June Challenge

6 today=6 total! it's a start, at least. 8 more pages to do in dh's father's day album, won't be working on that one til tuesday.
Great job, everyone!! I am still at 12 pages this month...I ran out of paper and haven't had time to get any yet...

Wonderful!! :)
Hey Beanie, I presume when you say you ran out of paper you mean a particular color/print that you need for the layouts in process! Isn't that always the way? You're on a roll and then despite all the materials on hand that one critical piece of something is missing!

GASP! Ran out of paper! Oh I how I wish that was me! I have so much come borrow some, take some help your self! Only every once in awhile I run out of solids!
I did 2 more last night so I am at 23. I left all my stuff out hoping to do more today!
I got that 4 page spread done -
puts me at 11
I also have another stack needing to get done accumulating! AUGH!
I also have a buncha swap stuff to do oh my!
what do I go to now-

Roflmao at you Spinning! I understand!

Originally posted by FantasticDisFamily
Hey Beanie, I presume when you say you ran out of paper you mean a particular color/print that you need for the layouts in process! Isn't that always the way? You're on a roll and then despite all the materials on hand that one critical piece of something is missing!


Naturally!:rolleyes: That is definitely always the way! I was working on a 6 page layout of Downtown Disney, we seem to do so much there that I end up with lots of pictures, anyway, I was using a particular paper for the background and now of course, I have run out while on page 4! Argh! I am going to be going to New York this weekend coming, so I will pick up some more then! I want to get this layout finished, I hate starting and having to stop!! LOL
Paper and tape runner . I need a case of this stuff !:)
Cyndi ( AKANickidahling )
I did 2 more pages last night. I didn't think I would have the time but I manage to squeek it out! So that is 25!
Spinning, you are on a roll this month!! Keep up the great work!!
Tape, tape and tape. I never have enough. Please add 4 more pages. Brings me to 14 this month.
I'm up to 21 so far. All this rain has been good motivation to just sit and scrap!
Bringing my total to 22 for the month.

Thanks for the inspiration I have actually done another whole year of DD wonderful life. She is going to turn 8 in her book and soon in real life she'll be 15. I'm more than half way there. :bounce: :bounce:

Of course I'll never get current I keep taking pictures.

A scrapaholic - the first solution is admitting you have a problem
I am now up to 31 pages! I finished my DD dance book. I personally really hate it! The pages are fine and it look ok. But I started this book 3 years ago efore I knew anything ( not that I know a ton now!) It is spiral bound....the pages are super simple and only can hold about 3 maybe 4 pictures top per page. But that is pushing it....
But I did do a really nice 4 page spread of her recital that I put in her life album.Using some black and white photos. But felt I need to finish the original book... It is now full!
great job guys-
this is the second month in a row that I haven't done to much - but this time its cuz I got into to many swaps that I have to finish before we go on vacation :)
I got 2 more pages completed though! that is 13 for me!
Now up to 25. I need to pick up more CM pages this afternoon from my consultant. I only have about 5 left.

did 3 more last night...so I am up to 34! I would love to be able to do 2 pages a night.....
Done 7 the last few days. That brings me to a total of 21. At this rate I should have no problem getting the "4 seasons" book done by the summer dinner. Thanks to this board ! ! Had to come into work today... ...but for a treat when I'm done here I'm going to treat myself to a first visit to the new LSS in town..... Back to work.
Well despite thoughts that I wouldn't get any scrapping done this month, I managed to get 6 done at a crop at church last night. I didn't quite finish the event so I may try to squeeze a couple hours in later today.

Right - and the packing is going to take care of itself! :rolleyes:

Keep up the great work everyone!

3's so now I'm up to 28.

Hope the weather is better tomorrow would like to work outside for awhile.

Any one else sick of all this wet weather? First it was snow, snow, and more snow, now it's rain every weekend except one since April.

Well it has helped me get alot of cropping complete I'm up to the end of 1996 and head to 1997 (which has tons of photos) so I'll probably be stuck in 1997 for awhile.

Well back to the scrapbook. It's nice when everyone goes out and your the only one home to do as you please.

A Scrapaholic


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