July 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread, Hello Sunshine!☀️

Topic for Tuesday: We all know how easy it is to tell yourself you're going to start a new habit, but how do you maintain the discipline on day 3, 13, 33? What keeps you focused after that initial burst of "I can do this!" energy wears out?
For me the key is adapting rather than skipping the habit when life gets in the way. For example, I walk on the treadmill pretty much every night, whether I have 40 minutes available or just 10, preserving that "slot" in the routine even when it doesn't seem like it will make a difference. That way, it stays part of my auto-pilot, and doesn't require and actual decision on the nights when I might be less motivated.
I think for me it isn't always about instant gratification winning, it is often that I totally forget about the long term goal. That's where adding a time target, like the next trip/vacation, can help because that is less likely to get forgotten.

Something has changed in the way FitBit is calculating calories in/out, now when I have breakfast I immediately go in to the red and stay there for most of the day until I get out for my evening walk. This is really messing with my head and making me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm going to try getting up earlier and getting some morning steps in but this is tough to do on an empty stomach. Oh, just thought of another idea, not logging my food until later in the day when I've gotten some steps in. At this point I have a good feel for calories in my typical breakfast and lunch so little risk of going over so this might work... this will help me to refocus on the food itself. .
Delayed gratification - I can get so aggravated with myself. I'm the ultimate delayed gratification person when it comes to saving and spending money. I don't have any trouble being disciplined with that, but when it comes to my health I'm not very good at it.

I think that's why tracking and lists help me the most. I'm pretty good at checking a box when I've completed something and staying under my calorie goal when I'm tracking it because I can relate it to my budget with my spending.

Truthfully, I think why tracking works best for me is because if I don't track, I just try to eat as little as possible which will fail quickly. When I track, I realize that I can actually have more than I would think and still stay right on track. That is pretty motivating to me.
Good Evening!!! Catching up here, on vacation time clearly LOL.

Our weather has been gorgeous-hot and humid but the ocean and pool are keeping us cool.

Our condo is amazing-simple, clean, completely ocean front, cold AC, quiet …just what we needed! We will rent this until in the future for sure!

Lots of family time, I think we are all enjoying ourselves from Grandparents to Grandkids ❤️

Tomorrow is DDs 15th birthday. I brought a box of Repunzel party decorations and will decorate before she gets up in the morning and get half a dozen Boston crème donuts from Dunkin for breakfast, which is her birthday tradition. She choose a seafood buffet for dinner so we will all meet there to eat together then have cake and presents at my SILs condo ☺️
Woohoo… another lovely early morning drive to the ferry. And woohoo most Seattle coworkers should be in the office today so I’ll get to see folks I haven’t seen in a quite a while.

And woohoo… if I remember correctly they are taking the attachments off my teeth at my orthodontist appt this afternoon.
Woohoo my husband and I managed to get a walk in together for the third day in a row.
Woohoo the salad leaves are ready for picking from the allotment ( really just a raised bed) we have at my grandson’s school and the potatoes and onions are almost ready. Fresh homegrown veg tastes so good and it’s kinder on the wallet too- win win 🎉
I'm in a funk!! Nothing truly big, but I think my emotions around actual, big stuff are channeling into things that I shouldn't be so upset about.

I didn't sleep last night because my head was just cycling through my frustrations. When my morning alarm went off for my run I was too tired to get up AND it was downpouring, so I rolled over. Have to figure out if I can fit in that 5k some time after work...
I'm in a funk!! Nothing truly big, but I think my emotions around actual, big stuff are channeling into things that I shouldn't be so upset about.

I didn't sleep last night because my head was just cycling through my frustrations. When my morning alarm went off for my run I was too tired to get up AND it was downpouring, so I rolled over. Have to figure out if I can fit in that 5k some time after work...
Give yourself some grace on the run! It's OK to skip one once in a while in favor of balance overall. (Besides, running wet and exhausted is probably asking a lot of a brand new immune system!)

I get it about the little things, though - you've just spent a whole bunch of time being strong in the face of big stuff, and sometimes there's just no resources left for the little stuff. :hug: Things will normalize again.
I'm in a funk!! Nothing truly big, but I think my emotions around actual, big stuff are channeling into things that I shouldn't be so upset about.

I didn't sleep last night because my head was just cycling through my frustrations. When my morning alarm went off for my run I was too tired to get up AND it was downpouring, so I rolled over. Have to figure out if I can fit in that 5k some time after work...
Be kind to yourself. I think anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis will tell you that they spend many a time in the wee small hours while the rest of the house sleeps going over things big and small and getting emotional (everything from tears to anger and back again). You spend so much time getting through treatment and fighting to hang on to your sanity that when you actually stop to try and sleep you can’t. Give yourself time. It’s still very early days and you are doing amazing getting back to work and exercise so just allow yourself the odd day of deciding bed and rest are more important to your needs.
I agree too that a run in the rain is maybe not the best thing to do today but if you need to get out to feel less stressed maybe do half today and add a wee bit to each of your other runs to get your total. Honestly though I’m in awe that you are running as often as you do so be kind to yourself and let yourself off the hook. Tomorrow is a new day :goodvibes
Give yourself some grace on the run! It's OK to skip one once in a while in favor of balance overall. (Besides, running wet and exhausted is probably asking a lot of a brand new immune system!)

I get it about the little things, though - you've just spent a whole bunch of time being strong in the face of big stuff, and sometimes there's just no resources left for the little stuff. :hug: Things will normalize again.

Be kind to yourself. I think anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis will tell you that they spend many a time in the wee small hours while the rest of the house sleeps going over things big and small and getting emotional (everything from tears to anger and back again). You spend so much time getting through treatment and fighting to hang on to your sanity that when you actually stop to try and sleep you can’t. Give yourself time. It’s still very early days and you are doing amazing getting back to work and exercise so just allow yourself the odd day of deciding bed and rest are more important to your needs.
I agree too that a run in the rain is maybe not the best thing to do today but if you need to get out to feel less stressed maybe do half today and add a wee bit to each of your other runs to get your total. Honestly though I’m in awe that you are running as often as you do so be kind to yourself and let yourself off the hook. Tomorrow is a new day :goodvibes

Thanks! I know, in the grand scheme of things, one run isn't going to move the needle that much. It's just hard for me to accept where my body is in terms of fitness and endurance right now and the only thing that's going to fix that is doing the work and rebuilding. The day has stayed pretty cool and gloomy, so I should be able to swing an afternoon run, which will definitely help with my headspace.

As to frustrations, it really bugs me when my logical brain knows that I'm overreacting to something but, then, that doesn't stop me from obsessing over it whenever my mind starts to wander. Hubby and I have agreed to just throw money at this one to make it go away because it isn't worth losing sleep over.
. It's just hard for me to accept where my body is in terms of fitness and endurance right now and the only thing that's going to fix that is doing the work and rebuilding.
if it makes you feel any better there was one day towards the end of my chemotherapy that I managed a total of 167 steps for the whole day! I reckon those were the steps from my bed to the bathroom and back. Now I laugh at the idea I was wearing my Fitbit at all! Maybe some sort of record for least movement in a day!
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if it makes you feel any better there was one day towards the end of my chemotherapy that I managed a total of 167 steps for the whole day! I reckon those were the steps from my bed to the bathroom and back. Now I laugh at the idea I was wearing my Fitbit at all! Maybe some sort of record for last movement in a day!
Yeah, I'm so damn glad those days are behind me and I fully acknowledge how lucky I am to have come out of chemo as well as I did.

I did manage to get in the afternoon run yesterday and it was exactly what I needed, so that's good. Really helped turn my mood around!


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