Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

goldcupmom said:
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas - got this 1/2 done
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday ready to submit in the morning, the site is down.
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally! Nope - didn't make it into the dining room which is where the sewing machine needs set up....BUMMER!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK He hasn't been home! He's NOT the favorite child right now!
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered Got them ready to wrap and was going to, but DH went in and went to bed.
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia Nope, she needs it, but I've got pans soaking in the sink. I'll do her tomorrow.
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend decided we just wanted the FREE hot cocoa at the Casino!
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals started at the bottom and made it back up to ME! Still doing more.....
24. At least 1 NAP!

So, the weekend is over and I mostly finished my list. I'm very tired as I got only 5.5 hours sleep last night, but DS16 is out and doesn't have a key and his garage door opener was in his stolen backpack. GRRRRR!!!!!!!

DD rolled her ankle again in Amarillo at fencing. But, she still finished 3rd and came home with a cool medal which made her happy. Gotta rest the foot so she is ready for FL on Thursday night. Plus she has the NAC - (North american championships) here in ABQ in about 3 weeks that she is fencing at. I know she wants to be at her best.

DH came home exhausted and complaining how much work it was taking her to a competition - hmmmm......when I take she or DS16 he tells me I've had a vacation....... Basically, DD says he stayed up until way after midnight on his laptop and watching tv. She tried to go to bed at 9, but kept waking up. Oh well.......

This will be a busy week - I already have about 10 things on my to do list each day. We leave on Thurs afternoon for FL. I'm anxious to go, but I'm so tired and stressed over DS19, finances at present I'm not sure I'll really be able to enjoy myself. My main purpose in going is to spend time with my DSis and her 2 daughters and the new baby. DH wants to cancel as he thinks the storms will ruin going to Universal. Personally, I could care less about HHN, but.....

Well, I've got 1 more thing I want to get listed tonight, then off to TV or read until DS16 gets home. Maybe I'll try to nap a while.

TOM is still threatening to appear, and the scale isn't moving - either way, fortunately. I'm expecting TOM will want to go to FL, too! UGH!!!
Just did my other new WATP tape - this one kicked my bootie. 4 miles in about 45 min, then 15 min of floor exercises. The other one I really didn't care for.

Just talked to my brother in Naples, FL and they made it thru Wilma. Some limbs down, some metal, etc off the house, but doesn't seem to be anything major. No power. They are about 4 blocks from the gulf where it came in.

Time to go get busy on some of yesterday's leftover jobs, then to start thinking about packing.

More later......
Hi Julie!

Stopping by to WISH you a wonderful day and a wonderful, relaxing trip to Florida. :sunny: Take care! :hug:
WOW - you have certainly had a lot on your plate and going. I hope that you are having a great trip and enjoying that new little one! Hope your sister is doing okay and can't wait to see how things went when you get home.


Keep on :banana: :banana:
Just dropping by to say that I have been trying to keep up on the reading. I hope that you are having a good time with your visit.

Talk to you later. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Long time no post.

When I was last here on Mon 10/24, I was preparing for a trip to FL. Tuesday life went Berserk!!!!

I was running errands (or something) on Tues 10/25 and got home to DS19 absolutely out of control in a panic. They had updated the county website and there was a FEDERAL felony warrant issued for him. I spent the next 24 hours eating everything in sight,throwing up and crying. I finally dialed my brother in IA who was a DA for years and is now a county atty and handed the phone to DH. I can not handle this. Thru my brother, they got in contact w/ a female lawyer here. They met with her on Wed 10/26. Apparently when this girl filed for a restraining order, they erred and did not ever file the required temporary, then have a hearing. Then, when she thought she was being followed (but it wasn't DS19 as he was w/ us at the time) the police who responded was 1 wk out of the academy and filed a FEDERAL Protection order(which legally can't be done). Then, they attempted to serve him on that, and of course, he was evicted, the summons was returned to the court, thus the warrant. Lawyer ($1500 later) says it will all be dismissed due to legalities. But, in order to take care of the warrant - which was for failure to appear - we had to post $5000 bond(supposedly we get it all back). DH and DS19 went to pay this at 12:30 on thurs - we left at 5:20. Tomorrow at 2:30 DS19 and DH will go to court for the arraignment on Failure to appear and the lawyer will start to get this resolved. She says it will take approx 2 months.

Meantime, this is apparently helping to keep DS19 from getting a job. His car is still not running and still at the guys apt. I cannot and will not pay to get it running until he has a job and can start making some payments to me on things.

Please pray that this gets resolved quickly and favorably. In the meantime, DS19 is here, depressed, angry, hard to deal with. I have to take him places and I have also told him I've bought the last cigarettes I'm buying. He had to start helping around here and not just sitting in his room watching cartoons all day (but this would be DH's reaction as well. He watched EVERY minute of the OJ trial for weeks w/o moving when laid off) Needless to say this is not a peaceful household at present. I'm totally and completely emotionally worn out and stressed, finding it difficult to function.

We did go to FL. I did not get any rest there, but we had a good time. I was stressed trying to keep all of this from my DSis who doesn't need any more stress than she has. Her 2 DD's know what is up, tho.

DD's ear hurt so bad the last hour of our flight there that she sat in tears. By the time we landed she couldn't hear out of it. We checked in to the hotel and DS16 and I walked to a 7-11 for some sudafed and ice cream. Only the ice cream helped any of us. Finally got to bed about midnight - I got up about 6.

We ate and left, arriving at my DSis about 11:30 on Fri. Basically hung out all day. She fixed lasagna for dinner and had some 'deadly' kind of cheesecake. Bed about midnight again. Saturday the girls all got up at 6 to go to garage sales. This is my DSis and her DD's weekly ritual. 5 hours later we stopped at Panera and brought home bagels. Ordered Dominos for dinner. Bed after midnight.

Sunday we slept til about 8. Packed , stopped at DNiece to say goodbye to she and baby Kylie. Headed to Orlando to Check in to hotel. Room not ready. Walked across to CityWalk for a couple of hours. Walked back, checked in and met DSis and her older DD . Rode with them across to park, dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, then to HHN. Kids LOVED it! I thought it was very well done, but had too much on my mind to really enjoy it much. DSis & her DD left about 11, we left at midnight and walked back to hotel. Bed about 2 a.m., then up at 8. DH wanted to just sit and watch TV until we went to airport at 1:30. NOT!!! We went to DTD. Lunch at Rainforest, then I bought cookies and we left for airport. I got coffee in airport and we left ontime. DD's ear was a bit better this time, but it was a bumpy flight the whole way - couldn't even get up to potty on this 4 hr flight! Took us over an hour to get home from airport.

Part 2 in next post...... Don't want to kill the boards!
So, Before we left for FL, in the midst of all the DS19 chaos, my refrigerator stops cooling - just the refrigerator side. Cans of biscuits are exploding, eggs rotting, etc. NOT a pretty(or good smelling) sight. Wed morning I call our Home warranty to get repairs done. Finally about 2:00 they call and tell me they can't find anyone. Give me authorization to call my own. Get someone who says they will be out between 3 & 5 p.m. Never come, never call. Thurs morning I call back to the warranty people and tell them to schedule something for 11/1 as I am leaving for FL. They never call back to confirm. Meanwhile DS19 calls me on Thurs night just after we land to tell me the freezer (this is a side by side) went out, too, everything is thawing, the ice maker is a puddle, etc.

So, that attributed to very unrestful sleep on Thurs night. So much so that I call my friend back here in NM (who I know has an empty freezer ) at 5 a.m. NM time - I got time confused and thought it was 2 hrs later, not earlier. I didn't just call once, but FOUR times before it hit me that it was only 5 a.m. in NM. Fortunately, she keeps her cell in the kitchen at night. So mid morning she came over and emptied the freezer into giant bags and put in her freezer - still don't know what is salvagable.

Thus, when we made it thru traffic on the way home, we had to stop and get ice and milk for the coolers.

They did come out Tues morning and fix the fridge - a defrost sensor went out and the unit froze up, then quit. I still haven't made it to the store to replace what we threw out. I had had a full fridge when I left. Oh well......

DS16 never got any of his stuff back.... DD still can't hear right out of her ear..... The van will be $500 out of pocket to fix and they will need it for 2 weeks - can't get it in now until at least Monday to start it.

Dogs were ok when we got back, but the carpet is in desperate need of shampooing and the kitchen floor need cleaned....NOW! I simply have no energy or drive to do anything at this point. DS19 just doesn't know when to take them out, etc.

I know I've gained, but I've promised myself I'm not stepping on a scale until the day before Thanksgiving. If I can be where I was when I left by then(or hopefully below), I'll be happy. I just need to survive through this.

Yesterday I could barely put weight on my right foot - my bad ankle side. Don't know why - today is a little better.

When it rains, it pours.

I desperately need to do Ebay, but it's hard to focus. DS16 needs me to check over some of his school prior to submitting, but I'm not getting that done, either. I need to just get into gear, but survival is about all I'm accomplishing. DH will be gone from the 13 - 17 and I'm really scared that things with DS19 won't go well while he's gone. I wish he'd have a job by then, but I doubt it.

As I first stated, I'm acounted for, but not altogether present right now. I'll be on and off here. Hopefully things will begin to improve soon.....I'd say they can't get much worse, but I know better.......

And, to top it all off.....DH still hasn't changed us over to heat, so, as it is in the 30's at night now (34 this morning) my house is FREEZING!!! My office temp hasn't gone above 60 all day.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

If you want a smile, here's a link to the baby's website.....

Wow Julie! So much going on, hope that you are remembering to take care of yourself through it all!! Just wanted to send you some hugs! :grouphug:
I hope that everything get straightened out ok with the legal situation for DS19 and that DD feels better soon!!! Vent away in here if there is anything we can do to help!!!

Keeping you and yours in my prayers,
Mike :goodvibes

Sweetie, I am so very, very sorry for all that you have been through. :hug: You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: Like Mike said, please remember to take good care of yourself at this time. :hug:

God will make a way, Julie. ::yes:: Take care. :hug:
I'm really going to try to regain control this week. I'm sure I've gained, but I really am going to try to keep OP and not weight until the 23.

DH and DS19 went to court last Thurs. It basically went as expected except the young, ditzy DA (DH said it was like a bad movie) was doodling and applying her makeup when the judge finally had to 'yell' at her "Does the state even care about this?" about reducing the bond (an assurance to appear). Since she wasn't listening, didn't even know what was going on, she said since she didn't know DS19 she wouldn't reduce - so, they're still holding 5K until his next court date of 12/19. In the meantime, DS19's lawyer thinks it will be resolved. This is all about him violating a protection order that was filed AFTER they charged him with violating it, plus many other abnormalities they found in the record. And, it seems that for now this is keeping him from finding a job. Very depressing for him, harder probably on me as I have to try to deal with him 24/7.

Ebay isn't going well as I still am having a hard time focusing on anything. I'm not sleeping well as I'm depressed and have no one really to talk to about any of this. If not for my pups, some days I probably wouldn't even speak.

DH is still no help, and last night he spent just over 1k on another hypnosis' course (he is a hypnotherapist, but does NOTHING with his certification). Just what we need, more expense. I really don't need more stress!!

So, I"m off this morning to take the pups to the groomers, then ebay and help DS16 w/ school all day. Since I've not been on top of things he's gotten a little behind.

I also need to pay bills I've been avoiding, take Ebay holiday pics. My ankle is finally feeling a bit better so maybe I can get some exercise in.

DD has fencing tonight and DH will take her. I'd like to take the pups to Yappy Hour, but not sure I'll have the opportunity. I don't like leaving DS19 home alone for too long.

Dsis had her last radiation on Friday. Her 2 daughters threw her a surprise open house, then on Sat morning the kidnapped her and checked into the Radisson in Orlando for a weekend of shopping. Sounds like they had a lot of fun!

More later, hopefully......

Sending you a gentle :hug: and some :wizard:. I'm so sorry for all that you are going through. :( Please know that we care about you Julie and that we are here for you when you need us. :grouphug:

Please take extra special care of you during this stressful time. :hug:
Glad your back. The baby is really cute and it sounds like your sister had a great surprise.

Sorry to hear that things are really messed up right now. Hopefully, it will all work itself out soon. Just hang in there and vent when you need.

Sending :wizard: for a good day ahead. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Julie -- I have been thinking of you so much and hoped you were away having a carefree time. I am sorry things blew up before you left, but I am so glad you were there to help your DS. I can't imagine having to deal with all you are dealing with. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything calms down for you and that life gets back on an even keel. Sending you good wishes and :hug:
Well, I'm still here! Getting control of my food has NOT happened. I wake up with the best of intentions and well before noon, I've blown it. Today so far it's 1:08 and I've stayed OP for the first time since before FL. I'm hoping I make it thru the day.

DS19 still has no job, and we can't even get him to go to places that say 'now hiring' and apply. I am SO FRUSTRATED! If he would just TRY it would help. I know he's depressed - between the girlfriend/court problem, bill collectors and realizing that his 'Friends' aren't around now that he has nothing for them to steal, use, etc, - who wouldn't be, but......

Plus, even though we don't allow it, he's SMOKING in his room. The whole house is beginning to stink and he, of course, can't smell it. DS16's room is right next to it and he's very allergic to smoke and asthmatic. I'm about to pitch him a tent in the back yard and move him into it.

We still have no heat turned on. Hopefully DH will do it on Sunday as he's gone M - Thurs next week and it is COLD in here!!

Tomorrow DH is working at the North American Fencing Championships from 7 - 7, I'm working from 8 - 8 and sometime during the day DD is competing. It will be a long day and make the weekend short, but it will be a break from the ordinary. I am making DH drive down as well as I don't want to leave DS19 a car - mean? maybe, smart?, definitely!

Other than that, things are pretty normal. I still haven't been able to finish the Ebay pics, haven't gotten my sewing out, etc. I just can't focus and am not sleeping well (gee, I wonder why?) so I"m tired all the time.

Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers. I've been reading a lot of journals, but not writing. You're doing awesome. I'm praying for you Tracy! and Mike....WOW!!!!! You are my HERO!!
Hi Julie,

I am so sorry for everything that you are doing through. It will get better. Keep your head up.

Have a good weekend!
Hi Julie,

Sorry to hear that all the drama continues, you are still in my thoughts and i hope that this too will pass soon. Just wanted to come by and give you another supportive :grouphug: !!!

I hope that the fencing competition went well today!
Mike :goodvibes
Hi Julie~

Stopping by to say hi, see how you are doing, and to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: Take good care of you, Julie! :hug:
Hello, all! I'm still here......barely!

the weekend was very busy, not horrid, but not good on food. The best part was my Saturday Job - from 8 - 8 - was posting the bout information. This was in the convention center which is roughly 1 1/2 x a normal high school track. I was on my feet and WALKING the entire time. I was SO SORE!!! My feet blistered on the balls from walking on the concrete for so long. I'm sure it was good for me, tho, as exercise has been non existant. I also went back and did the same job on Monday from 8 - 11.

DD did ok at the NAC. It was her first international competition. She ended up hurting her knee on her first Direct Elimination bout. She and her competitor ended up slamming each other and dd's knee ended up on the bottom of the pile on the metal strip sitting on the concrete. She has a deep tissue bruise and bruised bone. Fortunately nothing fractured/torn. But, she has the HS fencing championships this Saturday. Hoping and praying she's well enough to fence. I kept her home Mon for Dr appts and today as her arms are raw from the crutches and she needed to rest.

DH is in Phoenix for work. DS19 is here and so far has been almost pleasant. Still no job, still no word on the legal issues. VERY frustrating and stressful - at least for me.

My van is now in for repairs from DS19's hitting the concrete post - $500 deductible and will be a strike on our insurance. Worse, is that we are w/0 it for 2 weeks. Oh well..

No van means we aren't going to relatives for Thanksgiving. I just can't see 5 adult size people in my VW for 2 hours each way. Plus I have only 4 seatbelts and I won't let anyone go without.

I'm off to try to get some sleep. I've been running on empty for weeks and it is catching up. Mia goes to the vet in the morning to get her remaining baby teeth pulled and dew claws off.

I'm on a hiatus from Ebay for 5 days, so I'm hoping to get my house done some and catch up on here.

Julie - all I can do is :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and send some huge prayers your way!!!!!

Take care of yourself - I know it's hard but important.


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