, relax and just enjoy reading the TR.

The End

Free at last, free at last!

Nebo’s gone to DisneyWorld.

No longer will I have to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Nebo wit. The way I see it, since this is the last chapter (Oh, stop that wild applauding and cheering… you still have to suffer through this one! Mwahahaha! You’re mine! All mine!!!)

sorry ‘bout that…

As I was saying, since this is the last chapter; I fully expect to post, await the inevitable scorn and derision, and then have the ever so lovely and delightful Oh Mari toss it unceremoniously on the scrap pile… about 3 minutes before Nebo and Smidgy return home.

Oh, I’m practically giddy as a schoolgirl at the thought!

See? I can post something like that and not fear retaliation. TR life is good.

Of course if Oh Mari goes on holidaze or something and doesn’t junk it in time, I might be in a spot of bother. But that’s a risk I’m willing to take. Live life on the edge! Playing for all the marbles, ‘cause Lord knows I could use a few, having lost mine when I started this merry-go-round.

So everybody ready? Trays in their upright and locked positions? Seat belts fastened? Can a seatbelt be slowened?
“Did you buckle up, sweetheart?” (Yeah, I’m talking to you Nebo)
“Nnnnnoooootttttt, yyyyyeeeeettttt… Aaaaallllllmmmmooooosssssstttttt ddddddoooooonnnnneeeee”

I guess you can.

But that just leaves the question; can a seat belt be fastener or fastenest?

This TR brought to you by the letter ‘A’ (‘cause I’m Canadian… think about it… say it out loud if it’ll help) and the number ‘infinity’ (which is the length of this intro and the opposite of the amount of patience you, gentle reader, have left).

Okay, okay. (tough crowd)

The pkondz clan had just raced halfway across Oahu (I’m not kidding…. Look on a map) only to arrive a tad late to claim their baggage.

I’ve always liked that expression. “Claim your baggage” or “Baggage claim”. It’s like you’re back in the Wild West and there’s Gold in them thar suitcases! If you put one on the ground and jump over it, does that make you a claim jumper? Or just an idiot jumping up and down over people’s suitcases and running from security?

At least now I’ve got a goal in life for my next foray to the airport.

We get to the baggage storage area and it’s closed. I will admit to having a brief moment of concern… until I spotted the phone on the wall by the door. There was even a handy dandy little sign that said to pick up the phone when the luggage keeper cubby was closed.

I suppose picking up the phone would be more effective then beating it to death with a mallet.

I pick up the phone and a ‘nice person’ answers and tells me that someone will be ‘right down’ to retrieve our luggage.

Ever notice that when someone says they’ll be ‘right down’, it’s an admission that a rather large portion of time will elapse between the time the statement was uttered and the person is ‘down’? And the larger the rush you are in is directly proportional to the time that will pass until said person shows up?

In a surprisingly short period of time, a hotel employee rounds the corner and walks towards us. Hooray! We can get our bags and change in the hospitality room! And we’ll have just enough time, too. The employee walks up to us and gives us a nice big smile… and walks past us… and walks past the luggage dungeon… and walks to the next corner and just… keeps… going.

Not the luggage person.

But we don’t have to worry because coming in the opposite direction is not one, but two, count ‘em, TWO hotel employees. Yay! Because we know that at least one half of them will open the door and retrieve our wayward bags.

These two don’t even give us a smile as they saunter past. Too busy talking to each other to notice the slightly nervous loitering louts.

It turns out that the pathway by the bag jail is like an employee freeway. Every minute or so someone dressed in hotel livery would wander by accompanied by the requisite rise and fall of hope.

An hour later… okay, it was maybe 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour… the bag whisperer arrives. Cheering erupts from the large crowd gathered there. That’s the truth. No embellishment… as long as you consider ‘four’ to be a ‘large crowd’. But there was cheering.

The bag whisperer, bravely retrieves our recalcitrant luggage and we’re ready to go…

I have no idea where the ‘hospitality room’ is. I ask our hero.
“Did you make a reservation?”
“Ummm…. No?”
“Oh, you have to reserve the suite when you check out in the morning.”

Of course you do. How utterly stupid of me. When I checked out that morning, I asked about the hospitality room. I confirmed that these rooms are for people like us, who might need a place to change. And I also made sure that we could leave our luggage at the hotel until we were ready to use it.

How silly of me to not actually say, “And by the way, even though I’ve said that we want to use it… I’m officially requesting the pleasure of its company.”

Stupid of me, really.

We do what we gotta do. We go to the front lobby and start opening suitcases in the middle of the floor. We start piling clothes, knick knacks and souvies all around us. Eventually we find suitable airplane clothes and head off in search of a restroom.

Which reminds me. Is this a Canadian thing? To me, a restroom is a polite way of saying washroom… which isn’t usually a room where you wash, but is a polite way of saying bathroom… which isn’t usually a room with a bath, but you get my point. And bathroom is really just a way of not being vulgar and saying ‘toilet’.

I snicker a little bit just typing that. I really have no idea why.



When we were at Hanauma Bay, I needed a place for us to change and asked someone where I could find a restroom. She apparently didn’t understand what I wanted and said, “Do you mean the toilets?” <snort>

Dunno, I just found it a little odd.

Could be me. ‘Cuz I am.

We emerge from the restrooms/washrooms/bathrooms/toilets changed and ready to go. Now just to repack/pack, return the car, hop on a plane and leave.

I really don’t want to.

Leave, that is.

We have four carry-ons and two big suitcases. We had packed an inflatable air mattress (just in case) for one girl if they couldn’t share a bed. It leaked. I left it in the room. But we’ve accumulated other stuff… most of which seem to be gifts for people back home and new clothes for the brats.

Oh, and a glass sculpture.

We pile everything back into the suitcases. I empty my carry-on (I'll carry your books, I'll carry a torch, I'll carry a tune, I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I'll even hari-kari if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun! ) and it’s just big enough for the sculpture… that’s wrapped in bubble wrap… that’s in a box.

My carry-on is not exactly new. I’ve had it for over 20 years. I think I won it or it was given to me. Pretty sure the latter. It was black and leather and had a beer manufacturer logo on it.

20 years ago it was cool. Now it’s just convenient.

I cram the glass sculpture box inside and zip it up. Or try to.

The zipper breaks.

Well, I can still carry it like that and it’s wedged in pretty good, so it shouldn’t fall out as long as it stays upright. Let’s go.

We shove everything and everyone into the car and we speed off to the airport. But Bi… uh… Witchin’ Betty has other ideas.

We get on the highway. Ever notice that airport signs are easy to follow? Of course they are, you want the visitors to be able to go away, right? But nobody seems to think that they might want to get around while they’re visiting.

Betty starts to tell us to take various off ramps.
“Take exit on right… Recalculating… Take next exit on right… Recalculating… Okay, this time for real, TAKE NEXT EXIT ON RIGHT… Recal… oh, you just don’t love me anymore! My mother the toaster warned me about men like you!”

Yeah, the love affair with Betty is definitely over.

I ignore Betty and drive instead to the airport and rental return lot. We hop on the shuttle and…

I’m not good with names. I admit it. I’m not much better with faces. Maybe worse.

Ruby’s the opposite. She’s always saying things like, “Remember Bob and Cathy? We met them at that party for my Boss’s Uncle’s cousin in law? I saw them today and we had a nice chat.”

I usually just nod. Seems safer that way… otherwise I’ll get ‘an explanation’ which results in me finding out that I remember fewer people then I thought I’d forgotten.

We get on the shuttle to the terminal and Ruby starts chatting with the driver.
“Hi! You drove us from the airport a week ago. You like to take your wife to the Hilton on your anniversary.”

I have no idea how she does that. She’s like Rainman, sometimes. Guess how many arguments I win when it comes to anything in our past?

Me: “Did so!”
Her: “Did not!”
Me: “Did so! I remember because I think I might’ve been there or something.”
Her: “Did not! You had the clam chowder for appetizer followed by the spaghetti which you said was really good but needed more salt. And you wore jeans and your blue T-shirt, not the one with the white stripes, the other one. And you definitely did!”

How does she do that? Maybe she’s just lying about the whole thing.

But how would I know?

She scares me a little.

At the airport there’s a long line of people waiting to check in. There’s a man standing by a scale rubbing his hand and cackling with glee anytime somebody’s suitcase is over the 50 lb limit.

You Yanks are lucky. You get 50 lbs. Up here we only get 23kg :rolleyes1:

The Grim Weigher checks my bag and chortles, “Ah ha! Your bag is 58 lbs! Go over to the table over there and take some stuff out.”

I’m not making this up. He really did seem happy that my bag was over-weight and wanted me to “take stuff out”. Take stuff out? If I didn’t want it with me, why the heck would I be lugging it around!?!?

“Do I have to take stuff out?”
“You don’t have to… but it’s going to cost you $100.”

Rats. Well, there’s nothing in there that I want to leave behind… at least not 8 lbs worth. Everybody else’s bag is pretty full. Guess I’ll have to suck it up and pay the fine. I wonder if that’ll be on top of the already stupid $25/bag fee or in addition to it.
The Gim Weigher slaps a bright green ‘loser’ sticker on my suitcase and waves me away.

The line is slow moving. Tectonic plates move quicker than this line. People all around us are beginning to panic. “Martha? What time is our flight, again?” “Bill, you did say they weren’t boarding for another 20 minutes, right?” “Samantha, you looked really hot in that negligee last night.”

That last one might not’ve been relevant.

We get to a checkout podium and I have no idea why the line was so slow. We’re done in just a few seconds.

And! No extra charge for the over-weight bag! I don’t know if she didn’t see the ‘loser’ sticker, didn’t look at the scale readout or just cut us a break because they were busy or she was just being nice. Whatever the reason… Yes!

Eventually we board the aircraft and by 10pm are in the air winging our way to Denver. I’m pretty sure Ruby was asleep before the wheels left the ground. I am tempted to write embarrassing things on her forehead, but then recall that she’ll never, ever forget about it. I restrain myself, which saves the flight attendants the trouble.
Ruby and I are sitting together in the middle of a row and the kids are a few rows up. I worry a bit about Kay’s ears, but she’s okay. (hey, a few rows up is better than one plane over.)

While Ruby’s snoozing, I watch ‘The Iron Lady’. Meryl Streep won the Academy Award for best Actress in it. She was very good. The movie wasn’t. Win some, lose some. After that, I don’t recall much of what went on. Dull trip and tired… not a great combination.

I know that I got us some muffins to munch on in Denver.

And one little heart attack moment.

At some point I picked up my carry-on and the handle snapped. It has two. It started to swing to one side (remember the broken zipper?) but I grabbed it in time with my free hand.

Close. Of course now my carry-on is more of a ‘cradle-on’, but at least the sculpture survived.

Back in Winnipeg, my folks were kind enough to pick us up at the airport. A short drive later and we’re home. Groggy… but home.

Ah, it’s good to be back… when can we go again?

We’ve packed a lot into the time we were there… and that’s part of the problem. It’s been part of the problem for the last couple of trips. I do all the planning, because I like doing it and Ruby hates doing it. The last couple of trips I’ve wanted to make sure the kids get to experience as much as possible based on the theory that they may never see it or go, again. Or that they may not fully experience something unless they experience it. Or maybe it’s not wanting to let them get bored and not have a good vacation. Or… I dunno. It is what it is.

Ruby suffers as a result. I remember the last time we were in Disney. One of her favourite days was when I took the kids back to … I’m gonna say DHS. She put her foot down and refused to do another rope drop. She stayed back at the hotel, did laundry and vegged out by the pool. She was much happier afterwards.

Running around killing herself may not be quite her style. :rolleyes:

I guess what I’m saying is we’re not taking the time to smell the pineapple. I keep telling myself, “Next time! Next time it’ll be different!” And it will. We both like to do things and see things…. But maybe not at the crazy pace I set this trip. Which was okay, ‘cause Ruby wasn’t with us for most of it. The kids are older now and are on the cusp of being able to do things on their own. Time to pass the torch.

At least this time she didn’t feel any pressing need to do laundry!

I do know that if we return to Oahu… or the next time we go to WDW, there won’t be this need to do everything… Because we already have. Oh, sure there’s a few things we skipped (Pearl Harbor anyone?) but that’s a good thing. Gotta have a few things to look forward to, right?

I’d like to thank all the readers for contributing to this TR. Without you, well… it would’ve been pretty crappy. You guys provided me with some chuckles and what more could a guy ask for? I’m still singing ‘Secret Ponzi Man’ in my head! (Darn you T-Man!!)

I have to give an extra special thanks (and provide the rest of you with someone to blame) to Nebo for pushing me into writing this in the first place.

Also thanks to bankr63, Thumper Man and Thumper Man’s Wife, Backstage Gal, buzz1121, cp'ersmom, Sandy Mouse, jakeybake, queenbetsey and nowellsl for posting back on Nebo’s TR or PMing me, letting me know I wouldn’t be abandoned over here. That may not be a comprehensive list… that’s all I remember for sure. If you got left out, feel free to flame.

Thanks too, to everyone who posted, you know who you are…
If you lurked, drop a line in and say hi. Always nice to meet new folks.

I had no idea which way this was going to go when I started it. I did know that I didn’t want a cookie cutter TR, but darn it! that’s what happened anyway.

Oh, well.

Speaking of cookies… thanks too for the following recipe contributors:
GreenAcres, Backstage Gal, cjlvsccm, orenonmommyof2, jedijill, buzz1121, shan23877 nowellsl, queenbetsey, laura74, dana0801, nrod, cp’ersmom, Sandy Mouse, Smidgy and MAGICFOR2. (Honorary mention, Nebo, for how to eat an oreo)

And now, the part of the TR that you’ve all being dying to read!

Loved It! Thank you ponzi for this fabulous TR! I had such a great time reading along. And I think there was even a Hawkeye moment in that last chapter...it was charming, fun and a bit irreverent, just like the author!

Maria :upsidedow
You Yanks are lucky. You get 50 lbs. Up here we only get 23kg:rolleyes1

Who you calling a Yank? :mad: I happen to be a Dodgers fan thank you very much. Can't stand the NY Yankees. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I have a handy dandy app for that. 50.70632026 lbs. for anyone wondering. So technically we'd be able to travel safely too/from Canada without worrying about the weight limit.

“Do I have to take stuff out?”
“You don’t have to… but it’s going to cost you $100.”

Rats. Well, there’s nothing in there that I want to leave behind… at least not 8 lbs worth. Everybody else’s bag is pretty full. Guess I’ll have to suck it up and pay the fine. I wonder if that’ll be on top of the already stupid $25/bag fee or in addition to it.

Lady H and I always take an extra bag. We have a duffel bag that folds up quite small and doesn't take up much space in our checked bag. So we take it along in case we need an extra bag to help distribute the weight. We usually fly Southwest, and we're each allowed 2 checked bags. Somehow I'm the one that is usually only checking one bag, so I have one to spare.

I’m still singing ‘Secret Ponzi Man’ in my head! (Darn you T-Man!!)

What did I do?

Oh alright, I'll say it. You're welcome. I'm glad you really, REALLY like it.:goodvibes

I have to give an extra special thanks (and provide the rest of you with someone to blame) to Nebo for pushing me into writing this in the first place.

Yeah, you always did like him better.

Also thanks to bankr63, Thumper Man and Thumper Man’s Wife, Backstage Gal, buzz1121, cp'ersmom, Sandy Mouse, jakeybake, queenbetsey and nowellsl for posting back on Nebo’s TR or PMing me, letting me know I wouldn’t be abandoned over here. That may not be a comprehensive list… that’s all I remember for sure. If you got left out, feel free to flame.

Laura74 is going to smack you silly.

And special thanks to you for the TR. Hopefully Lady H or I can start a DL, TR soon. Work has been crazy busy. By the time we get home sometimes, all we want is to fill up a sippy cup with whatever is left on the bar, and don't even turn on the puter. Oh who are we kidding. Sippy cup is TOO small. I fill up the big ol hurricane glass.

Speaking of cookies… thanks too for the following recipe contributors:
GreenAcres, Backstage Gal, cjlvsccm, orenonmommyof2, jedijill, buzz1121, shan23877 nowellsl, queenbetsey, laura74, dana0801, nrod, cp’ersmom, Sandy Mouse, Smidgy and MAGICFOR2. (Honorary mention, Nebo, for how to eat an oreo)

Oh yeah. The cookies. I'll have to bookmark this TR. Still need all the cookie recipes. Since we're back on cookies, I guess Lady H and I have been in violation this whole TR. Thanks for letting us hang around anyways.

So I guess there's no need for this anymore. This is the WDW Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe I stole from the Mainstreet Bakery window.

Did I say stole?

I meant the recipe WDW has displayed in the window for everyone to enjoy.

Warning. This next picture may have you craving cookies. This is the end result. Lady H made some last week.

And now, the part of the TR that you’ve all being dying to read!

I'm not dying to read the end. I very much prefer to stay alive thank you very much. I have 2 Disney trips this year that I would like to go on.

Oh great. Now I bet you're expecting at least one more song from me. Let me see what I can come up with.
Great report. I'm mad that you didn't stop by to at least say hello when you were in Denver. :)

Jill in CO
Whoa. That is saying something. What're you trying to do? Give me a swelled head?

Too late.

Well, we're only 6 hours away from Disney so don't get carried away with the "big head". You bring Wunderbars with you and I am THERE!! ;)
No way!! I hate the last chapter is written! :sad:

I'm glad you guys made your flight and arrived home safely. It's been so great to converse with you in your own TR. I'll still be dropping in as long as the TR is open.

When I talked with Nebo on the phone, we talked about the the TR posters a little and I mentioned how many of the TRs I wish I had time to post in, but that the loyalty has to start somewhere right? Nebo drew me out of lurkdom initially, but then there was you. Between the two of you, it's a blast to get on the DIS and chat with friends.

Once your TR closes, I will hopefully pick up Laura and Shannon's TRs so the fun will continue, eh? ;)


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