June, July, August PLANNING thread

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MKY and Candi: One more week! I am a bit jealous. Could use a trip right about now. Going 2 years is too long. I am ready for a Disney fix and Disney Channel is not cutting it anymore!:rotfl:

Tomar and Candi: More prayers.:hug:

EE22 and MKY: We are melting. They are saying 60 degrees by the weekend. Only one day off from school and no delayed opening on Tuesday. We have some sort of state test almost every day it seems. I never realized how many of them there were until this year. The kids had to go to school because of the exams. Crazy.

Have everyone has a great weekend. Thankful that today is Thursday, today is Friday for me!
Hiya everyone,:banana:

This time next week, >>>> Orlando!!:dance3:

Tomar, and Candi, :grouphug: Hang in there. :wizard:

At least the weather is looking up 61 here today!

TP2, I know, the disneystore here isn't making it either. It is all kids stuff, and 1 adult T. Of course, I bought the T.:rotfl: :thumbsup2

Hope everyone has a great thursday nite, mky:cutie:
Hey MKY: So excited for you. I hear you with DS. I was online trying to spend a $20 gift certificate and was having a hard time. Wound up with a toiletry bag. Not too exciting but it will be useful for our vacation this summer.:goodvibes I will live through you all. NEED PICTURES!!! Have a wonderful trip.:yay: :yay: :yay:
Hi Guys :goodvibes
Disneystore here is in the same shape....NaDa for grownup things....alot for the Princesses though princess: :angel:
and Speaking about Princesses....my younger DS drove 14 hours yesterday to visit with his Bro and Neice in SC.....He said the Perfectly Princess is starting to look like her ......Gram-ma.....Awwwwwww Shucks !!! :angel: ;)
Hey TP2- Have you noticed that our "MickeyPath "countdowns are down ?
Hmmmm....wonder if the sight is down or we just have to make new ones ??
Update on Nana- She was giving a seditive today from the doctor....it seems to be keeping her alittle calmer today.....my head is still spinning from mentally worrying about her on a daily basis these days....
MKY and Candi !!....Pictures ...Pictures ....we want Pictures !!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hope you guys have a wonderful time !!!!:banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1:
Well it was 60 degrees here today and the motorcycles were out in numbers since it is the first nice day around here. No one ever really winterizes since we usually get a break and you can take it for a spin now and them.

Since it was the first nice day, the cars are not watching and with DH being distracted with everything about his dad, I only let him take it for a few blocks, just to get a taste.

I on the other had went shopping for black bra to wear with my new dress, like I was not having a bad enough week :scared1:

I think I hate bra shopping more than bathingsuit shopping. :sad1: What is with that! I did have a great saleswomen that helped me out a lot. :goodvibes I think she saw the look of pure terrior when I went in to try on. It was lovely, gave me a great fat roll under my arm. :scared1: WTH! I am only 136 pounds and I am 5'6" I should not have a roll there! :rotfl: And I have nothing to fill an A cup let alone spill over under my arm. :lmao:

But I did find one that fits okay, did not need to take out a mortgage to buy and has enough padding to help me hide the fact the air conditioning in the restaurants is always too high :lmao:

I got to talk to my FIL on the phone tonight. He had to talk through the oxygen mask but I was able to tell him I loved him without crying. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to thank him for always being supportive and giving us good advise and always at the right times.

DD10 got to say hi and held it together but DD13 could not get on the phone since she could not stop crying when we dialed the number.:grouphug: DD13 has been sick with some virus all week. Started with a sore throat, running nose and eyes and headache and dizziness. Then today she started with a bad cough. I think it might be time to see a doctor.
MKY and Candi: 4 more days!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

MKY: You have gotta see what is going on at Diamond Horseshoe Revue. They have refurb walls all the way around.:woohoo: I would love if they would open that back up again and put something fun there. I would make it a must do ADR, that is for sure.:hyper:
Hiya everyone,:banana:

2more days to work, 4days till WDW!!! 5 days till we get to meet Candi and her crew.:dance3: Sounds like, I am a little excited!:wizard:

Work was nuts. We are over full, and spilling into the adult unit next to us. :eek: Glad, I made it through the weekend. :woohoo: I was in "charge" for the weekend, and thats not a pretty picture. Gives you a ton, of extra work plus your own patients. :scared1: Tommorrow and tuesday >> return to flunky status!:worship: :cool1:

Bug, did her packing [well some of it] this weekend, she was off. And I've been half packed. Got to do the underwear, pj's, and disney gear >> hats, bags, etc.. . Small stuff. I should be able to finish up on wednesday, when I am off. Get hair cut, on wed, otherwise no plans.

Candi, :rotfl: I hate bra shopping too. I finally buy one, then go home put in draw, and wear old comfy ones.:idea: Then toss the new one, in goodwill pile in a year. Glad you got to talk to Fil. :grouphug:

TP2, we most definately will check out the diamond horseshoe. It is about time they do something with that.

Tomar, hoping nana is doing a little better. :grouphug: And that you relaxed a little this weekend. Don't want to wear you out, your asthma will start kicking in this weather too.

EE22, maybe you could come over and help pack? But bring a boat.

Sorry ladies, but we are sending a ton of rain. :scared1: Our crawl space was even filling up a bit, it is so bad here. Got the sub pump working better & it is clearing now. :rolleyes1 But lots of streets, and areas are flooding. At least it is not snow.

Happy sunday nite, mky:cutie:
MKY - way too much rain here as well. Everything is soaked and muddy. It finally seems to be lettingy up a bit.

MKY - I need to send you some photos so you can see what I look like. I will also send you the phone numbers you can reach us at. I can't wait to meet you and Bug.

I need to start packing tomorrow, but only after I get a message first for my back.

Work is going to be crazy this week. So far DH is still coming with us.

Hiya everyone,:banana:

1 more day to work tommorrow. Then 3pm >> I'm on vacation!:dance3: Right now, I should be running arounding, last minute things, dog food, camera battery.. . .. .. . But, babying myself, cause I went in at 4am and worked 12 hours.:rolleyes: Just wore out. I will have alot to do tommorrow, but should be stoked to do it.

Candi, I think I know from your pictures. I am pretty sure, I could pick out all our friends at sight. I am having trouble remembering, are you checking into nick on thursday nite? or moving there? Hoping things are ok with FIL, and DH is ok.:grouphug: Is you DD feeling any better?

Thursday is just around the corner now, :yay: :cheer2: :yay:

MKY - I have not even started packing. The dryer part should be in tomorrow, then I can do :laundy: and maybe pack some stuff like shorts and formal wear.

FIL is still holding on. DH is still stressed out but we are assuming he is coming at this point. The next couple of days will tell the final tale.

Housesitter is lined up and the ride to the airport is all set.

The housekeeper comes tomorrow, so all I will have to do is change the bed on Thursday.

I am so not ready :scared1: and at this point I am not really even ready to start to get ready....I feel I am in pause mode.

We are moving to the Nick hotel on Friday morning. I have to send you an email still.

DD13 is on the mend but will probably have to use the nasal spray on the flight so I picked up a new bottle.

I need to be ready to go on Wednesday night so wish me luck. :woohoo:
party: MKY AND CANDI .....
AND.....HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME !!!!!party:party:

Nana is the same guys....thank you all for asking :grouphug: ....she is home...and we are trying to have her get a home health care giver as soon as possible....right now my DSIL is there with her wish is easing my mind alitte at least :angel:

TP2- I know that DD4 is going in soon for her Adnoids ....Good Luck ...I am praying for her speedy recovery !!:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
TP2: What have you told DD about Friday? Prayers that all goes well.

Prayers still to Tomar and Candi too.

MKY...hope you make it your last day!
MKY and Candi: You guys are leaving tomorrow!!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Hope you are all packed up.

Candi: Hope FIL is doing better.

MKY: It is after 3:00pm so I assume that work is all done with at this point and you are on your way to being packed up. I can just feel your excitement.:goodvibes

Tomar: Sorry things are still the same for Nana. I guess better than worse. It may stay this way for awhile. Hoping for that home health aide.:flower3:

EE22: Still have not told DD4 anything. Better that way. I always feel like the anticipation is usually worse than what actually happens. I am dealing with enough of that for both of us.:rolleyes: I will save her the misery.:sad1: I have not been sleeping much and then last night I zonked!:faint: DD10 almost missed the bus this morning because I overslept. I never do that.:rolleyes1 Looking forward to putting this week behind us. The house went on the market tonight too. Talk about keeping life busy.:scared:
mky and Candi...have a great time!!:banana: :banana:

TP2: good luck with the house and I hope all goes well on Friday.

Tomar: Hang in there...think about summer adrs to keep your spirits up!
MKY and Candi .......Have a wonderful time !!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

TP2- PixieDust and Prayers for DD :tinker:
And...good luck with the house !!:goodvibes

EE22- Thank you soooooo much ! :hug: ...Im keeping my eye on the prize that`s for sure !:angel:
Hiya everyone, :cool1:

Awaiting my window for southwest. 1:35pm. Fingers crossed all goes well. Print = check, codes check..... .

Candi :thumbsup2 Got it. Hope everyone is doing ok by thur / fri. Can't believe it is here, already. :hug: for DH, you, and kids, alot to deal with.

TP2, Hope all goes well on friday!:hug: Give DD a hug from us. Good luck with the house situation. That is very exciting.

Tomar, glad things are settling a bit. Good luck with the care taker. Get lots of opionions.

EE22, Good luck with the rain here. Its cold today and colder tommorrow. [it's 84 at WDW right now]:thumbsup2 Chicago announced yesterday they are laying off a lot of teachers.:teacher: :sad2:
Health care is still holding, we are opening a whole new building to make us entirely private rooms later in march. I will miss the big move.:cheer2: But peds stays in the "old" building. They said it was good we where almost done, or this would not of been built with the economy.:upsidedow

The view today is doing "disney" all week. :wizard: They are in california. Bob Iger was on, and they are opening "23" which is a disney fan comunity. Found on disney.com They are online, quarterly magazine, and yearly conventions. Sounds like a fee involved. I need to check into this.:idea:

Will miss everyone, Hope all goes well, with everyones situations. They took the computers out of contempary, so will not be online while there at all. :headache: It was supposably too much maintaneous.:confused3 Might get back later tonight, have a great March.

MKY - I sent you an email we got from Disney on the 23...

Can't wait to get out of here for a bit. We had a bit of water in the basement but with as bad as it is in place, it was not bad.

TP2 - good luck tomorrow.

Will post when we get back. We fly home on March 23rd late....
:goodvibes :woohoo: :grouphug: :banana: :cool1: :thumbsup2
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