June, July, August Planning!! Here we come Mouse House!

Hiya everyone :wave2:

Candi, Good luck with your new job! Very exciting.
The breakfast trial > you set up just as any other breakfast or adr's. Kinda pricey, but nice to get into park so early. [and near 7D's].

Today, they where doing the eternal chicago joke on the am news. If you don't like the weather > wait 15 minutes it will change.
Was suppose to be 60 today but only went to 40. Trying to be patient but spring is taking forever.

Happy Planning, mky :wizard:
DH, DD, & I are taking my mom & MIL to WDW, June 8-13. We're staying ASMu Family Suite. We're all excited. Mom went once when I was a teenager & MIL has never been. Grandfathers didn't want to come along, so DH will be driving a bunch of females to Florida & back!
How is everyone doing today? It has gotten cold here again but the sun is out and it should be warmer this afternoon and the coming couple of days.

We are going to head to a pet adoption event this afternoon to check out some rescue dogs. We do have to wait till after our trip in May (for the dogs sake) but I want to go and see what kind of dogs they have an the attitude of the group. :dogdance:

MKY - we say the same thing about the weather here in Windsor, but maybe that is because your weather often ends up coming our way! :)
MKY - Love your Chicago Joke - :lmao:

Candiz - I adopted Isaac my Siamese Cat from a shelter 24 years ago.. he will be 25 in April. :thumbsup2

Midori was Award a score of (A-1) on her Solo and Sight Reading Competition today. :cool1:

Hi Everyone!:sunny:

Been a long time since I was on here.:( So many changes. So I was busy filling in for a teacher out on maternity leave. She is finally back and I have some free time. Enough free time to think about plans for the summer.:yay: Still unsure of what we will do. Booked bounce back last summer but we go back to school earlier than anticipated so we would need to go down prior to free dining reservation. Lots of things floating around my head. Thinking of possibly going to YC and staying Club Level for 4 nights, no parks just resort. Then do a split stay at POR with free dining. Still chewing on the price. Then there is the thought of doing something different.:scared: Not sure how that will fly.

Hope everyone is doing well. Weather has been bad everywhere. Another 4 inches of heavy snow yesterday. Sport fields were finally clear...so spring sport were going to begin this week. Now unsure what will happen. Hoping for a big warmup. :rose::daisy::flower::flower1:
Our family (7 of us) will be at Disney for five nights starting July 1. I'm doing a lot of research so that we can make the most of our visit, without exhausting ourselves. We have all been there at least once (a couple have been there a few times) other than my granddaughter. This will be her first trip! Very excited.
Hi Everyone! Welcome to the new countdowners. Glad to see you TP2...Candi made a comeback too.
Awesome on the solo. Former flute player myself!

I make dining in May for MNSSHP...need tickets still for that.

70 here tomorrow. I hope so!!

I know some are really getting close to trips. Suitcases should be out!
MKY and Tomar!
DS and I will be at Disney from July 28 - Aug. 7. We haven't been since 2013. I was able to snag all the ADRs I wanted with no problem (BOG, Ohana). Fp+ is new to me so I am nervous about that. I have been reading as much as I can to see how it works. Cannot wait to back at my beloved Disneyworld!!
We still have seven weeks till our trip so the suitcases are still packed away. :( Our house is too small to get them out too early. I have most of the planning done, so it is the waiting game for me for the next few weeks.

EE22 I played flute as well. I have tried to pick it up a few times but the talent fades without practise and it is hard to realize you suck at something you use to be really good at! :rotfl:

Congrats to Midori on her performance.
on the flute...yeah, it's been a few years....30 some

okay...just dream about Disney then everyone:earseek::earseek:

Sorry Candi...forget your trip is coming up soon too.
:wave2: Hiya everyone :wave2:

Last night was looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg! Was up at midnite doing our fast pass + for 2 hrs.
::yes:: :woohoo: WooHoo 60 days! ::yes:: :woohoo:
Still waiting on Bugs, situation. We will see.
was in the 60's here today. :beach: will see if it last. Good timing on my schedule. Worked this last weekend > so have Easter off. :thumbsup2

Happy Planning to all our new countdowners!

Candi, hope your job is going to work out perfectly. :wizard:
Congrat's to midori! Nice Pic! :cheer2:

Yes, we seem to be missing Tomar, I have a feeling she's been veryyyyyyyyyyy busy! :goodvibes
I have never played an instrument, always wished I did. Can't believe you guys just let it go, after learning it. :scratchin

Everyone have a great week! mky :wizard:
MKY I kick myself for letting it go. In college, there was no time, then there was no adult concert band to play with, then marriage, job, kids....blah blah blah...excuses excuses....30 years sneaks up on you. :rolleyes1 I do wish I had kept it up.

Did you get the FP + options you were wanting? I am not sure I have done a good job but I am trying not to stress too much.

EE22 were you in the marching band?
Candi, Been to that rodeo before. :rolleyes1 Every time > I learn something new. Timing is everything. Give yourself enough time to get to your next fp+. We have criss/crossed the parks toooooooooooo many times. :fish: I do the lines I rather not stand in. BTMRR is one hot line. All open no air conditioning..... I would rather wait for space mt. Newer rides are also ones to consider. The tiers are a pain but RRRC line is faster and we love toy story.... I found for the most part getting times set with dinning takes the most time. Out of their choices take the closest to what you want and then try to adjust the times.
I wish I knew about SWW's > :yoda: Not sure of what happens when. We are not doing any "special" things that you have to sign up for but I want to see parade and fireworks. Anything special like that. I signed up for the SW dinner at hollywood and vine. That was fun last year. But, we are sooooooooooooooo skipping the breakfast at scifi.

Wondering how the weather has been there? Hope the rain is gone this year. :sad2: Don't want to live through that again. Ugh.

mky paw:
I was in marching band.
I can tell you that the Dwarf ride "sells out" soon after it opens and it's a fun run with a 120 minute line. I'm curious as to where the fp+ area is for Wishes and if it's worth it.

SSW...it's fun just for the characters in the parks. We never did anything special except wait for the characters in the park that the kids like. Storm Troopers in the park are fun!
Thanks EE22. I did secure the Dwarf ride as well as Toy Story as it is my favorite.

SSW - we are looking forward to the parade and such that MKY has described and the atmosphere but don't plan on standing in line to see the characters or such. :)
Hiya everyone! And Happy Easter Weekend!

Well, Bug's job is finally secure. >> So we have moved into full planning mode. I would not let myself get excited or set until that was settled. I just didn't want to cancel everything.
Well, was playing around with "resorts and ap discount" not much left out there. We had CSR but for a little more > we have upgraded to Tomar's favorite. BWV 1 br. villa Its std view so very reasonable with discount. I just need to get sold on BWV and a std view.
The location is key I think because of SWW. We will be in walking distance, if the boats are too backed up.

Well happy planning everyone and have a great weekend.

mky :smickey:
Just like for our trip...your Fave CR so we can walk to MK and go the BLT for the fireworks viewing!
I have to figure out where all the times, etc are for October. I suppose I can get that when we arrive though.


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