July5,2003 Magic...who's going?

Wow, I can't believe this board is still up and running. Again, there have been many posts I see but just received last one from Wendy on my e-mail address.

Welcome back Wendy - happy birthday to Russ and Amy.

Jeanneg - was your husband in NYC recently? My husband told me he saw him.

We are going to WDW for 10 days in August next year (with friends and hopefully Wendy will be there too). Hopefully we will be going on the Magic again July 2nd, 2005 with Wendy. We are hoping it will be Eastern again - enjoyed the extra day at sea - but I think it will be Western again.

How is everyone? I am glad to see this thread still going strong.

Wendy - if I don't see you before Thanksgiving, I will call you when you return.
Great to hear from you! YES, we were in NYC recently. It was the weekend of 10/17 for Jason's NYU visit. We were pretty much confined to the Village and theatre district. Where was your husband?.....and why didn't he say hello!?!...it would have been so funny! We were also there the beginning of August, same areas.
Are you sure you guys don't want to switch to th 8/7 cruise? Now that everybody knows one another it would be a blast! There is no way under the sun we'll be doing the cruise again in 2005, unless of course I win the lottery!
Don't be a stranger,
Don't know where all you guys were, but John, Jen and I viewed the eclipse with Denise and Andy in Annapolis this past weekend!
That's right, Jen had a swim meet against Navy so we decided to drive up to see her. It was our first time in Annapolis and it's such a picturesque historic city we can't wait to go back and see more.
In any event, we had a great time "bar hopping"....... as my lovely daughter inaccurately described it!
Oh Wendy, great science teacher, were you able to see it in Scotland as clearly as we did here? I guess it was around 8:30pm for us when the full eclipse occurred which must have made it already Sunday morning in the UK.
so how much of the lunar eclipse did you all really see???
Sounds like you had a great weekend. Kristofer, Courtney and I watched the eclipse at Nana's house....Jay was at Southampton College for the 2nd performance of "Company"...this was opening weekend. We're going to see it on Sunday and then I'll go again the final week with my sister and brother-in-law.
We just realized that Courtney's friend Courtney is now living in Annapolis. Her dad is in the Coast Guard and stationed there now. Should find out if she's in Andy's school district, of course she's only in 4th grade....nice girl She's Courtney W. as she was known here because of our Courtney...Courtney B.
Happy Veteran's Day to all!
I know where I was during the eclipse. Standing in my driveway freezing my a** off taking pictures of the moon.

Lunar eclipse.jpg
Sorry folks - life is kind of passing me by at the moment so didn't see the eclipse.
We had an interesting Remembrance Parade yesterday at school (our equivalent of Veterans Day) - 11 pupils passed out and 1 fainted with such force she actually burst open her chin. They had looked so wonderful up to that point - so proud to be doing their bit to remember those that sacrificied so much for them.
We think a combination of excitement and heat - it was an indoor event. They were only standing for about 10 minutes but it could have been that. Definitely something we won't forget in a hurry!
That reminds me of a time when I was putting myself through college photographing weddings. We did a Greek Orthodox wedding in Huntington, NY, in the summer. It was a hot day and the church had no air conditioning. It had to be 120 degrees inside. Greek Orthodox wedding ceremonies tend to be long and the reception was after the wedding, meaning nobody had eaten anything. I forgot how many ushers and bridesmaids had to sit down during the ceremony for fear of passing out. I lost my light man to the heat.
But yes it was freezing in Annapolis too. Fortunately there aren't many street lights to obscure the view. But then again we did watch most it from the upper floor of McGarvey's tavern.

Now if they could just start making white russian smoothies like that on the ship;) It still wouldn't replace my beloved Conk Cooler.

Shelley, all of Anne Arundle Co. is technically one large school district which makes it the 17th largest in the country. Andy is currently at Meade Middle School which is on the Grounds of Fort Meade military base. This means he HAS to drive his car on school days since it is the only one with the proper clearence stickers on it.

Sandy, I've been to quite a few of those weddings. The one on the island of Cyprus was definately the most memorable. Andy was the Gumbas (best man) for his brother who married the daughter of the local preist. It was July in Cyprus where air conditioning is unheard of, the Church was packed and they had no less the eight preist officating. I guess everyone wanted to get into the act. The ceremony took hours!!!!!!! Poor Andy, he stood there straight silent and unsmiling through everything, including kissing the rings of all the preist.

The things one does for ones' brother.::yes::
Hi Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we went to Hilton Head for thanksgiving and just loved it. Dh and both DS played golf. We ar edefinitely making this a traditon. WE met so many nice people and many DVC members who come every year at that time. Can't wait to go back We've been busy. My son became an Eagle scout and we had the ceremony over the weekend. We were quite proud of him . We are in the midst of unplanned home renovation-the roofing contractor didn't cover the roof properly during a rainstorm and we had a lot of water damage. Good news is the house wil look great when all the damage fixedin the living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen,etc. is finished. Dowenside is that I can't put a tree up yet- hopefully enough will be done thsi weekend so we can get one up.Hope everyone is doing o.k. wishing everyone has a happy holiday and a very happy new year.
Wow, Wendy, sounds like you've been pretty busy! Congrats on (I assume) Matthew making Eagle scout. That mileston is definitely something to be proud of.

We love Hilton Head and we're due for a trip back. We haven't been there since Christmas 1999.
thanks sandy Matthew worked really hard to become an Eagle Scout. He's home for a month from college. It's good to have him back. Really wish we were cruising this year but we just can't swing it. I read about the changes on the ship. Sounds like some good things happening. They sanded my wood floors today so I'm stuck in my basement until late tonight- it's greatcause i can stay on the dis boards till the kids come home. Say hi to your family .
saandy-are you taking a short trip to wdw? ai saw your counter- my kids and DH rode M.S. after the cruise and lovedit. I was too chicken to try it.
Congrats on your son making Eagle Scout. Ask Anna if she ever determined if it really was my husband that her husband saw in NY (see posts at the top of this page).
We are having a big Christmas party this weekend for John's staff and the staff of the other doctor who shares his office. With spouses, it should be about 24 people, so between now and then I won't be on this board much. Ugh, how I hate to clean! At least I won't have to cook because the food is being brought in.
After that, I'll feel like the holidays belong to me and not "obligations". Maybe even have time for cookie-making and the like. Still working on getting the holiday cards out.........Have a happy, everyone......
Yes, we are. We're driving down to visit my folksin Boca Raton and what's a trip to Florida without a stop in WDW? We're leaving tomorrow as soon a Seth gets home from college. He's got a final that ends at 2:30pm! Of all the dumb luck. We'll leave as soon as he gets home and drive to Towson to pick Sara. We'll stay overnight in Towson and continue Saturday morning. We should make it to northern Georgia and stay at motel overnight. By that time, it'll only be about five hours to Orlando. We'll spend Sunday night in Pleasure Island and Monday in EPCOT and MK, since we want to see the two attractions that opened after we were there in July - Mission:Space and Mickey's Philharmagic. We figure to leave Orlando by 7:00pm so that we don't get to my folks too late. I didn't want to stay any longer in WDW this trip, since we haven't visited my folks in Florida since 1998 (wow, I just double-checked. I didn't realize it was that long). Before youguys start thinking I'm a lousy son, they're snowbirds, so we do seem them half of the year :)

The advantage of my new job is that since I work remote anyway, I can work a little from down there, so I don't lose the whole four days (you know how it is, as a consultant, you don't work you don't get paid. Not like all you people that have real jobs with benefits and the like :)

Btw, last night was Elana's Winter Concert. I had included a picture of Elana singing here, but I was threatened that if I didn't remove it, I would suffer the dreaded "Silent treatment".
Hi all
Wendy - congratulations on Matthew becoming an eagle scout - a great achievement. I hope the rest of the renovations go well.
Jeanne - good luck with the party. My mum is still wishing she could have joined you in Disneyland. I am taking her to Amsterdam for New Year but it isn't the same!
Sandy - you will love the new ride/show. My brother is just back from Orlando with his girlfriend. He is very hard to please but he did enjoy those - they both loved MVMCP. Of course it helped that I told them they could get in at 4pm so they managed to do a lot of the rides before the start of the party. Big sisters have their uses!
We finish school tomorrow thank goodness.
Have a great holidays everyone.
Jeanne-thanks for the congrats! Sounds likeyou're prettybusy too. Have agreat time at yourparty.
Wendy- good to hear from you. thanks also for the congrats. Say hi to your mom for US. HAVE
a happy holiday.
Sandy- have a great trip to Florida.
Hey, everyone! I'm just here to wish a Happy Holidays to everyone, and congrats to Matthew on becoming an Eagle scout! :wave2:


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