Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

Got up and made myself do the 2 mile WATP - tried the Walk the Walk Christian music one. It was not as vigorous as the regular, but really good.

Today is surgery day - they made her be at the hospital at 6 a.m. and her surgery isn't until 3:55. I just talked to nieces and they said she is REALLY stressed.

Yesterday I stayed totally OP, foods as well as points.

So far today, 3 pts.

DS's asthma & allergies are really bad, and he has to make a certain skill on High Bar before Thurs in order for his coach to let him compete it at Regionals. If he doesn't, he doesn't have a chance of making it to Nationals. Needless to say that's a bit of stress as well. He really wants to make it again this year as he has qualified every year he has been elegible. Time will tell. Hopefully if this NM spring wind dies down, his meds will have a better chance of keeping up.

Lesli - I sell our own stuff and that of other family members on ebay. They give it to me and let me use the money to help fund DS gymnastics - which is a $10K/year expense minimum. UGH!

Have a good one! More later!
Sounds like you have some great family members. :flower:

:grouphug: Sending you some support for those stressful moments you are having now. :grouphug:

Hope your DS and sister are feeling much better soon. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
The wind has stopped and the sun is bright - hopefully that will relieve DS allergies some. Although he needs to be doing school, I'm letting him sleep in this week and not pushing it (he does HS thru an online accredited school). If we miss school this week, oh well..... he does school most weekends, so no big deal.

Sister's surgery went very well. The pre op nightmare was awful - apparently it was the rude radiologist who tried to insert the wires and missed twice. then tried to pull them out and told her "you are one tough *** broad". The tech finally yelled at him to leave them and they would be removed during surgery. The 30 min process took over 3 hours.

They removed 2 lymph nodes and they were clean. Praise the Lord! They said they will retest them in 2 - 3 days. She now goes back the 14th to find out about when radiation/chemo start. She is sore, but in good spirits. Is looking on this as a wake up call. Said yesterday she is sure she had ALL the mammograms she hasn't had over the last 15 years.

Tomorrow is my first day back at WW in a while. I may even have to rejoin again. GRRRR!!!!!! Hopefully I won't be too much above where I was last time I was there. Today I'm trying to do all my points in liquid. I love the Kashi go lean shakes, and I'm back on my Revival soy for the night sweats. I need to drink them around noon each day and always seem to forget. They really help.

Did the 2 mile WATP this morning. Have tons of errands to run in anticipation of hopefully going to Colorado for Regional Championships on Friday.

Have a great day all!
Glad to hear that your sister received good news. Hope it is the same in a few days.

At least you are keeping up with the exercising which is a great stress reliever. Keep up the good work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I've done pretty well on food today. Liquid except for 1 ff hot dog, 2 slices turkey and 2 slices lt bread.

DS just came home from gym and is really bummed. His coach still hasn't told him if he's competing all 6 events this weekend or not. He has a HUGE rip on his wrist - about silver dollar size with many layers missing - from his high bar grips, and his hands are raw and about to rip as well. Fortunately, the antibiotics are beginning to kick in so his asthma is getting better. His mood isn't tho, as he said even if he gets to compete, his hands hurt so bad he may not be able to compete. I HATE this sport!

Tomorrow night will tell the tale, then he competes around noon Saturday to try to qualify....MAYBE.

Tomorrow is weigh in. I WILL go to WW. Hopefully I'm up 2 lbs or less. My meeting is about 1.5 miles away and I'm hoping to be able to leave in time to walk. It's all up hill going, but not really a bad walk. I don't think I need to rejoin - I've missed 3 wks, but I think you can miss 4. I hope so! I just hate having to continually start over.

best go try to get something done tonight. Hard to concentrate, tho.
Made it to WW this morning and didn't have to rejoin. Had only missed 3 wks. My scale said I was down about a pound, but when I weighed in, I read wrong and thought it said I was up .8. I was bummed the entire meeting, wondering how my scale could now be almost 3 lbs off. Only after I got home did I look again and had LOST .8.

That was GREAT news! Only .8 to go until I'm back where I was when life went nuts!

I won't know til later tonight if we are going to Regionals with DS. He's NOT in a good mood today. Poor kid!

Just dropped my pup (8 mo old Yorkie) off at the groomers just in case we go. Off to list ebay.

I did the 2 mile WATP again today. Getting easier.
This is going to be a tough weekend. DS coach wouldn't even speak to him last night at practice and DS had to go ask if he was competing high bar. Of course, no. Needless to say DS is angry, depressed, etc, which doesn't help mom much, either. DH called and left a message on coach's cell letting him know that DS told us he would not be able to compete HB, and that since the purpose of regionals is to try to qualify for nationals, and since DS can't qualify w/ only 5 events that DS would not be going (DS choice) and that if there was a change or any question coach could call us. Haven't heard a word. Coach has repeatedly told other he wants DS gone, so this is just another attempt. GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

It's also gloomy here in NM today, which doesn't help. I'm going to run errands and walk the mall for something to occupy my mind. DS is going to try to go in to work for a bit. School isn't happening as neither he nor I can concentrate right now.

I will definitely get in my WATP 2 mile later today.

More later.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about all of the stress with DS's coach. He sounds like a real stinker!

I'm so glad your sister's lymph nodes came out clean! What a blessing! My mom went through this last year--if you have any questions or anything, feel free to PM me or something. I'll be happy to help.

Great job on your loss at WW!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes
:cheer2: Yeah, you lost .8! :cheer2: You have to take what you can get.

Sorry to hear that things are not working out for DS and his sport. It is hard when your childe works so hard and then they have to deal with an adult with a bad attitude.

Hang in there and keep up the good work on the WATP tapes. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
These last 4 days have seemed like an ETERNITY!!!

Thursday night after we left message for coach, coach never called back. DS went to work Friday, came home and just stared at me. I asked if he was 100% sure he didn't want to go - "no". but not 100% sure he did want to go. Finally decided about 5:30 he would go - it's a 6 hour drive. So we packed and left. Dinner at McD - ICK!! I had salad, but then it wasn't filling and munched in the car on junk.

Saturday he competed and was the ONLY one who didn't qualify for nationals as coach wouldn't let him touch the bar. If he could have saluted the judge and simply TOUCHED the bar, he would have qualified. VERY stressful. Then the friend who talked him into going split his head open on the high bar - thankfully he's fine now, but sporting 20 large staples

Saturday I actually stayed w/in my points, but low on water and no exercise.

Sunday morning we woke up to the BLIZZARD. DS had to compete in 1 event final and was alternate on the other 4. It took us almost an hour to get from our hotel to the event. Breakfast was Burger King burrito across the street - only 1 person made it to work and that is all they fixed. The only place open to eat lunch was taco bell and leftovers in the microwave for dinner.

And we had to spend an extra night because all the interstates were closed.
I managed 2 10 minute treadmill sessions before the treadmill key disappeared, ended up snacking from stress, and was low on water again.

Today the roads were fine, and I'm now trying to get my water in - the rest of the car threatened mutiny if I drank that much on a trip. We'd never have made it home.

I'm not EVEN stepping near the scale until Wed morning. I won't be surprised at all if I gain this week.

Sorry to hear that your DS couldn't qualify. It just seems as if the coach would have at least let him atcually TOUCH the bar for a qualification, even if he couldn't actually perform his best at this time. I would think a coach would want as many qualified as possible, it looks good on their record. Hopefully, DS will figure out what he wants to do about the situation.

Blizzard? Obviously, I have missed the news. Too busy keeping myself busy so I don't munch. I didn't realize that there was a blizzard down in NM. Wow! Guess that tsunami has really played havoc on the weather down there. It had to be interesting and understandablly frustrating for you guys since you are not used to driving in that kind of weather. Probably don't have the equipment to clear roads. We are used to it here in IL.

Well, today you can get back OP and get that water in. Hopefully, the scale will surprize you. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Yesterday was a bit better. The weather is great here, but I have so much catching up to do I haven't had much time to get out. I did get my 2 mi WATP in and I will do it this a.m. early, too.

Lesli54 - we were in the snow in Colorado, but NM got quite a bit, too. I think about 3" here which is unusual.

I'm originally from SE Iowa, so I really enjoyed seeing it. I had this urge all the way home to make DH stop on the side of the interstate so I could make snow angels and build a snowman.

I'm going to try for the liquids again today. haven't had the courage to weigh yet, but I feel so much like I'm holding water that I don't think it will be very positive.

Have a good one!
It is so nice to hear that things are getting a little better for you. Where in SE Iowa are you from? I live just NE of the Quad Cities. DD17 will be traveling down to Keokuk next weekend for a Civil War reenactment. Every time, I think about moving to a warmer climate :sunny: , I worry that I might miss the snow :cold: .

Keep up with the water and the excess will just shed off. :cheer2:

Hope today is a good one for you. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I was born & raised in Burlington. I've spent a lot of time in the quad cities. My sister lived quite a while in Sterling, Il. DH and I lived a couple of years in Mt Vernon IL just after we married.

Just talked to sister and she went back to the surgeon today. He was rude and arrogant. She has 2 staples that are partially out and poking her bad and he woudn't remove them. Told her she was not in control. She goes back next wed to get all out. They will set up her appt. with an oncologist. I told her if she doesn't like him/her to change immediately. They also want to do a whole body CT/bone scan to make sure nothing spread, even tho it was not in the lymph nodes. Told her it will spread to LLL, BB Lungs, liver, lymph, bones, brain. She had several questions written down to ask and he didn't want to listen. One was Do I, or Did I have cancer. He told her she does have another breast. UGH!!!!!

Other than that, the morning is going ok. So far I've had 1/2 my water, a Kashi shake, done my WATP and am about to do ebay. I take my pup to get the ear hair pulled and nails clipped (they forgot last week) later and will have a KEVA smoothie - 4 pts and WONDERFUL!! Going to be 75 here today and I'm hoping to fit in a walk.

Only 73 days til we get on the train and my weight is essentially where it was.... hopefully I'll start seeing a difference soon. The dress I wore to the younger niece's wedding last year is a smidge tight and I want to wear it again. I also have a back up that I'd love to wear, but not planning on it. I'll be thrilled if it happens. I can get into it, but couldnt wear it in public!!
We are 40 minutes from Sterling, in fact, gotta go to DD15's ortho there tomorrow. My sister lives in Muscatine. Isn't it a small world? :cool1:

I think you were right in telling your sister to get another Dr. When they don't want to listen to your concerns and don't want to take the time to explain what is happening to your body, then it's time to take away their precious fee. Hopefully, she will be able to find someone she is comfortable with.

Good job on the food, hope you get your walk in, and I just know that dress will fit well soon. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Well, I didn't get my walk in , but I did manage to get 20 min on my elliptical in which I haven't done in a while.

I've had about 40 oz of water and the same of green tea decaf. today, plus 2 Kashi chocolate shakes and a Keva smoothie plus my revival soy. I had 2 thin slices of turkey and then had 2 fries of DS, but I still have 8 pts to go today. I'll likely have another Kashi before bed, or maybe just some milk and a touch of peanut butter.

I may or may not make WW tomorrow. DS 19 has to go for a drug test for a new job - he claims he's totally clean. We also have to go to his apt and try to figure out how to get his 2 deadbeat, drinking, drugie roommates to move out as they haven't been paying their portion of the rent. DS has been selling his belongings to not get evicted. A definite learning experience for him - HOPEFULLY!!! Expensive for all of us.

I finally found my Spa gift certificate for a facial and pedicure I got for my birthday last July. I think I'll try to use that as a reward when I hit the next 5 lbs - hopefully SOON!!! Since DS 15 isn't going to Nationals, my traveling should be done until the FL trip in 73 days, so that should help.

Lesli54 - yes it is a small world. I really miss Iowa and SWEET CORN, but the thing I miss most is Pork Tenderloins. Not exactly diet foods, but.....they don't have a clue what those are here. My MIL used to mail me some occasionally. Those and Sterzings potato chips are definite diet no-nos, but SO GOOD!!!
Well, I didn't make it to WI - I might try to go early Sat morning, but that one is usually a zoo with over 100 people. I did manage to get my WATP 2 mi in, tho.

Breakfast was lt yogurt - strawberry white chocolate - I'd neve had that flavor before - mixed with 2/3 c Kashi crunch - 4 pts.

I've got another bottle of green tea brewing in the sun and have started on my 77 oz water.

DD and I decided that we would go back to Discovery Cove again this year. Last year we did the trainer for a day program. This time she will do the Dolphin swim and I'll just lounge. We really didn't have much time to explore last time. This is the last of the FL weddings to go to, so I don't know when we'll get back down. Next summer there will be a wedding in Iowa, so we know it won't be for at least 2 years. By that time DS will be graduated and DD will be a Soph and probably working. Best to do it while we can.

Have a great day all! Thanks for your support!
We thought about Discovery Cove this trip, but I think it will wait for the next one. Yes, you just can't go wrong with sweet corn and a tenderloin. Well.....not the best for you, but it does taste good.

Hope you get everything worked out with your DS and his roomies. My brother has been down that road too often. Keep up the good work and hope you can get that walk soon. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Today is ok so far! I had a ton to do, but decided to make sure I exercised FIRST or I knew it wouldn't happen. So, I did the 2 mi WATP before heading out.

DS 19 had his echocardiogram today, and he also go the call that he got hired at WalMart. Now he just needs to get rid of the roomies, re enroll in college and will be back on track. Hopefully he learned some lessong. We'll know the results of the echo next week.

Sister has her oncology appt next Wed so we'll know her radiation/chemo sched. She's anxious to get it started and over.

Breakfast was an oatmeal bar 4 pts while I listed Ebay. Lunch I had a BoGo coupon for Subway so I took a ft long to DS to eat between work and gym, I ate half of mine and have half for tomorrow. I also remembered to drink my Revival - I really need it now that the weather is warming as the night sweats get worse.

DD has a fencing tourney tomorrow about 2 hours away. If it's rainy - which I hope it is, DH will take her and I can stay home, shuttle DS 15 to work and it will be easier to stay OP.

Hope everyone here has a good weekend.
I LOVE the new Flat Out bread that has 15 g fiber! tonight I dug out my Quesadilla maker and used Flat out folded (2 pts) 2/3 c ff chz ( 2 pts) and some banana peppers and red pepper, then when done I opened and added tomatoes, romaine and some of the precooked grilled chicken strips from sams ( 1 pt), 1/2 oz of real shredded chz to hold it together and zapped it. Then dipped in green chile salsa and ff sour cream. I am SO STUFFED for only 7 pts.

Now I have points for one of the no pudge strawberry shortcake bars (2 pts) and still have 2 pts to spare for the day. DD had one of her real blue bunny strawberry shortcake bars today after school and complained that it was smaller than mine and not as good. OH WELL!!!

As soon as DH gets home from work and DS from gym I'm gonna make quesadillas for them and hop in the tub. They can clean the kitchen!!


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