Joleen & Kenneth's PJ&TR-6/7/08 Lcl Wed & Disneymoon-Updtd 9/21 Honeymoon ROCKS On!

We left our wedding about 5-5:30pm on Saturday evening. We drove to Mobile that night. We stayed at the Comfort Suites off Hwy 60. The man at the front desk said we only have a king suite is that okay? Well we were standing there at 2 am only my hubby and I. Mind you I was wearing my BRIDE shirt. I somehow think the King room was absolutely perfect. The price wasn’t bad either. We had to get up and leave at 8 am, so we didn’t even bring in the bags, just a change of clothes. LOL yes we are lazy.

During the drive DH decided that we needed video of the road ahead and the clouds? Yes I do believe the man was BORED! We kept getting honked at. I really don’t know why. It couldn’t have been the white shoe polish on the windows saying Just Married and I believe “Rick & Rack”. Which in guy code is (PC version of course) something of the equivalent of, “The Honeymoon is ON” LOL. (They wrote Rick & Rack on the car as we were driving off! Guess they knew we’d have washed it off. For some reason I have no picture of the car with that on it until much later in the TR and I don't want to give any suprises away!)


We got up at 8am as planned; surprisingly we were refreshed and ready to go. We looked at the continental breakfast and decided to pass. We got on the road and about an hour or so later we stopped to eat…at the Waffle House. How this is better than the continental breakfast that was free at the hotel I don’t know, but it makes complete sense to DH. I let him have his little victories, it’s easier that way. We get on the road and about an hour later, DH is regretting the Waffle House decision. He is panicked telling me to find a place to pull over. As soon as we do, the man I swear flew into that bathroom. I don’t think I have ever seen him move so fast. Later, he gets back in the car and of course I am laughing at him like a proper wife should. He likes to tell me lots of details in these kinds of situations to which I listen to the funny parts and quickly delete from my memory the other parts. I did get to tease him about not farting for a few hours which was fun in itself. We acted like kids singing to the radio and playing the air guitar while driving through Florida.

Until we arrived on Disney property and saw this


Up Next - We check into our hotel and begin our Disneymoon right!
We were officially in Disney! Yay!

Now we had to navigate to the first hotel of our stay was the Yacht Club June 8-14th with Deluxe Dinning. (Yes for those of you paying attention I did say first. There were actually two, but you’ll have to stay tuned for more). We were planning on splurging since it was our honeymoon on valet parking, so we drove up to unload the entourage of baggage. I still had my bouquet with me and wanted to keep them with us since I wasn’t having them “preserved”. Pixie dust had apparently been sprinkled on us since we had booked a king room standard view and were immediately escorted up to the 5th floor passing all the check in desks!? YES we were upgraded to concierge, but not only concierge, but concierge with a water view! SCORE!!! I was so excited.

I should explain some about my DH. He hadn’t been on a vacation since he was a child and that was to families houses. So he was blown away by the hotel and didn’t know what was going on when we were escorted to the 5th floor and treated like we were rich or something. I mean we were rich in love, but we are like everyone else in the money department. I was trying to whisper to him that we had gotten a free upgrade, but subtlety is completely lost on the man. So picture us sitting in chairs in front of the desk of the concierge. I lean in to whisper something to him and he sits back and says "HUH" in a normal concierge lady can HEAR YOU voice. So I repeat it at the same I’m telling you a secret voice. To which he again talks in that loud voice …. I CAN’T HEAR YOU WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? At this point I give up! I tell him at normal tone. We got a free upgrade. The concierge lady hears me and confirms in fact we were upgraded for free. Thanks babe, I blush. This is still a joke with us to this day. I tease him about it, and he laughs.

As a side note, I think we got the upgrade in part to this fax I sent to the room assigner.

June 5, 2008
Disney's Yacht Club
Attn: Room Assigner

Dear Disney's Yacht Club Room Assigner,

First of All, I hope you are having a truly wonderful day and if not, please accept a comforting pat on the back from Texas!

This trip will be our first to this resort, our HONEYMOON :) and my dear husband’s first trip to Disney!!!! And if that wasn’t enough I will be celebrating a birthday just before we get there and my husband’s birthday while we are there on the --th. This will be my first trip to Disney without my boys and I can’t wait to do Disney a different way!

I wanted to see if you could possibly accommodate our room requests for June 8-14th. It will be me and my new husband and we would like to be in a king bed room with a view of the fireworks from our balcony if at all possible. Any pixie dust you could throw our way for our honeymoon would be just absolutely wonderful!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I sincerely hope I haven’t been too picky. Once again I hope you are having a great day and we can’t wait to be there with you!!!

Your fellow mouseketeers,
Mrs. DH

I have always gone with the attitude if I can make someone smile then even if I don’t get what I want it is okay.

So we get our KTTW cards….they are gold. We feel like royalty. We are the door which is by the quazi kitchen. Which lets face it we are newlyweds we don’t care what noise is next to us. Surprisingly though we never heard a noise. We open our door and it is just breath taking. The king bed is there, we open up the curtains and we are facing the boat docks. SCORE!! Major score!!




So we have dinner reservations at Cape May Buffet. DH loves seafood and I figured this would be a great way to ease into the honeymoon. We are taking our time getting ready and I am getting nervous. I have a surprise on the way and if we don’t leave soon, it will be here before we leave. Luckily I have noted it’s a surprise so when that knock at the door came I ran to it to answer. He asks for my husband and I say yes he’s right here. He politely says I’ll come back later. Yay! He only knows something is coming, not what. So the surprise is partically saved anyway. We head off to our ADR and I stop by the front desk and tell them that the gentleman who was just at our door can come back and deliver what he had for us. My DH looks at me like I have 3 heads, which to be honest I don’t blame him I am being quite cryptic and probably make no sense to anyone outside the “plan”. I politely smile and nod and tell him I know I know. You will understand soon enough. Then we are off to have a great dinner.

(I swear I only had one cocktail)



And the Blue Tini….Can you guess what he ends up doing with the cubes he collects throughout the trip?



We head over to the MK for EMH’s tonight. I know a big no no, but it was our first day at Disney and I wanted my husband’s first trip to the world to start off at the park it all started at in Florida.


We bought our Mickey Ears!



Self Portrait


EMH’s were until 2am. We didn’t make it that long it had been a long day and we were excited to get back to the room to see the surprise! It was……. Rose petals strewn from the door to the bed and a big heart on the bed with a Mickey head in the middle!





He loved it, but didn’t quite know what to do with it. I will say this. It was breath taking to walk into, but then you have to sleep so you have to move part of the magic away. Just keep that in mind if you want to do this. I think it was about $70 for the petals and delivery. Perfect for a honeymoon!

Up next Day 2 and the Second Surprise.
aw Joleen, your wedding pics are great! I love the pic of you and your family at the altar saying a blessing. I can't believe you pulled off your wedding for $5000! I bet a lot of brides are going to be asking you advice. Can't wait to hear about the disneymoon!
aw Joleen, your wedding pics are great! I love the pic of you and your family at the altar saying a blessing. I can't believe you pulled off your wedding for $5000! I bet a lot of brides are going to be asking you advice. Can't wait to hear about the disneymoon!

I adore our wedding pic's too. They really came out so well. Keeping our faith the center of our vows was really important to us and our preacher was great about that. Pulling it all off for $5,000 was no easy feet. I did a lot of things myself, but I enjoyed it! Would love to give advice to anyone who wants it!

New post coming up today!

If you look at the top left corner of the building toward the back (main building), that was our room.

This morning we had our 2nd surprise and it started at 9:30 and we had to be there at 9. Luckily it was in EPCOT and we could just walk over, but it started in FW at guest relations…YUCK! DH didn’t know what we were doing, only that I had planned and prepaid for this. I had put this on our Disney Honeymoon registry and my Dad’s best friend was sweet enough to select it as what he wanted to give us. That Disney Honeymoon card was awesome. We were able to use it a lot and it paid for nearly all of our "extras" and the suprises! I would highly recomend this to any brides wondering about it!

For those of you going…come on lady tell me already!! The surprise was the Segway Tour around WS. I had only been on a Segway one time before and that was in Nov. 07 and only for like 5 min’s in the demonstrations in Innovations. DH had never been on one before, but he knew what they were. I told him what we were doing when we woke up that morning. He was excited and worried at the same time. He was worried about running into someone, but he was a natural and after a few minutes he had the hang of it. He was not exactly happy about being shown up by his wonderful wife who was running circles around everyone else in the class. Of course it was only compounded when we head out to WS and got to drive through all the people in FW and all the waves and stares and picture taking. I told him it was because they loved me and thought I was famous. Yes, that is how I am choosing to remember it. It is much better than the reality of us lined up like in kindergarten in a single file line, butt cheeks clinched praying we don’t run over one of the pedestrian’s feet. Ok Ok part of me wanted to run over their feet like speed bumps for the staring and envy they were showing us, but that seemed like overkill so I refrained. Somewhere toward the middle of our tour the guides let us have free time. There is a limit as to how fast the Segway’s will go and of course I had to push it to the limit. It’s a weird thing the Segways. When you go to it’s “governed” speed the handle will push back on you. Of course for me this hit just between the girls and I could not see the speedometer to find out what was going on. So I am starting to do that freak out in your mind thing but make sure on the outside there is a big silent smile. You know the one I’m talking about. Until I have a brilliant idea, lean back a little and figure out what is going on with a quick look to the display. I lean back….the Segway slows down. I see nothing wrong. So I go faster again and this time a harsher push back….then it dawns on me that we were told something like this will happen if we go to fast and that repeated offenses will get us kick off the Segway and the tour! Oh crap! I better slow down. Just then DH zings past me…."hey have you pushed the limit yet?" Ummm Maybe, why? Me too! This is cool! LOL We were like kids on our first bike or something. It was heavenly especially in the heat of June in Florida.

Our guide was sweet enough to take a couple of pictures of us! Don't we look so dead sexy? LOL



We went back to FW and returned our new found freedom friends. :sad2: We headed over to Soarin’ for some fast passes. Then we decided we were hungry and got some thing to eat at Sunshine Seasons in the land. Next we went to check out the wait time for TT. It was something like 45-55 min’s so we passed for now and come back to get FP’s later. Next we headed to what would become my DH’s favorite ride at EPCOT, MS. The man LOVES this ride. We rode on the green level because I get motion sickness on that ride. I am a bit claustrophobic too, so that doesn’t help either. DH loved it, immediately wanted to go again. I tell him go ahead and ride Orange this time; I am going to play the game at the end while I wait for him. He loved it even more now! We go to TT and get our FP’s for later. We decide to head over to WS and make our way back to the hotel for a short break. We take about an hour or so break before we head back. We have dinner at Teppan Edo tonight.

Pictures from the day…


Is it just me, or do I look Itty Bitty next to this ginormous (spelling) palm tree?


DH Loved the monorail passing through the park.



DH's first ride on TT. Doesn't he have that "this can not be real" look on his face?


DH Teasing, through a picture, our DS13 who desperately wants a Hummer for his first car. :rotfl2: Dream on SON!


DH with his favorite ride!


Waiting in line for MS I thought this was cool, so I took a picture.


DH's goofy-ness.


DH couldn't be the only goofy one!


As I have mentioned before…watch the pictures for the hat metamophisis!


Me & the guys trying to win me back from DH. Sorry boys, I'm taken!


Our new friend.


The heat is pretty bad and the humidity compared to Texas was way worse, but we were intent on keeping hydrated. I had endured this heat before and knew what to expect. DH was being a real trooper. He’s a mechanic and works outdoors or semi outdoors. So he is actually more adept to this kind of thing than I am. We lay down for about 30 min’s and then head over to the lounge for the free snacks. We then head back to EPCOT and walk around the countries a little and shop for our boys. We head over to Teppan Edo for our dinner reservation. We are sat with a big group that is there for Gay days. They were very boisterous; yes that’s what we’ll call it. I think they might have been having a wee bit to much spirits in their cool aid. It kind of made the dinner a bit awkward being the only two not in their party at the table. I felt like I was ease dropping on their conversation. The food was awesome. So good in fact DH asked if we could come back later in the trip. I told him we’d call Disney Dining when we got back to the room. I can’t remember if we had Guest Services book it for us or if our concierge did. At any rate we will be back here later in the trip!



DH's Appi


What was inside!


Ginger Cake


Our dinner let out just before illuminations started. DH loves this firework show. I think he prefers it to Wishes. (NOT ME!!, but I do like it)

We head back to our hotel and call it a night.

I didn’t know where to put these pictures so I’m going to tag them on at the end of this post. These were mainly taken by one over eager Photopass guy who was incredibly sweet. We of course turned it into a joke and referred to him here on out as the Disney Paparazzi or the Over Eager Photo Stalker Guy. (Yes we made these up, I know they aren’t too creative but they sure made us laugh)



These were taken close to the 3 Cabieros Topiaries by Mexico.



The fountain in France.


This was taken on the bridge to the sometimes Desert Party Location for Disney Brides. It must be beautiful!


Looking back toward Italy.


Looking out toward the Lagoon.


Up next AK, Yak & Yeti, and the Dinner that Would Live in Infamy.
Today we are headed to AK. We are really looking forward to riding Everest for the first time, and I want to go back to the Safari ride. You see when I had come with my boys in Nov 07, my oldest did not want to ride Everest and hence I had not ridden yet. We got up pretty early each morning, not rope drop early, but in time to eat the Concierge Breakfast early. Later we would be headed back to the hotel for a break and then to EPCOT dinner & EMH’s. (Yes flame me, we did a lot of EMH this trip)

When we got to AK we noticed a surprisingly lack of Photopass guys. (No stalking for us today in AK) It’s the first park I have ever had to actively seek one out. Go figure! So the entrance pictures are from our camera with the aid of a Good Samaritan who took our picture.



I was under strict orders from DH – “no shows, they are boring”. Yes, I did say that in a high pitched whiny voice like my mom did when she was irritated with us when I was growing up. You see in my mind I was pouting and thinking if I could only get him to one show he’d change his mind, but I decided to save that battle for another day. So we were off to EE.


Let me just say….what an awesome ride! I am not a real adventurous rider and I just loved it. We rode 3 times this day. I only got the wait time picture of our last ride. It was just before we left and that’s why the 35 MIN wait. Other times was no more than 15-20 and once with FP.


Some of the queue.




The train itself.


DH & I actually bought a picture of one of our turns on this ride. Sadly we looked fine in the picture but that’s not why we bought it. There was a rather large man behind us who screamed like a high pitched fire truck the entire ride. In the picture he looks so traumatized, we couldn’t pass buying it up just for the memories. The funny thing is he was smiling with this look on his face and immediately after the ride was over, he was proclaiming it the best ride ever and that he’d be riding again this day. Go figure.

Next we headed to the Safari to get FP’s. I can’t remember the return time but I think it was a couple of hours later. We decided to head over to Dinosaur, and that roller coaster right next to it. (I can’t remember if it’s PW or TS) First was Dinosaur. DH loved it as he is a thrill junkie. For me once a trip is enough, all that jerking, flopping (in my case), and jiggling just doesn’t sit right afterwards. I can recover from one…but you’ve seen the old BLOB references right? I feel like the blob on crack if I ride it more than once. Devouring innocent bystanders with my headache infused wrath. DH is learning to read the signs of the BLOB attack coming on and is trying to avoid them rather than cause them just for fun these days.

Where was I? Oh yes to Dinosaur!


Thank you mommy and cute little girl for letting us poach in on your picture.

You may ask why are we not in this picture? Well DH was in a hurry to get to the ride and was insisting my stopping to picture take was wasting too much time. So I compromised and did a few of these Flash and Dash pictures. (Now come one get your mind out of the gutter! A camera has a flash people!)


And the obligatory smoke break allowed my picture taking habit monkey to rear it’s ugly head once again! Oo Oo Oo (Monkey sound)




We had to play with the mirrors on our way.


Up next we decided we were hungry and since we were on the DxDP, I had the great idea to stop by Yak & Yeti to see if we could be seated. It was 11-11:30ish and we were seated immediately. I did see when we were coming out after we had eaten that there was a LONG line of people wanting to come in. Guess my research about early lunches paid off. I do think the ugly comments and pointing was a bit much though, I mean really guys get with the program and come early like us! Or maybe that was for the gas bomb my DH laid on the unsuspecting prey.

Over all DH & I loved this place. The food was good and our waiter was awesome.


I think DH had smelt someone else’s gas at this point. I asked him why the gigantic nose pin, he just said he was tired of the walrus bit and wanted a change.


ME - Mussles



DH's Duck you can also see DH's egg roll appi. He wouldn't let me take a picture of it. Said he was tired of it. Then he saw his entree' and decided he'd like to remember this meal after all! (TOLD YOU SO BABE!) :cool1:


This was DH’s entrée, I swear I ate two, but I can’t remember what. It was really good though.


Oh, I found the picture...I had the Shrimp Tempura! Excellent! :thumbsup2

Next we were off to the Safari ride. DH really enjoyed this, but not enough to wait in the heat for another turn. I agreed. It was starting to get VERY humid.





I think the animals were all hot and sticky too. We decided we needed an obligatory smoke break and a chill down.

Picture limit! Sorry!

After this we decided to hit ITTBAB and leave for our break before our CR dinner in EPCOT tonight.

DH's Brother...


Oh look honey it's a bug! Oh wait, that's you. Sorry babe! :rotfl2: Also note the hat progression!


On our way out of the park we decided we were finding some PP guy to take our picture! We found one all by himself up close to the base of the TOL. I apologize for all the kissing…the ears made all the photographers request it A LOT. Not that we minded. Married for 7 months or not….we were on our honeymoon and trying to feel young again! Oh, and you will notice the hat flair is growing. I kept telling him 10 pieces are required but who wants to be just average. (Yes that is an office space reference)



I am really cheesing it up in this one. I think DH was making fun of something. You will see a lot of these kinds of pictures of me. DH makes these comments and is able to keep a straight face while I am not expecting it and end up looking like a real goober! ;)


Then we found another one on our way out on the bridge.


He thought we should trade ears. Man that flair hat was heavy! I want my light princes ears back please!


So we caught a bus back to the YC and took a much needed nap. This was one of the two most humid days and you will see why in the next part of our day. I think the humidity really wore us out and made a recipe for disaster later on!

Still to come in Day 3 Part 2.....We get completely washed out and the dinner that will live in infamy!!!
We took about an hour or so nap and then went to the Concierge for I believe it was Twilight Treasure or the one before that, I can’t remember. At any rate they gave us some dips, bread, cheese, olives, soup, and some other stuff along with open bar. We really only grabbed some snacks and I saved most of them for tonight when we got home. We were tending to be hungry when we made it back from the parks and NOTHING would be open! So, crisis averted! :thumbsup2

We relaxed and then decided to make our way over to EPCOT for our 5pm dinner ressie at CR. As we got out of the elevator we heard this huge CRASH …. BANG. It was thunder; the skies had opened up like the great lord above decided to flush his toilet on all of us tourists in Florida at that exact moment. This was no ordinary flush either…this was like when you have a toiled clog and you have to use the plunger over and over again kind of flush. Maybe he was cleaning out his bathtub too, I don’t dare say, but it was a TON of rain! I mean maybe they were stinky (the other tourist) I of course smelt like a fresh flower or whatever scent of perfume I was wearing that day was, and probably enough to just take away that underlying scent of being in the heat all morning, but I digress, it wasn’t us that smelled and I’m sticking to that story.

We ran to the gift shop and bought our $5 ponchos and headed out the door. We had a dinner to get to after all. At first it wasn’t to bad. The pummeling began to feel like a massage, at least that’s what I told myself, and my wet socks were to ease my aching feet. I was desperately going to my happy place. Then we ran and jumped in puddles…I mean if you can’t beat the rain, enjoy it right? This was great until we realized we had been walking in this from the YC door all the way to the WS entrance from FW. It dawned on us we were the ONLY ones walking anywhere. Which honestly still doesn’t bother me. I have jumped on many a ride because of the shy to water people. (The rainaphobes) I really wouldn’t have cared at all except my poncho had come up over my backpack and was letting rain into my shorts pocket. Oh peas and carrots…my camera is in there! It was praying time now….please don’t let my camera be ruined…please don’t let my camera be ruined. There was nothing we could do for now. Nothing on us was dry. DH shoved the camera into the middle of the back pack and we trudged on. When we finally floated all the way to CR it was just slightly after our ressie and people were EVERYWHERE. We pushed and prodded our way through the sea of people like cows looking to find the chow (moo!) asked to be seated close to the tanks, took our summoning device, and went to take off these blasted ponchos that were now sticking to our skin like saran wrap to a hot dish. It was UG-LY! We pried them off our drenched bodies and took out a family beside us with the wave of water that came off of them! I could tell DH was getting grumpy. Oh crap, not now! :scared1: This was supposed to be a special dinner for us etc. We checked the camera and it was fine. Yay! We waited for about 10-15min’s and were seated.

We were right next to the tank.

Then we met a new friend. Look the sea ray is smiling at us!


Then we take our obligatory wet dog pictures!





We order our drinks.



We watch the divers come to a table right behind us.



The sign said something to the effect of I love you. Flip. Will you marry me.

She started crying, it was so sweet. One of their parents were with them too. It was truly touching. Even to us wet dogs.

Then...duh dum duh (insert dramatic swell here)

The grumpy man made his appearance. You can tell from the scowl below the light. This is point in a man's day you truly wonder why they look at us funny and say we are moody during that time of the month. All I have to say is Pot & Kettle baby! More on this in a min.


Not sure what crawled up honey’s bottom for the next hour, but lets just say it must have been rather large and pokey. It made me never want to go back to CR again. The food was mediocre, DH’s drink watered down, and the waitstaff said it was Disney regulations. Well I’m not one to really care much as long as there is some alcohol in it. I really don’t drink at all except for special occasions and not even then anymore, but he had just had one the two nights before at Cape May’s. It was a lot stronger. Any who, the waitress said she had just gotten her bartenders license etc. Like I said not really entirely her fault, but we left without desert and we were on the DxDP! We ended up being there for almost 2 hours and we didn't even have desert! :scared1: Crazy!!

We dawned our rain gear again to venture out into the new lake called EPCOT FW.

DH still grumpy decided he needed a smoke break. I’m glad he did, because it was like a new man had suddenly replaced the old worn out grumpy man in front of me. Yay upgrade! :dance3: (yes I'm going back here, it's funny to me!) Ladies you know what I’m talking about. Men swear we are hormonal, but watch out for his mood swings that he doesn’t have. :rolleyes1 No I’m not saying I’m a scientist or have done any research. This is all life experiences here. So yes men, if it makes you feel better you can deny this is true. :cool2: Go ahead, you know you want to. Ladies, sit back and nod your heads where they can’t see you. :rotfl:

Ok, moving on! We decided to hit the countries. No not literally. It would be time for the fireworks before to long so we wanted a leisurely stroll before we needed to get a spot.

We met a friend on our way. This is when some lunacy came into our trip in the form of inside jokes. DH & decided that we would pick up a name a day or so to remind us of our honeymoon when we got home. It started with Co Rauw (from the Sims DH was playing a lot of this before our Honeymoon), then it was Qura Horini (from AK Safari Ride), today it was Sparrow, tomorrow it is Ongalla (from Tarsan and GMR), finally it was Mallard. Yes we are nuts, but it still makes us smile today!


We made it over to Germany and found a nice park bench we could sit on. I took this picture.


Up next....will we have another suprise tonight??

We were in Germany scoping out a bench for the fireworks. Then the Paparazzi showed up. We welcomed him into our space and he offered to take our picture. He let us know he would use us as test subjects to calibrate his camera with the sun so there would be more than usual. I won’t show them all to you…but there were about 20!




While we were taking our pictures the crew for Illuminations was coming ashore behind us to set up/check equipment for tonight. One of the heads of the pyrotechnic piece started chatting with us.

Imagineer: I saw your ears, are you celebrating something with us?

Us: Yes, we are on our honeymoon.

Imagineer: Awesome, are you enjoying your time so far?

Us: (in my head, yes except for the grumpy man appearance) Yes! We are having a blast.

Imagineer: I would like to ask you if you would like to join me on the boat docks tonight to have a private viewing of the fireworks with the crew.

Us: Are you kidding me? (DH you’ve got to be crapping me)

We were so excited! Not only are we getting the best seats in the house but we now have an extra hour or so to do something else!

When we walked up to meet our new friend, another CM offered to let us watch in the reserved seating in the UK. I felt bad having to tell her we were already taken care of. She was so sweet.

Soon it was time to meet our friend, and sure enough we and six other people got to go down to the boat docks in WS and watch the fireworks with the crew. Here are some pictures, unfortunately this is before I figured out how to take pictures of fireworks with my camera, so some are ok.








This show was so awesome from the crews point of view. This moment in our Honeymoon could never be replaced. We were truly given a Magical Moment. Thank you to that Imagineer if you are reading this. I won’t give your name, but you made our night and definitely a highlight to our trip!

Now it was EMH’s so we headed over to get the Paparazzi to take our picture in front of the globe at night.


Then we headed for the land and saw Sorin was way to long of a line and rode Living with the Land. I think we had the boat to ourselves. DH loves this ride because he is an amateur gardener.

Pumpkins! In the air. Floating pumpkins? No?






We decided we were hungry having walked our on desert and all. So we headed to Sunshine Season for some grub. The only picture I have of this meal is of my desert. Must have been the good one!


We decided to call it a night and headed back to the hotel.

Up next DHS!
Day 4 June 11

Today we are off to HS (on a EMH Late Day). I knew the morning would be good crowd wise but by 2 or so it would be crowded. We planned a break for today. I remember it was really hot today. I mean fry and egg on the concrete hot. :scared: I knew better than to attempt make up today, Paparazzi or no Paparazzi. We had two ADR’s today so that would help with breaks from the heat. We had lunch at Sci-Fi at 11 and dinner at the Brown Derby at 5:20 on the Fantasmic Package. I was excited for DH to eat at the BD. I love this place and to add on top of that Fantasmic setting on a EMH night was a thing to be excited about. :banana: We got up fairly early, not in time for RD early but again we got to eat breakfast at the Concierge Lounge. We decided to wear our matching shirts again today, however these said Bride and Groom on them. I made them from iron on’s I found at Hobby Lobby and t-shirts we bought at Wally World. We headed down to the boat docks and I took these pictures.

Of course DH has to start the day off with a blast….of air that is.


Me - Standing up wind not down wind!


I took a few more pictures along our way on the boat.





We set out with a few goals for today. Ride: TSM, TOT, RNR (DH), LMA, and ST. Everything else would be gravy.

DH entering the park, and he’s already in the Studios mood. Come to think of it, maybe he was practicing for American Idol! ;)


Honestly I have no idea in which order we did things. I know we headed back to TSM and found out it had an hour + wait to which we said no thanks. Grabbed some fastpasses and then headed up NY Street.

Where the Paparazzi found us again!

With our camera...


Photopass camera....


Then we decided to hit TOT & RNR (DH) early. Me being the rollercoaster wennie I am, was not stepping foot on RNR!

Stopping of course to get, I mean let the Paparazzi take our pictures.



And some of our own.




I must admit I am not a huge fan of TOT. Something about it being an elevator and I’m already scared of the really tall ones as it is. Some women are scared of spiders and bugs, I am scared of tall elevator rides.




No idea when this was from, but it’s too funny not to post. I married a half smurf! I think he had eaten some of that Goofy Sour Stuff, which he loved!


Up next .......time for our Lunch ADR at Sci Fi!! :3dglasses
Next we were on to our lunch at SCI-FI. I wondered how DH would like it.

DH really loved this place. I had been there a few times before with my boys, but this was DH’s first trip to Disney so everything was new to him.

I of course figured out by today that I needed more food pictures.

His Entrée




Mine was good, but if I had it to do over again I’d get it without the cheese. JMO






These were so Yummy as were the shakes!

We were hitch hikers can’t you tell?


When DH found out, or he was being pulled into the sci-fi relm. I'm not sure what he said. Either way, he's goofy.


Next it was off to Star Tours and Muppets 3D.


Doesn't DH look thrilled?? I think he's eying the smoking section behind me. :rotfl: That or he was constipated. :rolleyes1


Then it was to LMA where I took a zillion and one pictures at DH’s request. The video camera my DM and DSD lent us battery was not holding a charge so DH could not tape this. It made no difference that I had it on video at home from a previous trip. It was simply not the same. The only way he quit pouting was the zillion and one pictures. Have you ever noticed how men and children behave similarly? Good thing I’m a mom and know what to do in these situations. Of course with every stunt, I still got the “did you get that?”, and “are you sure you got that?”

I’ll only post a couple of the zillion though.





And for all that, I made him sit through the parade with me!

I didn’t get but one picture though. The cost for the parade was no pictures of it and ice cream to cool off with. :rolleyes1 Little does he know I have pictures of it from Nov 07. HA!


We took these random pictures, but I can't remember where this was in DHS.



I know we did more before dinner, but my pictures skip from here to dinner. Guess we were both tired of the camera for a while.

Next up Brown Derby Dinner Fantasmic Package!
We arrived early for our 5:20 ADR. We were seated with in 5-10 min’s. Our waiter was very nice. He brought us each a glass of champagne from Mickey and Minnie for our Honeymoon! It was a great start to our dinner.

Here we are before the eating started. LOL You can't tell it was hot that day can you?



(No it’s not your imagination; the hat has grown more flair)

The Appi’s were awesome!

Lobster Bisque


Crab Cake


The entrée’s couldn’t have been better.





And Deserts? Well they are always the highlight to my meals out.

Creme' Brule


Banana's Foster Cheesecake


We decided we were ready for a break and headed back home.


We met some friends at the boat dock while we were waiting.


While we were home, we made a trip down to the Gift Shop where DH insisted we both get a YC t-shirt. We met this guy while we were down there too, he and I had quite the chat! :love: DH is starting to catch on he might have some competition while we are here for my attention.


After our rest and I believe a stop by the Concierge Lounge to get some snacks for when we got home tonight, we headed back to DS for Fantasmic!

Since we had the dinner package we didn't have to worry much about crowds.



Then it was on to GMR. (Which I Love!!!)


This is the funniest picture. I was trying to see why my flash kept going off when I was taking pictures in the ride. A big Disney no no. I had it in my lap and yep you guessed it, it went off again. This is DH’s reaction. :rotfl2:


Me outside one of my favorite rides.


Then we went to concur the TSM drama. Yes we waited standby, it was something like a 45 min wait. I believe we also rode later FP, but no pictures of that time.


Potato Head is whispering something to DH. Look at the concentration!


Don’t I look lovely!


I must have scared DH when I got in the ride with him!


After that, we were done for the night. We decided not to wait on the boat and walk to the trail, I mean we are relatively young right? Factor in the fact my calves were KILLING me and I was starting to limp. DH was making fun of me, and he was surviving because I could not move fast enough to make all my blows connect. All in all it was a fun walk. We really enjoyed it.

We met our Duck friends again on our way out of the park.


We decided to walk down the Boardwalk to see if anything was open that had anything sweet to offer us! Sadly only the take out pizza window was open. No thank you.

We held hands and walk through the sand from the BC toward the YC. DH stopped me and wrote this in the sand to remember the day.


Who knew I married a romantic guy? ;-) If you can’t make out what it says, it is “6-11-08 K & J."

We went up to our room and collapsed as soon as our showers were done.

Tomorrow we go back to EPCOT, our favorite park. Do we eat till we win? or do I get a little :sick: ?
Day 5 June 12

Today we are heading back to EPCOT. We get up and eat breakfast same as we have been. We take our time getting ready and head out about lunch time. On our way out of the YC we met this little guy.


Next we decided we are hungry, so I had heard so much about Beaches and Cream, I convinced DH we should eat there. We get a pager and go next door to play in the arcade until our beeper goes off. The only picture I have of this lunch is my desert. It was good and no I didn’t eat it all. Although since I like desert better I might have skipped the burger and gone directly to the desert.


Then we headed over to EPCOT WS. We met up with our Paparazzi friend in England/UK.


We decide to tour the countries and take it easy today.



We even sat through the O’Canada video, which I have never done before and will never do again. Standing, really? Crazy!




We headed into FW and DH rode MS about 3-4 times while I played the game at the end. That ride makes me have motion sickness so I didn’t want to risk it with us having Dinner ADR’s later.

We went on Ellen’s Energy thingy and we got spit on by the dinosaurs. We agreed it was nice to be cool for 30 min’s but man it was long. I liked this ride before they put Ellen in it. She is not one of my favorite people and therefore makes it harder for me to love it.

Next up was Nemo & TTWC



We headed over toward Canada and on a smoke break we met some more friends.


Then it was time for our LeCellier ADR, 5:40. Only Appi and Desert pictures for some reason. Oh and Mug shots of us!






After that it was time to get into place to watch Illuminations and then EMH’s. First we grabbed TT FP’s though.

After the fireworks, we headed to TT.


Then DH rode MS. It was super crowded tonight so we headed back to the hotel. We had a very big day tomorrow. I had two surprises for DH lined up. Will he like them?
Day 6 June 13

MK here we come!

When we wake up, we are really tired. DH knows there are suprises today, but still doesn't know what they are yet!!

Our first conversation went something like this....

DH: Where are we going to eat today honey?

Me: I have something interesting planned today. You will need to bring a change of clothes. Nice pants and shirt with sleeves.

DH: What? Are you kidding me? Why? I thought we were on vacation!!

Me: I will carry the backpack, don’t worry!! :rolleyes1

DH: Just tell me where?

Me: California Grill for dinner.

DH: Where is that?

Me: Okay that’s all I’m telling you, let’s get going! :cool2:

This is what it looks like on the morning of Day 6 of your honeymoon at Disney World. LOL




We opened up the curtains and it was such a beautiful day I had to take a couple pictures. Yes I got that rolling of the eyes from DH and the “hurry up comment”.



So we pull our butts out of bed and head for MK. Not without a pit stop at the lounge though!

We arrived at MK and first we saw…..


We rode rides until our lunch ressies at .... CRT!! This was another surprise for DH. I thought eating in the castle on our honeymoon would be fun. Also, since I have boys I have never been able to indulge in the Princess Hype. Honestly, I don’t really like pink or all the girly colors, so I didn’t feel very cheated or anything. I was more worried about DH’s reaction to this ADR.

When we arrived we went through the typical picture with Cindy and I asked if we could have a wand for me and a sword for DH they were giving out to the kids. Of course it is your honeymoon after all. Score! :wizard: pirate:

We were then escorted upstairs to the dinning hall. (Yes that’s what I’m calling it) It was loud and kind of uneventful looking. So yes dinning hall fits. One nice thing was that our table was next to the window that over looks the merry go round. This is what our table looked like when we arrived.



The ceiling of the dinning hall was impressive I have to admit, but who eats staring at the ceiling?


First we had that plate they call an appetizer. I have no pictures. We were starving and promptly chowed down the skinny people platter like the carnavors we truely are. It had about two slices of lunch meat, a couple of pieces of cheese and a few crackers to the best of my memory. In no way was it enough for us normal sized people. (yes I use the term normal loosely and to my advantage) I think my 9 year old would have been happy to eat this by himself if that tells you anything!

I have pictures of DH’s food and our deserts. I don’t think mine was very memorable because I still can’t figure out what I had and there are no pictures of it.

DH's Salmon


Chocolate brownie castle something!


I had the sorbet and I will admit it was wonderful. The highlight to the meal.


Oh and remember how I was worrying how DH would like the Princesses. I should have known better!

DH with Jasmine


DH with Belle


DH with Snow White


DH with Arora


Whow Arora, he's mine....go get your own Prince!!! :laughing:

He cheesed it up with the best of kids!

Oh here were my obligatory pictures.


Hmmmm looks like I had the Salmon too!


Do you see something wrong here? Yeah, 1….2…ummm? Yes DH hogged the camera and the Princesses. LOL It was a total success. I now had plenty of material to tease him about for the rest of the trip!

Up next? Some park touring and what will DH think of Cali Grill? :confused3

After lunch DH had to have his smoke break so Mr. Grumpy didn’t make his appearance. The funny thing was, there was a smoking section right by the castle. That in itself is not funny, but the fact that we sat and watched person after person freak out because a trash can was smoking was hilarious. No, I am not cruel (well at least not this day) the trash can was rigged to smoke on its own. Once we found this out it was absolutely entertaining to people watch. We saw several people track down CM's to tell them it was on fire. (Editors note: when we were back in Nov. the trash can no longer smoked :confused:)


We headed through fantasy land and knocked out those rides and FP’d Peter Pan.




Then Haunted Mansion




Was I melting? I remember it being VERY humid this day. I mean the kind of humid that everything sticks to everything. I remember getting up from a bench and almost taking the lady next to me along for the ride when my thighs suction cupped themselves to the bench.

We headed over to the mountains and rode SM & BTM. Then Mr. Grumpy was starting to appear. So we decided to oblige him and give him his wish.





Which made me


We took this picture as we headed over to POTC and JC. I am scared!! :scared1:


It was getting close to our ADR at California Grill so we took some pictures in front of the castle and noticed the clouds. Ewww glad we will be eating through this rain storm. We both shivered as we remembered the “Day that will live in Infamy” and our trek through EPCOT soaked.

Please note the Wand I have in my hand!! Thank you CRT



We rode the monorail over to the Contemporary and changed in the bathrooms. I took this picture from the monorail platform.


A very nice stranger took this picture of us before we headed upstairs.

Day 6 Part 3

Then we headed over to the elevators and were escorted up to the restaurant. It was beautiful up there. I wanted to take pictures of the view, but I was nervous about that so I didn’t. I did take a picture of our table though. I thought it was very sweet that it was decorated for us.


Our server was awesome. He took this picture of us.


My DH had never been to a place as nice as this, he still calls it the Country Folk in the house place. I love this picture of him. You can just see the concentration in his face. What in the world am I going to order?


We had a great meal. For appi’s he had the sushi and I had the lobster. Both were awesome.



For our entrée’s DH had the fish of the day and I had the steak. Both again were awesome.


Our deserts were stellar. DH had the Chocolate Cake thingy and I had the banana’s foster thingy. We both had congratulations chocolates which were a very nice touch.



After dinner we changed clothes in the restaurant bathrooms and headed out to the Observatory Deck off the restaurant. We were just in time to see the EPCOT fireworks.


I took a few pictures of all we could see and of DH.





Also here is a hat update picture. As you can see it’s still growing!


We decided not to wait to see Wishes from here, so we headed back over to MK for Wishes and EMH’s.




I was glad to see my firework picture taking was improving. :goodvibes

We rode more rides, and I remember this night’s EMH to be quite light for some reason.

We went to toontown and met these guys! :lovestruc




We really enjoyed ourselves tonight!!

We headed back to the resort about 1ish to pack and get ready for our resort move tomorrow. DH still doesn’t know where we are moving to yet. Can you guess?


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